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单词 Unmarried
1. She disapproves of unmarried couples living together.
2. Though he is forty, he is still unmarried.
3. The annual cost of income support to unmarried mothers amounted to £700 million in that year.
4. Being an unmarried mother used to carry a social stigma.
5. She uses her unmarried name for professional purposes.
6. His unmarried friends twitted him about his wedding plans.
7. I was still unmarried then.
8. Their youngest son is still unmarried.
9. He remained unmarried all his life.
10. She left no will and was unmarried.
11. Increasingly, the unmarried father of a child in Europe registers his paternity at the baby's birth.
12. There is a strong argument for remaining an unmarried mother. There's no stigma attached any more.
13. 'Mrs' was a courtesy title for any unmarried woman in business at that time.
14. In the sentence, "She is a single unmarried woman", the word "unmarried" is redundant.
15. Being an unmarried mother no longer carries the social stigma that it used to.
16. They refused to rent an apartment to an unmarried couple.
17. Eventually unmarried women found vocational outlets as missionaries.
18. Mary Keane is the unmarried daughter of a farmer.
19. No one questions the lives of the unmarried deacons.
20. It was true he was footloose, and unmarried.
21. She had first become pregnant at twenty when unmarried.
22. It's increasingly common for unmarried couples to live together.
23. They had a fair daughter as yet unmarried.
24. Mrs Travis has three unmarried sons.
25. In the world before the camps, the unmarried women and men I knew lived separately.
26. He attracted a lot of adverse/bad publicity with his speech about unmarried mothers.
27. It was not all that long ago that it was almost unheard-of for an unmarried couple to live together.
28. Today,[http:///unmarried.html] we no longer gasp when we hear a teenage girl is pregnant or whisper about unmarried couples who live together.
29. There was the valid excuse to delay the marriage because air force regulations stipulated only unmarried men may enter pilot training school.
30. The legislation would also provide cash benefits to states that reduce births by unmarried women.
1. She disapproves of unmarried couples living together.
2. Though he is forty, he is still unmarried.
3. The annual cost of income support to unmarried mothers amounted to £700 million in that year.
4. Being an unmarried mother used to carry a social stigma.
5. He attracted a lot of adverse/bad publicity with his speech about unmarried mothers.
6. She left no will and was unmarried.
31. When advising an unmarried father it is important to note that party status is based on parental responsibility and not paternity.
32. This includes an unmarried father whether or not he has acquired parental responsibility for the child by court order or agreement.
33. But she did not conceive of unmarried life as a solution.
34. Brown spoke out against what he considered the unnatural lifestyles of unmarried couples who live together.
35. But marriage is still more stable than cohabiting: unmarried couples who live together are four times more likely to split up.
36. In less imaginative hands, Liz - an unmarried and uncommunicative mum of a handicapped baby - would surely come a cropper.
37. Marriage was essential for the young working-class girl, indeed an economic necessity, for she could scarcely have survived unmarried.
38. In the upper classes women often remained unmarried because their families could not provide sufficient dowries.
39. They were partially successful in 1907, when unmarried women ratepayers were allowed to stand as candidates.
40. This includes an unmarried father whether or not he has parental responsibility.
41. It is unmarried women in their late 20s who have the highest risk of illegitimate birth.
42. Hardly any have unmarried daughters, who in the past were most often expected to do the caring.
43. Five unmarried Clifford daughters lingered in this garden under these trees and painted the most exquisite water-colours during the mid-nineteenth century.
44. In turn, the propensity to marry can be measured by estimating the proportion of women still unmarried at ages 35-44.
45. The recommendation would help married or unmarried partners whose homes are held in the other partner's name.
46. The congregation was mostly young, unmarried, well-educated and upwardly mobile.
47. She was unmarried and her urge and talent for giving to the world had something of gratitude at its root.
48. What distinguished the married students from the unmarried ones was their clothing: only married students wore silk attire and leather shoes.
49. He is generally unmarried, even though he may have had a shady past which included associating with women.
50. Some of us might be young unmarried girls, others aged ladies of 40 or 50.
51. He is unmarried, of perfect health, of nervous temperament, of very great vitality and activity.
52. That remarkable face is also the object of a pilgrimage of unmarried females.
53. The same might just as well be true, however, of unmarried cohabiting couples and of couples who do not cohabit.
54. For teenagers who are unmarried and sexually active, there are other complications.
55. Marital Status Married women are less likely to move than unmarried women.
56. The unmarried woman is anxious about the affairs of the Lord; the married woman is anxious about worldly affairs.
57. The yellow Victorian house on the property was owned by two unmarried Armistead sisters, who rented rooms to tourists.
58. Buckley, who is unmarried,[] admits that being successful in business is easier for a woman who has no children.
59. Between one-fifth and one-half of all unmarried teenagers in developing countries are sexually active, according to the Worldwatch Institute.
