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单词 Toxic
1 These factories are releasing toxic gases into the atmosphere.
2 She suffered a massive exposure to toxic chemicals.
3 Too much toxic waste is being dumped at sea.
4 Clouds of toxic fumes escaped from the chemical plant.
5 Toxic chemicals were spilled into the river.
6 Toxic chemicals continue to be dumped in the North Sea.
7 Unfortunately these drugs are quite toxic and hinder the body's ability to fight off infection.
8 Gallons of toxic waste were flushed into the sea.
9 These products are not toxic to humans.
10 Many pesticides are highly toxic.
11 This chemical is toxic to many forms of life.
12 Toxic gases can escape through one of the pipes.
13 Toxic waste could endanger lives and poison fish.
14 Toxic chemicals tend to accumulate in the body.
15 The firm had illegally dumped toxic waste.
16 Some frogs produce very toxic substances in their skin.
17 The company dumped to toxic wastes into this canal.
18 Toxicologists attempt to identify and understand toxic hazards.
19 Highly toxic dioxins were released into the air.
20 Various toxic substances have been dumped in the ocean.
21 The government decided to prohibit the import of toxic waste.
22 The factory had accidentally released a quantity of toxic waste into the sea.
23 Local communities are campaigning against the dumping of toxic waste.
24 Up to 10 million tonnes of toxic wastes are produced every year in the UK.
25 When toxic fumes began to drift toward our homes,[] we were told to evacuate.
26 Many toxic effects can be studied at the cellular level.
27 This is standard procedure for getting rid of toxic waste.
28 Large sections of the river have been poisoned by toxic waste from factories.
29 Nuclear weapons plants across the country are heavily contaminated with toxic wastes.
30 The city's canals are used as a dumping ground for a range of toxic pollutants.
1 These factories are releasing toxic gases into the atmosphere.
2 She suffered a massive exposure to toxic chemicals.
3 Too much toxic waste is being dumped at sea.
4 Clouds of toxic fumes escaped from the chemical plant.
5 Toxic chemicals were spilled into the river.
6 Unfortunately these drugs are quite toxic and hinder the body's ability to fight off infection.
7 The factory had accidentally released a quantity of toxic waste into the sea.
8 When spilled into the sea, oil can be toxic to marine plants and animals.
31 High concentrations of toxic elements were found in the polluted areas of the sea.
32 A solution to the problem of toxic waste is proving elusive in the extreme.
33 When spilled into the sea, oil can be toxic to marine plants and animals.
34 Clouds of toxic fumes escaped in a huge chemical factory blaze.
35 A new centre for research on toxic waste was inaugurated today at Imperial College.
36 Every day the environment is further degraded by toxic wastes.
37 The convention established procedures for the transport of toxic waste.
38 Most people do not want this country to become a dumping ground for toxic waste.
39 Plutonium 238 is one of the most toxic substances known to man.
40 The river has been polluted with toxic waste from local factories.
41 Oil spills are common, as is the dumping of toxic industrial wastes.
42 Lead can accumulate in the body until toxic levels are reached.
43 Crops are sprayed with highly toxic chemicals to prevent insect damage.
44 Cadmium is a toxic waste product of the electronics industry.
45 Army scatter-spray these toxic chemicals from planes.
46 They produce chemicals that are toxic to their pests.
47 Toxic waste is being dumped into the ocean.
48 Residents are concerned that toxic waste may be dumped.
49 Toxic liver injury: hospital admissions 1992-93.
50 We don't know whether the dust is toxic.
51 But what about patients who are apparently fit and healthy until they suffer a massive exposure to toxic man-made chemicals?
52 This has been seriously assessed as a way of disposing of nuclear waste, but not toxic waste.
53 Police are warning that the chemicals are highly toxic and anyone who comes into contact with them should seek urgent medical attention.
54 Toxic substances bubble to the surface destroying vegetation, turning it brown or fluorescent.
55 If sulphur hexafluoride is subjected to electrical sparking in the presence of oxygen, it degrades, releasing toxic breakdown products.
