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单词 Adjusted
1. He adjusted himself to new conditions.
2. My eyes haven't adjusted to the dark yet.
3. The brakes need to be adjusted.
4. She carefully adjusted her clothes and her hair before going out.
5. He adjusted the microphone stand.
6. This old racket needs its string tension adjusted.
7. I adjusted to my husband's many idiosyncrasies.
8. We adjusted our watch to local time.
9. He raised his binoculars and adjusted the focus.
10. This estimate may have to be adjusted downwards.
11. I adjusted the volume knob and sat down.
12. The man adjusted very precisely.
13. We stood in the doorway until our eyes adjusted.
14. The straps can be adjusted to suit the wearer.
15. Her eyes slowly adjusted to the dark.
16. He smoothed his hair and adjusted his tie.
17. Salaries are adjusted for inflation.
18. A crew of assistants oiled and adjusted the release mechanism until it worked perfectly.
18. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
19. Although total unemployment has decreased, the seasonally adjusted figure has risen slightly.
20. These desks and seats can be adjusted to the height of any child.
21. The figure should be half adjusted to the whole number.
22. My hat was askew so I adjusted it in the mirror.
23. The seasonally adjusted unemployment figures show a rise of twelve-hundred.
24. She adjusted the angle of the legs to make the table stand more firmly.
25. I felt I had adjusted to the idea of being a mother very well.
26. She adjusted her skirt, took a deep breath and walked into the room.
27. The valve can be adjusted from fully open to fully closed.
28. It is important to have equipment that can be finely adjusted.
29. The windmill's sails are wooden vanes whose angle can be adjusted from inside the mill.
30. If your employment status changes, your tax code will be adjusted accordingly.
1. He adjusted himself to new conditions.
2. My eyes haven't adjusted to the dark yet.
3. The brakes need to be adjusted.
4. It is important to have equipment that can be finely adjusted.
5. I adjusted to my husband's many idiosyncrasies.
6. The man adjusted very precisely.
7. These desks and seats can be adjusted to the height of any child.
8. The high school adjusted its teaching approach and cancelled its departmental system.
31. The high school adjusted its teaching approach and cancelled its departmental system.
32. Liz adjusted her mirror and then edged the car out of its parking bay.
33. He adjusted himself very quickly to the heat of the country.
34. I greased front and rear hubs and adjusted the brakes.
35. To attract investors, Panama has adjusted its tax and labour laws.
36. The seasonally adjusted total was nevertheless better than expected.
37. We adjusted our provision to take that into account.
38. All month-on-month comparisons are seasonally adjusted.
39. Gradually I adjusted to the inner schism.
40. The figures are adjusted for seasonal variations.
41. The current textual unit size is adjusted accordingly.
42. The herbalist adjusted his wide, white medical headband.
43. He paused inside, adjusted his top hat.
44. However, the column headings must now be adjusted. 6.
45. Apsley was right: you adjusted yourself to prison life.
46. The quantities can be adjusted to feed the hordes.
47. She tugged at her skirt and adjusted her waistband.
48. The clock's action needs to be adjusted.
48. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
49. The number is not seasonally adjusted.
50. Henderson, meantime, has adjusted well to the National League.
51. She adjusted her glasses and peered at the man.
52. I lounged in the truck and listened to the radio, which could be adjusted so you got police calls.
53. Gingerly, Nate dropped into the rubber craft, adjusted his oars, and set out for shore.
54. Main outcome measure - Crude perinatal mortality rates and rates adjusted for case mix.
55. Both the level of available resources and their deployment are constantly adjusted as necessary to counter the foreseeable threat.
56. The constant should be adjusted to reflect fairly the nature of the actual work involved.
57. Before calculation of the explained variance, both simulated and observed temperatures have been adjusted to have the same 1861-1900 mean.
58. I adjusted the sail at forty-five degrees to the east wind, and walked south.
59. Age adjusted rates were calculated by direct standardisation with the total sample as the standard.
60. Social Security benefits are adjusted to account for inflation and are guaranteed for life.
61. She shifted her position and adjusted the fine wool of her skirt over her bony knees.
62. Based on non-seasonally adjusted data, retail sales value in current prices in October was 6 percent higher than in October 1990.
