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单词 Focusing
1. These automatic cameras have a special focusing mechanism.
2. We're focusing too much on irrelevant details.
3. She glossed over the company's fall in profits, focusing instead on her plans for investment and modernization.
4. More expensive cameras have adjustable focusing.
5. He is currently focusing on assessment and development.
6. Many firms are focusing on increasing their markets overseas.
7. This help was invaluable in focusing my ideas.
8. This film forgives errors in focusing.
9. We should be focusing on what we have in common rather than emphasizing our differences.
10. Many remember sport at school as elitist(), focusing only on those who were good at it.
11. Meditation involves focusing the mind on a single object or word.
12. Nor do you have to correct for focusing.
13. Attention is the focusing of conscious awareness.
14. Moriarty spent the summer focusing on his musical pursuits.
15. Dole is focusing on long-run growth and tax incentives.
16. We are focusing on specialty chemicals.
17. Meanwhile, other researchers were focusing on red wine, rather than on all alcoholic beverages.
18. Outlines two policy scenarios, one focusing on urban regeneration and the other on rural protection and urban compaction.
19. By focusing on major issues that loom ahead, they create a forum for anticipatory thinking.
19. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
20. By focusing on wage profiles it is possible to show contrasts between different segments of the labour market.
21. Focusing resentfully on the dark, angular face, her heart had flipped over suddenly in her chest.
22. In any case, in focusing on particular states it tended to reinforce the state-centric view of International Relations.
23. Care management is being introduced gradually and is focusing on those who are particularly vulnerable or need a wide range of services.
24. Critics take pleasure in focusing on shortcomings and ignoring strengths.
25. It plays a major role in focusing energy in the right areas and on the right subjects.
26. Initially this focusing of attention is hypothesized to improve task performance by concentrating resources on the salient aspects of stimuli.
27. But I just tried to keep focusing on the game.
28. Well-structured - providing background to the race and the books, then focusing on the books themselves.
29. For example, a physician can present the baby to the parents by focusing on normal features and positive attributes.
30. In Belfast, however, we found that the three inner-city communities differed in the degree of focusing they exhibited.
1. These automatic cameras have a special focusing mechanism.
2. We're focusing too much on irrelevant details.
3. She glossed over the company's fall in profits, focusing instead on her plans for investment and modernization.
4. More expensive cameras have adjustable focusing.
5. Many firms are focusing on increasing their markets overseas.
31. Classroom activities will tend to be those focusing attention on deciphering rather than on interpretation by indexical inference.
32. Life is not about focusing on the obstacles. It's about how you handle them, and whether you get enlightenment or levity from the way you do it. Drew Barrymore 
33. However, the concern was gender-specific, focusing on men and appearing unnecessary or irrelevant for women.
34. You can find courage by focusing relentlessly on performance and people.
35. Focusing on a plump man with dark hair at a bus-stop he decides the people are Latin.
36. Leftists, right-wingers, and Dadaists all attacked spiritual expressionism in 1919, focusing much of their anger on the Bauhaus.
37. If there is little peripheral information in the non-risky exemplars, attention focusing would have no general effect on recognition sensitivity.
38. The commission will investigate the cause of the accident, focusing especially on safety issues.
39. He anticipates that focusing management control will improve the efficiency of the operation and reduce the need for subsidies.
40. This is consistent with recent studies on attention focusing in eyewitness testimony.
41. Much of this work, by sociologists, ethicists and historians, has been critical, focusing on several related themes.
42. By focusing on discrete activities liability rules are capable of creating a potentially more pervasive field of deterrence.
43. For the serious collector and shopper, a company named Wingspread offers help in focusing your gallery hopping.
44. The use of bulletin boards and list servers will be evaluated in the section focusing on the scientific arena. 5.2.3.
45. This has the benefit of focusing attention on the justness of such social relations, rather than presuming their legitimacy. 3.
46. He was concerned with focusing quickly on the areas most amenable to cost reduction.
47. Lafley, the company has been shedding underperforming brands and focusing on cutting costs and building sales in its biggest product brands.
48. Hernandez responded as expected by focusing on his efforts at rehabilitation.
49. An alternative interpretation of the data was given using the idea of attention focusing.
49. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
50. Produced news reports have shifted from focusing on the words of candidates and political figures to concentrating on their images and actions.
51. Social work intervention concentrated on planning for children in care, and resource finding focusing on families and not institutions.
