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单词 Stiff
1, Old oxen have stiff horns.
2, I eased my stiff limbs into the hot bath.
3, She lay stiff and still beside him.
4, He walked with a slow stiff gait.
5, Whisk the egg whites until stiff.
6, I felt stiff after a long walk.
7, They mounted stiff resistance to the proposal.
8, I've got a stiff neck.
9, The cards were made of stiff paper.
10, I woke up with a stiff neck.
11, Linseed oil will soften stiff leather.
12, A stiff breeze made the sails bag out.
13, Her legs were stiff from kneeling.
14, Stir the flour and milk to a stiff paste.
15, His clothes were stiff with dried mud.
16, This tap is stiff; it won't turn on.
17, His waterproof trousers were brand new and stiff.
18, Helen poured out two stiff drinks.
19, There is stiff competition for university places.
20, The stiff entrance examination removes 60 per cent of prospective students.
21, Don't be so stiff.
22, It was a stiff climb to the top of the hill.
23, We won the contract in the face of stiff competition.
24, Mother stirred the flour and milk to a stiff paste.
25, I have stiff shoulders.
26, My shoulders are stiff.
27, There is a sheet of stiff cardboard in the drawer.
28, Scrub the wood thoroughly with water and a stiff brush.
29, The windows were stiff and she couldn't get them open.
30, The outer walls looked likely to tumble down in a stiff wind.
1, I eased my stiff limbs into the hot bath.
2, She lay stiff and still beside him.
3, He walked with a slow stiff gait.
4, I felt stiff after a long walk.
5, They mounted stiff resistance to the proposal.
6, I've got a stiff neck.
7, The cards were made of stiff paper.
8, I woke up with a stiff neck.
9, Linseed oil will soften stiff leather.
10, Her legs were stiff from kneeling.
11, His clothes were stiff with dried mud.
12, His waterproof trousers were brand new and stiff.
13, Helen poured out two stiff drinks.
14, The outer walls looked likely to tumble down in a stiff wind.
15, The stiff entrance examination removes 60 per cent of prospective students.
16, Don't be so stiff.
17, We won the contract in the face of stiff competition.
18, Mother stirred the flour and milk to a stiff paste.
19, I have stiff shoulders.
20, My shoulders are stiff.
21, There is a sheet of stiff cardboard in the drawer.
22, Scrub the wood thoroughly with water and a stiff brush.
23, The windows were stiff and she couldn't get them open.
24, His manner seemed rather stiff and impersonal.
25, The lawyer nodded a stiff greeting.
26, The clay is very stiff; we must make it thinner with water.
27, It was difficult to work the needle through the stiff cloth.
31, Whisk the egg whites into stiff peaks.
32, He asked a stiff price for his used car.
33, The clothes on the washing line were frozen stiff.
34, The clothes were stiff with dust and grease.
35, The action of this piano is becoming stiff.
36, The runners had to battle against a stiff/strong headwind.
37, Whisk the egg white until stiff.
38, He suffered a stiff punishment.
39, The soldier stood stiff as a ramrod.
40, The paintbrush was too stiff to use.
41, She was aware that her words sounded stiff.
42, There's a stiff £6 entrance fee to the exhibition.
43, After that news I need a stiff drink !
44, The company faces stiff competition from its rivals.
45, A stiff whisky - that's what I need.
46, I need a stiff drink .
47, The asking price is too stiff.
48, The judge imposed a stiff sentence.
49, His manner seemed rather stiff and impersonal.
50, Whisk four egg whites into stiff peaks.
51, My fingers had gone stiff with cold.
52, The very thought of flying scares me stiff.
52, Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
53, She was stiff with disapproval at the notion.
54, I could do with a stiff drink!
55, The handle on this door is rather stiff.
56, My trousers were getting stiff with mud.
57, Their punishment seemed rather stiff.
58, Gentle exercise can relax stiff shoulder muscles.
59, I need a stiff whisky.
60, Pull hard - that drawer's very stiff.
61, We passed a stiff examination.
62, The new proposals have met with stiff opposition.
63, The play bored me stiff.
64, The jelly is not stiff enough.
65, This hair spray has made my hair stiff.
66, Whisk the egg whites until they form stiff peaks.
67, The old man's joints were stiff.
68, He flexed his stiff arm slowly.
69, Graduates face stiff competition in getting jobs.
70, He's scared stiff of women.
71, She greeted him with stiff formality.
72, Alastair woke with a stiff neck.
73, Parsons gave a stiff performance in the main role.
74, That was a shock I need a stiff drink!
75, He rubbed his arms and stiff legs.
76, My arm's gone all stiff.
77, Mix the powder and water into a stiff paste.
78, The development plans have met with stiff opposition.
79, They found a stiff in the river.