60. The Michigan House of Representatives passed a bill on Dec. 8 requiring parental consent for unmarried girls under 18 to have abortions.
61. The Lutherans asked Amsterdam to please send them a new spiritual leader, preferably an unmarried man.
62. As for matrimony, Negro marriages were seldom allowed under Southern slavery, and Unmarried motherhood was the imposed and accepted code.
63. John, the son, became a fellow commoner of Trinity College, Oxford, and died unmarried.
64. As far as inheriting property is concerned, the position for married and unmarried couples couldn't be more different.
65. An unmarried couple splitting up can also face legal problems.
66. For several years she made tours of the Continent with her elder unmarried sister, Caroline.
67. She is here, she is unmarried, she is still very lovely - but I don't love her.
68. In addition, unmarried women carers are more likely than either married women or men to be carrying particularly heavy caring responsibilities.
69. On her latest trip to New York City, my grandmother had taken her unmarried daughter, Mimi, along.
70. Tampons were not allowed, being considered unsuitable for unmarried girls.
71. He was in his fifties, unmarried, and out of touch with post-war educational methods.
72. That same freedom was later guaranteed, under the Equal Protection Clause, for unmarried couples.
73. The coexistence in Francia of Louis and Lothar as co- emperors was possible so long as Lothar remained unmarried.
74. Jack Price had never married, and he lived with his ageing sister who was also unmarried.
75. And non-poor unmarried women are deciding to have and keep their babies with far greater frequency than in previous eras.
76. Unmarried mothers can usually receive help from the State or Federal governments.
77. Everyone thought he had died unmarried, but that was not true.
78. Throws her bouquet to her unmarried friends before she leaves.
79. The unmarried man is anxious about the affairs of the Lord; the married man is anxious about worldly affairs.
80. He worked as a logger and riverboat guide, unmarried but not always unencumbered.
81. Her unmarried daughters Florence, Bertha and Jessie, however, lived at home and gave her what comfort they could.
82. The number of births to married women each year according to their parity is known, but not for unmarried women.
83. She walked out of the family home with the two unmarried daughters.
84. Whatever the West of I878 was for young mining engineers, it was the land of opportunity for unmarried women.
85. The U. S. Census Bureau re-ports that there were 3. 5 million unmarried couples living together in 1993.
86. Instead, black married women stopped having so many children; black unmarried women continued to have them as before.
87. Changing social values have increased the numbers of homosexual or unmarried households.
88. One parish had chosen him because he was unmarried but later wished he were married with children.
88. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
89. Women who make partner are disproportionately unmarried or divorced, and childless.
90. But there was something fishy about those actresses because nine months after they had left even unmarried girls found themselves with child.
91. They were genteel ladies and unmarried, and what they could claim, therefore, were modest means and purity.
92. A bachelor is an unmarried man.
93. She is an unmarried mother.
94. A maiden lady is an unmarried lady.
95. Gathers rents the request unmarried, fly right, really!
96. He is forty years of age and still unmarried.
97. Sexual intercourse between unmarried adolescents can be problematical.
98. Traditionally, an unmarried woman was considered a disgrace because the family would miss out on establishing social relationships with other clans.
99. There are young fellows I know, unmarried, healthy as horses.
100. Alimony often enables a woman who lived unhappily married to live happily unmarried.
101. It was met with an avalanche of responses from virtually all unmarried women in the nation.
102. There are two types of prenuptial agreements: marriage contract for people who are married or about to be married, and cohabitation agreement for unmarried couples.
103. 15th U.S. president James Buchanan is the only unmarried man ever to be elected president.
104. "The panchayat has imposed a ban on the usage of mobile phones by unmarried girls to prevent them from eloping with young boys against the wishes of their parents, " a panchayat spokesman said.
105. The traditional family unit is also changing dramatically with divorce rates rising, family sizes shrinking and the number of unmarried cohabiting couples increasing.
106. The marriage contract should specify all unmarried couples property, dowry and fiance fiancee industries.
107. This was a time when permanent fellows of a Cambridge college had to be unmarried, celibate and take holy orders.
108. It is truth well known to all the world that an unmarried man in possession of a large fortune must be in need of a wife .
109. Sometimes the groom throws the bride's garter to the unmarried men.
110. At about the same time, for reasons that are still not completely understood but that may include a dearth of eligible wage-earning men, the number of unmarried teenage mothers soared.
111. Illegitimate child. Old, denigrating , and now obsolete term for the child of an unmarried mother.
112. Indeed, 41% of babies were born to unmarried moms in 2008, an eightfold increase from 50 years ago, and 25% of kids lived in a single-parent home, almost triple the number from 1960.
113. In 1884, editorialists famously taunted presidential candidate Grover Cleveland about having sired a child with the unmarried Maria Halpin.
