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单词 Unfinished
1. I half regretted having left the work unfinished.
2. We have some unfinished business to settle.
3. He has some unfinished business to deal with.
4. Rachael left her meal unfinished.
5. We've got some unfinished business to discuss.
6. I hate to have unfinished work hanging over me.
7. I still have some unfinished business with you.
8. I've got some unfinished business to attend to.
9. John explained away his unfinished task by showing his boss a certificate for sick leave.
10. It was just a little unfinished business from my past, and it doesn't concern you at all.
11. This huge, unfinished building represents the last hurrah of the former regime.
12. Jimmy never leaves a job unfinished. He continues to work even when he's dead on his feet.
13. The park remains unfinished due to lack of funds .
14. Each of these women had left some unfinished business.
15. And the great tower remains unfinished.
16. As always, he muttered incomplete words, unfinished sentences.
17. He had the unfinished nocturne and the portrait.
18. She looked away, leaving her sentence unfinished.
19. Those people that you have unfinished business with.
20. It was this, unfinished, runway that I landed on.http://
21. So that he fell awkwardly, knocking over an unfinished cup of tea.
22. In some ways it is an unfinished, unrealised film, yet it lingers potently in the mind.
23. Freakish wingspan, basic body that looked unfinished, wingtips that folded over.
24. There's no such thing as HAPPY ENDING. It's just an unfinished story.
25. I'll say this much for him-he never leaves a piece of work unfinished.
26. The cathedral was eventually completed in 1490, though the Gothic facade remains unfinished.
27. The sudden death of a loved one can often leave the bereaved with an agonising sense of unfinished business.
28. I will say this much for him he never leaves a piece of work unfinished.
29. If you try to slice hot bread, the loaf compresses, the weight of the knife crushing the unfinished dough.
30. It is important not to go on for too long, or to leave difficult business unfinished.
1. I half regretted having left the work unfinished.
2. I hate to have unfinished work hanging over me.
3. John explained away his unfinished task by showing his boss a certificate for sick leave.
4. Jimmy never leaves a job unfinished. He continues to work even when he's dead on his feet.
31. Her face was rather blunt, the features unfinished putty dabs, and now it was swollen with crying.
32. There were two easels in the room and on one she saw an unfinished picture.
33. One bit of unfinished business was to obtain for Joe the Legion of Merit award.
34. The events described had already formed the backdrop to Guinness I, and two unfinished sequels.
35. The floor was bare and unfinished concrete, and I could jump rope without self-consciousness, without interference.
36. Seeing their own children in their teens may bring their own adolescence forcibly to mind, along with its unfinished business.
37. At Slotermeer, a suburb of Amsterdam, a large park remained unfinished due to lack of funds.
38. The body has been left unfinished, and only an oil sealant has been given to the wood to protect it.
39. The dress was put in a drawer, unfinished but not forgotten about.
40. A., when hundreds of covert jumps were carried out from the unfinished skeletons of office towers on Bunker Hill.
41. Primeval and unfinished, crawling about like a busy white slug.
42. When the bonds to finance the project could not be sold, Franklin Delano Roosevelt picked up the unfinished task.
43. The unfinished and unpublished memoirs of Farini are replete with such hyperbole.
44. The courthouse is still unfinished, most of the money is missing and the judge is on the run.
45. Q.. My recessed bathroom light extends through the ceiling into the unfinished attic, and it has no insulation around it.
46. It looks rough and unfinished: the corpses probably stir underground during the night.
47. Largely at Mr Shillington's expense, the unfinished church was completed and opened for public worship in 1802.
48. He was impressed with her big white slab of a body like an unfinished sculpture.
49. But the tide of prosperity ebbed, leaving the town unfinished.
50. The Verve set features 42 alternate and unfinished takes,[http:///unfinished.html] while the Blue Note set consists entirely of previously released material.
51. There was definitely some unfinished business between the two of them, but he was extremely tired.
52. Then he would be up and about, able to apply himself to unfinished business.
53. A work both director and composer left unfinished felt fragmentary, inconclusive and, all too often, artistically baffling.
54. They went to ill-prepared, unfinished blocks, often without furniture or bedding.
55. This disjunctive, unfinished quality challenges readers to establish an order which the text does not entirely provide for them.