63. These dividends have provided most of the return on shares, if capital values are adjusted for inflation.
64. Proportional hazards analysis was used to estimate relative risks adjusted for several covariates.
65. The amount of any of these ingredients can be adjusted according to your taste.
66. He tested the water with his hand, adjusted it, and climbed in.
67. As is the norm with most modern acoustics, the truss rod is again adjusted from inside the soundhole.
68. Conclusion - Perinatal mortality rates should be adjusted for case mix and referral patterns to get a meaningful result.
69. In the preschool program scales must be properly calibrated, and calipers must be properly adjusted. 4.
70. We also made it clear that both dose and frequency should be adjusted as dictated by serum concentrations.
71. If you want to add or remove words from documents the text is adjusted automatically. 3.
72. Here everything that goes into making a roll of film is monitored, recorded and automatically adjusted.
73. Mr. Howard United Kingdom seasonally adjusted unemployment rose by 703,700 in the year to December 1991.
74. Allen said, up from 19 cents a year earlier, adjusted for a 5-for-4 stock split.
75. The seasonally adjusted figure, regarded as the best long-term guide, rose by a lower-than-expected 22,100 in January to 2,995,100.
76. The Seasiders still hadn't adjusted as Linfield surged ahead 49 seconds into the second-half.
77. The original base figure which is adjusted annually may bear no relation to the true needs of the department.
78. I slipped my long hair inside the wig, adjusted it, then put on a pair of large sunglasses.
78. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
79. From his jacket pocket he took a small vanity mirror and adjusted his hair.
80. However, the field will again be widened and seating capacity adjusted to 54, 000 for the championship match.
81. The flows of life energy in the body along the meridians are thus adjusted and balanced at certain very carefully chosen spots.
82. We evaluated children's lung function and respiratory symptoms in relation to both length of gestation and the birth weight adjusted for gestational age.
83. A padded, correctly adjusted saddle, rest breaks and frequent changes in position may help.
84. Now 35 and living in Leucadia, Morgan has adjusted to life after the accident.
85. The presentation of comparative figures has been adjusted to reflect the new standard.
86. These attribute values will need to be adjusted following the event.
87. She adjusted the mirror to avoid being blinded by the glare.
88. In some HMOs, payments to individual physicians are adjusted depending on their costs that month.
89. Scores are routinely adjusted for personality, wardrobe and, above all, reputation.
90. As his eyes adjusted to the dimness he began to feel dominated by the blank stares of the plaster martyrs.
91. I don't think the color control on this TV is properly adjusted.
92. After the initial shock, people adjusted to the new circumstances.
93. A drip to be adjusted here, a vein to be found there, the floor to be constantly scrubbed.
94. Gaal adjusted them, and watched the film unroll before his eyes.
95. Later I removed the back wheel, refitted it, adjusted the chain tension and replaced a headlight bulb.
96. One is to provide that the rent shall be calculated as if the index had not been adjusted.
97. Even serial killers get cost-of-living raises if they happen to have a pension adjusted for inflation.
98. At chains such as Hair Club for Men, rugs are glommed on to existing hair and must be adjusted every few weeks.
99. Technically, Gingrich is correct that the numbers go up if not adjusted for inflation.
100. Even though my eyes are adjusted to the dark, I can still see very little.
101. Mystified I adjusted my position so I could see, and dabbled an experimental finger or two in the tank.
102. As a final step the agreements were adjusted to local conditions via negotiations between managements and the workplace union organisations.
103. In use the banding clamp is adjusted before gluing to a diameter slightly larger than that of the assembled segments.
104. Such control requires that the oxygen concentration in the blood be accurately measured, and that breathing rate be adjusted accordingly.
105. The U.S. has always adjusted to each new wave of immigrants.
106. Under these circumstances, the chain may cause bruising, and can even result in damage to the nerves unless adjusted.
107. The money paid as interim compensation would be adjusted against any final settlement.
108. My eyes adjusted, and things became edges, corners, bits and pieces of what they were.
108. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
109. Limitation on liability is placed at £800 per tonne which should be monitored and adjusted in the case of higher value consignments.
