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单词 Old fashioned
1 Warm hearted wishes for an old fashioned Christmas and a happy New Year filled with all your favorite things.
2 Brilliant teamwork and old fashioned grit got the team a last minute point.
3 Or it could be just an old fashioned pile-up.
4 Public rooms include a cosy old fashioned bar and a magnificent antique salon with piano, overlooking the garden.
5 This is a simple pensione where old fashioned virtues of friendly service and warm hospitality have not been forgotten.
6 Call me old fashioned, but I find this terribly sad.
7 Lucky are those who have old fashioned duckboards for laying atop the snow.
8 But this is an old fashioned and potentially unhygienic method.
9 The sluice gates are lifted by chains on old fashioned rollers.
10 Hank was holding Louise in an old fashioned embrace, as if for waltzing, but they moved smoothly to the song.
11 Apart from its legs it resembled an old fashioned typewriter with a carriage and Qwerty keyboard.
12 The closer you get to old fashioned power politics, the more the classic assets of old fashioned power matter.
13 But his dark rimmed glasses and old fashioned looks belie a career spent one step ahead.
14 The sink was squared-off and old fashioned, with a white splashback and a tilting mirror.
15 Ballantyne's style is old fashioned and Golding's is more modern and up to date.
16 This crumble's topping contains old fashioned rolled oats .
17 Howards End is old fashioned film-making at its best.
18 To an old fashioned existentialist, that's all that counts.
19 While I finish my mug of tea, Jamie loses his pound on the old fashioned pinball table.
20 It appeared to be an old two-dimensional film presentation; an old fashioned oil-driven military vehicle was speeding across a verdant green field.
21 The head twists out as if the skin is wearing an old fashioned collar that's too tight for comfort.
22 Far more interesting than your average conversation that involves people or a good old fashioned joke I don't think.
23 We appear to be cut off and the look of the whole area is old fashioned.
24 David has opened a nursery at Misarden, specialising in old fashioned herbaceous plants and shrubs.
25 The Hebridean Princess is a luxury liner offering the best in old fashioned service.
26 Compared to other graphics fairs,[] the London event was seen to be somewhat old fashioned in its approach and emphasis.
27 The policy of John Bull is to make the finest confectionery in the old fashioned way, using the best ingredients.
28 When my father was ten, he spent the summer at an old fashioned sleep-away camp.
29 What Tully built for Goldney was predictably a piece of safe, old fashioned Baroque.
30 And that's 4 weeks cutting, shaping and piecing together in the workshop using techniques, both old fashioned and up to date.
1 Brilliant teamwork and old fashioned grit got the team a last minute point.
31 He says that the artwork is uninspiring and old fashioned.
32 Why care about old fashioned values? You have to go with the times!
33 Tom is an old fogey . He must be the most old fashioned man in the world.
34 There's also a cookie contest, an old fashioned barn-dance (from 6 - 9 p.m.) and a pinto bean and corn bread dinner.
35 Its skin felt rubbery and firm like an old fashioned hot water bottle.
36 This gelled strand instantly turns your mother's old fashioned up - do into youthful elegance.
37 Cy, Bryan, Wesley, and Georgia (seated) with Old Fashioned Winesap apples...just picked.
38 I've not seen a real, old fashioned pantomime for donkey's year.
39 On the way out,(/old fashioned.html) he grabs an old fashioned football helmet from a shelf and smashes it down on his head.
40 She was dressed in her rusty old fashioned best and clutched a worn shopping bag.
41 The club room is something like an old fashioned hotel tea parlour.
42 While some predict schism, others predict a good old fashioned compromise.
43 These are true old fashioned clinch nails that a blacksmith would use.
44 In China today throwaway tissues are so universal that cloth handkerchiefs are regarded as old fashioned.
45 The last resort of the old fashioned free trader was to say that, even if manual workers as a class lost out in the developed world, their countries as a whole gained.
46 Natural color fabrics like Dirty Aida, Mushroom, Natural Light, Brown Undyed, Chestnut, etc. make a design look old fashioned, classic, or anti q ued.
47 The noise pollution survey revealed a rather spurring and possibly amusing old fashioned source of noise.
48 Lactic Acid and Friendly Bacteria: Contribute to the health of the digestive tract. Found in old fashioned lacto-fermented foods.
49 Warmhearted wishes an old fashioned Christmas and a happy New Yearfilled with all your favorite things!
50 Poor rootbeer into old fashioned glass,() over ice. Add vanilla and amaretto. Stir gently.
51 Weeds are controlled with precision tillage and the old fashioned hoe.




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更新时间:2024/10/5 3:35:41