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单词 Cockroach
1 Look at the cockroach.
2 Marta shrieked and started stamping on the cockroach.
3 The premises were treated for cockroach infestation.
4 Jim looked with distaste at the cockroach in his soup.
5 She was forced to live in a cockroach - infested house.
6 The Cockroach crawls on, at least for another day.
7 The place stank of cockroach repellant and dead cigarettes.
8 I crushed up the cockroach in my clothes and practically ripped my blouse off, there in open sunlight.
9 Afterward, they assumed cockroach form and pestered the poor fellow throughout his lonely meal!
10 The cockroach episode of thirtysomething included a scene that the programme makers also used on the opening credit sequence each week.
11 He spotted a cockroach as it scuttled out from under a bin bag.
12 The cockroach has two corpora cardiaca, which are the organs that secrete my precious hormone.
13 If you snip off one leg of a cockroach, it will shift gaits with the other five without losing a stride.
14 Luckily, as they returned to Cockroach, Wednesday's dormitory, they bumped into Matron who was fixing her motorbike.
15 Look! There's a big cockroach on your desk light.
16 Fight press a gender: Study hits amaranthine cockroach.
17 The inspector reported cockroach infestation in the kitchen.
18 There's a big cockroach on your desk light.
19 Does the cockroach undergo complete metamorphosis or incomplete metamorphosis?
20 He bravely slippered a cockroach.
21 Objective To observe the effect of Premise cockroach gel bait on killing Blattella germanica.
22 Enduring stomach attribute it into the medicine with cockroach powder.
23 I slept on a mattress on the floor at cockroach level.
24 At playtime she opened the tin and let the cockroach fly into my blouse.
25 To document cases like a baby left choking in a crib or one found holding a cockroach in her hand.
26 Public health inspectors swooped after a horrified customer spotted a cockroach scuttling through the restaurant.
27 Objective: To establish a management and submit system for density surveillant data of mosquito, fly,[] cockroach and rodents.
28 The response of the sensillar field on the maxillary palp of the cockroach was studied for different stimulants such as four salts, three sugars, eighteen amino acids and bovine serum albumin .
29 I began to take measure. A few seconds later, the American cockroach was squeezed to death in my hand.
30 Methods The resistance to different insecticides of Culex Pipiens Pallens, Musca domestic and German cockroach were determined by dipping method, micro drip method and flask film method respectively.
1 Look at the cockroach.
31 M : Kill it! Use the cockroach spray under the sink.
32 Infestation rate of the german cockroach was higher in some special areas such as restaurant, hotel and hospital than the others.
33 You must be tough as a cockroach to survive my attack wave.
34 How do cockroach and spider say he has not come back?
35 The hair-like vibrative receptor of the cockroach cercus is controlled by the centrifugal nerve fibers.
36 Methods: Add mouse feed to cockroach sterilization agent and feed it to Blattella germanica, then observe the efficacy and palatability.
37 Objective To compare the digestive enzyme activity between laboratory American cockroach and feral American cockroach.
38 The morphological characteristic, biology, habitat, host and distribution data on two species of mites found on the egg pouch of American cockroach Periplaneta American (L.
39 Objective To evaluate the invasion and density of German cockroach (Blattellla germanica) and provide evidence for the development of the prevention and control measures.
40 Wednesday - very bad day - at lunch we experience our first cockroach.
41 No, sir. that a cockroach. the fly is on your steak.
42 Cang Li Man places back the cockroach on his right ear lobe.
43 I'm sorry , but I really can't. There's a cockroach.
44 You tough guy! Were you a cockroach in a former life?
45 The resistance of German cockroach(field strain) to beta-cypermethrin was highest, of which resistance ratio was 4.5.
46 Cockroach decapitation may seem macabre, but scientists have conducted many experiments with headless roach bodies and bodiless roach heads.
47 The Cockroach, is me, changed from the spell of a sorcerer.
48 A species of cockroach sprays a substance , ethylacrolein, that is a kind of tear gas.
49 The cockroach liftes Tao Zi up from the floor by her arms.
50 Objective To observe the effect of AB cockroach attractant on Periplaneta americana and Blattella germanica.
51 Objective To survey the resistance of the German cockroach and the resistant subsidence of permethrin-resistant German cockroach.
52 By accident, the Apollo mission brought a cockroach into space.
53 If you solve the problem earlier, it won't be a cockroach problem.
54 "River pirates. " The cheesemonger gave a yawn, covering his mouth with the back of his hand. "Cockroach captains scurrying after crumbs. "
55 Objective: determination of the resistance of Germen cockroach in passenger train to common insecticides.
56 Recent experiments with catnip and cockroach infestations concluded that it is an effective repellent for this type of insect as well.
57 There are many different types of sensillae distributed on the surface of wings in american cockroach.
58 Conclusion: Physical property of LW-special efficacy insecticide against cockroach is steady. It is convenient in use ad it has little smell and mark.
59 First,[/cockroach.html] the German cockroach has a larger number of eggs per capsule than the other species that infest structures.
60 Objective: To prepare special efficacy insecticide against cockroach with propoxur and cypermethrin as the effective ingredients.
61 The giant water bug, or Lethocerus indicus, a three-inch-long South Asian insect that looks uncannily like a local cockroach, is just one of the items on the menu of this bug-eating bacchanal.
62 In experiments, the scientists combined substances from the American cockroach and the desert locust.
63 Bioactivities of MiEM to cockroach ( Periplaneta Americana ) were assayed after mature peptide folding correctly.
64 She screamed when she found a cockroach in her bed.
65 The on-site simulation experiment demonstrated a 100% cockroach kill rate based on the dose and fumigation duration predicted by the model using sulfuryl fluoride.
66 Wait like bug of maggot of bee, fly, yellow pink, batty moth, cockroach, mole cricket.
67 It's like a cockroach with a hydrophobic back and hydrophilic feet.
68 During the development of American cockroach, the activities of protease, lipase,[] amylase and sucrase were stronger gradually.
69 If nuclear winter really is here, it may be safer to be a cockroach even than to keep your job.
70 Objective:To study the protein composition in haemolymph and ovary of the German cockroach.
71 A cockroach can live several weeks with its head off.
72 As the last part pf this thesis, the acutely dissociation and shortly culture of dorsal unpaired median (DUM) neuron from the cockroach Periplaneta Americana were primarily studied.
73 He saw the cockroach scurry under it with the gecko far behind struggling to go under.
74 Interfax news agency reported the birth of 30 healthy descendants of the pioneering cockroach Nadezhda (Hope), who conceived last September in an orbiting laboratory named Foton-M.
75 Tao Zi nods, saying in her heart , Damned cockroach! Please never transmit foot ringworm to me.
76 The Petroleum Jelly Trap: This method is more practical if you only come across a cockroach once or twice a week, and if you're dealing with a small colony somewhere around your house.
77 If a cockroach fall down a building, will it die?
78 It needs about 3 years that the resistance of permethrin-resistant German cockroach subsides from middle degree to low degree, and basically to non-resistance.
79 Objective Comparing study on the killing effect of killing cockroach chalk against Blattella germanica. by two examining way in laboratory.
80 There's the mad scientist who transformed himself into an insect, Dr. Cockroach; the half-ape, half-fish, Link; B.O.B., a benign blob creature; and a giant mutant grub, Insectosaurus.
81 The tenants are informed that the exterminator of cockroach will be here in two days.
82 In the rusty metal hulk where he and the cockroach take shelter from dust storms, he keeps a carefully sorted collection of treasures, including Zippo lighters, nuts and bolts, and a Rubik's Cube.




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