80, I'm really stiff after that bike ride yesterday.
81, He felt stiff all over.
82, Their manner was rather stiff.
83, He is up against stiff opposition from his colleagues.
84, Goodness[sentence dictionary], your hands are frozen stiff!
85, Their goodbyes were stiff and formal .
86, There are stiff fines for breaking the rules.
87, The opera bored me stiff.
88, Beat the egg whites until stiff.
89, The lawyer nodded a stiff greeting.
90, He beat the egg whites until they are stiff.
91, I came home from the game frozen stiff .
92, My joints are really stiff this morning.
93, Her fingers were stiff with cold.
94, There was a stiff wind blowing.
95, The troops are encountering stiff resistance.
96, All that digging made me really stiff.
97, Her eyes were ringed with stiff black lashes.
98, The sails flapped wildly in the stiff breeze.
99, Whip the egg whites up into stiff peaks.
100, He was taught to keep a stiff upper lip and never to cry in public.
101, The clay is very stiff; we must make it thinner with water.
102, He has at bottom the feelings of a gentleman,() but all these are plastered over with a stiff manner.
103, You'll get stiff if you don't have a hot bath.
104, The old lady was sitting upright in her chair, stiff as a poker.
105, Small grocery stores are going out of business in the face of stiff competition from the large supermarket chains.
106, You have to push on the handle to turn it — it's very stiff.
107, Anna tried to look interested. Actually, she was bored stiff.
108, It was difficult to work the needle through the stiff cloth.
109, The next morning I was as stiff as a board .
110, The general is a tall man with steel spectacles and a stiff, rather pompous manner.
111, In the negotiations, they agreed to water down their original stiff demand to one acceptable to both sides.
112, I was scared stiff at the thought of making a speech.
112, is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
113, The speech he made to welcome them was stiff and formal.
114, She suffers terribly in the winter when it's cold and her joints get stiff.
115, After walking through the snow, my feet were frozen stiff.
116, Combine the flour with the water to make a stiff paste.
117, The American aerospace industry has been challenged by some stiff competition.
118, Have a good stretch from time to time to prevent yourself getting stiff.
119, Both companies are worried about losing business in the face of stiff competition.
120, After listening to the speech for three hours I was bored stiff.
121, A stiff knee following surgery forced her to walk with a limp.
122, 'What you need is a stiff drink,' he told her.
123, There will be stiff penalties if companies exceed these levels of pollution.
124, Whisk the egg whites until they are foamy but not stiff.
125, I never felt stiff after training until I was in my thirties.
126, It's a stiff climb to the top of the hill.
127, Plans to turn the site into a £600 million leisure complex have met with stiff opposition .
128, He was taught at school to keep a stiff upper lip, whatever happens.
129, He fortified himself against the cold with a stiff brandy.
130, Beat the egg whites until they are stiff enough to form firm peaks.
131, Train doors have handles on the inside. They are stiff so that they cannot be opened accidentally.
132, There has been stiff opposition/resistance to the proposed tax increases.
133, I'm stiff all over right now-I hope I can recover for tomorrow's race.
134, Men were taught to keep a stiff upper lip .
135, The film faces stiff competition for the Best Film nomination.
136, The thought of my exams next week scares me stiff.
137, The man's body was stiff as a board when it was found in the snow.
138, The army encountered stiff resistance from rebels in the hills.
139, In the classroom the teacher is stiff and stern but after class he unbends.
140, The gas companies are having to lay off staff in the face of stiff competition from oil.
141, As a child I was scared stiff of going down to the cellar.
142, You'll need a stiff brush to scrape off the rust.
143, The Mud Bath is particularly recommended for relieving tension and stiff muscles.
144, I was frozen stiff after sitting so long and could hardly walk.
145, Under Greece's stiff anti-drugs laws they could face twenty years in jail.
146, We had to pay a stiff membership fee to join the health club.
147, I want you to carry a stiff upper lip whatever happens.
148, They always seemed a little awkward with each other(),[] a bit stiff and formal.
149, Clean the mussels with a stiff brush under cold running water.
150, He poured himself a stiff drink to calm his nerves.
151, It was cold and damp; he pulled up his collar and was aware of being frozen stiff.
152, Even if he bores you stiff, it is good manners not to let him know it.
153, The athlete was given a stiff punishment for using drugs.
154, You have to press on the handle to turn it,it's very stiff.
155, I was scared stiff when I heard someone moving around upstairs.
156, She lay on the grass and the stiff dry grass prickled the back of her legs.
157, It was all there, faithfully recorded in his uncle's stiff and formal style.
158, Sitting still at a computer terminal all day can give you a stiff neck.
159, Their reaction contrasts sharply with the stiff upper lip of the English.
160, Inactivity can make your joints stiff, and the bones may begin to degenerate.
