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单词 Profitability
1. A product manager is responsible for product profitability.
2. The company needs to return to profitability extremely soon.
3. Profitability is down from 16% to 12.2%.
4. These costs will impact on our profitability.
5. Pilferage in the warehouse reduces profitability by about two per cent.
6. Low levels of profitability mean there is a lack of incentive to undertake new investment.
7. These cost reductions are improving our margins and profitability.
8. The test of a competitive strategy is its profitability.
9. Such intervention was needed to restore productivity and profitability.
10. Such wage increases tended to reduce profitability.
11. It is expected to reach profitability in 2003.
12. Network Solutions consistently has declined to discuss profitability.
13. Their development is thus crucial to potential profitability.
14. It can not be bargained away to improve profitability.
15. The oil price rise worsened profitability and reduced demand.
16. Quality, performance, and profitability all began to slip.
17. Although it does not add to our profitability it appears to be what consumers want.
18. They plan to increase profitability by making the factory more efficient.
19. But travel agent Lunn Poly substantially increased profitability following major expansion in recent years.
20. Our short-term aim is to deal with our current financial difficulties, but our long-term aim is to improve the company's profitability.
21. According to experts, the company took its lumps but is on the road to profitability.
22. The final proposals were a rather unsuccessful compromise between the need for profitability and the demands of local conservationists.
23. The firm is now showing signs of a return to profitability.
24. The present director has presided over a rapid decline in the firm's profitability.
25. Changes were made in operating methods in an effort to increase profitability.
26. The new chairman made the cuts necessary to return the company to profitability.
27. We have been making forward projections as to future profitability of the firm.
28. Profits, people and teamwork Higher productivity is a crucial component of our drive to improve profitability.
29. Nor does it mean that the new controllers are any less constrained by the pressures of markets and profitability than old-style entrepreneurs.
30. It is often argued that the institutions put the objective of profitability before the interests of the clients when making loans.
1. A product manager is responsible for product profitability.
2. These costs will impact on our profitability.
3. Low levels of profitability mean there is a lack of incentive to undertake new investment.
31. A highlight of this performance was the contribution of the Marquis brand to the improvement in Waterford Crystal's operational profitability.
32. The boom years of the 1980s, however, have seen private-sector profitability soar.
33. It hopes these measures will return it to profitability by the second quarter of 1993.
34. The ratings agency cited the increased business risk profile of the company, which has reduced profitability.
35. He said that Riddle's business was a sound concern with a steadily rising turnover and increasing profitability.
36. One must also be able to identify which firms offer the best prospects for increasing productivity, profitability, and expansion.
37. So governments faced strong pressure to offset the adverse effects of wage explosions on profitability by facilitating a rapid expansion of credit.
38. In most cases, the project with the highest profitability index would be selected.
39. Assets are imperfect substitutes because they possess different characteristics with respect to liquidity, marketability and profitability.
40. Each would prepare a business plan that included sales projections, budget requirements, and net profitability.
41. So the level of investment depends on expectations about future profitability.
42. Corporations involved in the escalating race to acquire media properties seek not only expanded profitability but also increasing influence.
43. Those ill thought out policies would add massively to the burden on employers and reduce profitability and employment.
44. In the 1970s, when declining profitability caused plant closures in the industrialized North, they constituted cheap labour for richer countries.
45. So reaching profitability, even if it came with an asterisk, was a major milestone.
46. Like Kimpton, Conley believes that the small tightly run hotel is often the better route to profitability.
47. On balance contestability has increased, partly explaining the decline in profitability.
48. Sticking with an employee who breaks his little toe is one thing; keeping timeservers who endanger profitability is another.
49. A less noticeable but ultimately more crucial problem was a general decline in profitability.
50. Profitability ratios are very encouraging, with both the overall level and trend of earnings looking positive.
51. Integrated business units have been established, each accountable for manufacturing, sales, technical service, profitability and cash flow.