52. I felt only an extraordinary focusing of effort, a compression of my whole being into a unity of action.
53. They measure the performance of their agencies, focusing not on inputs but on outcomes.
54. To maintain a high quality exploration portfolio focusing on core business areas and under-explored prospective basins.
55. But focusing on electoral politics and economic development distracts us from the truly ugly side of our southern neighbor.
56. Also, in focusing on two-year institutions, I do not mean to downplay the role of four-year colleges and universities.
57. The tip-off is your focus on performance that needs improvement, rather than focusing on your successes.
58. A lot of things are happening nationally focusing on immigration issues.
59. Focusing on class situation enabled us to assess the significance of the challenge that the information specialists might pose to managerial authority.
60. Any consideration of equality focusing on employment and income, therefore, will miss the real sources of equilibrium between the sexes.
61. Meditation often involves deep relaxation, but moves into focusing the thoughts in certain directions.
62. Figure 7.1 incorporates the four major elements of the curriculum, focusing on the circumstances in which learning will be applied.
63. Focusing attention on constitutionality tends to make constitutionality synonymous with wisdom.
64. Particle beams promise substantially higher efficiency than do lasers, but focusing presents severe problems.
65. They are also essential to focusing your initiative on performance and change from day one.
66. And feminism has missed the boat, Roiphe says, by focusing on the wrong things.
67. Keegan is refusing to co-operate with the hype-merchants focusing on his reunion with Kenny Dalglish to the detriment of their managerial charges.
68. They also felt that a general induction course focusing on special educational needs would be helpful.
69. David Blakey led a team focusing on the ability to investigate murder, and Dan Crompton reviewed the attitude to race issues.
70. And journalism, which is more prone to collective examination of conscience than most professions, is already focusing on these problems.
71. Personality trait ratings will be replaced with more objective measures of performance focusing on job-related outcomes and behaviors.
72. They will act in a facilitating role to help in focusing on more general social and economic need.
73. The alternative to universal screening is a more selective approach, focusing upon the high risk groups.
74. Similarly, major trends could be lost because of focusing on minor perturbations, or vice versa.
75. He was looking ahead again, not focusing on anything particular.
76. Here we are focusing attention on the point of contact which will vary from person to person.
77. We have really worked hard on improving and focusing and repositioning the engineering operation of the cars.
78. We're focusing on rights of way and trying to find out if there's any kind of consensus to build on.
79. We were treated instead to a stream of articles focusing on jockeying between establishment Republicans and Democrats.
80. Froke said he has kept sales healthy despite competition from the superstore six blocks away by focusing on corporate sales.
81. Refining, narrowing, focusing(/focusing.html), and applying are all words that are key to teaching the limited special learner.
82. He said Bush appealed to women voters in 1994 by focusing on education, welfare reform and juvenile justice.
83. He decided to return to Santa Cruz to start again, focusing on his incense.
84. Brooke-Rose reverses this familiar postmodernist trope by focusing instead on the relation between the characters and their readers.
85. The requests may signal that the jurors are focusing on the hotly contested blood evidence.
86. Hardly ever, except perhaps when focusing on especially contentious and critical issues.
87. The moves towards democratization had been precipitated by widespread unrest, focusing particularly on economic grievances.
88. The Corporate Plan, recently approved by Council, will greatly assist in the focusing of future budgets.
89. Changes are limited to internal sub-units, focusing on improving leadership styles, building teamwork, and resolving intergroup conflict.
90. Post-demonstration coverage also marginalised the political content, focusing, instead, on the activities of the violent minority.
91. As stated in Chapter l, the managers embarked on their new careers focusing on the rights and privileges of management.
92. The sides and are the II-IV and III-IV boundaries respectively, and the focusing singularity occurs on the line.
93. By focusing on the educational needs of the poor, the act avoided the religious controversy that killed its proposals under Kennedy.
94. He was briefed on our core competencies, focusing on environment, safety and plant optimisation.
95. It can do so by focusing on five basic questions which are expressed in Figure 4.1.
96. Limited specifications in automatic exposure and focusing will disappoint photography buffs, though few would detect tangible differences in the average snapshot.
97. We are the peeping toms focusing on her daughter's floodlight naked body, suspended shimmering from a swing.
98. Focusing on revenue is a thousand times more positive and productive than focusing on costs, which can prove debilitating and negative.
