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单词 Reciprocal
1) He spoke of the necessity for a reciprocal relationship that would be useful for all sides.
2) Such treaties provide reciprocal rights and obligations.
3) Our relationship is based on reciprocal respect.
4) The two colleges have a reciprocal arrangement whereby students from one college can attend classes at the other.
5) Anita had a reciprocal arrangement with her brother-each would take care of the other's children if the need arose.
6) They expected a reciprocal gesture before more hostages could be freed.
7) Iran's leaders expected a reciprocal gesture of goodwill.
8) I now know that the anger is reciprocal.
9) Marvin here was hot for reciprocal visits.
10) You can make this a reciprocal arrangement.
11) Less reciprocal discourse will also activate schemata.
12) The prototype of reciprocal discourse is face-to-face conversation.
13) The reciprocal motion of pointing is asymmetric.
14) The reciprocal of 8 is 1 / 8.
15) Control, in short, is regarded as a reciprocal relationship.
16) The reciprocal relationship embodies two-way communication, with each open to be influenced by the other.
17) Case studies show that there is a reciprocal relationship between calcium and phosphorus.
18) Berowne had seemed not to expect a reciprocal confidence, indiscretion traded for indiscretion.
19) This reciprocal position did not make for sincerity and real understanding.
20) Reciprocal motion Reciprocal motion, positive and negative at constant mean velocity, is unnerving, mechanistic and inhuman.
21) All discourse is more or less reciprocal, if only because it is based upon assumptions about receivers.
22) It is required to find the reciprocal R of A, correct to six places of decimals.
23) Periodic alternating activation of flexors and extensors is achieved by reciprocal inhibition mediated by inhibitory collateral neurones.
24) Since I have made it a rule not to lie to a client, I assume reciprocal honesty from him.
25) Senior officials from both countries make regular visits on a reciprocal basis.
26) The French students come to our school in November, and we then make a reciprocal visit to theirs.
27) As previously indicated,(http:///reciprocal.html) the present-value factors are nothing more than the reciprocal of the compound interest factors introduced earlier.
28) So, it looks like a promising case for a bit of reciprocal altruism.
29) When we see existence itself as the divine body we create a more reciprocal relationship.
30) Always confirm that it was overhead by calling until a reciprocal is received.
1) He spoke of the necessity for a reciprocal relationship that would be useful for all sides.
2) Our relationship is based on reciprocal respect.
31) The principles of mutual aid are that members should be involved in a reciprocal supportive role.
32) Plasma phosphates also influence plasma calcium levels. Case studies show that there is a reciprocal relationship between calcium and phosphorus.
33) In a bilateral system comprising a network of reciprocal relationships the entity against which claims are made is evident.
34) The relationship between City College and its students was actually a fairly reciprocal one.
35) Yet it has many reciprocal connections to the temporal lobe and the parietal lobe, big pipelines through the white matter.
36) The criteria for reciprocal altruism seem fulfilled as the interactions seem based upon expectations of reciprocation.
37) For reciprocal altruism in mobile animals, as demonstrated by packer in baboons, more is needed.
38) If the last four rows of Table 1 are taken in reverse order, the required reciprocal is obtained.
39) Some cultures permit a reciprocal hug to signal welcome on arrival, and again on departure to signal appreciation of the visit.
40) Present-value calculations provide a simple means of quantifying this time value of money by using the reciprocal of the compound interest formula.
41) The reciprocal relationship between pamphlet and newspaper insertion was only one way in which reformers used both the London and provincial press.
42) In countries which do not have reciprocal health agreements with your own, you will need to take out health insurance.
43) There is a second form of reciprocity where the reciprocal action does not take the same form as the insult.
44) Larger companies have contacts throughout the world and reciprocal arrangements with foreign agencies.
45) We are also beginning to realize that there are reciprocal interactions between steroids and behaviour.
46) Mutual support in troubled times then, is seen as a reciprocal reward for cooperation over the long term.
47) On culture, student exchanges would be increased and reciprocal cultural and information centres opened in Washington and Moscow.
48) Harmony and collective company effort is portrayed as a reciprocal bargain.
