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单词 Across-the-board
1. The pay rise represented an across-the-board increase of between 9% for the highest paid and 32% for the lowest paid worker.
2. The President promised across-the-board tax cuts if re-elected.
3. The initiative has across-the-board support.
4. The union is demanding an across-the-board pay rise of 5%.
5. The housing committee agreed the across-the-board increases on Thursday.
6. Gone are Tory promises of across-the-board tax cuts or scaremongering about Labour's tax bombshells.
7. Does she order across-the-board budget cuts to bring the budget into compliance with the amendment?
8. The union's demand for an 8% across-the-board increase is still under consideration.
9. On Wall Street, across-the-board buying in the oil sector sparked a rally.
10. The Act would have forced across-the-board cutbacks if the federal deficit grew too high.
11. Across-the-board cuts in marginal tax rates (10 percent a year for three years) and business tax reductions were on the drawing boards, as were plans to reduce regulations.
12. So conditions for an across-the-board policy easing are not ripe yet," said Qiao Yongyuan, an economist at CEBM in Shanghai.
13. At least, it is not the across-the-board panacea that much of the left touts it as.
14. But if you don't need this across-the-board functionality, then XML doesn't make much sense!
15. And even with the across-the-board gains, some categories, like furniture and electronics, have still not climbed back to their prerecession levels.
16. And don't forget the across-the-board tax cuts, key to keeping the Republican base happy as the president strayed from conservative orthodoxy in other areas.
16. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
17. The conspectus: across-the-board summarize and generalize forefather's research on the poesy and poetics theory of B.
18. Otherwise Congress would have to face the consequences of automatic across-the-board cuts under the Gramm-Rudman-Hollings budget deficit reduction law.
19. These include a capital gains tax cut, a 15% investment tax allowance and across-the-board tax rate cuts.
20. While the president has recommended targeted tax reductions for families with children and education, administration officials oppose across-the-board cuts.
21. And many were surprised that I meant it literally and applied it across-the-board.
22. They are considering 1 percent pay raises and $ 500 across-the-board annual pay hikes to take effect in April 1997.
23. Once relegated to "ethnic" parts, the energetic actress is finally earning her stripes as an across-the-board leading lady.
24. Social and technological advances that would otherwise have been impossible will provide across-the-board improvements for the lives of all dwellers on the Earth.
25. Pcharter adduce us your everyman price C. I. F. Los Angeles across-the-board of our 5% commission, advertence the ancient date of addition.
26. If that means massive intervention, in the shape of affirmative-action programmes and across-the-board benefits for parents of all sorts, the answer is no.
27. Around 40 food-exporting countries have imposed some sorts of trade restriction of food: taxes, quotas or across-the-board bans.
28. At some companies, the cuts affect only executive and senior management levels, but many others are adopting an across-the-board approach or tiered salary reductions.
29. But he warned that he thinks it would be "completely unacceptable" if the U.S. military was, as he put it, "hollowed out, " by additional, across-the-board cuts to spending.
30. She said the ongoing Open Skies process has had a calming effect because it enables people to see that there is not an across-the-board Russian rejection of its arms control commitments.
1. The pay rise represented an across-the-board increase of between 9% for the highest paid and 32% for the lowest paid worker.
31. Do you advocate open source as an across-the-board strategy for all drugs, or for selected areas only?
32. It is necessary for healthy development of valley to across-the-board study major river valleys and regions and to measure for measure propose the plan of treatment and protection.
33. The industry has yet to recover from an across-the-board revenue drop that followed the 2001 terrorist attacks.
34. With our test configuration, we found an across-the-board improvement in performance when turning on transaction logging.
35. If you were laid off in an across-the-board cutback, say so; otherwise, indicate that the move was your decision, the result of your action. Do not mention personality conflicts.
36. Instead, Washington is likely to make across-the-board cuts in discretionary spending, where there is much less money and considerably less waste.




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更新时间:2024/10/7 0:56:43