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单词 Polite
1. He is always polite to everyone.
2. Be polite, but don't kowtow to him.
3. We were all too polite to object.
4. I'm afraid I wasn't very polite to her.
5. I've never seen such a polite clerk.
6. Traffic police are sometimes very polite.
7. He couched his demands in very polite terms.
8. His manner was coolly polite and impersonal.
9. Please be polite to our guests.
10. It's amazing the difference a few polite words make.
11. Everyone around him was trying to be polite, but you could tell they were all bored.
12. My reply may not have been polite, but he asked for it.
12. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
13. He was in no mood for being polite to visitors.
14. Why is he being so polite, as if I need tactful handling?
15. She's always very polite.
16. At the exits polite assistants will take the goods and add up the cost.
17. It wasn't very polite of you to serve yourself without asking.
18. She has always been very polite in her dealings with me.
19. It is polite that she accepts his invitation.
20. She was polite but not excessively so.
21. She forced herself to be polite to them.
22. The greeting was polite, almost formal.
23. She is a polite girl.
24. His noble ideas and polite behavior are laudable.
25. We sat making polite conversation and feeling rather uncomfortable.
26. The girl murmured something polite, and smiled.
27. No polite words of gratitude came.
28. Jan expressed polite interest in Edward's stamp collection.
29. He was unfailingly polite to customers.
30. It should be included in the canons of a polite society.
1. He is always polite to everyone.
2. Be polite, but don't kowtow to him.
3. We were all too polite to object.
4. I'm afraid I wasn't very polite to her.
5. I've never seen such a polite clerk.
6. Traffic police are sometimes very polite.
7. He couched his demands in very polite terms.
8. His manner was coolly polite and impersonal.
9. Please be polite to our guests.
10. It's amazing the difference a few polite words make.
11. Everyone around him was trying to be polite, but you could tell they were all bored.
12. My reply may not have been polite, but he asked for it.
12. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
13. He was in no mood for being polite to visitors.
14. Why is he being so polite, as if I need tactful handling?
15. She's always very polite.
16. At the exits polite assistants will take the goods and add up the cost.
17. It should be included in the canons of a polite society.
18. She has always been very polite in her dealings with me.
19. The parties to the dispute should be more polite to each other.
20. It is not polite to interrupt a speaker with frequent questions.
21. His words were polite, but there were overtones of distrust in his voice.
22. The man was polite and his general demeanour had the air of a clergyman.
23. It's not polite to stare at a girl in the face.
24. He was quite polite, but he wasn't ready to help me.
31. I don't know how to make polite conversation.
32. There was polite, muted applause when I finished speaking.
33. Her manner was polite but remote.
34. The performance was greeted with polite applause.
35. You should be polite to everyone.
36. She is always polite and considerate towards her employees.
37. The staff are unfailingly polite.
38. Such language would not be used in polite society.
39. He couched his request in very polite terms.
40. 'Shut up' is not a polite expression.