49) In reciprocal altruism individuals are not required to have any particular genetic relatedness with one another.
50) In this model the termination of the depolarization is caused by network-generated reciprocal inhibition.
51) The reciprocal combinations used provide an internal functional control for expression of the fusion proteins.
52) In return for such a privilege we implicitly acknowledge that there are reciprocal obligations incumbent upon us.
53) It would be helpful if some reciprocal arrangement led to college representation on the board of an appropriate company.
54) Symbiosis Nature, as we observe it, is built upon reciprocal relationships of dissimilar organisms, bacterial, vegetable and animal.
55) This proved to be so commercially successful that it became a reciprocal arrangement, with Mills and Boon importing Harlequin titles.
56) Copyright is subject to two international conventions by which reciprocal protection is granted between members.
57) Johnson held a not dissimilar reciprocal opinion, comparing Monboddo to another of his own bugbears,(http:///reciprocal.html) Rousseau.
58) Accordingly, the reciprocal exchange of membership lists may require a specific consent from all those persons on the lists.
59) There is open access to undergraduate and postgraduate courses as well as reciprocal facilities in Science and Social Science departments.
60) For example, the reciprocal legislation providing for extraterritorial jurisdiction does not seem much used.
61) He even hints that there may be a reciprocal relationship between the metaphoric and proper components of his schema.
62) Reciprocal arrangements to promote similar labour legislation were more frequent.
63) These countries have a reciprocal agreement to combat terrorism.
64) Life is a reciprocal exchange.
65) Because life is a reciprocal exchange.
66) They have a reciprocal agreement to combat terrorism.
67) It was the Reciprocal Trade Agreements Program.
68) It can, also, give a basis for reciprocal trade.
69) Opacity is the reciprocal of transmission.
70) There were some differences to reciprocal cross.
71) They have a reciprocal loathing for each other.
72) The matrix is defined as the reciprocal of A.
73) Reciprocal cross effects of all traits were not significant.
74) The degree of recombination is reciprocal in most cases.
75) The probability of survival is the reciprocal of fecundity.
76) Each other is a reciprocal pronoun.
77) They were on a footing of reciprocal tolerance.
78) The two countries made reciprocal trade agreement.
79) The reciprocal of viscosity is known as fluidity.
80) Culture and media are always in a reciprocal relationship.
81) FYI, we have a reciprocal traffic at 5400 m.
82) 'Also it's given us a form of reciprocal communication.
83) This is what I know for sure: In order to be truly happy, you must live along with and you have to stand for something larger than yourself. Because life is a reciprocal exchange.
84) It is a direct method for getting a reciprocal solution formula of velocity and acceleration by ingenious treatment of maths, meanwhile, the kinematic analysis of the mechanism are also simpler.
85) This means that a general element of the flexibility matrix is known as Maxwell's reciprocal relation.
86) With the requirement of the consistency and reciprocal, tolerance analysis of a PRM can be performed in an eigensystem.
87) The reciprocal relationship between the law and morality determines the inevitable outcome of the elementary legal courses to function for the purpose of moral education.
88) In the more than 20 years after that, it always refused to resigned reciprocal treaty with Canada and purposed to destroy Canadian economy.
89) By experimental data analysis, the random change of the reciprocal induction time as well as the induction time is in conformity to logarithmic normal distribution.
90) A kind of predistortion power amplifier by two radio frequency transistors reciprocal compensating was designed. And the temperature compensation circuit was presented.
91) In a traverse, afternoon reciprocal angles should be easy to arrange.
92) Funnel plots were drawn to determine publication bias by plotting the net change in systolic BP against the reciprocal of the standard error of change in systolic BP.
93) The results showed that the sensitivity improvement factor was also equal to the reciprocal of the peak compression factor, which was well in accordance with the predicting value.
94) Selling strategy for fulfilling brand creation will include invention of new products, formation of new market, renewal of brand image, and reciprocal communication between different industries.
95) The sentence & quot ; They cared for each other & quot; contains a reciprocal pronoun.
96) The department said many countries had reciprocal agreements for health care with Britain.
97) In this paper, the reciprocal cross was made between octoploid triticale and common wheat.