99. Focusing Chant now displays a proper icon when cast.
100. Spatiotemporal focusing, self-steepening and Raman delayed response are identified.
101. A defect of vision prevented him from focusing accurately.
102. Methods: Isoelectric focusing in polyacrylamide gels was used.
103. Isoelectric focusing may be used as another indication.
104. Improved the focusing accuracy when using the EC-20 Teleconverter.
105. However, focusing merely on customer effectiveness would eventually mean they could go out of business.
106. Aircraft, Airforces and Aviation News - resource focusing on military aviation and analysis. And a list of some current fighters, attack aircraft and attack helicopters and their descriptions .
107. Cambridge Young Learners English learning system to study, focusing on training.
108. The purpose of this paper is to give a topological view to the spatial clustering focusing on density based clustering with its variations.
109. They were dealing with the day - to - day crisis,(http:///focusing.html) always focusing on next month instead of next year.
110. We demonstrate that a finite number of nano-slits can realize beam splitting and focusing of light by coating the metallic film surfaces with nonlinear Kerr medium.
111. CPI is an important indicator of inflation. Governments and academic circles of every country are focusing on the economic variables that influence the changes of CPI.
112. It keeps overheads down by focusing with near religious fervor on a no-frills approach, charging extra for baggage and meals.
113. Humans probably do something similar when we're focusing on a guy with a nasal twang on the other side of the guacamole dip.
114. This thesis reviews the recent advances in the field of granular matter, focusing on the bistability in granular systems, mainly from the angle of nonlinear dynamics and non-equilibrium phase change.
115. According to Food Safety advocates, the Food and Drug Administration is focusing on romaine lettuce grown in Arizona.
116. For a better focusing of an optic axis, with the red LED.
117. The numerical simulation shows that the beam splitting and focusing can be controlled by the incident light intensity.
118. Hudson's team is focusing on the state of matter that exists at temperatures just above the temperature at which materials start to superconduct.
119. But men came out on top when it came to command and control of management operations and focusing on financial returns.
120. This is an extremely effective exercise because it allows you to lightly hypnotise yourself by entirely focusing on one sentence.
121. Secondly we changed the sampling mode, using dual monostable multivibrators to select the focusing window, which solves the sampling drift problem raised by SCM break.
122. TEDA has been sticking to the developing guideline focusing on industrial projects, FDI absorption and export value while emphasizing the development of high and new technology.
123. Support auto blowing, auto focusing, foot switch and safety protection function.
124. I find myself focusing on another aspect of the whole situation so much so that it takes the pressure off the results.
125. Diffused light has little power or impact, but you can concentrate its energy by focusing it.
126. At the same time, prominent researchers said conservationists cannot afford to shortchange large and regional protections at the expense of focusing on targeted species.
127. Making sure that Rational tools are more tightly connected to our customers' business goals by closely focusing on our customers' actual runtime environments.
128. Over millennia of focusing on life-and-death issues, our nervous systems have evolved to pay attention to some things more than others.
129. In order to improve the accuracy and efficiency of fabricating lines with laser pattern generator, a novel focusing system was designed.
130. Locke said he has asked U.S. Energy Secretary Stephen Chu to join him on "a trip to China focusing on energy and on environmental protection and climate change."
131. Subject encyclopedias contain in - depth entries focusing on one field of study.
132. It can be used in microelectronic processing, photoetching and scan microscopic focusing or imaging system.
133. In oral English, information focus can primarily be achieved by phonological focusing device.
134. According to the special measurement requirements of the magnetic field distribution of radar electromagnetic focusing system, a automatic measurement system based on vision localization is developed.
135. The top surface of the focusing unit is a surface.
136. Leaders must foster this collaborative spirit by eliminating internal politics and parochialism and focusing on cooperation internally to be competitive externally.
137. Industrial sector, focusing on the development of electronic electrical, food processing and other eco - industrial.
138. This paper discusses the results of an investigation of the news media's irregular performances focusing on the forms, frequencies of occurrence and the underlying causes of the media anomie.
139. Even worse, by focusing only on their genital contact, they may gradually desensitize other erogenous zones.
139. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
140. Lewis was focusing on the problem of the average American citizen caught.
141. Through a sample of linguistic case studies focusing on Haitian Creole morphosyntax, we will explore Creolization from a cognitive, historical and comparative perspective.
142. Auto focusing technology is widely used in all kinds of optical apparatus.
143. This beam-line consists of chopper, pre-focusing mirror, monochromator , post focusing mirror, vacuum system, software and electronics system.
144. Focusing on lucubration of medical society, mutually developing with various medical organizations!
145. Focusing with perfect discipline on the polestar yields insight about their movements.
146. A new ultrasonic imaging method, feature scan (F-scan) imaging, was introduced including its inspecting principle, scanning system design and focusing transducer manufacture and so on.
