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单词 In that respect
1. In that respect he needs to keep his feet on the ground and not get carried away.
2. He takes after the old feller in that respect.
3. The Government are still lily-livered in that respect.
4. Your sister Alice was sadly lacking in that respect.
5. In that respect they therefore have some similarity with hire-purchase agreements.
6. Life was like wei chi in that respect; the master chose to play a waiting game, to plan ahead.
7. You don't know how lucky you are in that respect.
8. It was in that respect that James differed most radically from the other drivers I was getting to know.
9. In that respect, McLeod should already be indebted to O'Neill.
10. In that respect, at least, he had levelled the score.
11. In that respect, the White Paper represents a major shift in decision-making about health care priorities.
12. In that respect, physicians take on an additional burden beyond their immediate remit.
13. Unlike many others, he achieved success in that respect as well through his work as a writer.
14. In that respect, she and Tiffany seemed suited for each other.
15. In that respect alone Sydney has a huge advantage over Atlanta in relative human comfort.
16. In that respect he was wrong.
17. In that respect his friend had greatly the advantage.
18. Few writers can compare with him in that respect.
19. Mum is very stubborn, and Kim takes after her in that respect.
20. I commend the work of my hon. Friend the Minister in that respect.
21. I was certainly under no instructions from my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State in that respect.
22. And it would be foolish to imagine that the Western democracies have a monopoly of the relevant experience in that respect.
23. We were able to instill that same attitude in every team member, leading to pride and professionalism in that respect also.
24. It might have helped if the hon. Gentleman had given people a better example in that respect.
25. I have discharged my duty, she thought, I can not be troubled by my conscience in that respect.
26. The cost of remedying the defect is economic loss and neither party owes a duty of care to P2 in that respect.
27. Gasoline would have been ideal for a sudden blaze; the sealed nuclear drive was useless in that respect.
28. The community charge regime is an improvement on domestic rates in that respect.
29. Not strongly enough to kill me for that, but certainly strongly enough to make killing me satisfying in that respect also.
30. That too is a relevant question, so, following is a synopsis of my credentials in that respect.
31. In that respect he was mistaken.
32. In that respect the season was not a failure.
33. He was as bad as Frank in that respect.
34. Our opinions differ greatly in that respect.
35. It differs in that respect.
36. I consider my book Bergson to be typical in that respect.
37. Whether one judges Cronkite right or wrong in that respect,() he brought dignity to news delivery and helped guide a period without cynicism or smugness.
38. In that respect, at least , the two products are as bad as each other.
39. In this case we are a victim in that respect as well,'the spokesman said.
40. In that respect, the stepped-up U.S. role appeared to have an effect, American officials said.
41. We certainly have opened up some more avenues in that respect.
42. In that respect, clearly He was not so wise as some other people have been, and He was certainly not superlatively wise.
43. It really is a more dynamic experience in that respect.
44. In that respect, one player who embodies the Cavaliers identity is Anderson Varejao.
45. I was happy with the game at Villa because it was an answer in that respect.
46. Buying Yahoo ! does not help it in that respect - and the deal may well backfire anyway.
47. You may think your husband is forgetful but Peter really takes tae cake in that respect.
48. That would be someone else's pidgin; I'm not too knowledgeable in that respect.




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