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单词 Traps
1. Police were checking the area for booby traps.
2. Badly-built kit cars can be death traps.
3. Slow down?there are speed traps along this stretch of road.
4. Police speed traps are operating on this motorway.
5. A filter traps dust from the air.
6. Exams are not designed to set traps for unwary students.
7. The stock market is full of traps for the unwary.
7. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
8. Wool traps your body heat, keeping the chill at bay.
9. A greenhouse stays warm because the glass traps the heat of the sun.
10. Small print in documents can contain traps for the unwary.
11. You must beware of those traps — you could take all day getting out of them.
12. Many animal welfare groups oppose padded steel-jawed traps.
13. The crab traps are covered in wire netting.
14. Or, use sticky yellow Dethlac glue traps.
15. The plates are designed to foil police speed traps.
16. These bodies were like booby traps.
17. Gardener's Tips Earwig Traps Quite by accident we have found a good way to trapping earwigs.
18. Pests are monitored with traps laced with attractive pheromones, to time limited chemical spraying with ultra-low volume equipment.
19. Enemy redoubts were strewn with booby traps as a matter of course.
20. At some radar traps, nearly 80 percent of speeding tickets went to out-of-state drivers.
21. Its rough surface traps the microflora responsible for halitosis and tooth decay.
22. The existing system, the president declared, traps people in a cycle of dependency.
23. The bodyguard was killed while checking the president's car for booby traps.
24. Oil slicks, overhead cables and pollution are all death traps for birds.
25. Roads with unexpected humpback bridges, tightening-radius corners and reasonably free of police and radar traps.
26. Women with bulimia may also be ignorant of how their behaviour perpetuates their symptoms, creating a vicious cycle which traps them.
27. The guard hairs are hollow, trapping air within and between them, and the underfur also traps air.
28. Numbers of large mammals, including elephants, will have fallen victim to booby traps and land-mines.
29. They were placed in a gentle curve, about twenty traps in all, facing the outgoing tide.
30. But the biggest danger comes from humans. Oil slicks, overhead cables and pollution are all death traps for birds.
1. Police were checking the area for booby traps.
2. Badly-built kit cars can be death traps.
3. The bodyguard was killed while checking the president's car for booby traps.
4. Slow down?there are speed traps along this stretch of road.
31. Within the first 10 minutes, we had 6 guys wounded from different booby traps, mainly hand grenades.
32. It traps the warmth of the odd sunny spell, and wards off the critical few degrees of cold.
33. He set the traps carefully under mossy logs, under grass overhanging like curtains along steep banks, and in brush piles.
34. Just like humans, they go hunting with their blowpipes and they erect snares and traps in the jungle.
35. He laid booby traps in his house, and built lookout posts for anyone who came on to his property.
36. I tried to empathize with their own differing emotional reactions and the fact that they were falling into their own traps again.
37. In terms of dealing with potential traps and deep-seated but dangerous anomalies, recognition that they exist can be nine-tenths of the battle.
38. The mirror traps Him, and demonic forces dismember Him and throw Him into a boiling cauldron.
39. Their electron traps are bleached during transport but after sedimentation and burial they begin to accumulate electrons once more.
40. But their most ingenious use is in the making of insect traps.
41. There were months of planning, false trails were laid, tests and traps set up and sprung.
42. I suspected they were pack rats because they were too smart to get themselves caught in the traps I set for them.
43. On top of this, clearing blocked waste traps can be a major headache.
44. He tended there to wounded animals, who had been harmed by the traps and arrows of hunters.
45. All the traps were baited, but none of them was set.
46. The rule is an attempt to prevent harm to pets or rare species that may wander into the traps.
47. Purists argue against roasting in a conventional oven because the closed space traps moisture, adversely affecting the roasting process.
48. We will also show you how to win at dieting by exposing some of the easiest traps to fall into.
49. But our eyes, as though reversed, encircle it on every side, like traps set round its unobstructed path to freedom.
50. He insisted the fisheries officers were doing their duty by removing illegal lobster traps.
51. Most horses are used today for pleasure riding, for example hacking, hunting, and pulling traps.
52. Whatever he did would play into the hands of Isambard, whose traps were always dual, and could not be evaded.
53. Systems and traps discharging high organic loads can be dosed with biological cleaners.
54. They discharge into downpipes and thence into gullies, traps and drains.
55. Now it contains some good bookshops and some shops that are tourist traps.
56. One by one I caught the mice in the six traps I set every night.
57. The baths, kitchen sink and children's wash basin have conventionally sized traps and wastes.
58. Bennett and Williams suggest that the cells of opening or closing traps acidify their own walls by releasing hydrogen ions.