56 The waste is the most toxic remains of the industrial accident at Seveso in 1976.
57 In May last year Aurul began mixing the toxic dust with water and cyanide.
58 Unlike the gentle technique described earlier, anti-cellulite massage should be vigorous to help drain away toxic wastes from the tissues.
59 Thousands of tonnes of nutrients and uncontrolled quantities of toxic chemicals used to treat fish disease are pumped into lochs each year.
60 In the United States, volunteers are shooed away from spill cleanup, deemed too toxic for unprotected citizens.
61 Toxic electrophilic compounds produced by both cytochromes P450 and microsomal epoxide hydrolases can be eliminated from the body by conjugation with glutathione.
62 Liquid alcohol used to warm food can be toxic and improper handling can lead to an explosion.
63 She said it was Humphreys' responsibility as managing director to follow the correct procedure for getting rid of toxic waste.
64 Rubbish litters our countryside, toxic fumes are belched into our air and radioactive discharge pollutes our seas.
65 While toxic concentrations of these drugs often lead to cardiac arrhythmias, low concentrations have been found to have antiarrhythmic activity.
66 An industry spokesman acknowledged that toxic chemicals had been released into the river.
67 Another issue highlighted in the report was the alleged importation of toxic maize as part of a drought relief effort.
68 Because of the small difference between therapeutic and toxic levels in the serum, accurate measurements of lithium concentrations are essential.
69 Some genetic disorders predispose individuals to the toxic effects of substances found in the workplace or environment.
70 Ammonia is the toxic waste produced by the fish and this is initially bacterially broken down to nitrite in your filtration system.
71 Because Britain has been covered, during the last few weeks, with record levels of toxic and other dangerous substances.
72 They have an uncanny way of escalating minor adversity into major confrontations and luring coworkers into the toxic circle of conflict.
73 We campaigned ferociously to ban the stuff that could kill people in minutes with its toxic fumes.
74 The plastic is removed by burning it off, a process that creates a haze of toxic smoke.
75 Blood is very toxic to neurons, which stop working and often die when the blood comes in direct contact with them.
76 If successful it will mean gentler treatments for cancer sufferers as many drugs currently in use have toxic side effects.
77 Through lawsuits and protests, toxic landfills and dumps near the Hudson River were closed.
78 Researchers, however, are less concerned about radioactivity than the toxic nature of depleted uranium, a heavy metal.
79 The interactive nature of external events, and your emotional and physical reactions to them, can make work toxic.
80 That fancy motherboard that runs your computer is dipped in toxic chemicals.
81 Be careful with toxic substances and always follow the directions on the bottles with great care.
82 It is essential, therefore, that we proceed with great caution when handling toxic and hazardous waste.
83 Beyond the barrier lay some of the most toxic chemicals known, awaiting destruction by fire.
84 These agents are toxic when given systemically,[] and so producing them at high concentration within the tumour is an attractive goal.
85 The other, in 1972, happened when a man was overcome by toxic fumes.
86 What's more, it's not just a build-up of toxic chemicals that can do the damage.
87 Entire coastal bays and lagoons along the coast have been fouled by oil spills and the runoff of toxic chemicals.
88 He feels much of the opposition is based on the false belief that the incinerator will also handle toxic waste.
89 The wind quickly diffused any toxic vapors that may have leaked out.
90 This generally occurs in marriages so toxic that both partners already know that its dissolution would be the best thing for them.
91 It is toxic by inhalation or ingestion and can be absorbed through the skin.
92 They give off thick black toxic fumes, which often prove to be more lethal than the flames themselves.
93 Some limited laboratory and clinical tests undertaken at Bayer led to the belief that it was slightly too toxic to be acceptable.
94 Do not use the stove inside a tent because of the risk of fire and toxic fumes.
95 Each plant handles a range of highly explosive, corrosive and toxic raw materials.
96 Because bismuth is known to have a toxic effect on some microorganisms its therapeutic benefit in colitis may be related to this.
97 Some tropical woods such as teak and green-heart contain small amounts of toxic chemicals and also of silica.
98 The chemical, once used as an anesthetic, can be toxic if breathed in high concentrations.
99 Also, you may throw on the fire something that gives off toxic fumes.
100 Over the last three years, water pumped from the convention center exceeded state standards for toxic metals on 11 occasions.
