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单词 Safari park
1. Longleat House and safari park is only 9 miles away.
2. We went up to the safari park, to Evesham for fruit picking, to Redditch for shopping.
3. And pachyderm turns Picassoat a safari park in Britain.
4. Mary: To Shenzhen Safari Park. How long will it take?
5. A safari park in Britain was celebrating the birth in captivity of one of the world's rarest breed of giraffes -- its second such success in four years.
6. And a pachyderm turns Picasso at a safari park in Britain.
7. I saw my first whale in a safari park outside London—a captive orca named Ramu—back in the early 1970s.
8. An elephant at West Midland Safari Park, UK, put its size to good use when it helped a zoo keeper start his car by giving it a shove, the Daily Telegraph reported.
9. Shall we go to the safari park? --- Yes, I'm interested in jungle life.
10. Spotted in a safari park: Elepants! Please stay in your car!
11. A safari park in central Scotland may seem an unlikely place to plumb the meaning of life and death.
12. Three baby animals at the Hangzhou Safari Park had kidney stones after drinking formula.
13. New Zealand is a big safari park which has a variety of wild animals.
14. The scenic overlooks bridge in safari park in Hefei is a reinforced concrete single-pagoda cable stayed bridge.
15. As any visitor to a safari park will tell you, it's not wise to hang around when driving through the monkey enclosure — the little thieves will strip your car bare,(sentence dictionary) given half the chance.
16. It is adjacent to the Shenzhen Safari Park, Kylin Villa, close to the Metro Line No. 5 University City exit.
17. Six hundred villas will be built in the Center Parcs development at the Wilts safari park estate following an inquiry.
18. The colony are the survivors of 60 baboons which escaped from a safari park that closed 20 years ago.
19. The scientists hope to raise £100,000 through an appeal by Windsor Safari Park.
20. The buses were offered to a leading charity to take deprived children on a trip to Woburn Safari Park.
21. Wu and his colleagues toured the mountains Monday with several wildlife preservation officials and zoologists from a nearby safari park.
22. Yaoyao and her grandparents want to go to the safari park by bus.
23. They are petitioning for her to be moved from the concrete enclosure measuring 1,000 square metres (1,200 sq yards) where she is currently housed to a safari park environment with other elephants.
24. The ten Sichuan pandas were pictured enjoying their meal during their last weekend in a Shanghai Zoo before they are transferred to a nearby Safari Park.
25. Hangzhou's citizens may be at leisure during the week -long National Day holiday, but the animals who entertain them at the city's Safari Park are in overdrive.
26. And three rare white lion cubs made their debut at a safari park in Germany.




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