59. He sprang traps and ambushes on the Witch King's forces.
60. Or, you can set traps for them to prevent then from reaching the pots to lay their eggs.
61. Now the cars thumped and bucked on the ramp, the uptown stampede from the traps of the underpass.
62. The chlorophyll traps make up their electron deficiency by grabbing them from water molecules sited close by.
63. Though traps can cope with a wider range of exhaust effluent, they're more expensive and hard to maintain satisfactorily.
64. Park rangers found three deer that had become ensnared in traps.
65. She sees a person caught in the ego traps which the world sets for the unwary.
66. Dacron Hollofil: Bonded polyester from Dupont, each fibre having a hollow core which traps air and increases warmth value.
67. Sand traps are prominent, but not sand boxes -- while golf courses are plenty, parks are few and far between.
67. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
68. Not only are they free, but one dead dolphin can bait over 350 traps.
69. It is a very warm fabric, as the construction traps a lot of air.
70. Booby traps were usually small and frequently made out of a grenade, with a simple tripwire attached.
71. Triggering of the various traps in the program occurred with surprising frequency and it was difficult to obtain an exposure value.
72. Before long, public housing developments were functioning as traps, not safe havens.
73. Dolphins and porpoises are being entangled in monofilament death traps throughout the world, and a great many drownings go unreported.
74. Energy lost by electrons as they are evicted from their traps is emitted as light radiation and is termed thermoluminescence.
75. The first four traps came easily and full, a good harvest after the waters had most of the winter to recoup.
76. Early levels are pretty dull, but as they get littered with more traps and obstacles, things get more interesting.
77. Depth of seal Traps come in different sizes for different diameters of waste pipe, and also in shallow and deep-seal versions.
78. Ponds or garden pools with steep sides are lethal traps.
79. Here and there a porch is piled high with lobster traps or a yard is completely planted in flowers.
80. Let's keep our roads safe and tighten motoring law to rid our roads of these death traps once and for all.
81. Even the tracks that wash over you the first time around act as aural traps on second and third listens.
82. In its place, service stations were to be required to install vapour traps directly on to petrol pumps.
83. That is why she offers a cautionary tale about the parent traps facing all women.
84. Just as Bill Kestell noted earlier concerning tracks, the indirect effect of booby traps on infantry movement was serious.
85. The sun was moving across the sky and we had almost forgotten to check our traps.
86. Although mines and booby traps are often lumped together and share a lethal simplicity, they are actually very different weapons.
87. But trappers will keep tabs on the extra traps until February, officials said.
88. The farmer sets traps to catch the rats.
89. There are three types of traps in golf course.
90. Now you've got two traps set.
91. Drummer's traps are a kind of percussion musical instruments.
92. Traps are equal opportunity weapons.
93. The hunter baited his traps.
94. The hunter set traps to catch foxes.
95. And both the United States and Europe are well on their way toward Japan - style deflationary traps.
96. Reserch and development on probe traps, attractants, pheromone probe traps and electronic detecting system were introduced.
97. Back-pressure ratio is greater than 85%, is the production process heating equipment, one of the best traps .
97. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
98. The experimental results show that the hot carrier stress of front channel not only results in the strong generation of the front interface traps, but also in the significant oxide traps.
99. Most relational data design books have pages upon pages of discussion on proper normalization of names and how to avoid design traps with names.
100. Searching salt diapers and related traps in Kuqa foreland basin is important.
101. All this happened inside a magnetic bottle that traps the antihydrogen atoms.
102. Electromagnetic fields can store antimatter in so-called Penning traps by keeping the antimatter away from the container's walls.
103. Disk type steam traps are for high pressure steam pipe lines.
104. Both the two plates of thrust are the thick sandstone with high permeability, and these thrust block traps can accumulated heavy oil.
105. The arcane ward master who created the wards and traps protecting the crown jewels has disappeared.
106. The near disposition of source rock, reservoir rock and cap rock is favorable for oil and gas accumulation in buried hill traps.
107. Hand wheel, lever and spanner driving and safety valve, pressure reducing valve, traps overleap this symbol.
108. Sticky traps for trapping and killing to have good result to the small insects, such as aphids, whitefly, Leafhopper, vegetable leaf miner, thrips, etc.