101 It covered the disposal of up to 550,000 tonnes a year of waste, and specified that this could include toxic elements.
102 An initial program may include only the most acutely toxic chemicals.
103 Standard polyurethane foam ignites rapidly, forming dense clouds of smoke and toxic vapour as it does so.
104 The only point in its favour is that it contains nothing that is toxic.
105 But one might be forgiven for doubting if this is the most likely cause of the toxic side-effects of direct drilling!
106 Plans are also afoot to transform the disused salt mines of Saxony and Thuringia into depositories for toxic waste.
107 I am worried about possible toxic effects, from the petrol fumes, and the asbestos.
108 Some of these carry toxic cargoes and an accident could result in economic as well as ecological damage.
109 This apparently disposes of the toxic fumes much more safely.
110 Some leaves are especially toxic: those of evergreens like holly and laurel, as well as horse chestnut and willows.
111 Burning plastics were responsible for the formation of toxic smoke.
112 Three million tonnes of toxic waste is transported for treatment or disposal across the borders of the member states each year.
113 The nitrous acid produced later in the reaction chain is toxic, corrosive, mutagenic, teratogenic, and carcinogenic.
114 The programme makes no mention, however,[http:///toxic.html] of highly expensive tasks of cleaning up toxic waste dumps and military sites.
115 The project aims to sort out which garden plants can be harmful, and to define just how toxic they really are.
116 The mesquite forests that once lined a river brimming with unique native fish have given way to banks of toxic dumps.
117 Over the years indiscriminate dumping has resulted in a large number of environmentally dangerous sites that are leaking toxic and hazardous chemicals.
118 Overfishing by foreign vessels and toxic waste dumping were also major causes for concern at their annual summit.
119 Liver damage is known to occur when the breakdown product of a chemical is highly toxic.
120 The toxic substances department must approve it and hammer out a legal agreement with the group before moving forward.
121 These secretive facilities house the deadly legacies of the Cold War: nuclear weapons, radioactive waste and toxic chemicals.
122 Bioremediation is formally defined as the controlled use of biodegradation to remove toxic chemicals from soil and groundwater.
123 If pot concentrates the AIDS drugs, they could be toxic; if reduced, they could be ineffective.
124 They included the construction of sewage purification plants in 100 coastal cities and the establishment of at least 25 supervised toxic waste depots.
125 The roots of the reeds contain naturally occurring bacteria which transform toxic elements contained in factory effluent, into benign substances.
126 There was serious talk of ecological suicide, criminal irresponsibility and the evils of toxic fumes merging with alcoholic ones.
127 We report a fatal case of toxic shock syndrome in a 14 year old girl associated with minor day case dermatological surgery.
128 You want some weirdo skulking around the aisles, spraying toxic chemicals all over the place?
129 It proposes a two-year ban on exports of toxic waste while the new technologies are being tested.
130 Catalysts convert carbon monoxide into carbon dioxide, which is less toxic, but equally polluting to the environment.
131 Material suitable for deep sea dumping included sewage sludge, industrial waste, and toxic ashes left after the incineration of garbage.
132 People should be encouraged to buy smaller, more economical cars with fewer toxic emissions.
133 Since 1990, Bradley said two children besides Jessica have been admitted to the hospital with severe streptococcal toxic shock.
134 Further, soft coal sometimes contains dangerous concentrations of toxic materials such as arsenic, antimony, and cadmium.
135 New nosodes have also been added to the armamentarium and special remedies prepared from specific antigens and toxic substances.
136 Laws about toxic emissions, like membership of regulatory bodies, have been dictated by industry lobbyists.
137 In London, two skips and six barrels full of toxic waste blocked the front entrance to the environment building.
138 Heating oil is highly toxic in the short term, but it evaporates quickly, reducing the long-term damage.
139 It smelled toxic, looked like pus from the creature from the black lagoon and burned like hot coals on the skin.
140 Give any large areas a squirt of zinc chromate primer but beware - it is very toxic and carcinogenic.
141 Thousands of dead fish were the result of toxic chemicals being dumped in this brook near Coleford.
142 Industrial factories, he said, also discharge toxic waste and crude oil into the sea.
143 Numerous instances of the dumping or abandonment of toxic chemicals and other materials have been discovered.
144 The symptoms of toxic shock syndrome include high fever, a rash,[http://] vomiting and low blood pressure.
145 She had a history of recurrent eczema but no exposure to toxic products.
146 Environmentalists are concerned that every day Rihand alone will deposit 10,000 tonnes of toxic ash into the environment.