110. I purchased a dedicated Pentax flashgun with an adjustable flash head which could be adjusted to point straight ahead or angled upwards.
111. She stared into the darkness until eventually her eyes adjusted and she could see every object in the unfamiliar room.
112. A total of 29 loads has produced an adjusted weight of 600t.
113. Elsewhere in the world, the fee will be adjusted for living standards.
114. For simpler work, the depth is adjusted merely by setting the cam lever.
115. Hart soon adjusted to the style and demands of an academic press.
116. If renal failure persists, the dosage must be adjusted accordingly.
117. Total energy content should be adjusted to obtain weight loss in obese subjects.
118. After five years, her body adjusted to its shortened intestines, and she regained all the weight.
119. It was a long, tense moment as they adjusted the ropes and wrestled with the banner in their precarious position.
120. The indicator is a scaled pixel count adjusted according to the similar count obtained on viewing a reference card of known area.
121. Some analysts speculated that this factor could add around 75, 000 jobs to the seasonally adjusted figure the department reports tomorrow.
122. The steering wheel can be adjusted in both horizontal and vertical planes.
123. Some people say that once the car is adjusted I should alternate between leaded and unleaded petrol?
124. The official exchange rate, was henceforth to be adjusted weekly in line with the prevailing market rate.
125. The system uses well and log data to provide on-the-spot reservoir analysis, enabling drilling to be adjusted to maximise well productivity.
126. Perhaps the adjusted format for the Atlanta Games will give this sport the respect it probably deserves.
127. Indexed to cost-of-living figures, the bonds' returns are adjusted twice a year.
128. If adjusted gross income is high enough, large amounts of business expense deductions will be lost under this 2 percent formula.
129. Many farmers have adjusted to changing economic and social fortunes by taking a second job rather than leave their farms altogether.
130. This estimate falls near the center of the range of adjusted estimates reported in Table 5.
131. By far the greatest effect on the crude mortality rates was when mortality rates due to immaturity were adjusted for low birth rate.
132. SHe had been impressed with how Tammuz had adjusted the machine to behave just like a real counter-girl.
133. The gain in the seasonally adjusted measure was across all areas.
134. She adjusted the scarf to cover the bruises forming on her neck.
135. These pointed fingers were adjusted to be my guide and, apart from the very ends of each cut, were quite reliable.
136. Seat belts are effective only if they are correctly adjusted.
137. He went quietly into Chrissy's room, stopping inside the door for a minute until his eyes adjusted to the dimness.
138. He shaded his eyes and blinked for a few seconds until he had adjusted to the change.http://
139. What was the going rate, his professional self asked, and was it adjusted to a sliding scale?
140. Mr. Howard On the seasonally adjusted basis there were 2,546,000 unemployed claimants in December 1991.
141. In the end these separate plans are cobbled together by a central planning department and adjusted to make them compatible.
142. Last December the Federal Reserve adjusted its reserve requirements on time deposits to encourage banks to lend more.
143. Comparison of age adjusted and fully adjusted rate ratios, however, were based only on subjects with no missing data.
144. Adjusted rate ratios and their 95% confidence intervals were calculated for men and women separately by this method.
145. They tell us about how they gradually adjusted as they became more deeply involved in the classroom and extracurricular experiences.
146. All figures are preliminary and are adjusted for seasonal variation.
147. The number of strands in each rope would then be adjusted until there was an equal chance of failure.
148. Both scan width and scan rate can be adjusted over the full frequency range.
149. She adjusted the loose threads in one hand and held the distaff in the other.
150. Carefully, Kirov adjusted his position, his eyes focused on that cracked sink-edge.
151. Cuffs and hem are adjusted by flaps and poppers, using the natural spring of the fleece.
152. The bowler adjusted his line and dropped the next one on leg stump, on the half-volley.
153. Across the North-East as a whole the seasonally adjusted figure rose by 1,500 on last month.
154. Drago applied his fingers to some of the strings and adjusted a turnkey on the end of one of the tusks.
155. Finally, I have adjusted the numbers to correspond to 1978 prices and incomes.
156. Their attributions go hand in hand with, and must be adjusted to, our attributions of meaning to utterances.
157. The unemployment rate, not seasonally adjusted, dropped from 3.9 to 3.6 percent.
158. With this criterion Euripides adjusted all the elements of the drama: language, characters, structure and choral music.
