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单词 Foreseen
1. Dangers foreseen are the sooner prevented. 
2. A danger foreseen is half avoided. 
3. He could not reasonably have foreseen the consequences.
4. The difficulties could not have been foreseen.
5. The disaster could not have been foreseen.
6. I hadn't foreseen the tempest my request would cause.
7. He could never have foreseen that one day his books would sell in millions.
8. They could not have foreseen how things would turn out.
9. No one could have foreseen things would turn out this way.
10. Channel 4's overseas buyers have foreseen the audience demand with their usual perspicacity.
11. The hard times foreseen by Nicholas senior now came.
12. Everything she had foreseen had come true.
13. This was foreseen by the local residents who objected and petitioned at the time planning permission was under consideration.
14. He said his return to vision was foreseen by evangelists in 1990 who prayed that his sight may be restored.
15. Both those obstacles had been foreseen by the anti-Keynesians at the Treasury thirty years before.
16. Mr Chin had foreseen this difficulty and made sure that no child had majority control of any of the family companies.
16. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
17. None had foreseen the assumption of absolute power by one of their own number.
18. These men could not have foreseen the risks of advanced industrial capitalism.
19. If the act should have been foreseen by a reasonable man as likely, it would not break the chain of causation.
20. Ten years ago she could not have foreseen that her marriage would end in divorce.
21. The incident sparked off a whole series of events that nobody had foreseen.
22. The extent of the damage could not have been foreseen.
23. In my wildest imaginings , I could not have foreseen what a wonderful life lay before me.
24. Things turned out to be exactly as the professor had foreseen.
25. We have just occupied Vienna; a far-sighted man could have foreseen the possibility some considerable time ago.
26. Of course, they associated being photographed with their father's death, she ought to have foreseen that.
27. All these were heresies from a Marxist standpoint but then Marx had not foreseen the coming of nuclear war.
28. The defendants argued that they were not responsible for his death, as it could not have been foreseen.
29. The losses involved in retirement are often either not foreseen, or not recognized as a problem.
30. The laws relating to taxation may be subject to changes which can not be foreseen.
1. He could not reasonably have foreseen the consequences.
2. The incident sparked off a whole series of events that nobody had foreseen.
31. No one could have foreseen that forty-two years later Gandhi would die at the hand of a brother.
32. None of us who set off on that calm September morning could have foreseen the perils that lay ahead.
33. She was able to act as a reconciling agent in a way no one could ever have foreseen.
34. Their ten years of marriage have been fraught with difficulties that neither could have foreseen.
35. Why could he not have foreseen what we see now?
36. But then we couldn't have foreseen your future, or mine.
37. Some property damage was foreseeable and the fact that it was more extensive than might have been foreseen did not matter.
38. No-one could have foreseen an attack from such an unexpected source.
39. To carry out the same thing with battleships was a very different matter and the collision the officers had foreseen duly occurred.
40. Failure of crops and transportation delays must be foreseen and alternative arrangements made quickly and efficiently.
41. Anthropology has always provided the clearest symptomatic instance,() as was foreseen by Rousseau from the outset.
42. But situations were also encountered that had not been foreseen by the Instruction Book.
43. How they will look when that has been done cannot now be foreseen, but they will look different.
44. When the decision is made and implemented the foreseen obstacles tend to evaporate.
45. Pericles, having perhaps foreseen the possibility, had warned his friend to make the plates easily detachable.
46. No large scale expansion in high capacity radio relay equipment is foreseen, despite the re-engineering of networks to give digital operation.http://
