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单词 Christmas eve
1) We go to my parents' on Christmas Eve.
2) Richard had turned up on Christmas Eve with Tony.
3) We spent Christmas Eve cooking and getting ready for Christmas Day.
4) We're arriving on Christmas Eve .
5) We'll see you on Christmas Eve.
6) The pub had an extension on Christmas Eve.
7) Unfortunately, I've got to work on Christmas Eve.
8) Don't peek at your presents before Christmas Eve.
9) We always go to my parents' house on Christmas Eve.
10) That way, Christmas Eve remained special.
11) The big celebration usually takes place on Christmas Eve.
12) We always go to midnight mass on Christmas Eve.
13) This would be their first Christmas Eve alone.
14) Do you get Christmas Eve off?
15) His third day in jail was Christmas Eve.
16) It was Christmas Eve(), therefore Santa Claus and his helpers were all very busy.
17) He took refuge on Christmas Eve at a settlement he christened Bethlehem.
18) The offer runs right up until Christmas Eve - perfect for last-minute Christmas shopping!
19) Within this period, the most significant day is Christmas Eve.
20) On Christmas Eve a candle-lit procession, led by Matron, came to sing carols.
21) On Christmas Eve he had dinner with friends in Edinburgh.
22) Or the pookas, emerged on this Christmas Eve to make mischief?
23) St. Patrick's Cathedral is famed for its midnight mass on Christmas eve.
24) None of the councillors on the Appeal Committee would want to attend an appeal on Christmas Eve.
25) Angel and Tess decided to spend a day together shopping on Christmas Eve.
26) She said that getting drunk was not the right way to celebrate Christmas Eve.
27) He was as hyped up as a kid on Christmas Eve.
28) Thousands of Christian pilgrims converged on Bethlehem to celebrate Christmas Eve.
29) It smashed down through the top of her skull on Christmas Eve while she was outside playing with friends.
30) Do you know if we have to work on Christmas Eve?
1) We go to my parents' on Christmas Eve.
2) Richard had turned up on Christmas Eve with Tony.
3) We spent Christmas Eve cooking and getting ready for Christmas Day.
4) St. Patrick's Cathedral is famed for its midnight mass on Christmas eve.
31) Although they set up housekeeping a couple of years ago, Dave officially proposed last Christmas Eve.
32) On Christmas Eve, I pulled out the box containing the basketball hoop and studied the assembly instructions.
33) Left alone, Breeze crouched over the dying embers and tried to realize that this was Christmas Eve.
34) Neighbours were evacuated as smoke billowed from the semi-detached bungalow in Didcot, Oxon, late on Christmas eve.
35) Vaguely she remembered a conversation she and Susan had had on Christmas Eve.
36) Even in the snow on Christmas Eve the streetwalkers were out.
37) Clinton will make similar calls on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, they added.
38) On Christmas Eve my nine-year-old grandson James was admitted in the early evening for an emergency appendix operation.
39) The reindeers just would not have managed without him on this dark Christmas Eve, they would have got lost.
40) The main celebrations were the midnight mass, the Christmas eve supper and the crib building competition.
41) And to think when Peggy was little Gran wouldn't let me switch on the tree lights until Christmas Eve.
42) It's Christmas Eve, remember?
43) What will they do on Christmas Eve?
44) On Christmas Eve lights were blazing in every window.
45) It's cloudy on the christmas eve, so am i.
46) We let off steam during the Christmas Eve.
47) Harold Pinter, the British playwright and Nobel laureate famous for brooding portrayals of domestic life and his barbed politics, died aged 78 on Christmas Eve after battling cancer.
48) The sect has claimed responsibility for the Christmas Eve attacks on churches in Maiduguri and multiple bomb blasts and reprisals in the central city of Jos in which 86 people were killed.
49) A - Da , Lisa, and Lisa's parents are opening their Christmas Eve presents.
50) Christmas Eve, people dance and sing around Christmas tree merrymaking.
51) One-fourth of consumers will be shopping the week leading into Christmas,including Christmas Eve, according to the first annual American ExpressSpending and Saving Tracker research report.
52) Glorious gifts await on the lap of the emerald-gowned heiress who sits beneath the softly falling snow on a starry Christmas Eve.
53) A strong religious tradition today, as in other times, is to go to church at midnight of Christmas Eve or on Christmas morning.
54) Benedict, in gold and white vestments and mitre, showed no discomfort as he read out his Christmas Eve homily.
55) However, on Christmas Eve 1914 on a field in Flanders, there was Peace on Earth.
56) Sean: It'sounds like our Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Eve. What else ?
57) On Christmas Eve when Paul came out of his office, a street urchin was walking around the shiny new car, admiring it. "Is this your car,(http:///christmas eve.html) Mister?"