159. It remained a significant predictor when adjusted for clinical, demographic, Holter data and ejection fraction.
160. The costs, which were not adjusted for inflation, outstripped median household incomes over the same period by 152 percentage points.
161. The rotation of the colour changer can be adjusted to give slow or rapid colour change.
162. Alternatively(), the prices could be adjusted somehow so that they met total costs.
163. Before starting off you should check that your seat and mirrors are properly adjusted.
164. I had killed the lights and my night vision was well adjusted when he arrived.
165. We crowded round the table, straining our ears for the magic sounds, while Robert adjusted the cat's whisker.
166. Their associations and less formal networks are adjusted to centralisation because that is what they have grown up with.
167. At first I thought this peculiar, then I adjusted to the notion, then I joined her crusade.
168. A little yacht stove gave out a temperate glow, its draught adjusted to produce exactly the right warmth.Sentence dictionary
169. So the interest rate should also be adjusted for inflation.
170. In other words, cash limits were not expected to be adjusted during the subsequent year to take account of inflation.
171. The aim is for the rates to be adjusted so that, overall, the employer's national insurance contribution does not rise.
172. The adjusted figures are shown in the second column of Table 6.
173. As Annie adjusted the nappies under the wriggling body, she glossed back over the previous week.
174. The 247,400 million peso budget involved increasing spending by 17.9 percent over the adjusted 1990 budget of 209,800 million pesos.
175. In any event, they are adjusted one way or the other at the next meter reading.
176. The emission charge may have to be continually adjusted until the air quality which society deems acceptable has been achieved.
177. The cheese slicer can be adjusted to cut slices of different thicknesses.
178. I adjusted my tie and buttoned up the coat which, a little while later, I would be unbuttoning.
179. If your car is suitable, or has been adjusted to unleaded, you will notice no significant reduction in performance.
180. Gross supply data 50 have been adjusted to reflect only supplies that are economically and technically recoverable.
181. When connected and adjusted, an air pump needs very little attention.
182. Eloise opened the glass case and adjusted the minute hand until both golden hands were on the twelve numeral.
183. Stafford strode to the podium, adjusted the height of the microphone and commenced his talk.
184. Building codes have been adjusted, and the public has been educated about what to do when an earthquake strikes.
185. The scale on which it registers experience can be adjusted upwards or downwards.
186. Unadjusted and adjusted hazard ratio and 95% confidence intervals were calculated.
187. They looked empty and forlorn as if they had not yet adjusted themselves to their premature change of life.
188. ""You don't have to come,'' Lewis said, as he adjusted his tie in a mirror.
189. What problems do they present for the Sinclair and Coulthard coding system and how could it be adjusted to cope with them?
190. The full deduction would be available for couples filing jointly with adjusted gross incomes of up to $ 100, 000.
191. Turnover, cost of materials sold, net revenues and administrative expenses have been adjusted accordingly.
192. The nomenclature of science does not refer to definitive concepts: It is ceaselessly adjusted, completed, varied.
193. In the movie, Reynolds plays a widow sublimely adjusted to retired life in San Francisco.
194. An ambitious agenda was agreed on, and the official calendars of 12 heads of state were duly adjusted.
195. As my eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness I could finally make out the bats.
196. They argue that democratic theory needs to be adjusted to the realities of governing Britain in the twentieth century.
197. A boundary extension would require new electoral boundaries and these could not easily be adjusted soas to retain Unionist minority control.
198. Gross state product, adjusted for inflation, grew 4 %,[] the best performance since 1988 and well above most forecasts.
