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单词 Hedgerow
1) We gathered blackberries from the hedgerow.
2) Hedgerow briars are best left for walking sticks.
3) At the hedgerow, a man held a thumbs-up.
4) Turn left, alongside hedgerow fence on left, to leave by stile in top left-hand corner.
5) Although the Government promise action to preserve hedgerows, they have not produced proposals for a hedgerow protection Bill.
6) They listen from the creosote-dark shadows of hedgerow and wood.
7) Some hedgerow stops are often the beginnings of a new burrow system once the doe and her young move out.
8) Turn left with the hedgerow to your right and cross the field to the woods.
9) A hedgerow in open fields was no place to remain all day.
10) He crouched behind a low hedgerow.
11) A major shortcoming of the Sherman for hedgerow fighting was its unarmored underbelly ,[http:///hedgerow.html] which made it particularly vulnerable to the panzerfaust when it tried to climb a hedgerow.
12) In the Northwest, they are being planted by hedgerow on seedling roots, clonal and dwarfing stocks.
13) Using vetiver grass hedgerow erodedlanderoded hill ecologic system rehabilitation through soil and vegetation restoration.
14) Individuals such as this one live in the countryside, no more a nuisance than the rabbits occupying the same hedgerow.
15) About midnight the wind freshened from the estuary, rustling the hawthorn in the hedgerow round the churchyard.
16) The rolling Midland landscape, even despite the amount of modern hedgerow removal, still has much to offer in visual terms.
17) He looked cautiously out from among the beans and then darted into the hedgerow.
18) We left our belongings hanging on the handlebars and skirted the hedgerow for blackberries.
19) But she has gone; and they fly pell-mell up the hedgerow, frisking, chattering and perching where they will.
20) They can also go straight over obstacles, which is very useful if your enemy is defending a wall or hedgerow.
21) The second turning starts at the outside edge turning the whole field including the double row towards the hedgerow.
22) A few seconds later there was a loud explosion in a hedgerow just off the road, a short distance away.
23) A young boy in Hartlepool picks some bright red berries from the hedgerow.
24) Farmers are being offered up to £300 in grants to save 100 metres of hedgerow.
25) He made good use of every piece of newspaper that he could pick up and every convenient hedgerow!
26) Continue and cross the field to gate, keep the hedgerow on the right.
27) Hedge heist: Green-fingered thieves lifted 1,000 seedlings from a hedgerow in Stokesley.
28) I began to feel drowsy and wondered about the hedgerow broth.
29) A scheme run by the Countryside Commission gives farmers an annual payment for neglected hedgerow.
30) Why does he walk there where there's nothing only my bungalow the hedgerow and the field?
31) Ox is hard work, and fighting spirit of symbol, and expand creative, sharp new enterprising, sorriness pan hedgerow create new heaven and earth.
32) More than a hundred thousand miles of hedgerow have been lost since 1945.
33) Training systems had great influence on the leaf PAR capture, leaf and fruit temperature microclimate. Canopy temperature microclimate was better in T-bar and hedgerow trellis than in pergola trellis.
34) Light interception and distribution in hedgerow orchards with different alleyway widths is indicated in Fig . 56.
35) The leaves, still green,[sentence dictionary] were tossed off the hedgerow trees By the wind.
36) A wide hedgerow, growing thick with hawkweed, borders a field in south Wales, near Brecon Beacons National Park.
37) With the rabbits fenced out, seeds from hedgerow trees were growing unmolested.
38) Soil loss of the pure contour hedgerow plot was pure crop plot.
39) There is more violence in an English hedgerow than meanest streets of a great city.
40) And to self - production of gasoline scooters, gasoline engine, cutting irrigation machines, Hedgerow machines.




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