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单词 embroider
释义  Related topics: Sewing & knittingem·broi·der /ɪmˈbrɔɪdə $ -ər/ verb  1  DLHDECORATE[intransitive, transitive] to decorate cloth by sewing a pattern, picture, or words on it with coloured threads (在…上)刺绣embroider something with something The dress was embroidered with flowers. 那条裙子上绣着花。embroider something on something A colourful design was embroidered on the sleeve of the shirt. 衬衫的袖子上绣了一个色彩鲜艳的图案。 a richly embroidered jacket 刺绣华美的夹克衫2. [transitive]ADD to make a story or report of events more interesting or exciting by adding details that are not true 对〔故事或报道〕加以渲染 SYN embellish→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusembroider• He embroidered his stories and kept us entertained for hours.• They taught me darning, knitting, embroidering, mending, solitaire, palm-reading, whatever they knew.• I do not think there is any question of them having embroidered on these events in any way.• I used a grey yarn to embroider the body and antennae.• Amy embroidered the history of the family as well.• The cushion was embroidered with a pattern of golden keys.• I would have bought you a new slip, of satin, trimmed with lace, or embroidered with roses.Origin embroider (1300-1400) Anglo-French enbrouder, from Old French brouder “to embroider”em·broi·der verbChineseSyllable   Corpus a by to cloth picture, pattern, sewing decorate




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