56. This ruin is an unfinished structure about twenty feet high which covers more than an acre.
57. Can anything be sadder than work left unfinished? Yes, work never begun. Christina G. Rossetti 
58. The second volume, however, had a number of letters as well as an unfinished play to make the required length.
59. There were the unfinished shoes for Emily Grenfell lying on the bench, the amethysts agleam against the softness of the leather.
60. The pace is slow, so slow that lots of things are unfinished.
61. They were hamstrung when the government halted all nuclear plant construction in 1983, leaving them with unfinished power plants.
62. Just filling out to the half, it looked strangely unfinished.
63. However, during our hand-over General Churchill mentioned one piece of unfinished business.
64. Dissatisfied even after weeks of painful struggle, he returned to Paris in the fall with his unfinished works.
65. Among their criteria: Cancel any project that remains unfinished more than 20 years past its original completion date.
66. He kept a candle burning in each room, unfinished manuscript on every desk.
67. They are producing throngs of narrow-minded specialists who may be wizards at making money, but who are unfinished as people.
68. He placed his unfinished cigar in the ash tray and rose from the table, leaving his brandy untouched.
69. Prominent strips of inlay were left unfinished; awkward patches of pink sandstone intrude into the glistening white of the dome.
70. Sobel and Collen suggested that clinical decisions on intravenous heparin should await the outcome of unfinished trials.
71. The unfinished building stood for several years as a mute witness to their sad state.
72. Obon is for closing off unfinished business, for restoring bonds, for healing and remembering.
73. With all of our progress and success, we are keenly aware of the unfinished agenda.
74. But his main preoccupation was with the unfinished Requiem, which had begun to prey on his mind.
75. There is still some unfinished business to settle.
76. He left the sentence unfinished.
77. He regretted that the work had been left unfinished.
78. The restaurant looks good, except for the unfinished work.
79. She padded out with the plate of unfinished croissant.
80. I continued to do the unfinished work.
81. When he died he left much unfinished work behind.
82. Unfinished glass fibres become surrounded by water.
83. The groom knew immediately that something was wrong when the registrar at Derry's Guildhall unexpectedly claimed that there was unfinished paperwork just before the ceremony began.
84. If a team withdraws form one match under the grouped single round robin system, it can still participate in other unfinished matches. Scores for withdrawer will be 0:2.
85. Slowly and gravely she completed the unfinished motto: " Now and forever. ".
86. The company has since largely backed away from beta gimmickry; among other reasons, it discovered that big corporate customers aren't so excited by products that claim to be unfinished.
87. Antony Gaudy died in 1926, leaving an unfinished cathedral as his epitaph.
88. Kabul residents, like Lema, who live close to these unfinished high-rises are also worried about their safety.
89. How to complete an unfinished magic square and how to separate the modulus sum of magic squares are new problems with cryptographical significance in magic square.
90. You should also see an "Execution status per tester" chart and another chart for "Unfinished work item count."
91. Besides anti - conventional ending makes Light in August look like an unfinished work.
92. As Bob Woodward told it in his 2008 book The War Within, Gates and the president talked about increasing the size of the Army, halting unneeded weapons programs, the unfinished fight in Afghanistan.
93. We have all heard about his completion of the late artist's unfinished masterpiece.
94. Face B bears what Coedes and Krom describe as an unfinished inscription celebrating a victorious king.
95. While the Rockets looked promising but unfinished Thursday night, the Magic looked like a well-oiled machine ready to start the regular season.
96. Third, it also introduces the Consecutive Processing Method. Last, it concludes that accurate quantity identification of unfinished products is the key to costs acco...
97. The founders loved America, but they also understood that it was a work in progress, an unfinished enterprise that would constantly be in need of change, adjustment and repair.
98. I'm in a hurry, under pressure - all this unfinished business!
99. In another chest, which contained the belongings of a ship's officer there was an unfinished letter.
100. What before be like, say, increase paragraphic will continue the story of unfinished of fine of game original work, change the outcome before and develop a new the plot of a play.
101. Mexican military officials said the unfinished tunnel is 298m long, 2m high and about half that wide. CNN reported it is thought to be intended for smuggling drugs.
102. The novels are linear and close in structure professedly, but virtually is open and unfinished.
103. Her unique thought model is usually embodied on the twisted sutures, unsymmetrical clippings, unfinished laps and discordance colors.