52. Subsequently, the company agreed to independent auditing and has returned to profitability.
53. Worried men Operating margins have increased to 30% or so, putting garbage up with pharmaceuticals in terms of profitability.
54. Profitability is the major aim of banks and most other financial institutions.
55. Indeed, the investment of the premiums from their general insurance business has made significant contributions to their overall profitability.
56. The company expects a growth in profitability over a longer period.
57. Establishing or changing an existing credit policy requires analyzing the relationship of these costs to the profitability of the firm.
58. The fee basis for unsuccessful claims can often be extremely meagre as can profitability in general for a significant proportion of the work.
59. Msjor areas of emphasis include profitability, liquidity, operating efficiency, and capital structure.
60. Funeral directors are also responsible for the success and the profitability of their businesses.
61. Profitability High liquidity ratios indicate short-term financial strength but do not measure efficiency of utilization of resources.
62. Firstly, we have to realise the full potential for growth and profitability of our plastic tube technology.
63. If price cuts have to be paid to all buyers this reduces their profitability as well as increasing their detectability.
64. In this caseY the project having the highest net present value and profitability index may have the lowest internal rate of return.
65. Assumptions about the rate of payment by debtors may have a significant bearing on the expected profitability of the project.
66. The test of a competitive strategy is its profitability. Corporate strategy plans the company's cluster of firmlets.
67. The successful development of negotiating skills has proved itself as one of the most cost-effective investments in company profitability.
68. With the much lower production costs of the late 1980s, small circulation was no longer the same barrier to profitability.
69. Prospects for 1993 are very mixed and boss Robert Fitzpatrick does not expect to achieve profitability for the entire year.
70. Buses could more effectively operate them when integrated with the rest of the bus network, which would also enhance its profitability.
71. So the underlying cause of the fall in investment is the decline in profitability.
71. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
72. It will take time to restore the company to profitability.
73. Minimizing the investment in net working capital has important implications for the sales and profitability of the firm.
74. Driver-only buses have become the norm, and may have increased privatised profitability, but they've decreased traffic flow.
75. The move is needed to secure profitability which has fallen due to world-wide over capacity in uranium enrichment.
76. It is hardly surprising that real wages rose less rapidly than productivity and hence that profitability and competitiveness improved.
77. Delays not only affect the profitability of the shipping industry, but also frequently determine the success of the underlying business ventures.
78. Mr Evans said that capital spending had been cut back from original plans to offset the squeeze on profitability.
79. The result is an expensive machine: fine for the military, but always on the borderline of profitability.
80. Although the issues have now been addressed, profitability was adversely affected as a result.
81. The performance of each department or activity can thus be judged as well as the overall profitability of the product.
82. It is this which leads to low levels of profitability and to a lack of incentive to undertake new investment.
83. Nothing has been allowed to stand in the way of the sector's progress towards profitability.
84. Consider advising the client that it is in his interest to maintain profitability through any warranty period.
85. This would explain the pre-eminence of various investment banks over the years and the inability of many new entrants to gain profitability.
86. Bookbinding and library bookselling also made favourable contributions to profitability.
87. The other vital factor for banks' profitability in today's harsh climate is cost control.
88. Half-yearly results which are due to be published next week are expected to see the yard return to profitability.
89. He wants to double turnover and significantly improve profitability to more than five percent return on sales.
90. Provided the manufacturer can claw back the benefits, this will increase its profitability.
91. But in the final instance, these short-run goals are pursued with a green glinted eye focused on long-run profitability.
92. And where once union leaders talked of struggle and solidarity, now they speak of profitability and competitiveness.
93. Their measures of success are not ideological purity but profitability within their chosen sectors.
94. This innovation has been widely adopted, and has helped intermediaries to rebuild profitability.
95. The crucial determinants there are profitability, cash flow and capital base.
96. Governments could have offset declining profitability by cutting taxes on profits or by increasing the generosity of tax allowances given for investment.
