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单词 Sample point
1. By the sampling point there is an iridescence on the water which regularly fans out, indicating a seepage of oil.
2. The sample point is the location data of each cluster of townships, and the variable is the demography of votes of political parties or camps.
3. Introduce the checking situation of different sample point of coke strength; contrast and analyse the experiment result; illustrate coke strength affected by different sample points.
4. Namely, the sample point handling, while sampling side of the spectrum operations.
5. The capability of the CAN bus is influenced greatly by the setting of the baud rate, the number of the sample point and sample place in a bit period.
6. Several reference land-value grading and evaluating methods are introduced, which the sample point interpolation method is fast, simple and easy to be updated.
7. Results show that parallel genetic algorithm is fit for data reduction problem with large scale and large data sample point.
8. The computation results show that parallel genetic algorithm is fit for data reduction problem with large scale and large data sample point.
9. Calculates the performance data of the counter, using a single sample point.
10. The easiest way to do this is to divide the sample point difference by the total difference.
11. The function is acquired through converting the vector direction around a sample point to a value according to a certain formula, and its minimum value points are exactly vortex core region.




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