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单词 some
释义  some1 /səm; strong sʌm/ ●●● S1 W1 determiner  1  a number of people or things, or an amount of something, when the exact number or amount is not stated 一些,若干 I need some apples for this recipe. 做这道菜我需要一些苹果。 My mother has inherited some land. 我母亲继承了一些土地。 They’re looking for someone with some experience. 他们在找有些经验的人。 The doctor gave her some medicine for her cough. 医生给她配了一些咳嗽药。2  a number of people or things or an amount of something, but not all 有些,一部分 Some people believe in life after death. 有些人相信死后还有来生。 She’s been so depressed that some days she can’t get out of bed. 她非常抑郁,有几天她都起不了床。3  formal a fairly large number of people or things or a fairly large amount of something 相当多(的),不少(的) It was some time before they managed to turn the alarm off. 过了很久他们总算关掉了警报器。 The donation went some way toward paying for the damage. 这笔捐款很大一部分用于补偿损失。4  SOME/A FEWused to mean a person or thing, when you do not know or say exactly which 某个,某种〔用于表示不知道确切是哪个人或物〕 There must be some reason for her behaviour. 她的行为一定是有什么原因的。 Can you give me some idea of the cost? 你能告诉我大概是多少费用吗?some kind/type/form/sort of something We can hopefully reach some kind of agreement. 我们有望达成某种协议。5  informal used when you are talking about a person or thing that you do not know, remember, or understand, or when you think it does not matter 某个,有个 〔用于谈到不认识、不记得或不明白的人或事物,或用于表示是谁、是什么无所谓〕 Some guy called for you while you were gone. 你走了以后有个人打电话找你。some something or other/another Just give him some excuse or other. 随便给他个理由吧。6  GOOD/EXCELLENTused to say that something was very good or very impressive 出色的,了不起的 That was some party last night! 昨晚的聚会真是棒极了!7  some friend you are/some help she was etc spokenANNOY used, especially when you are annoyed, to mean someone or something has disappointed you by not behaving in the way you think they should 你也算朋友/她有什么帮助等〔说某人或某事让你失望的气话〕 You won’t lend me the money? Some friend you are! 你不肯借钱给我?你真够朋友的!n THESAURUSsome a number of people or things or an amount of something, but not a large number or amountThere were some children playing in the street.‘Have we got any biscuits?’ ‘Yes, I’ve just bought some.’a few a small number of people, things etc. A few is used when there is a smaller number than some‘Are there any chocolates left?’ ‘Only a few.’I’m going out with a few of my friends.a couple of informal two or a very small numberCan I ask you a couple of questions?I’ll just have a couple of drinks.a little a small amount of somethingI speak a little Spanish.He just wants a little sugar.a certain amount of a fairly large amount – use this to talk about people’s feelings, abilities etcIt’s a job that requires a certain amount of skill.Examples from the Corpussome• There's some butter in the fridge.• In some cases, the damage could not even be repaired.• It's a good idea to take some cash with you.• Of course you'll make some new friends in college.• I've only spent some of the money.• They've already gotten some offers to buy their house.• Some students only come here because they want to have fun, not because they want to learn.• The talks have been continuing for some time.• Some trees lose their leaves in the autumn.some way• Sometimes the price advantage lies with fresh, unmodified food and sometimes with food processed in some way.• Hunt's Free is richer and more ambitious than 1959 in some ways, and less successful in others.• While workers suffer, trade and technology are working, in some ways, as they should.• In some ways he had been both my model and my mentor.• The days of virtual 3-D chess are some way off yet.• The objectives were laudable and in some ways romantic.• He felt himself growing excited and tried to think of some way to dismiss Halsey.• He still has some way to go to earn a place in the golfing record books.some2 /sʌm/ ●●● S1 W1 pronoun  1  SOME/A FEWa number of people or things or an amount of something, when the exact number or amount is not stated 一些,若干 I’ve just made a pot of coffee. Would you like some? 我刚煮了一壶咖啡,你想喝点吗? ‘Do you know where the screws are?’ ‘There are some in the garage.’ “你知道螺丝钉在哪儿吗?”“车库里有一些。”2  a number of people or things or an amount of something, but not all 有些,一部分 Many local businesses are having difficulties, and some have even gone bankrupt. 许多当地的企业陷入困境,有些甚至破产了。 Some say it was an accident, but I don’t believe it. 有些人说那是一个意外,但我不相信。 Many of the exhibits were damaged in the fire, and some were totally destroyed. 许多展品在那场大火中遭到损坏,一部分则被完全焚毁了。some of Some of his jokes were very rude. 他的有些玩笑非常粗鲁。 Can I have some of your cake? 我可以吃一点你的蛋糕吗?3  and then some spoken informalMORE THAN A NUMBER OR AMOUNT used to say that the actual amount is probably a lot more than what someone has just said 更多,还不止这么多 ‘They say he earns $2.5 million a season.’ ‘And then some.’ “他们说他一季要赚 250 万美金。”“还不止呢。”Examples from the Corpussome• It's true that some have suggested that the mayor resign.• We're out of milk. Could you bring some home from the store?• "Do you have any tape?" "Yeah, there's some in my desk drawer."• We've ordered more blue shirts, though we still have some in stock.some of• Some of us had to leave the meeting early.• Can I have some of your cake?some3 /səm; strong sʌm/ ●●● S1 W1 adverb  1  some more MORE/EXTRAan additional number or amount of something 再多些,更多点 Would you like some more cake? 你要再来点蛋糕吗?2  American EnglishLITTLE/NOT MUCHQUITE/FAIRLY spoken a little 一点,一些 ‘Are you feeling better today?’ ‘Some, I guess.’ “你今天感觉好点了吗?” “我觉得是稍好些了。”3  some 500 people/50%/£100 etc APPROXIMATELYan expression meaning about 500 people, 50%, £100 etc – used especially when this seems a large number or amount 大约 500 人/50%/100 英镑等〔尤用于表示数量大〕 She gained some 25 pounds in weight during pregnancy. 她在怀孕期间体重差不多增加了 25 磅。4  some little/few something QUITE/FAIRLY literary a fairly large number or amount of something 相当多 We travelled some little way before noticing that Bradley wasn’t with us. 我们走了相当一段路才发现布拉德利没跟我们在一起。Examples from the Corpussome• Statistically, some 100,000 Guardian readers will be problem drinkers.• Among the 11 factory sites across Europe, some 2,600 jobs are to be eliminated this year.• He lectured at the Institut Pasteur for some 50 years.• We could work some and then rest a while.-some /səm/ suffix 1  [in adjectives] tending to behave in a particular way, or having a particular quality 易于…的;引起[产生]…的 a troublesome boy (=who causes trouble) 烦人的男孩 a bothersome back injury (=that bothers you) 讨厌的背伤2  [in nouns] a group of a particular number, for example in a game 〔在体育活动等中〕…人一组 a golf foursome (=four people playing golf together) 高尔夫四人赛Examples from the Corpus-some• a loving twosomeOrigin -some 1. Old English -sum2. some some1 Old English sumsome1 determiner →n THESAURUS1some2 pronounsome3 adverb-some suffixLDOCE OnlineChinese  or amount number an of people a things, or Corpus




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