41. His manner was polite but cool.
42. What a polite little boy you are.
43. I hate having to make polite conversation.
44. It's not polite to talk with your mouth full.
45. He's usually quite polite in my presence.
46. She made polite noises about my work.
47. He showed a polite interest in her story.
48. Don't answer back; it's not polite.
49. His polite manners bespoke the gentleman.
50. I tried to make polite conversation .
51. The tone of his language was diplomatic and polite.
52. Cal replied with a polite but firm 'no'.
53. Hatred smouldered beneath a polite surface.
54. It's not polite to howl down a speaker.
55. You can't use words like that in polite company.
56. She was scrupulously polite to him.
57. He was too polite to point out my mistake.
58. They said nothing[],[http:///polite.html] but nodded a polite greeting.
59. Sex never used to be discussed in polite society.
60. The subject was rarely mentioned in polite society.
61. He was impeccably polite.
62. The parties to the dispute should be more polite to each other.
63. I know you don't like him but be that as it may, you can at least be polite to him.
64. It's still polite to give up your seat to an old man.
65. It is not polite to interrupt a speaker with frequent questions.
66. He pocketed his pride,and said good morning in a polite manner.
67. All her efforts to be polite went by the board and she started to shout.
68. Well-dressed clients were talking in polite undertones as they ate.
69. In the Western world it is polite to maintain eye contact during conversation.
70. He was quite polite, of course, but somehow I didn't like his manner.
71. Cecil can be very rude in private, though in public he is usually polite.
72. There are certain topics of conversation that are impermissible in polite society.
72. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
73. Her work refuses any concession to polite conventions of "good taste".
74. We told the builder to finish the job as quickly as possible. Ask sounds a little more polite:He asked me to phone back.
75. She is over polite.
76. I have to make a conscious effort to be polite so early in the morning.
77. Cross cleared his throat and spoke in low, polite tones.
78. I wasn't sure if he was really interested or if he was just being polite.
79. She sent me a polite letter thanking me for my invitation.
80. Certain words are vulgar and not acceptable in polite society.
81. His words were polite, but there were overtones of distrust in his voice.
82. Despite his personal antipathy to me he was still able to be polite.
83. The man was polite and his general demeanour had the air of a clergyman.
84. Even though you dislike us, still and all you should be polite.
85. A: The boy is quite clever and polite at that. B: Exactly.
86. They're very polite in your presence, but you get the feeling they're laughing up their sleeves.
87. People were too polite to correct my grammar when I spoke German.
88. It was an odd lapse for one who is normally so polite.
89. We were brought up to be polite and do what we were told.
90. I smiled a polite greeting, but the woman hardly acknowledged me.
91. He's a man of few words, very polite and unassuming.
92. I know Ian said he liked her singing, but he was only being polite .
93. If people were more polite, they would wait their turn.
94. We left the party as soon as it was polite to do so.
95. It's polite to yield up your seat on the bus to an old lady.
96. I know you don't like her, but please make an effort to be polite.
97. 'Bum' is not a word we use in polite company.
98. It's not polite to point or talk about strangers in public.
99. I'm polite to his ex-wife when I meet her, but I'm damned if I'm going to invite her round for dinner.
100. While they ate, they made polite conversation about the weather.
101. I think English men are very polite and very correct.
102. It's not polite to stare at a girl in the face.
103. He was quite polite,[http:///polite.html] but he wasn't ready to help me.
104. The letter was brief, and couched in very polite terms.
105. He was very polite but effectively he was telling me that I had no chance of getting the job.
106. Polite but lukewarm reviews are the kiss of death for a commercial film.
107. Gately, a quiet and very polite young man, made a favourable impression.
108. Like all elderly ladies, however, she needs polite attention.
109. It's the polite way of showing you the door.
110. That's a polite way of putting it, isn't it?
111. He has been polite to Paul all along.
112. The picture adorned Oz's cover, and outraged polite society.
113. He seems polite, and notably respectful of older women.
114. Polite letters of complaint get you nowhere.
115. We made polite, stilted conversation.
116. They were very polite, but also very embarrassed.
117. They are uniformly polite, chatty and cheerful with visitors.
118. The waiter was polite and efficient, but not obsequious.
119. They were very polite, I must confess.
120. I stumbled off to polite applause.
121. But everyone was too polite to mention it.
122. She and her polite staff dress casually.
123. Helms received a polite but cool reception.
124. The questioning was polite and leisured but thorough.
125. The cousins were very polite and in fact charming.
126. I like people to be polite to each other.
127. The keynote speaker had wound up to polite applause.
128. Be brisk, polite, and put the phone down.
129. Each was met with polite incomprehension.
130. How polite are drivers? How accurate is documentation?
131. He epitomises the polite, friendly grandfather figure, all six foot three of him greeting me with a firm handshake.
132. It was not the sort of thing you did in polite company.
133. When the girl sat down,[] there was another polite sound of applause.
134. He would acknowledge the source - he was not a plagiarist - but his polite conversation was, he knew, poor.
135. It was obvious from the scenes that such behavior did not belong in polite society.
136. In spite of the repeated assurances of his gushingly polite secretary, Mattie knew that he was deliberately avoiding her.