109. According to endogenous growth theory, the reason is that low human capital of poor regions is not complementary with autochthonic innovation(), which leads to underdevelopment traps.
110. The transfer zone may form structures or traps that are prone to hydrocarbon migration and accumulation.
111. The types of traps can maximize the use of condensation water was hot or prevent product overheating.
112. The sprite immmediately went out to spoil all the king's traps.
113. relayd(8) is now also able to send Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) traps through snmpd(8) when the state of a monitored host changes.
114. We had to explore the terrain carefully lest booby traps go off all around us.
115. We still fall for the same logical traps, the same wacky ideas, the same old discredited snake oil in shiny new bottles that plagued our forefathers—and their forefathers.
116. This article gives some interesting tricks for bagging your traps.
117. Field trial showed that traps baited either with virgin females or female sex gland extracts could effectively capture males.
118. C Traps and Pitfalls - The C language is like a carving knife: simple, sharp, and extremely useful in skilled hands.
119. It traps many of the heat waves which would otherwise bounce back into space.
120. Inverted bucket type traps to schedule the air, not afraid of water hammer, fouling performance.
121. Liquidity traps can vitiate it on the downside, but when inflation threatens, tightening the money supply and raising interest rates will discourage spending.
122. But if the uncommon traps turn out to be commonly executed, then they become hotspot paths that trigger recompilation.
123. The lithologic traps consist in unconformable stratigraphic trap and lithologic pinchout trap.
124. If our social networks become a major source of new ideas for us, there's a real danger that homophily traps us in a conceptual echo chamber.
125. The English also have a poor reputation in tourist traps, such as Amsterdam and Ibiza, for being loud-mouthed, obnoxious drunks.
126. Let Pedrico chop it up to use in fish traps.
127. Suer imagines traps baited with these feet bacteria to attract mosquitoes and catch them before they can bite.
128. SET TRAPS: His skill in disarming traps allows the thief to snares of his own.
129. When the researchers added nonanal to these traps, their catch increased by about 50%, they report online this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences .
130. If not, teams send quick double-team traps to get the ball out of Bryant's hands.
131. There was talk of grease traps, air ducts, and subcellar plumbing.
132. They are sneaky and nimble-fingered , and have skills with traps and locks.
133. This system traps the gasoline vapor excaping from the fuel tank and carburetor.
134. Eventually hydrogen becomes fixed in traps in the metal, leading to hydrogen embrittlement.
135. This field traps high - energy protons and electrons from the sun.
136. The most critical factors in evaluating and predicting such traps sealed by the reverse fault are the analysis of strike closure and the estimation of fault sealing.
137. Morevoer, using the lifetime of free photoelectrons, the optimal doping amount of shallow electron trap dopants was found by analyzing the distribution condition of electron traps in silver halide.
138. Autism traps a child inside a maze of thoughts and fears, one who's been inside the trap told educators Friday in Sioux Falls.
139. Explorationists in general and geophysicists in particular search for hydrocarbon traps.
140. And spatially, the structural traps are distributed in the escarpment. And litho- structural traps in the slope region. And the litho- traps, such as lentoid sandstones in the central deep sags.
141. Jan Roberts weaves a compelling tale which traps a young woman in a world run by the Mafia.
142. Booby traps are triggered by enemy units attempting to capture the point.
143. Moreover, using the lifetime of free photoelectrons, the optimal doping amount of shallow electron trap dopants was found by analyzing the distribution condition of electron traps in silver halide.
144. The loose gravel traps are therefore being replaced by rough tarmac.
145. Particulate traps have been designed that will remove most of the particles from the exhaust gas.
146. Empirical evidence for the existence of population traps is not substantial.
147. Usually at least three fell to traps and magic during the entranceway excavation.
148. With the Clever Traps talent Freezing Trap can be as viable at crowd control as a mage's Polymorph , taking a mob out of combat for up to 26 seconds.
149. Vertically, the subtle traps of reef-beach facies are controlled by the change of base level cycle and are mainly developed in the lower part of each sequence unit.
150. Signal peptides' structures and functions, signal sequence traps and the proteins expressions in prokaryote and eukaryote expression systems were illustrated in the article.
151. Among the hedgerows they also often placed booby traps, mines and trip wire explosives.
152. No one cared if the houses were death - traps.
153. They ought not to be allowed to set these steel traps.
154. The western part of Hua-Bei Basin is one of the oil and gas region in China. Seismic exploration has played an important role in the disco- very of various oil and gas traps.
