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单词 Acquiring
(1) The key to acquiring proficiency in any task is repetition.
(2) Children seek out regularities and rules in acquiring language.
(3) The EU is now acquiring greater assurance and authority.
(4) He spent years acquiring his skills as a surgeon.
(5) She would also be acquiring a capital asset.
(6) Hunt was acquiring something of a bad reputation: both for being accident-prone and for being excessively forthright.
(7) By acquiring an elephant's head[Sentence dictionary], Ganesa also assumed the elephant's sagacity and became the patron of literature.
(8) By this he means acquiring a thin veneer of knowledge to mask his corruption.
(9) Would-be grandparents can express their disappointment at not acquiring the longed-for grandchild.
(10) Grumbold's will indicates that he accumulated considerable wealth, acquiring a substantial amount of leasehold property in Cambridge.
(11) Language is acquiring increased visibility in the field of cognitive science.
(12) The company got Notes last year by acquiring Lotus Development Corp.
(13) He worked to prevent the Jesuits from acquiring land and influence, though he supported their spiritual ministry to the Catholic settlers.
(14) More children than before are now acquiring a formal education beyond the minimum school-leaving age.
(15) It develops gradually, acquiring greater legal protection by stages as the fetus gains viability.
(16) To a point, the onus for acquiring these skills depends on the self-discipline and initiative of the trainees themselves.
(17) The process of acquiring the role I have to play has been analysed by researchers in four stages.
(18) Only by acquiring knowledge in this needlessly arcane system could one gain admittance to the society of adepts.
(19) Enterprise also plan to expand their estate by acquiring more pubs, aiming to double in size by 1996.
(20) Acquiring familiarity with the work of computer professionals is an important goal of the courses.
(21) Speech degeneration often occurs in children who become deaf after acquiring language.
(22) He worked in the property business for a number of years, acquiring a reputation as a formidable wheeler-dealer.
(23) I had a couple of months to spare between jobs so I thought I'd make a virtue of necessity by acquiring a few new skills.
(24) The process of learning words, learning their grammatical categories and acquiring them in correct combinations is very much a two-way affair.
(25) Their status and rewards are, like those of many other social groups, achieved through acquiring special forms of expertise.
(26) International research tends to involve analyzing international data, rather than acquiring first-hand knowledge about international operations in other countries.
(27) Large numbers of people have gained the advantages of acquiring different forms of capital, be they houses or shares.
(28) Napoli 99 is a private organisation founded in1984 to improve the negative image that the city was acquiring.
(29) How is a land animal to solve the problem of acquiring oxygen without losing water?
(30) The result is that the shareholders in the target company become the majority shareholders in the acquiring company.
(31) Those who inherit one gene have an increased chance of acquiring cancers later in life.
(32) Most managers in this study were acquiring the foundation to meet these challenges.
(33) It would be a remarkable party, and already our apartment was acquiring a quality of exaggerated and unrestrained festivity.
(34) Any success that could be claimed to the credit of St Mary's Hospital improved its chances of acquiring much needed donations.
(35) Vivisection in education Dissection has traditionally been a means of acquiring a knowledge of anatomy.
(36) Acquiring land across the sea added a new complexity to an empire.
(37) These skills need much greater emphasis in schools,[] and work-based learning is ideally suited to acquiring them.
(38) But all parties agree that Mr Mugabe must follow the laws of his own country in acquiring the land.
(39) The best method I have seen for acquiring this skill uses an impact pad.
(40) It has been criticized by analysts for veering off that course and acquiring too many other businesses too quickly.
(41) The acquiring bank transfers its good habits to the acquired, so increasing the group's return on equity.
(42) Rockefeller succeeded through acquiring the right plants, the means of transportation and the retail outlets.
(43) As explained, this is C.N.L.'s only hope of acquiring these documents at the present stage.
(44) National groups could only find outlets for their own beer by acquiring smaller companies and shutting down their brewing plant.
(45) Milken served as an informal adviser to Ellison when he considered acquiring Apple Computer Corp. in 1994.
(46) After all, how can you square downsizing with acquiring a smaller carrier with a similar cost base?
(47) It would be a four-year test, but acquiring any realistic sense of its impact would take much longer than that.