98) Any reciprocal agreement for accommodations with nearby hotels should include beverage service and emergency toiletries (when available) upon check in.
99) The paper particularly introduces the effect of background counting on the reciprocal extrapolation method.
100) In chapter three, I analyze two countries' attitudes and policies on Commercial Union which was the climax of dissensions about reciprocal trade.
101) Then, we use the optimal reciprocal cell theory to gain the sampling image spectrum which contains a minimal amount of aliasing and noise.
102) It is the fundamental step to strengthen the construction of CSR to establish a harmonious and reciprocal relationship between labor and capital.
103) The two sides should enhance reciprocal trade cooperation and realize common development.
104) For the case of reciprocal and nonreciprocal networks in cascade, a method determining the reciprocal property of the resultant network is also presented.
105) It is well known that there are reciprocal actions in the simplest reflexes.
106) Although I gave him many presents, I had no reciprocal gifts from him.
107) Although later the United States through Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act , "but the war has engulfed Europe, he has failed to prevent the outbreak of war."
108) It's also true that Chinese leaders are increasingly holding firm when it comes to reciprocal treatment.
109) I hope to get to the United States as a senior scholar reciprocal exchange programme.
110) The reciprocal relationship between food and history seems obvious now, but when Reay Tannahill published a book on the subject in 1973, she found she was first in the field.
111) The analysis also shows that using reciprocal turns and its square to describe the sensitivity can be more precise, if the copper resistance and the impedance of the coupling capacitor are considered.
112) Similar sequential and reciprocal interactions between the epithelium and mesenchyme regulate the early steps of development in all ectodermal organs.
113) Note: The use of the term Depreciation factor as the reciprocal of maintenance factor is deprecated.
114) It is important to note that guanxi is a reciprocal relationship -- it works both ways.
115) The Washington Reciprocal benefit Bank Headquarters are at Seattle, is the US biggest Savings bank.
116) In the United States and elsewhere, the success of community policing speaks to the reciprocal relationship between police and the citizens whose safety they secure.
117) Speech analysis has two kinds of operating forms,(http:///reciprocal.html) while the analysis of speech instrumentality state may be inverted into the analysis of speech reciprocal state.
118) The reciprocal nature of the marriage contract does not negate these characteristics.
119) The reciprocal theorem is applied to the bending of the isosceles right-angled triangle plate.
120) Employee psychological contract refers to the mutual obligations perceived by employees between employees and organizations to the reciprocal exchange relationships.
121) Our constant flow gravel bed system grows lettuce about 20% better than a reciprocal flow. Gravel beds and floating rafts are about 15-20% more efficient than NFT.
122) Assuming her agenda is appealing, the best way to approach is with reciprocal flirtatious gestures.
123) The worst outcome for Asia’s long-term stability as well as for the American-Chinese relationship would be a drift into escalating reciprocal demonization.
124) " I had a job in Newark until last October, " returned the other, with reciprocal feeling.
125) When the minimal eigenvalue of connection weights matrix is greater than the reciprocal of derivation of its neuron activation function, the network will be convergent in parallel update mode.
126) The vocation advocate found the word "vocal" and "reciprocal" not in the vocabulary.
127) With the use of reciprocal principle in seismic wave propagation, the algorithm may be used to compute the travel times of reflected compressional wave or converted shear wave.
128) The mathematial model of elasticity modulus expressed a reciprocal relationship to time.
129) Networks for which these matrices are symmetric are called reciprocal networks.
130) Meanwhile the stream of events flowed on, with a reciprocal indifference to philosophy.
131) Conclusion: The fin-type gene interaction of Drosophila melanogaster is recessive epistasis, and the proportion of F2 in reciprocal crosses is different.
132) This not only reflects that progresses were made in calendrical techniques during the period, but also reveals the reciprocal relation between the planetary astrology and the calendar.
133) He came up with the relationship that nu bar, which is called wave number --He found the reciprocal.
134) 'The best theories owe their appeal to the fact that they acknowledge and seek to elucidate the reciprocal relationship of action and structure'. Discuss.