155. Results showed that western lygus bugs, Lygus hesperus (Knight), were attracted to UV light traps in laboratory and greenhouse studies.
156. By comparing analysis results, the best moulding project is chosen filling effect being unifor with unobvious weld line and centralizing air traps.
157. These results should be carefully examined before coming to any conclusion, as many traps await the similarity seeker: paralogues, multidomain proteins, pseudogenes, etc.
158. It traps charges, lowering the voltage on the ionosphere, and on us.
159. One of the best-known honey traps in spy history involves Mata Hari, a Dutch woman who had spent some years as an erotic dancer in Java.
160. It is shown that the cigar-shaped traps affect the evolution of the BEC shift population transferring ratio, and change the characteristics of switching and self-trapping of two BEC solitons.
161. Series G, MG Float Thermostatic steam traps feature a straight through design for fast simple installation.
162. Methods The traps were placed in bedrooms and sitting rooms and rotated nightly approximately following a Latin square design.
163. The traps were formed by the upward arch of diapiric fluid, and episodic diapir activity determined hydrocarbon episodic migration.
164. The lithology and structure traps habitat ed in the center of depression was the best trap.
165. In recent years, The performances of light traps represented by Jiaduo Frequency Trembler Grid Lamps have been greatly improved.
166. Volunteers dump out bucket traps and sift the lepidopteran from the many other kinds of bugs.
167. The mechanisms of slow polarize relaxation come from the diffuse of space charges and traps, it is absorption current in the macroscopic.
168. Patterns in Nature: Water Thick sea ice in the Arctic Ocean's Beaufort Sea traps air bubbles.
169. The deep electron traps accelerated the electron decay because of the strong bonding or deep electron trap as recombination ce...
170. The new changes specifically address the potential effects of small levels of calcium and magnesium on particulate traps used as part of the diesel exhaust after-treatment systems.
171. Other featured creatures include a fangless snake, a frog that chirps like a cricket, and a pitcher plant that traps insects and grows to a height of over seven metres.
172. It is claimed that more petroleum may be preserved in stratigraphic than in structural traps.
173. No. Not in regular government pay and employment, to lay traps?
174. Nylon socks that had been worn by two of the scientists — to ensure they contained "human foot volatiles" — were added to some of the traps, with clean nylon socks added to others as controls.
175. Petroleum accumulation system in the Kuqa fold-thrust belts consists of Jurassic coal source rocks, fault migration system and lateral ramp-related anticline traps.
176. Trees store the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide (CO2) as they grow, while soil traps carbon in the organic matter of roots and tiny organisms underground.
177. They dug trenches in their path and set booby traps.
178. Since then he has written several titles, including Emperor's Egg, winner of the Times Junior Information Book of the Year Award and Fly Traps!
179. She urged lawmakers to set up a new, independent agency to protect consumers from "tricks and traps" set by banks.
180. Each of the cuplike traps on an Attenborough's pitcher plant (Nepenthes attenboroughii's) is as big as an American football—making the pitchers among the largest known.
181. The effective traps for petroleum accumulation were developed mainly in late Yanshan orogeny.
182. The arming time has been reduced to 1 second, from 2 seconds for all traps.
183. Beneficial area of litho - stratigraphic traps lie in the sequence - base level and beside the sequence boundary ( SB ) .
184. In roundabout conversations, full of traps and detours, one man would probe another's views.
185. Deep abysses, steep mountains, guileful catapult traps, hidden alleys and slippery ice-columns: there are jeopardies around every corner of the Lemurs world.
186. Many shelters will rent out traps, or the area may have a by-law enforcement agency that catches stray animals when they are reported as such.
187. Biologists say implausible that onions could attract flu virus as a bug zapper traps flies.
188. For error trapping, you can monitor output and result codes, and you can even set up global traps that identify problems and trap them during execution for reporting purposes.
189. This paper describes the characterization of the hot carrier induced interface traps by a forward gated diode measurement in an N channel MOSFET/SOI.
190. From these he fabricates aesthetically pleasing traps designed to squash, squeeze, torch, shoot, and electrocute you and your fellow-mosquitoes. To death.
191. Curiously enough, they have an unusual way of avoiding their own traps when they sleepwalk, so none of their tricks seem to work very well.