114. If it goes on we will soon see a majority of women unmarried in their mid-thirties.
115. It is out of rule for an unmarried woman to chaperon the little child.
116. It used to be said in Japan that an unmarried woman was like Christmas cake: no good after 25.
117. An unmarried woman can rush in the dreams of five men in a single night.
118. It reads: "It is a truth well known to all the world that an unmarried man in possession of a large fortune must be in need of a wife".
119. He spent rest of his life ( unmarried ) in vicinity of Concord.
120. In a narrow sense,[http:///unmarried.html] the civil union system contains the legislation for both unmarried cohabitation without sex differentiating and helpmate of the same sex.
121. As an unmarried woman, Kate has never been invited to the family Christmas, and her parents won't be presented to the queen until the wedding reception.
122. More and more unmarried people prefer to live with their families.
123. A separation between heaven and earth worthy of the Chinese nation and a single unmarried man:Bless you!
124. But Manila's Archbishop Gaudencio Rosales warned against "exclusive moments" between unmarried couples.
125. His unmarried sisters were left quite unprovided for in the will.
126. The couple of days ago reportage said that unmarried female promotes the Chinese real estate economy.
127. Finally, I said A virgin is a young unmarried woman.
128. It might be very well for an unmarried young curate to be shamefaced in such matters.
129. The unmarried woman is pregnant because of compulsory intercourse and seduction; the pregnancy is within over three months and two months after accouchement .
130. It is a truth well known to all the world that an unmarried man in possession of a large fortune must be in need of a wife.
131. In 1970 an unmarried woman in Dallas, Texas, sought an abortion for an unwanted pregnancy.
132. Objective and Methods: To study unmarried , unpregnant and virgin mature period breast normal structure by ultrasound.
133. The young and unmarried and non parous women choose medical abortion much more than those elder, married and ...
134. there is an evil leprechaun that lives in vaginas of unmarried women and he only leaves after the marriage ceremony is finished.
135. On Dec. 13 the New Jersey Supreme Court, in a 5-2 vote, overturned a state law that forbid sexual intercourse between any man and an unmarried woman.
136. If a man promises to marry an unmarried woman, he is required by law to keep his promise.
137. What is a bachelor? A bachelor is an unmarried man.
138. Comparing an unmarried man with his married identical twin takes genetics out of the equation and makes it more likely that you're uncovering environmental effects.
139. Unmarried cohabitation has been under the adjustment of legislations, among which, the most important production is the civil union legislation.
140. If you agree that the definition of a bachelor is an unmarried man, then it stands to reason that all bachelors are unmarried.
141. Joan Playle, an unmarried woman from Essex County, England, who was convicted of witchcraft way back in 1592.
142. Many people think that vaginitis is married women will have the disease, but, a lot of unmarried woman can also get vaginitis, what's this all about?
143. Thomas Coram's Foundling Hospital opened in 1741 to look after the abandoned babies of unmarried mothers, attracting support from the cream of society.
144. By law, if a man promises to marry an unmarried woman, the marriage must take place.
145. Another thirty-something birthday with a group of unmarried female friends.
146. A young, unmarried woman may be totally unprepared, unfit, or unwilling to assume the responsibilities of motherhood.
147. They both bewailed their misfortune at being young, unmarried returned students.
148. Even worse would be military adventurism to occupy and work off the steam and frustrations of the unmarried males—another effect seen of gender imbalance in the past.
149. Consider that the married man may have an affair with an unmarried woman,[] or with another man.
150. The shapes that form in the water are examined and interpreted by an unmarried woman who is looking for clues to her future husband's profession.
151. "Miss Zhou looks fashionable today. " One of the men said. Well, it's fashion enough to call an unmarried woman "miss".
152. The unmarried woman careth for the things of the Lord, that she may be holy both in body and in spirit: but she that is married careth for the things of the world, how she may please [her] husband.
153. Is he able, with a good conscience, to remain unmarried?
154. He said that unmarried individuals originally spend a lot of time keeping fit and making themselves attractive in order to find a partner "but once they get married they let themselves go".
155. In the closely-knit rural society before the turn of the century, an unmarried adult was rare.
156. Theresa and Renee have three daughters between them ; Renee is unmarried, and Theresa's husband is unemployed.
157. They call it "Singles Day" or "Bachelors Day" – a bachelor is an unmarried man.
158. But Ellen's unfaltering confidence in asserting that it was a matter as simple and natural as the marriage of an unmarried girl had its effect on him too.
159. well, an unmarried man.
160. There is an evil leprechaun that lives in vaginas of unmarried women and he only leaves after the marriage ceremony is finished.
161. Other changes include more tolerant attitudes to unmarried couples having children.
162. Ms is used either for a married or unmarried woman.
163. Concluslons: Unmarried female youths premarital sexual behavior and induced abortion were significantly in.
164. Objective To understand the status and requirements of procreative health among unmarried female university students, and to provide evidence for procreative health care in university.
165. Objective:To assess reproductive health knowledge among unmarried man and women in Shanghai, so as to provide foundation for sex education among unmarried young people.




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