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单词 Forty-five
1 I'd say Robert's about forty-odd - maybe forty-five.
2 In June 1945, Britain still had forty-five per cent of its workforce in the Services and munitions industries.
3 The cricket team needs to knock up forty-five runs before tea, if they're to have a hope of winning.
4 I was already forty-five minutes late for a dental appointment .
5 You take forty-five minutes for lunch.
6 Even back then forty-five cents was small change.
7 It housed, at high season, forty-five people.
8 Miss Mei-Ling will be arriving here at twelve forty-five.
9 Keep sessions relatively brief - around forty-five minutes.
10 Besides,[] she's too old for it at forty-five.
11 Forty-five percent of adult citizens do not read newspapers.
12 He was about forty-five, and seemed devoid of personality.
13 Tim Curtis top-scored for the home side with forty-five.
14 I adjusted the sail at forty-five degrees to the east wind, and walked south.
15 Eleven forty-five, and I strolled into the Jack the Ripper, the roughest and least local of my many locals.
16 Turning off is the A.832 bound for Gairloch, forty-five miles distant on the west coast.
17 The speech lasted exactly forty-five minutes, which, particularly as Baldwin spoke slowly, was not long.
18 Haddenham returned forty-five landholders in 1522, of whom thirty-five were resident, yet the survey of 1555 lists only eleven freeholders.
19 There were few casualties on shore but forty-five seamen lost their lives when their ships sank.
20 Forty-five percent of fatal road accidents involving young people are alcohol-linked, and so are drowning and deaths from accidental overdose.
21 Forty-five percent of this group said that they could not even make a guess at the likely interest rate.
22 Forty-five people were honoured of whom six had each given over 50 years' service to the church.
23 On the foreign exchanges, the US dollar is up point forty-five.
24 Menstruation may cease when a woman is anywhere between forty-five and fifty years of age.
25 In the face of these difficulties, it is remarkable that the spectra of some forty-five NEAs have been studied.
26 No more than one hundred are assigned to Wrigley Field for the forty-five thousand Bear fans, with their pints of brandy.
27 The two ribbons are most sensitive to sounds arriving from forty-five degrees on either side of the central axis.
28 He lay head towards the door and at an angle of forty-five degrees from the bed, his shoes touching the end.
29 I promised to give it the fifty-one hours, so that's, let me see, forty-five left.
30 D., you may be in that inorganic incubator until you are forty-five.
1 On the foreign exchanges, the US dollar is up point forty-five.
31 Forty-five per cent said that farming organisations were less influential than they were 20 years ago.
32 Sherman wanted nothing less seven years down the line, when he was forty-five.
33 Forty-five miles beneath the surface, the layer known as the asthenosphere begins.
34 This was a substantial piece of timber, dug deep into the ground and supported by a strut at forty-five degrees.
35 Forty-five years later he's returned to his roots, with a retrospective display of his favourite surrealist paintings.
36 Heated tempers George and Helen have been married forty-five years.
37 At the Eighth Avenue end, nearest to the commercial district, there would be an office tower of about forty-five stories.
38 Forty-five at least, with grey in his black hair, and magnificent.
38 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
39 I was already forty-five minutes late for a dental appointment and had plenty of time to reflect upon the day.
40 He's in the right age bracket, forty-five, and from his responses today he would seem to be sexually maladjusted.
41 Forty-five years later Erika Barnes has been back to the village, now a thriving community.
42 Like nearly all the other forty-five species, they nest in hollow trees.
43 Forty-five percent said they have looked for their home during takeoffs or landings.
44 Forty-five minutes later, the Aries-1B lunar carrier pulled away from the Station.
45 In two days we had had forty-five ships seriously damaged in our slick battalions.
46 Allow the bread from twenty to forty-five minutes to cool down and complete its baking.
47 At thirty to forty-five minutes, mouthing and lip-smacking movements begin, and the infant begins to drool.
48 In the beginning, he tried for sequences of forty-five minutes each, then gradually reduced them to thirty minutes.
49 For at least another thirty to forty-five seconds the former prime minister just stared back at them.
50 Forty-five percent of their votes went to Faulkner which ensured his election with more than a quota of votes as fifth member.