135) True, the only bite in the WTO's ruling is the scope for reciprocal trade sanctions.
136) It is important to educate the young to establish good reciprocal relationship with others, cultivate the spirit of collectivism and advance their all-around development.
137) So, with the reciprocal mass of this combinational equipment(), the dynamic unbalance of the crank has the special status in the field of the unbalance theory.
138) The reciprocating screw kneader working in a unique principle of revolutionary and reciprocal movement coexistence of the screw has an extensive application increasingly.
139) On the Reciprocal Trade Agreement Act of 1934 , the tariff was not displayed by the form of legislation. It was established by the trade negotiations between the President and other nations.
140) Abstract: In order to research the heritage laws of brix, crude protein and crude fiber of stalk in Sweet Sorghum, three reciprocal cross combinations were designed.
141) So, with the reciprocal mass of this combinational equipment, the dynamic unbalance of the Crank-connecting Rod Mechanism has the special status in the field of the unbalance theory.
142) The reciprocal crosses labeling experiments showed high consistency which suggests the indirect hybridizing is accurate, and fluorescent dyes made few effects on the results.
143) In this paper, the reciprocal theorem is applied to give the generalized displacement solution and its boundary values of the bending rectangular plate.
144) Methods We conducted ABO blood type appraisal in the way of reciprocal stereotypy.
145) The distribution of magnetic field strength in magnetofluid dynamically reciprocal sealing equipment sharply takes part in magnetofluid sealing behaviour.
146) It has a direct influence on the circulation of the journal, while the advertisements in the journal are restricted by the journal circulation. These three parts have a reciprocal relationship.
147) And the results show that fairness is an optimum strategy aiming at mutual benefit under the mechanism of reciprocal social exchange.
147) try its best to gather and build good sentences.
148) The reciprocal of the nominal significant interval of the modulated signal.
149) Participants use gestural interaction to generate a reciprocal adaptive process in which a colony of autonomous digital creatures visually and sonically adapt to the evolving interaction.
150) The changes, termed 'pathological airway remodeling', affect the epithelium, the underlying mesenchyme and the reciprocal trophic interactions that occur between these tissues.
151) Teaching of Chinese language and the study of Sinology have an inseparable and reciprocal relationship.
152) The two contract parties will make every effort to foster the harmonious expansion of reciprocal trade between themselves.
153) The principle of irrational-relationship-forbidden applies to the general administrative discretionary act, the conditional administrative act, the reciprocal duties contract of administrative con.
154) "Then in the marriage union, the independence of the husband and wife will be equal, their dependence mutual, and their obligations reciprocal" (Lucretia Mott).
155) The paper also proposes the relevant numerical solver. Namely, it has Solved the equations uses the generalized reciprocal method in the theory of matrix analysis.
156) Conclusion. Reciprocal relationship exists between lumbar lordosis and thoracic kyphosis in sagittal thoracic compensated LDK.
157) Obviously, code licensed according to the GPL cannot be mixed with other code licensed under a different reciprocal agreement.
158) Human tooth development is a reciprocal and consecutive process, which includes bud, cap, bell stages, tooth root development and tooth eruption.
159) The reciprocal theorem is used to make research on the bending of a set square with free hypotenuse under a concentrated load acting at any of its points, and its accurate solution is given.
160) In the long-term business, I have a number of companies and shipping companies to establish a good business relationship, signed a reciprocal agreement, will provide customers the best tariffs.
161) Basic principles involved are entropy law, entropy balance equation, phenomenological equations, Onsager reciprocal relation, and minimum entropy production law.
162) The reciprocal agreement between Hong Kong and the British Government on the provision of medical services has been in place for 14 years.
163) Back then, the United States government passed the infamous Smoot-Hawley Tariff, which in turn led to reciprocal trade barriers by other governments.
164) The reciprocal theorem is applied to research on the bending problem of set square with free hypoteuse and a clamped edge under uniform loads, the accurate solution of this problem is given.
165) We get a better result comparing with mean reciprocal gradient filter, linear filter and median filter.
166) The reciprocal method is an accurate approach to assign service departments to production departments.
167) The microwave ferrite circulator is an important non - reciprocal component for radar and microwave system.