104. Swan new Fort Louis II, Germany is an unfinished dream.
105. Try to reflect that give-and-take in your writing. Characters can have unfinished sentences, be interrupted, and can argue--just like real conversations.
106. One might add, her writing was so unfinished despite her genius.
107. cruiser. In another chest, which contained the belongings of a ship's officer, there was an unfinished letter which had been written on March 14th, 1943.
108. Conclusion: This method can be used to control the quality of unfinished product of Nauclea injection.
109. In tracking 45 of observation, 41 restore a function completely, did not offer as a gift leave any sequela, 3 unfinished restore completely, a paresis does not have functional improvement.
110. C. Wood Reviver: A special liquid detergent for cleaning unfinished wood and to maintain finished wood in use.
111. Some of the house was still unfinished when we moved into it.
112. The boss demanded a reasonable excuse for the unfinished work.
113. In another chest, which contained the belongings of a ship's officer, there was an unfinished letter which had been written on March 14th, 1943.
114. In spite of the unfinished work, we decided to open.
115. By cords, Archangel Michael means anything that binds us to Third-Dimensional reality –the attachments we have to it and the unfinished business that may cause resistance to Ascension.
116. One last thing, I'm still not ready for that soul weighing malarkey. I have some unfinished business before I hokey cokey with Anubis. Help me.
117. This is definitely an accident-prone situation. Quite likely, it will be the kind of accident that is related to unfinished situations.
118. The courts will be asked to place a monetary value on his unfinished career.
119. Gus stood at the table, toying with a cue stick, his eyes straying lazily over the billiard balls scattered about the table in the array of an unfinished game.
120. If a team withdraws from one match under the grouped single round robin system, it can still participate in other unfinished matches. Scores for withdrawer will be 0:2.
121. It will also gnaw at Mr Summers , who leaves his job of repairing the economy unfinished.
122. It haunts the average individual like any other important task left unfinished.
123. His poetry includes the unfinished long poem Hero and Leander.
124. In this partly unfinished building, Persian master builders experimented with architectural and structural solutions later used in the construction of Samarkand, the capital of the Timurid Empire.
125. In another sea-chest, which contained the belongings of a ship's officer, there was an unfinished letter which had been written on March 14th, 1943.
126. Objective: To establish HPLC fingerprints of unfinished product of Nauclea injection.
127. FWS claims the ebony sent from India was mislabelled, and that Indian law forbids the export of unfinished ebony and rosewood.
128. Back on the metro and it's a further 20 minute ride to Tsaritsyno, another large, forested estate. The principal attraction here is the unfinished summer palace of Catherine the Great.
129. Most people shudder at the sight of the crane-topped skeletons of unfinished skyscrapers – reminders of an economic disaster that is still spreading.
130. The unfinished business of yesterday must take precedence of new business.
131. We are told not to take a holiday, with the work unfinished.
132. In another chest, which contained the belongings of a ship's officer, there was an unfinished letter which had been written on march 14th, 1943.
133. Symphony No.8 in B minor , D . 759 , Unfinished : Allegro moderato.
134. The seventh is an uncompleted one, though the famous Unfinished Symphony is the eighth.
135. There is, of course, something incontrovertibly Bola?oesque about 2666 itself: an enigmatic, unfinished novel, translated from another language, orphaned by its author.
136. Even if the extra head is indicative of the work being unfinished, it is still apposite.
137. His most famous creation is the unfinished cathedral known as the Sagrada Familia.
138. Decoration of the unfinished project is a kind of conceptual incubation.
139. Above is the concoctive program that I write for company website, unfinished to be continued...
140. In decades of prominence, her dignity drew others to unfinished work of justice.
141. Preparation for a crime is an unfinished crime with the forced termination before starting.
142. The Russian verb category having the body, be allotted the unfinished adult and perfective aspect.
143. Pharoah and His Host Lost in the Red Sea is an unfinished study that West conceived as part of an ambitious cycle depicting "Revealed Religion" for the private chapel of George III at Windsor Castle.
144. Moon, who says he was 15 when Jesus Christ called upon him to carry out his unfinished work, has courted controversy and criticism since founding the Unification Church in Seoul in 1954.
145. The sand dumped at an unfinished disposal plant in Mont-Rolland came from the Thiaroye suburb of Dakar, where a score of children died of lead poisoning in 2008, while many adults were sick.




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