161, I remember being bored stiff during my entire time at school.
162, Allan fought off stiff competition from throughout the UK to win one of only four places at the college.
163, There's nothing to do here - I'm bored stiff!
164, He had grown stiff beyond belief.
165, You look frozen stiff .
166, She may appear stiff and perhaps awkward.
167, A good, stiff celebrating birthday martini.
168, A stiff breeze riffles the brush.
169, A stiff breeze shoves broken clouds across the moon.
170, Hide the brackets by adding an edging of deep wallpaper border - backing it with stiff card for extra durability.
171, The stiff upper lip is a barrier against the trembling which could lead to tears.
172, Put in on a shoe and it will wipe off in a stiff breeze.
172, try its best to gather and make good sentences.
173, Half the stiff bosom shirts worn nowadays, the laundry is due on them yet.
174, And while you may not swear or shout aloud, your writing slows, words dropping stiff and stilted.
175, I need hairspray, but I don't like hair that looks stiff and I don't like to use aerosols.
176, Daylight broke, a stiff breeze struck up and the sky clouded over.
177, Quinn was stiff, and blinked in the electric light of the garage.
178, Calm your nerves by deep breathing, not by having a stiff drink.
179, A stiff yard broom and a small stiff hand brush will remove most of the debris.
180, It will be carried stiff to the burning ground and there burnt and reduced to ashes.
181, His neck and shoulders gradually became so stiff that he had to turn in one piece from the waist up.
182, They gave her stiff little bows, what she would have expected.
183, The next day was bright and cold, with a stiff breeze blowing straight down the field.
184, Can the country afford such a stiff bill for democracy?
185, Stiff and inelegant, she followed him, more anxious than ever in her life to please.
186, His armour has become a bandage as stiff as the casing of a chrysalis.
187, On this day, with its strong swells and a stiff afternoon breeze, seagulls just sat on the surface.
188, Everyone looks so brisk in fresh suits of upright postures, so stiff and tense their buds won't open.
189, In a separate bowl whisk the egg whites until stiff.
190, The mastheads of beached yachts tinkled in a stiff breeze.
191, It is as stiff as many a leather boot, yet required but half an hour's breaking in.
192, My neck felt stiff and my head was starting to ache.
193, If carried out with sensitivity rather than in a stiff and mechanical way, aromatherapy massage is a potent form of hands-on healing.
194, When he got home he'd have a stiff drink and a long bath, followed by another stiff drink.
195, The skill is running down the beach with all your equipment often in a stiff breeze.
196, There were boxes in the corner containing brand new gear still wrapped in stiff greaseproof paper and not yet assembled for use.
197, He sits on the grass lacing stiff boots into a wreath of effort and breath.
198, The vacuum cleaner was welcomed at first because it meant no longer having to do the stairs with a stiff brush.
199, A team captain, Gumina had earned a reputation for stiff defense, clutch play.
200, Insurers, Mr Leventhal noted, are interested in selling because of stiff new regulatory capital requirements on their real-estate holdings.
201, A famously ebullient man, Fuller was initially stiff and uncomfortable as an actor.
202, The result was stiff, distant even, and the three or four burghers bowed even lower.
202, try its best to gather and build good sentences.
203, In a separate bowl beat egg whites until stiff and fold into applesauce mixture.
204, The government hit consumers with stiff tax increases in the 1996 budget.
205, The only instant adverse side effect is a desperate thirst, stiff aching muscles and a loss of appetite.
206, Scrub away any residue with water and a stiff brush.
207, His daughter Amanda sat at his bedside in stiff, pout-lipped profile, reading some piece of religious mumbo-jumbo.
208, Instead, stiff legged, he merely bends at the waist like a man twice his 37 years.
209, He was in his middle to late fifties, a gray-haired, bespectacled man with a stiff and unsmiling demeanor.
210, They are largely nocturnal, spending their days either down the burrows or out at sea gliding on stiff wings.
211, The apse mosaics have a gold background and are of early type, being stiff and formal in design.
212, Her eyes were half-closed and her cheeks were stiff with the numbing cold of the bitter wind.
213, Churn or utility brush: A short handled, stiff bristled brush shaped for use in awkward areas and for general cleaning.
214, She buckled a stiff hard belt around Alexandra's waist and stood back to admire the effect.
215, Both projects, which were won against stiff competition, are for offshore fixed installations for Abu Dhabi based company Adma Opco.
216, Water is then added and mixing continued until the agglomeration is of a wet, yet stiff, consistency.
217, Cosmos, path-smothering nasturtium, stiff autumn crocus and clumps of busy Lizzie were in full bloom.
218, That bustling, hustling, ambitious man who never listened and never gave up was now stiff and silent and still.




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