97. Company executives grumble that analysts are obsessed with short-term performance at the expense of long-term growth and profitability.
98. Like all other endeavors so far attempted in space, the limiting factor on profitability of space resource use is transportation cost.
99. How key is the vendor to maintaining the profitability of the business?
100. That lessens the chance of profitability and alarms the banks that have insisted on these sales.
101. However, the problem facing financial services providers is that profitability depends on persuading more investors to go online.
101. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
102. Payment will only be resumed once the group returns to greater profitability and cuts its bank borrowing significantly.
103. Laura Ashley, on the brink of collapse two years ago, confidently predicted a return to profitability and outlined expansion plans.
104. The balance of items in this range is influenced by two important considerations: profitability and liquidity.
105. That consulting group came to realize earlier than others how important market share was to corporate profitability.
106. The profitability index allows a direct comparison between the projects in terms of the present value of benefit per unit cost.
107. The authors also found that dismantling centralization leads to far greater quality, productivity, and profitability.
108. Important indicators cover market share and the link to pricing and profitability.
109. In such situations an assessment of the slope of the experience curve is vital in determining the likely profitability of new investments.
110. As a result the accounts produced will tend to reflect a fairly accurate view of the profitability of the business.
111. Under our model contracting may cause difficulties with dispensing, deputising, partnership agreements, profitability, and investment in premises.
112. Mr Treuting will have overall responsibility for the growth and profitability of Verio's operations in the Southeast business market.
113. The mutual dependence of profitability and growth, as we will see, makes the assessment of management motivation particularly problematical.
114. Countries with lower inflation rates resisted revaluation as this would reduce export profitability.
115. The increases in quality, productivity, and profitability have followed quickly, as case after case proves they do.
116. Because of the need for both liquidity and profitability, banks tend to hold bills and bonds of varying maturities and yields.
117. Main reasons seem to be persistent low profitability among farmers and their uncertainty about the future.
118. Autonomy on the part of employees is only tolerated to the extent that it contributes to productivity and profitability.
119. This table also confirms the seeming decline in overall profitability during the 1980s and particularly in 1986.
120. What is the likely impact of this shift on the long-term growth and profitability of the company? 4.
121. This search can be further refined by defining minimum profitability, location etc, until a short list of companies is identified.
122. Being alert to new trends, watching the costs and day-to-day profitability may be enough.
123. The objectives of a marketing department are directed towards the attainment of corporate aims, such as profitability growth and social responsibility.
124. When prices fall, commodity producers can maintain profitability by cutting costs or increasing output.
125. This is a cost borne by businesses and consumers which dampens enterprise and reduces profitability.
126. Few banks can accurately allocate costs and measure the profitability of each line of business.
127. Thus financial institutions like to hold a range of assets with varying degrees of liquidity and profitability.
128. The usual solution, massive storage centers for recycled resources, burns up its slim profitability.
129. Essentially, he argues that capitalist societies are prone to periodic fluctuations in profitability.
130. As a result profitability was reduced and this was aggravated by the arrival of a number of new competitors.
131. Resultant wage levels eroded corporate liquidity and profitability,(http:///profitability.html) although the extent of the deterioration varied between nations.
132. Examples of typical financial ratios are as follows: The above are tests of profitability.
133. Therefore, the enterprise profitability analysis is very important.
134. Drive cost control to achieve maximum performance and profitability.
135. Profitability and popularity analyses of menus and beverage lists.
136. The managing director is interested only in increasing profitability.
137. Tracks monthly operating costs and revenue to assure profitability.
138. Subject every proposal to one test -- profitability.
139. Historically, Wall Street firms have tied the pay of top executives to the firm's overall profitability.
140. At GE, look at the actual performance and the profitability of its divisions.
141. This impacts the profitability of companies operating in China as the funding cost is passed to the customer.
142. Analysis of product profitability is a foundation of product mix decision. A valid analysis is dependent on the accuracy and integrity of cost information.