199. She adjusted the hat as best she could and left the cottage.
200. The previous half-year figures have been adjusted for this change in presentation.
201. The Watergate investigation received an initial authorization of $ 1. 8 million, adjusted for inflation.
202. The proportion of discounted seats was adjusted accordingly, down to each flight segment.
203. This caution cannot be overstated: if the belts are incorrectly adjusted they are useless.
204. The average weekly and monthly figures will be based on the adjusted total.
205. The room remained quiet as he settled into his chair, adjusted his robes and pulled the microphone close.
206. In the long term, seven to 10 years, most effects would be offset as the rural economy adjusted.
207. The room was totally dark, not even the starlight showing while my eyes adjusted.
208. Engine capacity is often constant through a family of motors, with power output adjusted by fuelling, turbocharging, etc.
209. Given sufficient time with other things remaining unchanged, prices and wages would eventually be adjusted and full employment may be restored.
210. It may not be adjusted or working correctly or as it is operated by water temperature, it may be air locked.
211. They are finely, not to say nEurotically adjusted.
212. They have very sensibly adjusted their diet.
213. Adjusted earnings per share reached 51 cents.
214. She adjusted her coloured head scarf fussily.
215. BMR adjusted for FFM was still significantly higher in the obese children.
216. Adjusted gross income: A subtotal in an individual's tax return computed by deducting from gross income any business-related expenses and other deductions ...
217. Radiocarbon of soil organic matter (SOM)in Dinghushan subtropic forest has been adjusted by the "bomb-effect".
218. Methods Disability adjusted life years ( DALY ) is used as the indicator.
219. Feature - Basic - storage capacity has been adjusted. It is 1500 ( units ) for all types of resources now.
220. The power of Smart Li - ion Battery Pack could be adjusted in 5 class and temperature automatically.
221. General Average shall be adjusted at any port or place at the Carrier's option according to the York-Antwerp Rules 1974, as amended in 1990, and any other amendments thereto.
222. Compared with traditional arc stud welding gun, the above mentioned parameters can be adjusted independently, and the sending depth is allowed to vary within a wider range.
223. It adjusted to this quality, individual revision algorithm new is developed, optimum hand being off-center revision is actualized .
224. The device can be adjusted continuously in an audio inter break oscillation range, and a signal is sent out by a loudspeaker through being magnified by a semiconductor triode.
225. Besides, a decision tree classifier(CART) is used to eliminate the unnecessary variables, and reduces the number of parameters to be adjusted.
226. A series of holes in the side panels enables the position of the shelves to be adjusted.
227. The unemployment rate for men, 11.4%, based on seasonally adjusted data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, outpaces the rate for women, 8.8%.
228. Risk tolerance is not set in stone,[http:///adjusted.html] should be adjusted according to changing circumstances.
229. According to the characteristics of copper sulphide ore, the mineral processing flow-sheet and new reagent system were investigated and adjusted.
230. The pressure of tenderizer is by air cylinder it can be adjusted regulator, it is steadily.
231. Analyst Mark Hake of Hake Investment Research expects the company to post 2010 adjusted earnings of $2.58 per share, up from $1.67 in 2009, the newspaper said.
232. I adjusted my code time-out to 15 minutes and was able, in two tests, to swipe my phone without entering the code.
233. The central frequency of the filter is adjusted by changing the voltage applied on the Wheatstone bridge, which can change the average temperature and axial strain of the bridge.
234. The baseline vectors are solved with software GAMIT and the space coordinates determined with 3-D adjustment model. Horizontal coordinates are adjusted under different conditions.
235. We have adjusted our price and given you a special discount of 3 percent.
236. With covariance matching technique and innovation information of filtering, the noise variance is dynamically adjusted and the mean square error of the fusion system always keeps minimum.
237. Since assertiveness training arose in the US, the principles trainers try to instill would need to be adjusted for a non-Western culture.
238. The unadjusted trial balance must be adjusted to in corporate the effects of all of the adjusting entries.
239. Adjusted for Microsoft's cash hoard, the two estimate they bought shares for seven times Microsoft's operating earnings.
240. By computer controlling the displacement and speed of MPF can be adjusted figuration rapidly.
241. Methods The trend values were calculated and the monthly indexes were adjusted with moving average method of season prediction method, and then the model was applied.
242. There is numeric display of washed glass thickness, thus it can be precisely adjusted and observed.
243. The company said today that first-half adjusted profit before tax dropped 6.1 percent to 385.5 million pounds from 410.5 million pounds a year earlier.
