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单词 Tantrum
1. Johnny had/threw a tantrum in the shop because I wouldn't buy him any sweets.
2. He threw a tantrum on the school bus.
3. He always flies into a tantrum when he's contradicted.
4. She throws a tantrum when she can't have the toy she wants.
5. He immediately threw a tantrum, screaming and stomping up and down like a child.
6. After a tantrum, a child needs time to regroup.
7. He could throw a tantrum or a punch.
8. Whenever it's time for bed she throws a tantrum.
9. You will not scream and throw a tantrum.
10. Luckily, my after-match tantrum in the dressing room certainly shook up my rabble and got a good performance against Frampton.
11. Every time he had a tantrum she put a tick in the appropriate square.
12. The tantrum she throws on her own front lawn, after De Niro locks her out, is a stunner.
13. On Tuesday he had a temper tantrum on the school bus and then kicked the school secretary.
14. He threw a tantrum when she complained he should have treated her earlier.
15. Try to avoid surprises and avoid throwing a tantrum yourself.
16. It is no use going into a tantrum, Joe, because you are not going to get anywhere..
17. He threw a temper tantrum at school when two of the newcomers took his soccer ball.
18. You can respond to injustice with a tantrum and to road rage with a two-finger salute.
19. Forget Sophie, who was given to drama and tantrum anyway, what about Ben, my little boy?http://
20. A tantrum is a sudden release of pent-up emotion, a mixture of rage, frustration and anger.
21. And you seem to get very mad and sometimes have a tantrum when some one even suggests that you wear these socks.
22. Lee didn't shake it like they did in the films but he didn't carry on with his tantrum.
23. Two seasons ago Sprewell did throw a year-long temper tantrum.
24. There were tears, night-long, choked, whimpering tears, and the first tantrum.
25. After a day of trial and error, triumph and tantrum, our baby's down and milky calm.
26. But she could not go home, given how she felt; fit to throw a tantrum.
27. A citizen assigned to jury duty is jailed for throwing a temper tantrum before a judge.
28. Many parents and teachers back down in the face of a massive tantrum.
29. If you have children, you may have experienced them coming home from school and immediately throwing a tantrum in front of you.
30. She can not help you pack your box at the supermarket and have a tantrum at the same time.
1. Johnny had/threw a tantrum in the shop because I wouldn't buy him any sweets.
31. Hayden helped provoke the late Richard J.. Daley into a temper tantrum that turned the 1968 convention into a street brawl.
32. It is a kind of temper tantrum.
33. He is having a temper tantrum.
34. This was no spontaneous tantrum.
35. She was always in a tantrum if interrupted.
36. He tends to throw a tantrum for no reason.
37. And then suddenly it was all over, like a child's tantrum.
38. But it's true. And now, not yet a year removed from his summer-long temper tantrum, Kobe Bryant is poised to actually challenge the unchallengeable .
39. No amount of pleading or scolding her mother tried stopped Susie's tantrum.
40. Melissa : That little girl over there is having a temper tantrum.
41. Come now(), don't get into a tantrum. You must get beauty sleep for the photographer tomorrow.
42. This child is lying on the floor , sticking out his stomach and throwing a tantrum.
43. Come now , don't get into a tantrum . You must beauty sleep for the photographer tomorrow.
44. Anything less than a playoff finish and he is liable to a tantrum toa deal.
45. When the Americans in a brilliant dash captured the Remagen bridge , Hitler flew into a tantrum.
46. Pyrrhus did not explode in a tyrannic tantrum. On the contrary, among his friends he commended Fabricius.
47. Henry Weston: How can a store throw a temper tantrum?
48. The day came at last,(http:///tantrum.html) girls and he has a tantrum.
49. When things aren't going your way, do you throw a tantrum or are you the peacemaker?
50. Most everyone left the site without raising a tantrum or complaining to the ubiquitous security guards about the absurdness of not showing the gala outside the Bird's Nest.
51. My son had a tantrum and banged his fist on the ground.
52. Parents are humans after all, and we tend to feel anger when an entire pitcher of orange juice comes splattering down to the floor during a tantrum.
53. This child has a tantrum whenever she doesn't get her own way.
54. Mr. Svoboda patiently cleaned it up and waited until her tantrum was over.
55. He could have almost anything if he had a tantrum.
56. He immediately tells the queen, who springs it on Rumpelstiltskin, who's so pissed off he throws a tantrum and runs away, presumably to ply his poorly thought-out scam in another town.




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