(48) The other differences between these different ways of acquiring true beliefs are irrelevant.
(49) Quite apart from acquiring the land, he had been charged with getting hold of large quantities of uranium.
(50) Roebuck acquiring a two-thirds interest in Watt's patent for his financial help.
(51) Learning isn't acquiring knowledge so much as it is trimming information that has already been acquired. Criss Jami 
(52) Time spent in acquiring the preliminary concepts will amply repay itself later in terms of understanding, enjoyment and proficiency in mathematics.
(53) The managers did come to see that acquiring managerial competence actually meant sacrificing some of their technical competence.
(54) If any blame must be given for the delay in acquiring federal assistance, it should probably fall on the governor.
(55) Newco will usually be acquiring a trade and will therefore be a trading company rather than an investment company from the outset.
(56) To begin with, geometry has more value than simply as a means of acquiring a grasp of mathematical concepts.
(57) A Court Scheme represents an alternative to a takeover offer as a method of acquiring control of a public company.
(58) Sometimes these two-survival and acquiring a mate are conflicting goals.
(59) Far more career plans reflected concerns for acquiring the strategy and related client skills so essential to advancement within the firm.
(60) Given the costs to the individual voter of acquiring this kind of information, it is not surprising that intermediaries have emerged.
(61) Gradually the pairing of this warning to time out leads to the warning itself acquiring some punishing properties.
(62) And somehow-not solely by osmosis, either-we began acquiring that degree of skill and energy and initiative of quick intelligence.
(63) In the West, the value of materialism motivates individuals to invest time and energy producing and acquiring material possessions.
(64) She went into business by acquiring a stake in a copper mine in Australia.
(65) Many who are in the process of acquiring these technical skills may wish to try their hand at grantsmanship.
(66) In that case ownership will not pass to the buyer before the seller has himself succeeded in acquiring that ownership.
(67) Fiction has it that Mrs Marcos was a grand art collector,[http:///acquiring.html] acquiring beautiful paintings as a testament to her taste.
(68) These rules express the interactional dispositions of the individuals concerned which constrain their potential for acquiring novel behaviour randomly through learning.
(69) Far from complete, the I-way is quickly acquiring new on-ramps and even small highway systems.
(70) Unless it would be for wealthy men interested in acquiring as trophy wives lapsed radicals who look great in workout gear.
(71) They said he had far exceeded his limits in acquiring mortgages that were packaged into a particularly risky form of securities.
(72) The two main tasks of acquiring oral/aural competence and achieving basic literacy are dealt with in the course's two parallel streams.
(73) But most people in Hanoi could not afford consumer luxuries(), and even acquiring necessities was a full-time job.
(74) Progress depends first of all on acquiring a better understanding of users and of information-seeking behaviour through user-oriented qualitative research.
(75) Most people lose the only thing they possess-life-while acquiring the many things that will finally never be theirs. RVM 
(76) The government says it is putting emphasis on acquiring environmentally friendly technologies.
(77) In the pursuit of acquiring treasures, we lose the one treasure that we truly possess- life. Let us not lose life in the wild pursuit of other things. RVM 
(78) But for most retirees, acquiring unconditional non-resident status can take up to three years.
(79) So I try to put the younger ones off acquiring one until they're older.
(80) The peasants' chances of acquiring personal freedom were very much alive, but their chances of acquiring land remained small.
(81) It also risked acquiring the stigma attached to the means-tested Poor Law.
(82) Sister Agnesey enquires if any progress has been made in acquiring commodes.
(83) After acquiring the relevant paper qualifications in 1979 I got my first sales and marketing job in 1980.
(84) The corollary is that acquiring an addiction is tantamount to relieving oneself of personal responsibility.
(85) However, acquiring a taste for less salt may take time in order to become used to a low-salt taste.
(86) That is, did the person acquiring the subject-matter think that he was obtaining hardware or software?
(87) It is even more worrying that relatively minor powers are now acquiring nuclear weapons.
(88) Meals these days are excellent and require a daily workout in the exercise area to keep from acquiring unwanted pounds.
(89) Did he lose anything by acquiring it as a gambling casino?
(90) This will safeguard against the student acquiring bad habits in these features of pronunciation.
(91) He got rich quickly by acquiring filthy lucre.
