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单词 yowl
释义  Related topics: Colours & soundsyowl /jaʊl/ verb [intransitive]  Cif an animal or a person yowls, they make a long loud cry, especially because they are unhappy or in pain 〔尤指因悲痛或疼痛而〕嚎叫,惨叫 SYN howl A tomcat was yowling out on the lawn. 一只公猫在外面草坪上哀叫。 —yowl noun [countable]→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusyowl• Kip kept yowling and cursing in the kitchen.• The noisy, speechless animal would yowl, waking Ted.Origin yowl (1100-1200) Probably from the soundyowl verbChinese  a make a if person an they animal yowls, Corpus or




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