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单词 Mid-march
1. This policy was included in the mid-March information pack.
2. In mid-March, at the Chicago Board of Trade, a bubble in the wheat pit sent prices flying.
3. The anti-Yeltsin Duma approved a resolution in mid-March calling for restoration of the Soviet Union.
4. By mid-March, Communists had begun to withdraw on all fronts and the Eighth Army had regained Seoul.
5. I went to Westminster one night in mid-March, and was waiting for my bus just outside the Abbey.
6. Typically this occurs between mid-March and late May, and involves several thousand birds.
7. By early to mid-March: a miracle.
8. The whaling season typically runs until mid-March.
9. In mid-March 1980, a series of small earthquakes began shaking the ground at Mt. St. Helens in southern Washington.
10. On a Sunday morning in mid-March, I met with Dr. Francisco Sarmento, the doctor who presided over the Flight 447 autopsies.
11. THE overthrow of Madagascar's president in mid-March was partly caused by water problems—in South Korea.
12. Coalition airstrikes saved Benghazi in mid-March, forcing Qaddafi's militias to retreat.
13. Stronger data helped lift the pound off its mid-March lows to an April 15 high of $1.5524 until the Lib Dem surge took its toll.
14. The winner is expected in Nome in mid-March; the race record is eight days, 22 hours and 46:02 minutes, set by Martin Buser in 2002.
15. By mid-March 2010, the lake was 7 miles (10 kilometers) long.
16. The morning was cold, in the wake of the north wind that had frozen the fields since mid-March.
17. The rebel forces had launched their latest offensive in mid-March with a sustained artillery barrage and ground attack.
18. The president fought hard for the plan, and saw it through Congress by mid-March.
19. It was reported to the Ministry within days, but the cause of death was not confirmed by scientists until mid-March.
20. That translated to about $ 700; the pound was worth $ 1. 85 in mid-March 1991.
21. Prime Minister Paul Keating must call an election before May this year, with mid-March the most likely time.
22. Grain-based cereal prices already have come under fire from Capitol Hill, with a report in mid-March by Reps.
23. From now, mid-January, until the final games of the season in mid-March, every game counts.
24. Rivals got a stay order from the courts, though after a backroom deal in mid-March the government got its way.
25. By those measures, the economy is in better shape now than when the Fed last met in mid-March.
26. In Zhuoni, a county in the northwest province of Gansu, protesters in mid-March torched a school, set up their own roadblock and trashed officials' cars, residents said.
27. Mr. Bin Laden, whose last message was released in mid-March, has been sparing in his criticism of Mr. Obama in the past.
28. Coincidentally, Zhejiang was widely reported as the origin of the salt-buying panic in mid-March.http://
29. By early May, the lake had expanded well beyond its mid-March extent.
30. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn survived the early tut-tutting and enjoyed sales of 43,500 copies by mid-March 1885, the best start of any new book by the author in a decade.
31. The studio is still under construction and won't open until mid-March.
32. Since the unrest began in mid-March, we have designated 32 Syrian and Iranian individuals and entities, including Syrian businessmen and their companies.
33. The earthquake and tsunami in mid-March explain the sharp drop in growth prospects for Japan this year.
34. On February 23, the Kosovar Albanians, including Thaci, accepted the agreement in principle, returned home to sell it to their people, and in mid-March traveled to Paris to sign the finished document.
35. Inspired by events in Tunisia and Egypt, activists took to the streets in several cities in mid-March.
36. His comments came at the end of one of the bloodiest days since the uprising began in mid-March.




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