192. The promotion of T cells to produce lymphokines, and enhance cell Traps NK (natural killer cell) differentiation.
193. I am the hunter; I am the one who sets traps.
194. The deep electron traps accelerated the electron decay because of the strong bonding or deep electron trap as recombination center.
195. Clean sand traps and header box to the reserve pit.
196. It may effectively reduce the HC emissions to use a catalyst with low light-off temperature, close-coupled catalyst, HC traps, second air injection and electrically heated catalyst.
197. Examples are: attempts to execute a privileged instruction and arithmetic traps such as overflow, underflow, and divide by zero.
198. The self-loading mechanisms built into most hand crossbows and traps are delicate and difficult to maintain. Extensive practice is required to use them properly.
199. Uh, first he survives being "finished" in a cruel Aztec tournament, then he kills every one of the raiders who give chase in the jungle – even setting up skewer-happy booby traps.
200. Try your hand at crabbing with the blue crab traps (and instructions) that are provided as well.
201. In Borneo and Malaysia, the Nepenthes pitcher plant traps insects using a jug-shaped attachment, or pitcher, at the end of its leaves.
202. Messaging systems forward alerts, such as Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) traps, to a central management console.
203. The south declivity of Yimeng Uplift and the slope places around Central Uplift are the important areas for surveying gas reservoirs in regional stratigraphic traps.
204. On the contrary, this method has the advantage of continually setting traps for these fellows which provoke them to untimely demonstrations of the asininity .
205. Under wave action, zone liquefaction sediment traps and fingerlike sandbody of wave base above there form, and fingerlike sandbody can bring isolation slumped turbidites.
206. But such memories are opium that lure the unwary into traps.
207. Not only does the land produce more grass, said Lovell, but since the grass maintains deeper roots, it traps more carbon in the soil too.
208. She is a legendary huntress whose traps are works of art.
209. Instead of focusing the sun's rays on a cell, as a solar tracker does, an LSC first traps them, wherever they have come from, and then delivers them to the cell using what is known as a waveguide.
210. Horizontally, Oil and gas mainly distribute on the east of central field, accumulating on the top of traps.
211. Ambulant has its shortcomings, but these traps will, of course, disappear over time.
212. Since ordinary steam traps are unable to distinguish flash steam from live steam, they close and impeded drainage.
213. Space charges is often created by trapping or preventing their movement due to various traps, as a result trap properties decide the store and transport of the charge.
214. He generally shunned the traps there were laid to allure him into discussion.
215. Many of the world's 675-plus carnivorous species set passive traps. A bun-size butterwort bristles with gluey hairs that ensnare insects until digestive juices do their work.
216. Others are predators. Deviously setting traps to get what they want.
217. He says camera traps have identified 24 and the rest have been calculated using the unreliable pugmark method.
218. It traps a non-zero exit status from a command, using the ERR variable.
219. The selected object has been manually set to knock out all overlapped objects with no traps.
220. This model can preferably forecast post-irradiation threshold voltage drift due to oxide traps and interface traps through the pre-irradiation 1/f noise parameter.
221. The type of traps can maximize the use of condensation water was hot or prevent product overheating.
221. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
222. Trap test was carried out with 3 kinds of FUJI traps in sealed and unsealed storehouses respectively.
223. The existence of vast area of tight sand rock, low permeability of sand rock and plenteous gas supply are all favorable conditions for the formation of deep basin gas traps.
224. And deflationary traps can go on for a long time.
225. State and federal agriculture and wildlife officials boarded the plane, set traps and captured the eastern gray squirrel.
226. That steady accumulation of muck traps tiny organisms called foraminifera, plant matter and other substances that form a natural record of sea level rise.
227. The traps of carnivorous plants function a little like the stomachs and small intestines of animals.
228. The mechanism of inorganic filler may be in two ways: one is supplying deep electron traps that can effectively reduce carrier mobility and carrier density in LDPE.
229. The tear fault intersected with low angle normal fault or thrust fault can form some traps, e. g. trap-door structure trap.
230. Swarm Traps used in an Apiary will not cause managed colonies to swarm.
231. Jean Jacque, my assistant from Antananarivo, and I set up a couple of Malaise traps in the gallery forest, and then the fun began.
232. Deadly beauty, the pitcher plant traps insects in its fluid-filled cup, where they drown.
233. The working properties of the SMA actuator are compared with the bimetallic strip actuator which is another used type of thermostatic steam traps.




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