137. I tried to make polite small talk with him although he seemed distinctly taciturn, if not downright moody.
138. The Luggnuggians are polite and generous people, and I stayed here for three months.
139. Nevertheless, it is still possible to request co-operation and compliance with the instructions in a polite way.
140. As he passed our party he saluted with polite astonishment.
141. It's for armchair sleuths. My guess is that it's a front for polite racketeering.
142. Our house was immaculate, and Mother taught us to be polite and deferential to visitors.
143. At the end there was polite applause from perhaps half the women.
144. Even so, there was not much that could be said, other than polite conversation.
145. This could be interpreted as weak and lacking authority; it could equally be interpreted as polite and considerate.
146. This was not a collection that sparked shouts, cheers or even an occasional burst of polite applause.
147. Always so polite with the Archbishop, a fawning, cloying, false man. As lazy as any Negro.
148. He knows that he is not obliged to be polite, and he exploits this fact.
149. From being polite strangers they had become like sparring lovers speaking their minds with a familiarity which was extraordinary in its intensity.
150. The liberals regarded sending telegrams of condolence as a polite gesture.
151. The next moment she had her face under control, turning towards the door with a polite smile.
152. A polite young man brought the high chair and crayons for her.
153. This is not the kind of guy who makes polite conversation.
154. There would be sighs of disappointment at suppertime, and a chorus of polite regrets.
155. He is polite, friendly and speaks openly about football, his family and the horrors of the past.
156. A polite little bloke like that with a tiger in his tank?
157. But it seemed polite to visit the Freitas family, especially after Lina had come to Monte Samana on a fruitless errand.
158. We stood squinting into the camera, annoyed at the interruption but too polite to say so.
159. This is a polite way of saying that recruitment normally causes chaos in the personnel department.
160. One of those friends was Fred Cooper, a quiet, polite sailor stationed at the naval base at Oxnard.
161. In both matinees, they played polite, uninspired hockey, allowing the opposition too many easy strikes at Ranford.
162. Perish that one might be polite or circumspect - such is the mark of the aesthete.
163. But such coarse mutilation would not have fitted in with the polite way in which Perrault wished to retell his story.
164. As well as dens and thieves' kitchens like the Bush and Tontine Closes,[] polite society had its problems also.
165. Towards the rector he was a polite listener, a concession to the man's advanced years and his calling.
166. In the good old days of rampant dualism, the mind was rarely mentioned in polite society.
167. Yeah, sometimes he can be really nice and polite but, I tell you, deep down he's an animal!
168. They both knew, of course, that Hal was hearing every word, but they could not help these polite circumlocutions.
169. By emphasizing every defect in her body, she offers a challenge to polite culture.
170. He has grown quite friendly with a red setter and its woman, in a polite sort of way.
171. Those of us who stayed faithful to the project found ourselves isolated, our findings met by polite scepticism at best.
172. Offstage she was scrupulously polite to him, an exercise that was totally wasted as he continued to ignore her.
173. His vigorous attacks on his Republican opponent and Dewey's polite, complacent campaign made a sharp contrast.
174. Very polite but - well - sort of quietly menacing.
175. He received polite applause from perhaps two in the crowd of about 40.
176. So writers published in this and most mags are due the courtesy of polite negatives.
177. With sad paradox, Mr Punch himself became the man in the Bateman cartoon, unwelcome in polite company.
178. Emily was polite but firm - her answer was 'no'.
179. All I've ever asked of you is to try to be polite to my mother.
180. Polite brides will hand out more cards to thank guests for sharing their special day.
181. Classical literature is a polite literature luxuriating in endless prevarication and self-indulgence.
182. And the trick now would be to keep a buffer between them, polite but plenty of distance.
183. He is unfailingly polite and tries desperately to understand other people's views.
184. The stations and stock were in immaculate condition, and all the staff we met were welcoming and more than polite.
185. All she'd done was to make a bit of polite conversation!
186. Physically attractive and possessed of considerable personal charm, his demeanour was self-effacing, gracious and polite.