147. In this article, I demonstrate different methods to move or copy data at a filesystem and logical volume level focusing on the following AIX utilities: cplv, tar, and cp.
148. The 4th and 5th chapter are the essential of the thesis, focusing on the both space factor and space combination model.
149. After graduating from high school, the future filmmaker attended a technical school focusing on graphic design, but his true interest was photography.
150. The invention discloses a kind of vibration mirror type laser scanning system, which includes a laser, a focusing model, an X shaft scanning head and a Y shaft scanning head.
151. Focusing on music is fine and I wholeheartedly suggest that you try doing that.
152. A kind of focusing structure for a space remote sensor was designed, which combined a harmonic drive, a screw, and a line guide rail to compensate the shortcomings of traditional focusing structures.
153. The changes of focusing structure parameters caused by the DC-clearing electric field of storage ring were researched.
154. The specter of dying has a way of focusing your attention in a big hurry.
155. Financial minister Yanchuan Zhengshilang proposed a tax cut plan over 1 trillion, mainly focusing on decreasing capital expense of enterprises to stimulate economic recovery .
156. Input-output Analysis is the mathematical and economic analysis method focusing on the relationship(among) different elements of economic system.
157. According to DARPA press materials(), the agency is focusing on creating cutting-edge biometric identification products that can identify an individual user through their individual typing style.
158. Focusing on the future instead of the present can cripple any activity.
159. In the present study, an aberration theory for both wide and narrow electron beams in a combined electromagnetic focusing spherical cathode lens system is discussed.
160. Perhaps worrying aloud about global trade has its uses, focusing enough attention on the dangers of protectionism to become a self-denying prophecy.
161. Those who have attained self-mastery can be seen and contacted through focusing the light in the head.
162. It is developing an increasingly sophisticated set of policies around population control, focusing not just on the total number of citizens but also issues such as age distribution.
163. The directional strengthen regulating radiotherapeutic apparatus includes shielding and protecting assembly, focusing units, strengthen regulating board and driving mechanism.
164. Focusing on the problem such as slow scanning speed, complex system design and low light efficiency, a simple method to obtaining optical sectioning in multiple-beam confocal measurement was proposed.
165. An automatic focusing control system for acquisition of CCD image is introduced.
166. While looking through the viewfinder, focus by turning the focusing ring.
167. Through serial communication port, PC machine can make the infrared imaging systems to achieve non-uniformity correction, bad point correction, switching field of view, focusing and other operations.
168. Then, the basic idea, focusing steps, thinking processes, throughput accounting, and generic solutions of TOC were analyzed, and the critical chain project management in particular.
169. It is demonstrated, focusing on the features of ship products, in terms of theory and practice, that the MTBF assurance test is practical in technique and acceptable in risk to the consumer.
170. In order to improve the precision of an image measurement system, an automatic focusing method based on fuzzy control and image processing is proposed.
171. Using this focusing system, the laser microbeam instrument has got the focal spot size of less than 0.
172. Her son Fathiy, 4, attended an English play group and was enrolled in a kindergarten focusing on English; Ms.
173. Nocturne is an interactive media installation focusing on animals such as opossums, field mice and the endangered kit fox that have found successful niches within the urban and suburban landscape.
174. In the IOU designs, the astigmatic and knife-edge methods were respectively adopted as the focusing servo mechanism.
175. Initial capital of 1 billion dollars, focusing on China's investment focus.
176. In the focusing procedure, the focusing accuracy and anti - noise capability is crucial.
177. By focusing on what is whole and untainted in them, you reinforce it.
178. Since their setup, the two Chambers of Commerce have played an active role in development of Shunde's textile industry by focusing on services and brining into full play their intended roles.
179. The paper introduces a kind of design of axial magnetic field of focusing coil based on the solutions of simultaneous equations of particle dynamics in an electron linac.
180. In the condition of large or small field of view the automatic focusing can be realized in different light intensity.
181. Experiments on dynamic focusing control of the TN-LCSLM based on Fresnel zone lens are carried out. Measured focal lengths are in good agreement with the designed ones.
182. The fourth part owners on the project led to thee-government project management model, focusing on the main mode of workflow and management methods.
183. This paper gives a kind of test method, focusing on acceleration test.
184. Yean says his company is focusing on providing data and easy-to-use tools for people to take action.
185. Current studies were focusing on maximization of individual interests, cooperation between negotiation condition relaxation technique and dynamic handling of market information.
