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单词 Baptized
1. They baptized the new baby.
2. He was baptized a Roman Catholic.
3. He was baptized into the Christian faith.
4. The baby was baptized Maria.
5. The baby was baptized Monday,() October 6.
6. The minister baptized the baby.
7. Jesus was baptized by John.
8. I was baptized a Catholic.
9. Joseph was baptized with sorrow.
10. The child was baptized Tom.
11. The child was baptized Jack.
12. They baptized him Joseph.
13. She was baptized Mary.
14. She was baptized when she was a month old and confirmed when she was thirteen.
15. She was baptized Jane.
16. Sorrow had baptized him.
17. Her grandparents were baptized in that lake.
18. Both boys were baptized Catholic.
19. He was baptized by his Wilson grandfather at Horbling.
20. Amy was baptized Amelia, but always called Amy.
21. Anna had me baptized by a Catholic priest.
22. When the prefect learned tbat Hadrian had been baptized, he had him broken limb from limb.
23. If you spoke in tongues you were baptized by the Spirit, if you did not you were not.
24. The Tuolumne is where many rafters get baptized by the cool, clear and pounding rapids.
25. It's a sore point with Sue's parents that the children have not been baptized yet.
26. Pious legend. After assisting in the burial of a martyr, this newly baptized soldier was taken before the emperor.
27. With her infant son in her arms, Perpetua was imprisoned while waiting to be baptized.
28. The baby was dressed in the same lace christening dress her mother had been baptized in twenty-eight years before.
29. Immediately following mass, she confessed her sins and was baptized by the bishop.
30. At first, only chil-dren of visible saints were to be baptized and thus recognized as part of the covenant.
1. They baptized the new baby.
2. He was baptized a Roman Catholic.
3. They baptized him Joseph.
31. So he threw open the gates and welcomed all baptized persons into full church membership.
32. As seasons passed, the priest could account for only eleven baptized people, moribund infants all.
33. He was baptized, confirmed at the age of 13, and regularly took communion at Mass.
34. Children are baptized by the faith of their parents, and on no other basis.
35. A non-Catholic who is married to a non-Catholic can have that marriage annulled in order to be baptized and marry a Catholic.
36. When the prefect learned that Hadrian had been baptized, he had him broken limb from limb.
37. Giving up his five wives and dozen concubines, Vladimir demanded that all his subjects in Kiev become baptized.
38. He was baptized in his own parish church of Arbory, 20 November 1774.
39. Instead of a gentle immersion in the ways of the Kremlin, Lebed has found himself baptized by fire.
40. It is still a sore point with both grandparents that neither Alice nor Henry have been baptized.
41. After assisting in the burial of a martyr, this newly baptized soldier was taken before the emperor.
42. In his unformed fantasies he imagined himself reborn and baptized, a martyr and a saint.
43. The victors declared a holiday and gave all remaining non-Christians until August 1 to be baptized or leave.
44. The vicar baptized the baby.
45. " Is the brat baptized? " he questioned.
46. Paul then quickly Ananias'instruction and was baptized.
47. I think your mother was baptized a Catholic.
48. Baptism does not unite every baptized person head for head to Christ.
49. Constantine I, baptized on his deathbed, was the first Christian Roman emperor.
50. I baptized you with water; but He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.
51. 22After this, Jesus and his disciples went out into the Judean countryside, where he spent some time with them, and baptized.
52. Imniashvili says that the ball was traditionally baptized in a mixture used in pre-Christian celebrations in western Georgia.
53. The Ephesian believers did not know the Holy Spirit before being baptized in the name of Jesus, though they had believed in Him.
54. Believing and being baptized are no matters of merit to be gloried in—they are so simple that boasting is excluded, and free grace bears the palm.
55. She was baptized as a Roman Catholic and even was an altar boy at the Parish of St. Mark's Church, a copy of the baptism certificate is enclosed.
56. I give thanks ( to God ) that I baptized none of you except Crispus and Gaius.
57. The Russian Orthodox Church was rising everywhere from the ashes of the Soviet era, and millions of Russians were rushing to be baptized .
58. Their first - born child, Susanna was baptized on 26 May 1583.
59. I indeed have baptized you with water: but he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost.
60. On May 15th of 1829, in the Susquehanna river near Harmony Pennsylvania , Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdry were baptized by John the Baptist.
61. After being baptized by Spanish conquistadors as "Provincia De Nuestro Se?or Jesucristo El Salvador Del Mundo" it's now known as the Republic of El Salvador.
62. We will also ensure that they understand the implications of been baptized and their future relationship with those who are not baptized( disassociation ).
63. Participation in Holy Communion shall be open to other baptized Christians.
64. As he rubbed his prayer stone, Seelaus began to dream that he might be baptized in the Tigris River.
65. The eunuch then said, " Look, here is water: what is to prevent my being baptized? "
66. While he is down there on the dusty floor of this Fire Baptized Temple at central Harlem, John Grimes These are the offscouring of the earth.
67. But John forbad him, saying, I have need to be baptized of thee,(http:///baptized.html) and comest thou to me?
68. The children were baptized by Obama's pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright of Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago. Rev. Wright also officiated at Obama's marriage.
69. 5The whole Judean countryside and all the people of Jerusalem went out to him Confessing their sins, they were baptized by him in the Jordan River.
70. The exchange never took place. Pocahontas was taken to the settlement at Henrico where she learned English, converted to Christianity, was baptized and christened Rebecca.
71. I've been baptized and confirmed, and I'm the son of an altar boy and the nephew of a priest, so I'm sure I'll be fine.
72. I baptized you in water; But he shall baptize you in the Holy Spirit.
73. Next, Dan led us in renewing our baptismal vows and baptized Tom in the Catholic tradition.
74. Elsewhere, an Ethiopian leader was baptized on the spot when he was converted, and Paul and Silas baptized a Philippian jailer and his family at midnight.
75. For instance in the sentence, "I was born in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, on May 24, 1913 and was baptized in a church, " has seven ideas according to the researchers.
76. The whole Judean countryside and all the people of Jerusalem went out to him. Confessing their sins, they were baptized by him in the Jordan River.
77. Cor. 1:14 I thank God that I baptized none of you except Crispus and Gaius.
78. On May 15th of 1829, in the Susquehanna river near Harmony Pennsylvania , Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdry were baptized by John the Baptist. They were also ordained to the Aaronic priesthood.
79. Catechumen will freely decide if he or she wants to be baptized and become a member of the Catholic Church.
80. John the Baptist's third year, also went to be baptized Jesus.




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