51 By 1 p.m. we had another forty-five sheep on deck and decided to call it a day.
52 He was back home, showered, changed and in bed by eleven forty-five.
53 The extension's roof sloped up at forty-five degrees to within about four feet of the roof proper.
54 A lot of my friends are now changing careers, changing wives at forty, forty-five.
55 Manning Jackson was forty-five years old, and was good-looking in a heavy, sporting way.
56 For nearly forty-five years, the two Superpowers had dominated international politics, alliances, and trade arrangements.
57 In just forty-five seconds he would get up from his desk, take his coat and walk past his secretary.
58 Proud of his pink tie: I've worn a tie this shade for forty-five years.
59 Typically, the giant planets contain about forty-five parts per million of helium-3 in their atmospheres.
60 He was back at the flat in time to watch the five forty-five news.
61 The drive from Reyljavik to the airport took about forty-five minutes.
62 The audience was sitting waiting, about forty-five minutes before the start.
63 Francis, Alvin was told by Eng and the dancers that at forty-five minutes the piece was just too long.
64 Debes gave them an additional forty-five minutes, then issued the order.
65 They settled the steppes so successfully that their numbers grew to forty-five thousand in less than a century.
66 In 1925 forty-five Chicago judges voted to prohibit cameras in state courtrooms during judicial proceedings.
67 Different ethnic groups within the country have been engaged in a civil war for more than forty-five years.
68 Doyle checked his forty-five magnum,[] then slotted it back into the holster on his back belt.
69 Forty-five people were injured when a passenger train derailed near Ottumwa, Iowa.
70 He had taught history of some kind, although Glover never bothered in forty-five years to find out what kind.
71 The equivalent figures for the trip to Manchester were eighty, forty-five and less than thirty hours.
72 He and his wife drove from Fort Wayne and arrived at the courthouse a few minutes before the forty-five second ceremony.
73 His shirt-tails flapping in the breeze, he faced the green at an angle of forty-five degrees and sliced every shot.
74 Several days before the vote, he said there were only thirty Republican votes for the perjury count and forty to forty-five for the obstruction of justice count.
75 Methods Forty-five mesiobuccal root canals in fleshly extracted nu a an molar teeth were instrumented by the step-back technique , the step-down technique or the passive step-back technique.
76 In nineteen forty-five, he returned to New York City. He had the idea of starting a small jazz group.
77 It depicted simply an enormous face, more than a metre wide: the face of a man of about forty-five, with a heavy black moustache and ruggedly handsome features.
78 The end of the war in Europe was now in sight. By late February, nineteen forty-five, the Germans were forced to retreat across the Rhine River.
79 DONE at the city of San Francisco the twenty-sixth day of June, one thousand nine hundred and forty-five .
80 Forty-five minutes after the Black Hawks departed four MH-47 Chinooks launched from the same runway in Jalalabad.
81 Betty Jameson began playing professional golf in nineteen forty-five. She won many professional titles, including the United States Women's Open in nineteen forty-seven.
82 Joe Rosenthal took it on February twenty-third, nineteen forty-five, on the Pacific island of Iwo Jima.
83 The offer was worth almost forty-five billion dollars in cash and stock, or thirty-one dollars per Yahoo share.
84 Daphne Farlow, at forty-five, still looked and spoke like an overgrown schoolgirl.
85 Fleet Admiral Nimitz, Pacific Fleet Commander, and Admiral Halsey welcome MacArthur and his Chief of Staff General Sutherland aboard. It is Sunday, September second, nineteen forty-five.
86 I dare you to sit through forty-five minutes with someone like Vincent!
87 They found that suicide increased almost twenty percent among people ages forty-five to fifty-four.
88 Back in the 1840s, life insurance was very important because the average expectancy of life was only something like forty-five years, so that meant parents were dying left and right.
89 The periods of time set by the arbitral tribunal for the communication of written statements (including the Statement of Claim and Statement of Defence) should not exceed forty-five days.
90 Billboard says it has sold more than one hundred forty-five million dollars worth of tickets.
91 The tremor occurred in Bucharest, where buildings trembled spasmodically for forty-five seconds or so.
92 On August sixth, nineteen forty-five, the first atomic bomb fell on the city of Hiroshima. Three days later, a second A-bomb fell on the city of Nagasaki.




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