147 There is still no provision for a national toxic wastes dump.
148 The exam-ple that first comes to mind is Superfund, the response to toxic dumps.
149 The leaves of cabbages, mustard and some other brassicas contain toxic mustard oil, similar to the deadly mustard gas.
150 The flood of toxic chemicals creates even more serious health problems in this brave new workplace.
151 The factory would have produced toxic paraxylene, and residents who learned of the plans were understandably alarmed.
152 While resolvable toxic aromatic amine dyes can make the clothes more brightly-colored, and maintains the color for a longer time.
153 Thiram is a highly toxic chemical which the EPA examined and deemed to be so dangerous that agricultural workers are now mandated to wear protective clothing when handling them.
154 The specimens were obtained from the rabbit' s lungs of experimental toxic shock and respiratory distress syndrome(RDS).
155 Locoweed is a main poisonous plant in the world, and is also the most important toxic plant in grassland of China.
156 System of reproduction of secrete make water also but be put into trouble, cause kidney canaliculus function not complete, 20% patients can produce kidney canaliculus acidity toxic.
157 Toxic megacolon secondary to infective colitis is rare in children, but it can be severe, and it has a high mortality rate.
158 Soros in 2009 wrote in an editorial that the purchase of toxic bank assets would, "provide artificial life support for the banks at considerable expense to the taxpayer."
159 Hematologic grade 3/4 toxicities were similar, and there was one toxic death in the DCF arm.
160 The paper summarizes the toxic effects of lindane on birds and mammals, as well as poisoning signs and some effect mechanism, on basis of tests in vitro and in vivo.
161 Yet high-yield varieties are also genetically weaker crops that require expensive chemical fertilizers and toxic pesticides.
162 Results Nitric oxide was directly toxic to PC12 cells in a dose-dependent manner, and brain tissue homogenate extracts taken from hypoxia preconditioned mice could prevent PC12 cells from NO toxicity.
163 The toxic mechanism of benzoic acids to Photobacterium phosphoreum was mainly electrophilic and toxicities could be described by TSA in combination with ELUMO.
164 This method reduces toxic pollution and makes it easier to capture and sequester gases like carbon dioxide under ground.
165 Research trauma state of mononuclear cell gene expression: a serious trauma often leads to fatal sepsis and toxic shock.
166 Article 22 When vessels are loading dangerous toxic bulk liquids at the harbor, the various stipulations prescribed in Article 17 of these Regulations may be referred to for implementation.
167 The 5-nitroguaiacol has been paid great attention as a high efficiency and low toxic plant-grow adjusting agent.
168 These grades have excellent dielectrical and flame-retardant properties, and produce very few toxic fumes when burnt in case of fire or short-circuit.
169 Some counterfeits also contained potentially toxic chemicals, such as safrole, a carcinogen used in the manufacture of the illegal drug ecstasy.
170 Conclusion Carbon-fibre reinforced resin compound had no acute systemic toxic action on animals and haemolysis effect in vitro.
171 More than a few friends have complained to me recently about toxic workplaces and their dilemma of how to live sanely within insane walls.
172 If the person feels anxious and angry all day, his cerebrum will produce toxic hormones called " noradrenalin and adrenalin".
173 The drug combination features rapid curative effect, certain results and no toxic side effects, can prevent recidivation and can be taken for long term.
174 We've polluted creation, no only with our garbage and toxic waste, but with our self-absorption .
174 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
175 Numerous plants and shrubs growing in our gardens or in the veld are toxic to humans and animals, but that doesn't mean that they must be eradicated.
176 st's team grew the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana with the genes for trichomes (leaf hairs that discourage herbivores) and glucosinolate (a chemical toxic to certain pests) disabled.
