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单词 Concubinage
1. Concubinage was abolished by the Communist after 1949.
2. Concubinage and prostitution spread everywhere.
3. Concubinage has made a come back in recent years.
4. Although concubinage and foot-binding have been outlawed, the woman's role is still considered to be in the home.
5. Historically, concubinage was frequently voluntary (by the girl and/or her family’s arrangement), as it provided a measure of economic security for the woman involved.
6. The institutions of slave girls , concubinage and forced marriage also irrevocably tied to the landlord system.
7. Involuntary, or servile, concubinage sometimes involves sexual slavery of one member of the relationship, typically the woman.
8. Concubinage has a long history and was common through the early 20th century.
9. Concubinage is the state of a woman or youth in an ongoing, quasi-matrimonial relationship with a man of higher social status.
10. They inveighed against slavery, concubinage , foot binding, arranged marriage, cruel punishments, and the use of opium.
11. So concubinage has been an institution for thousands of years and the Chinese have always had an exceptionally pragmatic attitude toward sex.
12. The institutions of slave girls, concubinage and forced marriage were also irrevocably tied to the landlord system.
13. Concubinage has a long history in China and was common right up to the early 20th century.
14. But the story's social context is the concubinage , Zhao Wei's role in the real conditions can share with my husband, how she was in the end the answer?
15. As a rule concubinage was more the custom than multiple wives.
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16. Concubinage , which had been almost unknown under the Japanese, was re introduced into the island.
17. Emperor Taizong, who was named to the Minister Fang Xuanling concubinage, the Minister's wife interfered.
18. In 1950, the Chinese government enacted China's first marriage law. It banned arranged marriages, concubinage and child betrothal.
19. A secondary emphasis was on the need to overthrow feudal practices such as foot binding, concubinage and inequality of women.
20. Pass into Japan when christian, when the thing that publicizing concubinage, adultery is injustice, a lot of Japanese complain unceasingly, think it disturbed the peace of Japanese family.
21. This paper aims to find out the social roots of concubinage, a long-standing custom in ancient China, and analyzes the laws and features of the phenomenon.




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