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单词 Ssri
1. In some cases, experts note, the SSRIs can also affect liver enzymes that inhibit the metabolism of other drugs.
2. So we put him on an SSRI, and within a week, he was a new person, and we got him back to full duty.
3. Medications, particularly the SSRI antidepressants, are the most common cause.
4. This study also found no association between SSRI exposure and maternal weight gain.
5. Such a warning was mandated for SSRI antidepressants before passage of the FDA Amendments Act.
6. No matter how long a woman takes an SSRI antidepressant to ease severe premenstrual symptoms, relapse is likely once she stop staking the medication.
7. But how long women must stay on an SSRI to keep PMS or PMDD at bay depends on whether they have PMS or PMDD, a new study has found.
8. Seniors who take SSRI antidepressants may be more likely to develop cataracts, says the first major study to examine this interaction./ssri.html
9. One of the SSRI manufacturers, Pfizer which made Zoloft, indicated in the prescribers' bible, the British National Formulary, that their drug was not recommended for women who might become pregnant.
10. And women who took an anti-depressant medication — especially a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) — had a 39 percent increased risk of stroke, the study said.
11. SSRI medications help to restore the normal balance of serotonin, and therefore help with both depression and anxiety.
12. So when the SSRI antidepressants were found to be effective for PMS and PMDD, and when the Food and Drug Administration approved several SSRIs for these ailments, many women had reason to celebrate.
13. In all cases, 50mg of sertraline a day was given only to the women following ovulation during the luteal phase of the menstrual period—the standard SSRI treatment for PMS or PMDD.
14. Objective To study the clinical syndrom of adverse drug reaction(ADR) induced by SSRI or SNRI, and the treatment of ADR.
15. Heres the scoop to clear up the confusion: the SSRI medications were first developed as antidepressants, but it was recognized that they also have anti-anxiety effects.
16. From 2006 to 2010 there was a 43% increase in number of prescriptions for the SSRI class of antidepressants.
17. Nor were there significant differences in the risk of suicidal acts within the SSRI drug class in the comparisons among citalopram, fluvoxamine, paroxetine, sertraline, and fluoxetine.
18. Additionally, earlier investigations have shown that both neuroticism and extroversion are associated with the brain's serotonin processing systems, which are targeted by SSRI antidepressants.
19. It has been shown in human studies that more than half of patients with depression don't respond to the initially prescribed SSRI.




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