168) The formation of the multivalents may result from chromosome reciprocal translocation among the non - homologous chromosomes.
169) It is proved that the volume of Brillouin zone and that of the reciprocal lattice primitive cell are equal for bcc lattice and fcc lattice in three dimensions by a simple mathematical method.
170) Beginning in 1934, however, nations started to reduce ruinous trade barriers, led by the Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act in the United States.
171) The abnormal is concerned in trisomy, monosomy, Robertsonian translocation, reciprocal translocation and rearrange.
172) The physical meaning of reciprocal lattice of two-dimensional crystal and weight of the lattice point are explored.
173) We find that there is a positive and reciprocal relationship between status accumulation and market performance.
174) Reciprocal preparations of melamine phosphate and ammonium polyphosphate were studied.
175) The method comes from the mechanism of reciprocal shift modulation, which transforms the measuring of eigenfrequency into measuring the spike pulse responding to ineffective-modulation optic power.
176) In order for the altruist not to be exploited by non-reciprocaters, it would be expected that reciprocal altruism can only exist in the co-presence of mechanisms to identify and punish "cheaters".
177) This decreased reciprocal inhibition is due to reduced presynaptic inhibition of the muscle afferent input onto the inhibitory Ia interneuron innervating the muscle antagonist to the input.
177) try its best to gather and create good sentences.
178) The 32 major anomalies consisted of 19 reciprocal translocations, 9 Robertsonian translocations, one large inversion, two triple-X females, and one Turner mosaicism.
179) However, for the kind of reciprocal typification just described to occur there must be a continuing social situation in which the habitualized actions of two or more individuals interlock.
180) Therefore, there is selfish motive hiding behind reciprocal altruistic behavior.
181) The logarithm of the transfer coefficient varies linearly with the reciprocal of absolute temperature feed solution.
182) Furthermore, this paper has obtained the generalized power relationship between the linear reciprocal microwave network and its equivalent network.
183) It is of interdependence, reciprocal inhibition and interaction to train and supervise the high-caliber leading cadres of our time.
184) Also, the multiplicative inverse is the reciprocal of any number, that is, multiplying the reciprocal of any number by the number itself will yield the multiplicative identity.
185) The electron diffraction pattern corresponding to the reciprocal planes consisting of common reciprocal points only will superpose on the matrix spots.
186) The hybrid seeds were obtained using direct crossing and reciprocal crossing, then germinated in axenic culture.
187) The call should be kept simple and informative, letting them know about your availability and offering your reciprocal service.
188) But the reciprocal is true as well: The host language can simultaneously extend Lua.
189) There is a reciprocal relationship between firm and society learning costs.
190) Antisera against KLH induced positive CHR but not positive COP. The results of reciprocal inhibition experiment indicated that there is a partial cross antigenicity between KLH and SEA.
191) Reciprocal cross A cross that tests whether the inheritance of a particular character is effected by the sex of the parent.
192) To project and to introject are seen by some people as reciprocal terms.
193) The analyst believed that Washington Reciprocal benefit bank failure is not beyond expectation.
194) By reciprocal relationship, I mean that you should offer a service in exchange for referrals.
195) The result was the so-called sun-and-planet gear, which converted reciprocal motion to rotation and allowed the machine to invade the newly built factories of the late 18th century.
196) All forms of reciprocal theorems apply to structures which behave linearly.
197) This testing machine link up high speed response with low testing time because we use voice coil motor to substitute for traditional mechanical design in the aspect of reciprocal mechanism.
198) Life is a reciprocal exchange. To move forward, you have to give something back.
199) The special meanings of the network are different from any material medias in the past. It mainly lies in its fictitious situation, freedom and reciprocal exchange.
200) Taxpayers in the Netherlands Antilles have reciprocal rights for conventions held in the United States.
201) They regarded individual and society as a systematic entirety, which is of a healthy and reciprocal relationship between them.
202) My goal is reciprocal trade. That is a win-win for both countries.
203) Traditional syntactic study puts emphasis on reciprocal and reflexive pronouns within sentences. Anaphoric function has been described only as a substitute of an antecedent.
