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单词 stuff
释义  stuff1 /stʌf/ ●●● S1 W3 noun [uncountable]  1  things 事物 informalSUBSTANCE used when you are talking about things such as substances, materials, or groups of objects when you do not know what they are called, or it is not important to say exactly what they are 东西;物品〔用于事物名称不详或不重要时〕 I’ve got some sticky stuff on my shoe. 我鞋子上有什么黏糊糊的东西。 How do you think you’re going to fit all that stuff into the car? 你说这么多东西你怎么装进车里? I felt sorry for the ones who had to eat the awful stuff. 我很同情那些只能吃这种难吃东西的人。 Where’s all the camping stuff? 野营用的东西都在哪儿?2  somebody’s stuff informal the things that belong to someone 某人的物品,某人的所有物 Did you get the rest of your stuff? 你的其他东西都拿了吗?3  activities/ideas 活动/想法 informal used when talking about different activities, subjects, or ideas, when you do not say exactly what these are 活动,事情 What kind of stuff do you like to read? 你喜欢读什么样的书? I’ve got so much stuff to do this weekend. 我这个周末有好多事情要做。 There’s a lot of interesting stuff in this book. 这本书里有很多有趣的东西。 He’s talked to me about all that stuff too. 那些事情他也都对我说了。 He does mountain biking and skiing, and stuff like that. 他从事山地自行车、滑雪之类的运动。4  work/art 作品/艺术 informal used when you are talking about what someone has done or made, for example writing, music, or art 作品;乐曲;艺术 I don’t like his stuff. 我不喜欢他的作品。 John Lee was getting ready to play his stuff. 约翰·李正准备演奏他的曲子。 He did some great stuff in his early films. 他早期的电影里有一些好东西。good stuff British English (=used to tell someone that their work is good) 优秀作品 This is good stuff. 这东西不错。5  ... and stuff spoken informal used to say that there are other things similar to what you have just mentioned, but you are not going to say what they are …之类的东西 There’s some very good music there, CD systems and stuff, and laser disks. 那儿有些很好的音乐、激光唱片播放设备什么的,还有激光光盘。6  the (very) stuff of dreams/life/politics XXexactly the kind of thing that dreams etc consist of 梦/生活/政治的内容 an enchanting place – the very stuff of dreams 一个迷人的地方——犹如梦境7  character 性格CHARACTER/PERSONALITY the qualities of someone’s character 〔某人的〕本质,品质 Does he have the right stuff (=qualities that make you able to deal with difficulties)? 他有那本事吗? Surely you’re not going to give up? I thought you were made of sterner stuff (=were more determined). 你总不会要放弃吧? 我原以为你很坚强。8  do/show your stuff informalSHOW OFF to do what you are good at when everyone wants you to do it 拿出自己的本领,显身手 Come on Gina, get on the dance floor and do your stuff! 来吧,吉娜,到舞池里来显显你的身手! → bit of stuff at bit1(14), → kid’s stuff at kid1(4), → know your stuff at know1(5), → strut your stuff at strut1(2)5 GRAMMAR 语法• Stuff is an uncountable noun and has no plural form. Use a singular verb after it. stuff是不可数名词,没有复数形式,后接单数动词Most of my stuff is still in packing cases.我的东西大多还在包装箱里。n GRAMMAR: Comparisonstuff• Stuff is an uncountable noun and is not used in the plural. You say: The shop sells all kinds of stuff. ✗Don’t say: The shop sells all kind of stuffs.foodstuff• Foodstuff is a countable noun and is often used in the plural: The country has to import basic foodstuffs such as rice.Examples from the Corpusstuff• But now she's all married and stuff.• We had some spare time, so we started messing around with samples and sequencers and stuff.• Our camping stuff alone took up most of the space in the back of the car.• So you only send non-confidential stuff that way.• Gore needs to maintain an impression that all of this is everyday, normal stuff.• They sent me a bunch of stuff about the university.• What kind of stuff did they teach you there?• Do you have any of that clear plastic stuff to cover food with?• I've got some sort of sticky stuff on my shoe.• What's that sticky stuff on the floor?• There were 2 attacks early on, but it takes stronger stuff than this to beat Grimsby.• Ted had never talked like this, filler talk, stuff you say when you are getting used to having a visitor.• That stuff stinks.• The builders have left all their stuff round the back of the house.• I don't know how we're going to get all this stuff into the car.• You're not going to have a lot of time to pack up your stuff before you move.all that stuff• Matches the description, right age and all that stuff.• They bought fur coats and all that stuff.• I suppose he thought poetry was about love and metaphysics and all that stuff.• What could be worse than to be dogged by all that stuff?• You couldn't get a regular parrot to do all that stuff.• You don't believe in all that stuff.