58) My boys ! No more work tonight. Christmas Eve, Dick. Christmas, Ebenezer.
59) What did Santa shout to his toys on Christmas Eve? Okay everyone sack time!
60) Christmas eve is the night before Christmas which celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ.
61) A shakingly powerful tenor voice came into my ear that day. It was the most beautiful play I had heard of "Christmas eve".
62) Jill: Every Christmas Eve I still leave cookies and milk out in case Saint Nick does come this year.
63) On Christmas Eve, everyone of us get a present from the Father Christmas.
64) Reginald Fessenden broadcasts Christmas Carols on Christmas Eve from Brant Rock, MA.
65) On Christmas Eve, Jesse and Zee moved their family into a small house atop a high hill overlooking St. Joseph.
66) In the United States, children hang a Christmas stocking by the fireplace on Christmas Eve, because Santa is said to come down the chimney the night before Christmas to fill them.
67) Christmas eve 2008 --- winter. Be confused as my own path.
68) People pretend that Father Christmas brings presents to children on Christmas Eve.
69) Traditionally, the Yule log is brought into a house on Christmas Eve and is burned continuously through Twelfth Night.
70) It was this old woman, ornamented with the name of the principal lodger, and in reality intrusted with the functions of portress, who had let him the lodging on Christmas eve.
71) One Christmas Eve, old Scrooge was counting his money in his office.
72) Earlier, the Pope prayed for peace as he delivered his traditional Christmas Eve homily.
73) The children will go to bed on Christmas Eve under protest.
74) A blizzard had developed on Christmas Eve, and I had snuggled into a featherbed to keep warm, praying that I would get just a little something for Christmas.
75) People are busy shopping and wrapping presents for relatives and friends before Christmas Eve.
76) On Christmas Eve when Paul came out of his office, a street child was walking around the shiny new car, admiring it.
77) Harold Pinter, the British playwright and Nobel laureate famous forbroodingportrayalsofdomestic life and barbed politics, died aged 78 on Christmas Eve afterbattlingcancer.
78) It is with great sadness that I note the passing on Christmas eve of Samuel Huntington, long-time teacher, friend, and editorial board member of The American Interest.
79) But as sometimes happens on Christmas Eve, Lindsay meets a whiskery old chap whose magic stirs up her spirit and transforms her life forever!
80) Christmas Eve eat an apple is a symbol of safely.
81) On Christmas eve, when Paul came out of his office, a street urchin was looking around the shining new car, admiring it.
82) The old man sat in his station on a cold Christmas Eve.
83) She was free for five whole days, from Christmas Eve. And so she would be going to Charles, to join her family.
84) Hi, everyone, Let's get a move on. We'll have a party on Christmas Eve.
85) There are also two common law holidays on Good Friday and Christmas Eve.
86) " Yeah, " he said. " Christmas Eve and Christmas. "
87) But on Christmas Eve, Americans turned on their TVs to see perhaps the first good news all year: Apollo 8 astronauts reading from the Book of Genesis as they became the first humans to orbit the moon.
88) Let's intone the fair-sounding carol for the celebration of Christmas Eve.
89) Christmas Eve night, a mini celebration at home with my family. We had chocolate fudge log cake (cheap and good! ), ham and sparkling wine.
90) Special events: Christmas Eve celebration at Lille Chinese Church attracted 100 students.
91) The Christmas function began immediately after the Christmas Eve mass.
92) We always cover the tree with lights on Christmas EVe.
93) It was Christmas Eve and, while at the meat counter, a woman was anxiously picking over the last few remaining turkeys in the hope of finding a large one.
94) A Catholic worshiper from Zhujiajiao Catholic Church prays during a Christmas eve mass on the outskirts of Shanghai, China on December 24, 2009.
95) Children leave christmas stocking in their house on Christmas Eve.
96) I awaited Christmas Eve, and the always exciting advent of fat Santa.
97) On Christmas Eve when Paul came out of his office, a street urchin was walking around the shiny new car, admiring it. "Is this your car, Mister?"he asked.
98) It's certain that my elder sister will come home before Christmas Eve this year.
99) By the time I arrived on the scene, the entire family -- more than 20 people -- would gather at her grandmother's house in Mexicali, Mexico, on Christmas Eve.
100) Christmas Eve he phones in one of those radio call-in shows and tells them I need a new wife.
101) On Christmas Eve the little girl, Brittany, was found lying in the snow, clad only in her underwear and nightshirt. Her tiny body was frozen stiff.
102) U. S. soldier dressed as St. Nick arrives at Hammer Base in Baghdad on Christmas Eve.




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