143. How much risk economic and strategic factors pose for the operations of a firm, its profitability and long-term solvency ?We use the Rate of Return on Assets (ROA) to answer this question.
144. In addition to helping restore profitability, it would reduce the cost of labor at the margin, giving businesses an incentive to hire workers.
145. However, as the substitutable relationship between liquidity and profitability, the bank should choose a equilibrium point so as to maximize profit, which is analyzed by indifference curve.
146. Cally Chan is the Managing Director of HP Hong Kong. She is responsible for overall revenues and profitability, business operations and driving HP's leadership in Hong Kong and Macau.
147. Liquid to gas ratio plays the role of an important parameter, influencing desulfurization properties and profitability of limestone-gypsum wet flue gas desulfurization systems.
148. Despite soaring profitability, they paid an average dividend rate of less than 6 percent last year.
149. It is a dilemma for the open fund administrators to choose between liquidity and profitability.
150. The government may influence the profitability of the project by two kinds of policies, which are preferential tax and preferential supply price to grid.
151. It gives me an opportunity to declare my own belief in profitability.
152. For these reasons, the analysis of profitability is important to both investors and creditors.
153. He repeated with emphasis, " Profitability, our priority number one. ".
154. Restoring profitability to the nonfinancial sector is the key to long-term growth.
155. He finds it relatively easy to find way to measure organizational success. The most common measure is profitability, or ROI.
156. All these will cut the profitability and leverage of banks.
157. Total average assets is used to determine activity ratios and, when multiplied by the profit margin on sales, provides better insight into the profitability of a company.
158. Undertake this analysis, that utilize the cost assess and profitability index will able to build a competitive advantage and better reward for the new product.
159. The internal rate of return (IRR) method is the most widely use by engineering economic analyze, it is called the profitability index.
160. The effects of strengthening the corrosion protection work on extending the operation cycle if the unit and improving the profitability of the enterprises were discussed.
161. Comprehensive performance evaluation of listed companies can be constructed in aspects of profitability, solvency, growth ability and operating capacity.
162. Therefore, firms sometimes use the profitability index to select projects when capital is not limited.
163. The second part uses simple financial index to explain and analyse the operating status in terms of solvency, managerial efficiency and profitability.
164. It is critical that you have a profitability analysis on all accounts.
165. Their targets, including profitability ratios, solvency ratios, asset management ratios.
166. This paper also points out that growth opportunities, firm scale, non-debt tax shield, profitability are all the significant factors which have great impacts on the capital structure in China.
167. No, I don't agree. I think we should go for higher profitability.
168. These solutions help customers meet their critical business needs in the areas of energy efficiency, operational profitability, capital productivity, risk management, and global responsibility.
169. Restoring profitability to the nonfinancial sector is the key to term growth.
170. Report to the president daily on profitability and the companies cash position.
171. At a rough estimate(), QFII in the rebound in profitability at least two a book.
172. Analysts caution that Hyundai's profitability may fall this year, as a likely price war intensifies.
173. The banks' profitability, the proportion of off-balance-sheet banking business and its operation load growth rate are positively correlated with the probability of adopting innovations.
174. It helps them to measure the profitability of products, establish break - even points and so on.
175. "It's certainly good for their profitability, but it's not good politically," said Kaufler. "They've become the whipping post for politicians, and the drum will only beat louder, the higher oil goes."
176. Focus on shareholder value by driving both top line growth and profitability.
177. Apart from the above mentioned profitability analysis and solvency analysis, investors should make further analysis Using the following ratios.
178. In addition to the obvious safety-related benefits, the fast reaction time will ensure minimal work stoppage and thus result in increased worker productivity and company profitability.
179. A company - wide business strategy designed to reduce costs and increase profitability by solidifying customer loyalty.
180. Also the IPO determinant for non-audit fee are receivables plus inventory to total assets ratio and profitability, while the non-IPO determinant is only the accounting firms.
