1 Naomi idolised her father as she was growing up.
2 He will want to protect, please and idolise her.
3 Mark had idolised foreign correspondents ever since he began in newspapers.
4 Since early September the 23-year-old multi-millionaire had been stalked by a mystery woman threatening to kill the man she once idolised.
5 I only know there was a father who was both idolised and undoubtedly feared, a dogmatic and overbearing Catholic.
6 Yet, in spite of everything, David Miller grew up to idolise the old rascal.
7 Approaching this casually could cheapen the very institution same-sex advocates appear to idolise .
8 Many felt that the lifelong Whites fan would shy away from a switch across the Pennines to Old Trafford rather than risk upsetting the Elland Road supporters who idolise him.