244. Adaptive digital filters with variable step-size may become unstable when their weights are automatically adjusted with input signal and noise.
245. The pump delivered the blood from left atrium to aorta with a bypass flow adjusted to about 50% of the total flow.
246. The instrument can confect continuously the multiple gas concentration and can be adjusted continuously.
247. However, all valves may be adjusted below the working range minimums shown for lower regulation or complete shut off.
248. After horizontal pendulum tiltmeter is fast and precisely adjusted by using this method given in this paper, tiltmeter operates in best position.
249. Diamond First Class price of 250% of full economy fare, first class adjusted price of economy class full price of 230% or 200%.
250. In the study, the scientists adjusted the normal cycle of light and dark that the pregnant mice were accustomed to for half of the mice, subjecting them to a mild level of stress.
251. The place oppressed Aubrey even before his eyes adjusted to the dark.
252. Father of Exam Taker, said, "Nowadays, everything seems to have been adjusted to make way for the exam takers, including those from the traffic control center and the medical staff."
253. Air fuel ratio was adjusted by step motor, and there is no noise.
254. According to the analyzing results, the measuring scheme is adjusted locally to eliminate the temperature effect.
255. She adjusted the dial until the sound - of a big band came on and left it there.
256. Note:The structure of agricutural gross output Value of 2007 in this table are adjusted according to Secondary Agricultural Census Data.
257. He adjusted each chesspiece so that it stood dead centre in its square.
258. The physical load can be adjusted by the adjustable resistance part.
259. In addition,[sentencedict .com] MCUD algorithm adjusted the sub-deadline of successive tasks dynamically during the scheduling process.
260. The EB scanning track, scanning frequency and energy density distribution at heating zone could be programmed off-line and adjusted on-line.
261. The Initial Price was adjusted pursuant to corporate action(s) of the relevant company.
262. After the adjustments are journalized and posted, a useful step in preparing the financial statements is to list the accounts, along with their adjusted balances, on an adjusted trial balance.
263. A best teaching sequence can be generated by topological sorting to directed graph with weight and be adjusted in time according to the student's learning circumstances.
264. It was a few moments before his eyes became adjusted to the bright glare of the sun.
265. When the liquid level went beyond the set fluctuation range or the variable liquid level exceeded the set point, it was adjusted to ensure the stable load of the downstream unit.
266. And cost - minimizing corruption share delivered if the parameters of policy are measurably adjusted.
267. Through the technology of Phase Change in large day-and-night temperature difference area as well as of cooling storage with night ventilation, indoor temperature can be adjusted.
268. Presenting the quarterly change in GDP at a seasonally adjusted annual rate is already the basis for official figures in most other countries, including the U.
269. Note:The growth rate of investment in the form is calculated according to the adjusted data in 2004.
270. It lists and analyzes the operating principle and application of the single diode, double diode and single GaAs FET linearer and finds that they are all inconvenient to be adjusted.
271. The ship adjusted herself to the roll and rhythm of the sea.
272. MRF damper oriented semi active suspension of tracked vehicle, whose damping force can be controlled and adjusted following the environment, can relieve the vehicle's vibration effectively.
273. You can't see through the telescope until it is adjusted to your eyes.
274. The aggro range for players when under the effect of "Incite Chaos" while fighting Blackheart the Inciter in the Shadow Labrynth has been adjusted.
275. Based on it, the transformer with interleaving structures is put forward with the proper number of the rectifying tube selected and driving resistance reasonably adjusted.
276. Constant torque with screw head, the pressure can be easily adjusted. Compact structure, reasonable, and to facilitate linkage with other equipment into line.
277. The trimmer is strong, easy to be installed and adjusted. It is good cuttingspecification of thread.
278. The feeding speed can be adjusted for the different material, thus achieving the most ideal capacity and quality.
279. To calculate the burden of AUD in Liaoning province using DALY ( Disability - Adjusted Life Years ).
279. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
280. As I watched him he adjusted himself a little , visibly.
281. By designing and developing the mainframe and aluminum bar clamp, the clamping leaf spring can be adjusted to suit the different selection of the material or the transformation of angle.




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