186. This paper, focusing on the dramatic irony, tries to analyze Shakespeare's tragedy Hamlet in terms of speech act theory, which has also been applied to literary works in recent years.
187. His eyes were so tired that he had difficulty focusing them.
188. The writer of this paper is focusing on the bankruptcy property system.
189. Anthony Chirico, General Manager has extensive worldwide board and operational experience with multinational companies focusing upon business development and strategic planning. Mr.
190. Self - focusing and self - defocusing intensity dependence of the index of the nonlinear medium.
191. It does, after all, keep them from focusing on the scant musical offerings of the past year a dismal period in terms of new creative genius, or even mildly original schlock.
192. Lee said he was focusing on traditions of behavior, not homosexuality.
193. Based on detecting focus error , an automatic focusing unit has been given.
194. They'll start quarrelling with and playing to each other instead of focusing.
195. So, when people finally started focusing on lilies and roses in her comics, she was hesitant.
196. Student begins presentation on Welles, focusing on a philosophy of pessimism.
197. For the practical use, this paper particularly discusses the mobile communication used microwave-integrate diplexer, focusing on" its principle, design and its measurement."
198. It'seemed to me that we would be better off focusing on a partial settlement.
199. Now, focus transducers have three kinds of types: Focus transducer, acoustic lens,( ) phased array focusing system.
200. At present, internal studies on A. flavus are focusing on improving aflatoxins determine method. There are few reports about control of A. flavus.
201. Don't expect your partner to be a mind reader, start focusing on communication: Give him feedback, tell him what turns you on and how you like to be touched.
202. Matt Samia: I hate to spoil the surprise...So let me just say that in this Intro, we're focusing on pulling the viewers in and giving them a close-up look at the world they're about to enter.
203. We reviewed the structure and expression of CD40 and its ligand, focusing on the function of CD40-CD40L in regulating immune responses of thyroid associated ophthalmopathy .
204. The idea of founding Global Goods Partners (GGP) came to us after years of working as development professionals, focusing on issues from child labor to disaster relief.
205. The Group is mainly focusing on international trade and labor cooperation, overseas project operation and consultation on investing and financing.
206. Nonideal focusing caused by some mechanical factors will affect measuring accuracy of a laser granulometer and thus a corresponding mathematical model for scattering light intensity is established.
207. Ultimately, businesses that operate by focusing on short-term profitability will result in long-term unprofitability .
208. The paper analyzes the principle of components of magneto optical disk driver focusing and tracking servo system, then designs and realizes a DSP based digital servo control system.
209. Focusing on the function words, it recognizes all of the phrases which contain some function word, and analyzes the relationship of the phrases, to form the syntactic tree.
210. I have not found the slow focusing speed of the Canon 180 macro to be hindering.
211. Fundamentalists condemned Seymour for focusing on the Spirit rather than the Letter.
212. With digital imaging technology, the measurement instrument completes automatic focusing and locates the Crosshair by non-contact measurement.
213. The Martian Chronicles. Ray Bradbury. A collection of short stories focusing on humanity's encounters with the Red Planet and its eerie inhabitants.
214. The timing of the Springfield event coincides with hearings in Washington focusing on what some consider to be the radicalization of some members of the Muslim-American community.
215. By epiphany he means'the most delicate and evanescent of such memorable focusing moments.'.
216. The pulse spectrum broadening and dispersion compensation compression phenomenon when focusing the laser pulse into bulk media are experimentally investigated.
217. By focusing specifically on a body of advanced accounting and financial knowledge, the program will now consist of two exam parts rather than four.
218. The light beam surfacing system was developed which consisted of light beam generator, optical focusing system, powder-feed apparatus and work table.
219. Union officials say they are focusing on global companies, but Chinese companies make up the bulk of the manufacturing work force and they are also expected to face audits and pressure to unionize.
220. The US federal government established National Flood Insurance Plan (NFIP) in as early as 1968 followed by some more state programs focusing on the specific catastrophes in their own states.
221. For PCWs with different degrees of concaveness, the power reaches about 80% at different focusing points when the morphology of the concave surface is optimized.
222. In consideration of system and customers, leading the industry to have the thinking mode of focusing on final product system, while not the individual product.
223. Focusing on the possibility of exploring the saturated unitary fatty alcohol as a thermal energy storage phase change material(PCM), 1 octadecanol was investigated by the calorimetry.




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