• You told me all that stuff about your wife being unfaithful.• But after a while, the sight of all that stuff was more than he could bear so he looked away.good stuff• This is mostly mainstream, hit radio, but good stuff that still crosses over.• You just can't level the same accusation at Rickenbacker, since they've always made good stuff.• I felt it was pretty good stuff.• And this band were just getting encore after f***ing encore; it was really good stuff, a real grunge-fest.• It would be my turn to get the good stuff.• Now I get inta the good stuff.• One capsule of the good stuff can be split into several capsules and mixed with assorted cutting agents.• She knows where the good stuff is.the right stuff• He had attitude, the right stuff, like a nineteenth-century beatnik.• Becky's got the right stuff for becoming a good doctor.• I became one of the elite, one who had the Right Stuff.• This guy Powell has the right stuff.• If in doubt see if it melts with heat, then you are sure you have the right stuff.• Scarcity value apart, the Stag is made of the right stuff by classic yardsticks.• Now it's the turn of the attack to show it's made of the right stuff.• Often the right stuff is buried under an avalanche of garbage.• Switching on the overdrive channel, however, gave immediate access to the right stuff.Related topics: Cookingstuff2 ●●○ verb [transitive]  1  push 推 [always + adverb/preposition]PUSH to push or put something into a small space, especially in a quick careless way 填,塞 SYN shovestuff something into/in/up something She stuffed two more sweaters into her bag. 她又往她的袋子里塞了两件毛线衫。► see thesaurus at push2  fill 装满FULL to fill something until it is full 填满,装满 Volunteers were busy stuffing envelopes. 志愿者正忙着装信封。be stuffed with something a pillow stuffed with feathers 用羽毛填充的枕头 boxes stuffed full of papers 装满文件的箱子► see thesaurus at fill3. food 食物DFC to fill a chicken, pepper etc with a mixture of bread or rice, onion etc before cooking it 给〔鸡、甜椒等〕填馅,填料于〔食物〕4  dead animal 死的动物TIC to fill the skin of a dead animal in order to make the animal look still alive 填塞〔动物尸体〕以制作标本 a stuffed owl 猫头鹰标本5  stuff yourself  (also stuff your face) informalEAT to eat so much food that you cannot eat anything else 吃饱,吃足stuff yourself with The kids have been stuffing themselves with candy. 孩子们一直在一个劲儿地吃糖。6  get stuffed British English spokenREJECT/NOT ACCEPT used to tell someone very rudely and angrily that you do not want to talk to them or accept their offer 走开,不要烦了,去你的吧〔以非常粗鲁和生气的语气表示不想与某人交谈或拒绝接受某人的提议〕 He only offered me £10 for it, so I told him to get stuffed. 他只想出十英镑买这个东西,所以我叫他滚开。7  somebody can stuff something spokenWANT# used to say very angrily or rudely that you do not want what someone is offering 让某人的某物见鬼去吧〔非常气愤或粗鲁地表示不接受某人给的东西〕 ‘All right. You can stuff your money!’ Reynolds exploded. “得了。 让你的钱见鬼去吧!”雷诺兹勃然大怒道。8  stuff it spoken used to say angrily or rudely that you do not care about something or do not want something 管他呢,去他的〔气愤或粗鲁地表示不在乎或不想要〕 I thought, stuff it, I’ll do what I want. 我想,管他呢,我想做什么就做什么。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusstuff• After all, peacock feathers still shine brightly when their owner is dead and stuffed.• Life, for me, is certainly not too short to stuff a mushroom.• We had to stuff envelopes with letters and information packs.• I stuffed my shirt tail back into my trousers and tried to straighten my tie.• She hurriedly stuffed some things into an overnight bag and left.• Could you help me stuff these peppers?• He had the fish stuffed to put on the wall in his stuffed with something• The rooms are stuffed with antiques and priceless treasures.• A good museum in the castle is stuffed with antiquities, while a Roman amphitheatre overlooks all.• My files are stuffed with my imaginings, published and unpublished.• PTAs up and down the country are stuffed with people like her.• Pretty soon our whole world is stuffed with rude people and their rude hair, and the world itself has changed.• Also hard-hit are supposedly diversified mutual funds that are stuffed with technology and other highflying small stocks.• Its boot was stuffed with the holdalls of the kidnappers and had no room left.• It was stuffed with those green pads, like house-movers use.Origin stuff1 (1300-1400) Old French estoffe, from estoffer “to provide with things needed”stuff1 noun →5 GRAMMAR1 →n GRAMMAR2stuff2 verbLDOCE OnlineChinese  when as things used about Corpus talking are such you




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