181. The profitability thereby has to be considered along with the entire process chain of semi-finished parts, the forming process itself until the finished joined parts.
182. If Yantan after injection of assets, the company significantly improve profitability.
183. The bank's focus on China's hardscrabble countryside is sure to add challenges to maintaining high profitability.
184. The entity with strong profitability, better management ability and high quality asset who obtained a shell through transfer would take the control of a shell company.
185. How to move from stable administration to volatile enterprise profitability?
186. The above figures show that the ratio has risen a little from 1997 to 1998, Solarwind Corporation's long-term solvency and profitability has improved slightly.
187. Not according to the recently released Federal Reserve Flow of Funds report, which contains perhaps the widest measurement of profitability in American enterprise.
188. Although traditional advisory and underwriting services have recently improved, trading has been the fount of profitability.
189. He has very strong expertise in UNIX administration and security solutions, with applied knowledge of CRM, profitability analysis, campaign management, EIS, and ETL processing.
190. SUFE 500 enterprises competitiveness index consists of three sub-indexes, namely profitability index, growth index and scale index.
191. If you have the profitability analysis and the account plan it is a reasonable objective to grow your core clients.
191. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
192. Aspen CBE aims to create business leaders who can blend corporate profitability with social value.
193. This result suggests that, compared with the television industry, the publishing and bookselling industries are likely to decline in profitability .
194. Further analysis indicates that profitability ratio exhibits strong mean reversion property.
195. What management practices you would adopt to enhance profitability and harmony?
196. Apple guided for margins of 36%, versus 39% in March, and we expect profitability to have a near term negative bias from new product releases.
197. What we need is a business machine that works at a modest profitability level at all times, and then on top of that you can have hits.
198. Ultimately, businesses that operate by focusing on short-term profitability will result in long-term unprofitability .
199. This paper discussed four topics:(1)Is the liabilities to assets ratio of the SOEs too high, or is the profitability of the SOEs too low?
200. Their products are sold at higher prices but the annual return shows greater profitability.
201. Safety, liquidity, profitability of commercial banks has always been a goal.
202. BARDE members are obliged to ensure the profitability and interest of their own hotel.
203. The big question for many investors is whether the industry's luxury kingpins, whose sales appear undimmed so far, can continue to ride above a weakening economy with steady profitability.
204. Yes, Apple has always held that market share didn't matter as much as profitability, but that attitude seemed increasingly like a defensive self-justification as its market share bottomed near 3%.
205. Sales discounts and allowances for the correction of high inventory levels in its distribution channels are likely to substantially reduce Acer's profitability for 2011.
206. The characteristics of business trust include: profitability, legality of the subjects, interest exchangeability and monetary.
207. In the straight-laced world of Japanese banking, stability and seniority are highly valued, unlike the U.S. model that emphasizes individual merit and profitability.
208. Modernizing a business to increase its profitability and competitiveness is a complicated affair.
209. They argue that the capital structure determinants include growth, uniqueness, non-debt tax shields, asset structure, company size, profitability, volat ilit y and industry dummy.
210. With the highly productive Center-West farm states plagued by these high transportation costs, the overall profitability of the product from these areas is almost even with that in the United States.
211. Crude distillation unit (CDU) is the first procedure of oil refining, and plays an important role in petrochemical process. Its performance can have a major economic impact on plant profitability.
212. The government vigorously promote the publishing industry group, capitalization, will benefit the industry to obtain economies of scale, improve overall profitability.
213. In the pricing strategy, thanks to the product combined strategy, it enables the enterprise to make a medium price when placing the price. Therefore, an enterprise can improve its profitability.
214. Profit Margin An indicator of profitability, It is calculated as net earnings after taxes divided by revenues. Profit margin is usually displayed as a percentage.
215. They made up 11% of all prescriptions in 2000, and only 9% in 2007- this despite their higher level of profitability relative to unbranded generics.




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