187. The village ladies were polite and charming, but, despite Stella Felham's enthusiasm, the events were never very lucrative.
188. All polite exchanges are conventional to a greater or lesser extent.
189. Sabine pinned on a polite smile, and aimed it straight at the oncoming vehicle's windscreen.
190. I wanted live action, not polite conversation and chicken cordon bleu.
191. Show your teeth in a firm but polite way - the thing you're afraid of will then become afraid of you.
192. When I exclaimed at it,[] Mike raised his high-arched brows in polite surprise.
193. However, when you meet Sean Young she's disarmingly polite and looks as if butter wouldn't melt in her mouth.
194. The staff at the hotel were lovely - so helpful and polite.
195. But it would not be polite to get down to such serious business as soon as the chief appeared.
196. Corydon is a shepherd, and Phillario is a sophisticated man accustomed to polite society.
197. I decided that I had not come all this way only to indulge in polite conversation.
198. Be courteous A polite but firm approach gets better results than a rude but firm approach.
199. Donnely was polite and cordial,() but she refused to sign the contract.
200. He spent a few minutes making polite, nondescript conversation, then he proceeded to devote the remainder of the meal to Alyssia.
201. Most people were polite, but we did find that older people were more polite than younger people.
202. Everyone was polite, cordial, and nearly doubled up with pain.
203. Muriel inquired after their day and received polite but monosyllabic replies from each of them.
204. Many of us are too polite to resist their pressure and we end up sacrificing our time to their sales pitch.
205. Raymond Williams's assessment of Stephen Duck's collapse as a poet once he entered polite society has already been commented upon.
206. She wrote a polite little note to Miss Henry, thanking her for her kindness.
207. A real gentleman is as polite to a little girl as to a woman. Louisa May Alcott 
208. What stage was Lois in? the woman was polite to ask.
209. Hygiene becomes a matter of social distinction: polite people always wear clean linen.
210. His strident 30-minute stump speech was interrupted only a couple of times with polite applause.
211. This latter impression was then reinforced by his manner, which was quiet, polite, and very carefully considered.
212. Her passion for natural history became increasingly fashionable in polite society during the 17605.
213. No mention of seeing me again, not even the polite formula for a safe journey home.
214. Too polite to refuse their generosity, he went through the ceremony.
215. They drank beer and gin, which Lee brought to the room but only sipped to be polite.
216. Nobody took any notice, but official letters were always polite.
217. Both sides were scrupulously polite, as if participating in a chess tournament.
218. Members of both sexes are less polite to each other they used to be.
219. He was charming and witty, but, although Caroline was polite, she offered no encouragement.
220. Instead, you exchange polite business conversation, neither of you mentioning your written work.
221. If you are asking a favour you must be polite.
222. He is rueful, polite, mildly disappointed, and afflicted by a low-key melancholy.
223. Trevor Proby is another, of course, but his notables should not be discussed in polite company.
224. They were interested, friendly, and much too polite to laugh at behavior they almost certainly felt was peculiar.
225. However she never lost control, giving polite but non-committal answers to endless questions about her feelings for the Prince.
226. She was invariably polite to Gerald which was not always the case with young women.
227. His manner had been exaggeratedly polite and impersonal when they had opened the mail together earlier.
228. I had never realized how lovely they were, how kind, how unfailingly polite.
229. They are always perfectly polite and beautifully mannered.
230. She had been surprised at how amiable and polite he had seemed.
231. Conversation on such an occasion is not expected to soar above polite commonplaces.
232. The more you soften a request, the more polite it becomes.
233. Others put it more bluntly: " an armed society is a polite society ".
234. But others perceived him as an intelligent, poised and polite diplomat.




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