204) Contingencies which influenced and controlled the dynamic mechanism and the reciprocal relationship, and its effect on the process of strategic change.
205) There has also been reciprocal influence between Sanskrit and the Dravidian languages.
206) It is in popular culture that the reciprocal relationship between America and the rest of the world can best be seen.
207) As its reciprocal process, in theory, it should be possible to use air as the sensor to detect pulsed THz waves.
207) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
208) In the circuitry a reciprocal type A/D conversion method is used that converts directly analog voltage of ECG cycle T into digital value of H.
209) The reciprocal method is applied to establish the generalized displacement solution for the elastic stability of thin rectangular plates, and the boundary values of it are also worked out.
210) In general case, phase noise requirements are derived considering a reciprocal mixing with an interference signal.
211) The real part of the complex pole is the energy of an unstable localized mode, and the reciprocal of the imaginary part is its life-time. Naturally the life-time is positive.
212) Do not dodge her every mark of every second moment leaving you in reciprocal.
213) In this paper, the unbalanced constant state and its stability are investigated. Then using Onsager reciprocal relations, the interference phenomenon of irreversible process is studied.
214) A linear programming has been programmed to analyze mixture, a reciprocal treatment for the calibration of absorbance coefficient is presented.
215) Goods and foodstuffs were distributed through reciprocal trade between kin and through "trade fairs"; professional traders linked coastal peoples with peoples of Arizona and New Mexico.
216) Therefore, the research on how to keep good trade relationships so as to form the reciprocal trade has been the hotspot, which is many scholars' concern.
217) INSEAD has a reciprocal agreement with Wharton, Harvard and Stanford to share career services.
218) There's no work on your part so there's no element of reciprocal exchange.
219) An empirical test with Chinese data has proved that there really exists a reciprocal relationship between trade commodity composition and inter-industrial income gaps.
220) As part of the reciprocal exchange with Arranged Countries, 30,(http://)000 young Australians traveled overseas under working holiday arrangements.
221) We get a better result comparing with mean filter , reciprocal gradient filter, linear filter and median filter.
222) Arbuscular mycorrhiza was the reciprocal symbiont of AM fungi and plant root that was widely distributed in each ecosystem.
223) The formal definition of coevolution runs something like this: "Coevolution is reciprocal evolutionary change in interacting species," says John Thompson in Interaction and Coevolution.
224) It is said that the Chinese banks in US have not received reciprocal treatment, which the Chinese negotiators often worry about.
225) It involves a complex process of global self-knowledge and self-training aimed at increasing reciprocal knowledge among the movements and organizations.
226) We first analyzed the instantaneous motions of 3 TPT parallel manipulator at initial configuration, after translation along Z axis, and when there are two configurations, by reciprocal screw.
227) They are the National Association of Trade Exchanges and the International Reciprocal Trade Association.
228) The link between the hodograph transformation and the reciprocal transformation proposed by Kingston and Rogers is also studied and the merits of the hodograph transformation are pointed out.
229) For the calibration in high temperature, the K which is re-lated to the reciprocal of sensitivity C of the sensor is adopted as charat-eristic factor, which brings convenience to users.
230) A lossless polarization transfer matrix is a unitary matrix, and reciprocal forward and backward polarization transfer matrices are transposed each other.
231) When B. napus was used as maternal parent, the fertilization frequency and siliqua setting rate were lower and the number of hybrid seeds and plants were higher than that of reciprocal cross.
232) The electrical apparatus box is connected to the frequency multiplier circuit and the single chip microcomputer respectively by a reciprocal count circuit.
233) NEMA chairs the Zero Tariff Coalition, housed at the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM), which advocates for reciprocal sector-specific agreements to reduce and eliminate customs duties.
234) Huge differences in hybrid vigor of different crosses were observed, and the difference between original cross and reciprocal cross was not significant.
235) The letter should introduce yourself, explain about your practice, and attempt to establish a reciprocal relationship.
236) The elements of Palaeoarctic realm play important roles in this avifauna and have some reciprocal permeation and intermediate characteristics of northeast and Mongo-xinjiang region.




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