(92) As a country that is acquiring as much production capital as China is, one has to have a means to efficiently acquire capital.
(93) By acquiring Playdom, Disney will also be getting an existing portfolio of popular social games, which includes Mobsters, the top title on MySpace (NSDQ: NWS).
(94) The first hard part about caring for a carnivorous plant is actually acquiring one.
(95) An IF delay line is introduced in the IF differential demodulator to prevent broadband communication from acquiring the synchronization of the IF carrier.
(96) The circular correlation algorithm can be used for acquiring Global Positioning System(GPS) C/A code signals.
(96) try its best to collect and build good sentences.
(97) In order to get rid of the effect of earning management and changes in accounting regulation in the accounting study approach, we analyzed the acquiring performance based on cash flow analysis.
(98) The system has the capabilities of tracking a missile in flight automatically or manually, acquiring and transmitting the angular data in real time by using the microcomputer and the data link system.
(99) As a complicated systematical social project, the fanner-worker's acquiring citizenship is facing a lot of handicaps , some of which are institutional while some come from the workers themselves.
(100) New phages can develop by acquiring restriction enzymes from plasmids.
(101) The training will be provided to U.S. advisors who are set to work with the Afghanistan National Army Air Corps (ANAAC), which is acquiring 18 G-222 transport aircraft from the U.S.
(102) The woman who became his wife would be acquiring not just a husband but a run-down house and a parcel of financial worries.
(103) This paper presents an algorithm of acquiring depth map using linear approximation based on gray level information. Using the algorithm, surface reconstruction can be easily realized.
(104) The invention has the advantages of capability of acquiring more accurate forecasting motion vectors, capability of compressing code rate of motion vectors, and obtaining of performance gain.
(105) Acquiring film thickness, material's refractive index and extinction coefficient, component and so on.
(106) I have admired you for your hardwork in acquiring an advanced degree in your career.
(107) By contrast, the Audiology training I received at Chung Shan Medical University at the bachelor level largely focused on acquiring basic medical knowledge and specific clinical protocol.
(108) Maturation and wide use of embedded systems make it a new way to construct a embedded instrument that based on single board computer and data acquiring board .
(109) A new House bill introduced in the Armed Services Committee would direct the Defense Department to study alternatives for acquiring and funding technology that supports network-centric operations.
(110) The system includes the modules of data acquiring, digital filtering, data conversion, digital zeroing and adjusting.
(111) Through introducing the image processing IC SAA7113 and its usage method of image acquiring, the results of image processing by the system were presented.
(112) He studies mythology, linguistics, Oriental cultures, spending years in Japan acquiring the discipline of Zen.
(113) After acquiring Warner Industries, stock in Acme Corp. went up by 12 %.
(114) They argue that selling or acquiring stock in a local exploration and production unit in China that owns the assets doesn't represent a change of control or trigger preemption rights.
(115) Acquiring the acquisition order by the method of relative frequency, acquisition confidence and implication scale and above analysis.
(116) Most of the embedded real-time operation systems supported the priority inheritance require that the order of releasing resource is mutually inversed with the order of acquiring resource.
(117) Acquiring seismic information in the complex survey area, there often occur distorted phenomena in the first arrival wave of original record.
(118) To overcome the difficulties on acquiring enough fault modes from ground and flight test data, the failure process for liquid propellant rocket propulsion systems was modeled.
(119) Based on the capacity of affirming quantity, younger infants are sensitive to number which is the jumping-off point for them acquiring rich preverbal quantitative knowledge.
(120) A day after winning the rights to negotiate with Japanese left-hander Kei Igawa with a $26,000,194 bid, the Yankees remained focused on acquiring another starting pitcher to go with him.
(121) The risk of acquiring HSV-2 went up steadily and significantly with each unprotected sex act.
(122) It's in acquiring this "uncommon visage" that the meaning of human existence seems to lie, since for this uncommonness we are, as it were, prepared genetically.
(123) McCain also says Iraq must be prevented from acquiring a nuclear weapon.
(124) The report noted the building of an aircraft carrier, and said China "continues to show interest" in acquiring carrier-borne jet fighters from Russia.
(125) Of corse , the course of acquiring this character is doubtlessly one of artistic creation.