47. As the General had so clearly foreseen, there was no way out.
48. A variety of difficulties were foreseen about the ability of fundholders to continue making savings.
49. Such inadequacies were made far worse by something which Vermuyden could not have foreseen: peat shrinkage.
50. Nothing he had foreseen, nothing he had dreamed of could have bodied forth the shape and taste of this existence.
51. The only serious potential obstacle to the plan foreseen at the time was litigation by employer and union groups.
52. We should have foreseen the trouble months ago.
53. The outcome could be definitely foreseen.
54. Excellent, everything is transpiring as the Awareness has foreseen.
55. Therefore, the continued active market can be foreseen.
56. We should have foreseen this trouble months ago.
57. This was something his grandfather could not have foreseen.
58. The second factor which Hitler had not foreseen was the slaughter of his airmen.
59. In the case of monopoly, decreasing costs across the entire foreseen range of output is necessary.
60. One hydraulic operated tap hole driller and one 0.16 m3 hydraulic clay gun to be installed at the same side of the tap hole is foreseen.
61. These developments were foreseen in embryo more than a decade ago.
62. A geometer like Riemann might almost have foreseen the more important features of the actual world.
63. What Wanamaker could not have foreseen, however, was the internet.
64. Had we foreseen that, we would not have let him go.
65. That using the graphite-based C/C complex material as the new material for high-speed rail vehicle pantograph slide bar is pointed out. What's more, the advantage and developing prospect is foreseen.
66. As he had foreseen , Mr Charrington had made no difficulty about letting the room.
67. One that the child had foreseen yet failed to act upon.
68. No feeding pump is foreseen for external fire hydrant system.
69. This paper has analyzed the current situation and problems of library catalogue development, foreseen the future of library catalogue, and made perspective analyses and predictions.
70. That things always went as badly as she had foreseen did not exhilarate her in the least.
71. Underground electricity sleeve pipes inside the red line are foreseen.
72. Although the current building bubble should have been foreseen by policy makers when seeking to reflate China's economy since the minor global recession of 2008/9, it would not have been planned.
73. Reduced air pipe and valve must be foreseen into the Cargo Pump Room. The position and arrangement will be determined together.
74. They had not foreseen the higher inflation in France when most of Western Europe was crawling out of recession.
75. The tenability of supervisory negligence should prove that the supervisor has foreseen the fault behavior of the person under supervision subjectively and violates the official duty objectively.
76. The discovery was foreseen more than 150 years ago by Michael Faraday, the father of electricity.
77. Significant pickups in growth are foreseen for most other countries in the region on the back of a strong export expansion.
78. One septic tank is foreseen connecting to waste water pump station.
79. In the evolving vocational rehabilitation and assistive device services, the increase of need of OT was also foreseen.
80. In this report, the nature, physiological functions, preparation, detection and application of raffinose are introduced. The development prospect of raffinose has also been foreseen.
81. Where either party is liable in damage to the other, these shall not exceed the damage which the party in default could reasonably have foreseen at the time of the formation of the contract.
82. We should be good at mining market potential demand and foreseen how for tomorrow.
83. Men call me wise. If sages were ever wise in their own behoof, I might have foreseen all this.
84. Wolf's feminism by analyzing her use of "interior monologue" in her main works and points out that Wolf's androgyny is her ideal pursuit rather than the foreseen case as stated by some researchers.
85. Prussia had long foreseen and prepared for this struggle and France was rotten with financial corruption.
86. Unless the party In breach did not foresee and a reasonable person of the same kInd In the same circumstances would not have foreseen such a result.
87. Legal liability attaches if the accident should reasonably have been foreseen.
88. Here the properties, physiological functions, preparation and application of stachyose are introduced. The development prospect of stachyose has also been foreseen.
89. No one could have foreseen such a come - down in his old age!
90. The heaviest load on his mind, after his conversation with the slave trader, lay in the foreseen necessity of breaking to his wife the arrangement contemplated.
91. He explains that he has foreseen a terrible event. The next Monday, waters twice as great as Noah's flood will cover the land, exterminating all life.
92. This was foreseen by the Russians, who had had full warning and were ready.
93. Manual switch is foreseen at the exit gate according to Chinese code.
94. One septic tank is foreseen for offices sewage network connecting to waste water pump station.
95. A fortuitous event is not to be foreseen and no one is bound to expect it.




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