177 This blackening process has characteristics such as simple, non - toxic , hight effective, low cost, etc.
178 The dust contained a toxic mix of chemicals, including highly alkaline particles from pulverised concrete, asbestos and heavy metals from thousands of computers and lights.
179 However, do not eat the leaves of the rhubarb plant as they are inedible and toxic.
180 AIM: Radix Aconite is unprocessed parent root tuber of Aconitum carmichaeli Debx. containing toxic diterpenoid alkaloids such as mesaconitine, aconitine and hypaconitine.
181 What would be the consequence to an organism IF arsenate were substituted for phosphate? Arsenate is very toxic to most organisms. Explain why.
182 Stegeman has been chronicling resistance to toxic PCBs and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in another coastal species, a killifish.
183 The clinical expression of result patient and lab examination all accord with acute to spend toxic sex liverish to diagnose a standard again.
184 The letter specially mentioned the poisonous N-Hexane is inherently toxic and Chinese law prohibits its use.
185 Change hematic therapeutics: Right certain and serious toxic, if prussiate or arsenic change hydrogen toxic can use the treatment that change blood.
186 In this phase, judgment can be susceptible to a toxic combination of recession fatigue, enthusiastic anticipation and uncertainty.
187 We conducted studies on the stability of toxic ingredients from Pieris Formosa under different re- solvents, temperatures, acid and alkali intensities, lightening and oxidization.
188 Nazi bullets were dipped in poison derived from monkshood ( Aconitum ), an extremely toxic garden plant.
189 In the juridical practice of crimes of producing and marketing toxic and foods, the subjective aspects of doer knowingly or not is the critical limits of culpability or not.
190 Vietnam is beginning a joint operation with the United States to remove traces of the toxic defoliant Agent Orange.
191 Still some a few fishermans think piscine bravery is OK clear liver bright eye, the result is caused toxic.
192 H2S is a highly toxic and highly corrosive gases. In recent years H2S has been found in some areas of Liaohe Oilfield, especially in heavy oil thermal recovery block.
193 The luciferin-luciferase's reaction system may emit fluorescence, while the toxic substances will suppress the luminous intensity.
194 Objective To investigate the therapeutic effect of chronic toxic liver impairment with Red sage root injection and Tiopronin.
195 PICT, used as an indicator for the determination of toxic effects of pollutants in biotic communities, has been developed for aquatic and terrestrial communities.
196 Section 301 ( b ) ( 2 ) prescribes BAT effluent limitations for " nonconventional " and toxic pollutants.
197 OSE II in contrast can be used to wash your hands and is non toxic.
198 However, 40 to 50 years of last century a local company to the river discharge by 2.1 million tons of toxic industrial waste, after the canal was filled abolished.
199 Thankfully, man-made, synthetic purification processes can separate the good parts of the castor bean from the toxic ones.
200 "Estrogen is able to protect neurons against toxic assaults that are associated with Alzheimer's disease, " notes Roberta Diaz Brinton, a neuroscientist at the University of Southern California.
201 The McCain campaign, once merely problematic, is now close to being out-and-out dysfunctional. Its combination of strategic incoherence and operational incompetence has become toxic.
202 Toxic cyanobacteria, commonly referred to as pond scum , turned the big lake fluorescent green.
203 The names of some are notoriously well-known: Ebola, HIV/AIDS, and the organisms responsible for toxic shock syndrome and legionnaire's disease.
204 Conclusion Mirex is least toxic to termite,[] imidaclorprid is middle and sulfluramid is most toxic to termite.
205 RESULTS: Many electron dense toxic granulation and vacuolus in mitochondria were observed in the rat brain of focal cerebral ischemia and reperfusion.
206 Jupiter's bands are actually clouds, with the SEB being primarily made up of ammonia ice, sulfur, and phosphorous hovering above the planet's toxic, gaseous surface.
207 Tabasheer , safflower and calamine can clear away lung heat, expel toxic heat, sedate mind, and calm fright. Savory rhododendron leaf can clear away heat, diminish swelling, and tonify kidney.




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