(126) Power System Fault Simulation and Analysis System is a PCbased software package which includes fault simulating[], data acquiring and analyzing.
(127) Retreatism: those who reject socially approved goals and the means for acquiring them.
(128) A talent agent can help an aspiring entertainer progress in their career by acquiring gigs or auditions to move them along.
(129) The diesels temperatures, run idle, and fuel quality were analyzed in measuring smoke unit, then put forward effective method for acquiring precise smoke unit data.
(130) The system is composed of such parts: ECG acquiring and R-wave detection module, defibrillation module, charge and discharge modules, impedance detection module.
(131) Amendments to the Articles of Incorporation of the acquiring Banking Enterprise.
(132) Finally, an algorithm for acquiring optimal sampling frequencies and static optimal scheduling algorithm are presented.
(133) The slave system is responsible for acquiring the stress wave signal from the pipeline.
(134) We observe cats and dogs acquiring the same second nature.
(135) Collecting is the process of acquiring performance or availability data from a PDS.
(136) The THAAD radar played a critical role in acquiring, tracking and discriminating the lethal object in support of the low endo-atmospheric (inside the earth's atmosphere) intercept.
(137) Financial Services: Direct Seed Capital Investment, Acquiring Start - up and Growth Capital Investment.
(138) Cash flow statement can demonstrater a company's capability of acquiring cash and cash equivalent, based on which we can predict the prospective cash flow of the company.
(139) Infrared spectroelectrochemistry can characterize an electrochemical process at the molecular level by acquiring real time information about molecular structure of related species.
(140) Preious studies hae found genital herpes was a risk factor for acquiring HI.
(141) We are acquiring an understanding of the history of monotheism.
(142) Instructions on acquiring the access code are available in the unprotected introductory section of the MQ LLM Information Center.
(143) The Yankees made a relatively modest investment in acquiring Igawa, a three-time strikeout leader in Japan's Central League, this offseason.
(144) They replied: " Renewed thanks, ma'am, but we are very well for we are acquiring copy. ".
(145) When learning a foreign language, one has to learn, first and foremost, a new phonological system, which means acquiring a totally unfamiliar set of articulatory habits.
(146) But he notes that his model of a planet acquiring and then outgassing solar material is not dead yet.
(147) The achievements of acquiring Chinese passive sentence in second language acquisition are mainly in the acquisition of grammatical pattern, and seldom in the acquisition of pragmatics function.
(148) A data measuring and acquiring system was designed on the basis of the theoretical analysis of the steam generator's stability for 10MW high temperature gas cooled reactor.
(149) A mental block is formed due to the effect of the learner's negative mental being and is, to some extent, supposed to hobble the learner's acquiring progress of the objective language.
(150) A new chaotic search method for acquiring the optimal solution in the global space is also developed by taking advantage of its intrinsic ergodicity and randomicity.
(151) The company will intermediate and oversee the process of acquiring new computers for the school district.
(152) The value functions and investment thresholds of the acquiring firms in different conditions are derived by using relative knowledge of option games theory.
(153) Sure-thing investing We invest our time, energy and money on buying and acquiring things while futilely trying to achieve the life we want.
(154) Science is one of the conditions of capital productivity, one means of acquiring wealth, and provides the unlimited expansion of power to capital development.
(155) The role of the pragmatic information in acquiring a foreign language has received more and more attention.
(156) The embodiment of the invention discloses a method and equipment for acquiring cell attribute.
(157) Objective A software used for acquiring and analyzing signals was developed for ergonomical research on Human Workload in space manual system.
(158) Second,[http:///acquiring.html] that in acquiring virtue by struggles and toil we shall hold on and steadfastly.
(159) He has set his sights on acquiring the controlling interest in the company.
(160) The problems concerning knowledge acquiring, the selection of tutoring strategy, student model, etc. are also discussed.
(161) As the RBC ages it may change antigenically, acquiring senescent antigens and losing its flexibility due to impaired ATP production.
(162) On June 23, British defense procurement and technology minister Peter Luff announced the military was also acquiring a further 28 Wolfhound armored trucks from the firm.
(163) The deal, with a total value of around RMB100m, involves acquiring the Dalla Pieta brand, design drawings and 13 half-finished yachts.
(164) Since the brain already has been implanted with the sound and speech pattern blueprints, acquiring the reading skill then becomes a simple task of pairing the blueprints with the text.
(165) The former president is accused of corruptly acquiring a palace and four villas in the resort of Sharm el-Sheikh.
(166) This simple, less invasive, less extensive procedure might worthwhile to provide alternatives acquiring lower complication rate for correction of post-burned equinus deformity.
(167) Cnooc takes into consideration the prospect of a "reasonable" return on investment when acquiring overseas assets, Chief Financial Officer Zhong Hua told reporters today.
(168) The search system provides a measure to acquiring knowledge for the development of rolling bearing products.
(169) Chapter three concludes and suggests the five elements of acquiring "Bel Canto" full of "head voice".
(170) Many industry insiders were sure that if Google were serious about acquiring a portfolio of patents, InterDigital would be its target.
(171) The usucaption, together with the bona fide acquiring, extinctive prescription, registration of real property and possession, forms the system of the protection of right on property.
(172) GSSAPI lacks a login interface for acquiring credentials; it merely queries the underlying security mechanism for credentials for the calling principal.
(173) By using data acquiring and processing functions of computers, the authors succeeded in developing a computer-aided test system on centrifugal pump performance.
(174) It's an inevitable means for acquiring corporation to receive and identify signal from acquired corporation in time, give acquired co...
(175) These insects are masters of disguise, acquiring false eyespots in their larva stage to give them a snakelike look.
(176) Chimps have a distinct sense of right and wrong and dislike unfair occurrences, such as being denied food they were working towards acquiring.
(177) Flaky morphology of magnetic metal particle material can raise its natural resonance frequency because of strong shape anisotropy, which is advantageous to acquiring high microwave permeability .
(178) In the field of Natural Language Processing, one important way of acquiring semantic information is Semantic Role labelling (SRL).
(179) Children's acquiring of the mother tongue is a long process.
(180) In acquiring properties of language: phonological, semantic and syntactic knowledge, children have acquired metalinguistic awareness.
(181) The automaticdata acquiring and processing system, controlled by a microcomputer, leads to get accurate results.
(182) As a typical means of acquiring corporations, listed company acquisition is a security exchange transaction that essentially aims at gaining the control of a company.
(183) Their opposition to communal landholding was motivated by the obstacles this form of tenure placed in the way of acquiring land for the Jewish National Home.
(184) The results of this study have very important significance for acquiring maximum recovery rate and the best economic results for steam flooding of xiaowa oil field in liaohe oil area.
(185) User held the position of vizier for 20 years, also acquiring the titles of prince and mayor of the city, according to the inscriptions.
(186) The certified rate of the finished virescence construction is 100% and acquiring the good social effect, taking on the good public praise.
(187) Her mother was at pains to make clear to him that in marrying Julia he would be acquiring a pearl of great price.
(188) The Coast Guard is also acquiring additional 20 fast patrol vehicles, 41 interceptor boats, 12 coastal surveillance aircraft and seven off-shore patrol vehicles.
(189) Mao declined to comment on whether the Chinese oil giant was interested in acquiring BP's overseas assets, only saying existing deals with BP were "going smoothly".
(190) Then, according to the features of the generalized information table, the algorithms of acquiring minimal attribute reduction, attribute value reduction and minimum decision algorithm are put forward.
(191) In addition, methods acquiring complex amplitude of light-wave and reconstructing original image with digital hologram are analyzed, which can be used for reconstruction of optical sources.
(192) In 1977, Stephen Jay Gould weighed in with his neoteny hypothesis: nakedness was part of an evolutionary strategy for acquiring larger brains.
(193) Realm Write Operations: Currently all Realm implementations support 'read' operations for acquiring authentication and authorization data to perform logins and access control.
(194) This allows the acquiring company to take a "stepped-up" tax basis in the target's assets, which generates larger tax deductions, and in turn increases acquirer cash flow.
(195) Our task was to marry his intuition to the operational knowledge that were gradually acquiring.
(196) Design of machine balancing mechanism. We are established in acquiring parallel potential energy distribution basis. through optimizing design calculation.
(197) The high ability of optoelectronic tracking servo system to tracking and acquiring fast moving targets is required , along with the rapid enhancement of target speed and acceleration .
(198) Oracle executives have voiced their interest in acquiring more hardware companies, and H.P. remains on the prowl, making some recent big-ticket purchases.
(199) Externally, your main consideration seems to be acquiring wealth and satisfying your pleasure-seeking instinct.
(200) Based on the traditional reduction method of the decision table, a search algorithm based on binary coding is presented, according to which a knowledge acquiring software tool is developed.
(201) Learning happens in the hippocampus a brain a key role in acquiring memories.
(202) For many detecting instruments and meters, acquiring and recording data on time is very important. Also, the question of consuming energy must be considered.
(203) For acquiring good properties of brazed joint of coal cutter, the effect of tempering temperature on microstructure and shearing strength of brazed joint was studied.
(204) The possible use of a sub-system acquiring data from several wireless sensors with minimal intrusiveness is both worth investigating and achievable.
(205) Compares calculation methods for acquiring the amount of the transferred heat and probes the causes behind the calculation error.
(206) But by a few months of age, meerkat pups stop begging and become nutritionally independent, acquiring their food exclusively by foraging for themselves.
(207) In the legal provisions, visitation right is parent's right when not acquiring direct fostering right after their divorce.
(208) The pen grows sharper with practice like a cobbler's awl, gradually acquiring the sharpness of an embroidery needle.
(209) The system is based on the Faraday effect. It can measure the current value of the high voltage line by acquiring the output first harmonic value of the optic-signal data.
(210) Innovative Composites plans to expand by acquiring Lakeshore Diversified Products Inc. of Spring Lake, Mich. Lakeshore is an injection molder that itself is expanding.
(211) After scholarships, loans and acquiring every piece of possible information about payment options, tax breaks and savings, I finally grasped the enormousness of my total educational burden.
(212) Experiments of acquiring the sample data are designed. The model has been built and successfully used in the inference control of rotary dryer kiln.
(213) Creating a topiary guardian begins with acquiring a perfectly sculpted topiary of a boar, lion, or triceratops.
(214) This paper presents design of the Uighur, Kazak, Kirgiz OMR information acquire system and the Uighur Optical Mark Code for the examination register information acquiring.
(215) Cisco and 3 Com Corp. gained entry by acquiring small start - up firms during the past year.
(216) In acquiring books, often in mock-heroic ways, he says he has managed "to renew the Old World."
(217) The procedure for acquiring PK is also presented in the proposed method based on the characteristics of PK.
(218) It is claimed that Manchester City and Tottenham Hotspur are both interested in acquiring the services of the 28-year-old.
(219) The analysis and mining of bioinformation can be strongly supported by means of acquiring high quality bio-data efficiently and conveniently from integrated heterogeneous bioinformation resource.
(220) The Chinese are acquiring resources all around the world and with them, willy-nilly, an overseas empire that threatens U.S. interests.
(221) Leasing encourages a disciplined approach to acquiring, deploying and disposing computer equipment.
(222) But if China had really been implacably opposed to its neighbour's acquiring nuclear capability, would it not have done more earlier?
(223) International institutions face the challenges of aggregating consensus and acquiring supports from states.
(224) This paper introduces the application of multithread in data acquiring and processing system and studies running efficiency of vary kind of thread designed in special method.
(225) To avoid acquiring a reputation for splitting hairs I would like to emphasize that one can certainly live with a conventional fingerboard, provided it is precisely made.
(226) The light center of gravity method is applied to processing optic fiber exited spot signal for acquiring the position features of optic fiber ends.
(227) Fulfilling the hardware system on-line debugging,[] and acquiring the system parameters.
(228) Clustering analysis is one of the important data mining techniques that can discover hidden modes by unsupervised learning and has the ability of acquiring knowledge independently.
(229) Flaky morphology of magnetic alloy particle material can raise its natural resonance frequency because of strong shape anisotropy, which is advantageous to acquiring high microwave permeability .
(230) Talk about the process of evaluating and then acquiring Trevor Ariza.
(231) Linked the live problem and OS's scheduling process which make understanding of the OS's inner rules easy, and also benefit to inside studying and acquiring the knowledge of OS.




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