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单词 suggest
释义 Word family  noun suggestion suggestiveness adjective suggestive suggestible verb suggest adverb suggestively  sug·gest /səˈdʒest $ səɡˈdʒest/ ●●● S1 W1 verb [transitive]  1  SUGGESTto tell someone your ideas about what they should do, where they should go etc 建议,提议 → propose The zoo asked its visitors to suggest a name for the new baby panda. 动物园请游客提建议,给刚出生的大熊猫起一个名字。suggest (that) Her mother suggested that she should go and see the doctor. 她妈妈建议她去看医生。 I suggest you call him first. 我建议你先给他打电话。 It has been suggested that the manager will resign if any more players are sold. 有人提议,如果再有球员被出售,球队主教练就辞职。nsuggest something to somebodyn Johnson suggested to Boswell that they should buy the island. suggest doing something Tracey suggested meeting for a drink after work. 特雷西提议下班后一起喝一杯。suggest how/where/what etc Can you suggest what kind of tool I should use? 我该用哪种工具,你能不能给点建议?can/may I suggest (=used to politely suggest a different idea) 我建议…好吗? May I suggest that you think carefully before rushing into this? 我建议你三思而后行,好吗?5 ► Don’t say ‘suggest (someone) to do something’. Say suggest doing something or suggest that someone (should) do something.不要说 ‘suggest (someone) to do something’。 而要说 suggest doing something 或 suggest that someone (should) do something。► see thesaurus at advise2  MEANINGto make someone think that a particular thing is true 显示,表明 SYN indicate Trends in spending and investment suggest a gradual economic recovery. 消费和投资趋势显示经济在逐渐复苏。suggest (that) Opinion polls suggest that only 10% of the population trust the government. 民意调查显示只有10% 的人口信任政府。evidence/results/data/studies etc suggest(s) that The evidence suggests that single fathers are more likely to work than single mothers. 证据显示,单身父亲比单身母亲更有可能去工作。3  SUGGESTto tell someone about someone or something that is suitable for a particular job or activity 推荐〔某职务或活动的合适人选〕 SYN recommendsuggest somebody/something for something John Roberts has been suggested for the post of manager. 约翰·罗伯茨被推荐担任经理一职。4  to state something in an indirect way 暗示,暗指 SYN imply Are you suggesting my husband’s been drinking? 你言下之意是说我的丈夫一直在喝酒吗?5  SHOW/BE A SIGN OFto remind someone of something or help them to imagine it 使人想起;使人联想到 The stage was bare, with only the lighting to suggest a prison. 舞台上空无一物,只有灯光表明这是监狱。6  something suggests itself if an idea suggests itself, you think of it 考虑某事物 I’ll look at my cookbooks and see if anything suggests itself. 我来看看食谱,有没有什么可以考虑的。7  I’m not suggesting spokenSAY used to say that what you have said is not exactly what you intended to say 我并不是说〔用于表示自己所说的并非完全是原来想表达的意思〕 I’m not suggesting for one moment that these changes will be easy. 我绝不是说作这些变革很容易。n GRAMMAR: Patterns with suggest• You suggest something to someone: He suggested a solution to us. ✗Don’t say: He suggested us a solution.• You suggest doing something: I suggested going for a walk in the park. ✗Don’t say: I suggested to go for a walk in the park.• In everyday English, you suggest that someone does something: I suggest that she waits a few weeks. ✗Don’t say: I suggest her to wait a few weeks.• In more formal English, you suggest that someone do something, using the base form of the verb (=the infinitive without ‘to’): I suggest that she wait a few weeks.• You can also use the base form of the verb when talking about the past: I suggested that she wait a few weeks.• You suggest that someone should do something: The doctor suggested that she should sit down.• In more formal English, you can say it has been suggested that something is true: It has been suggested that the substance can cause cancer.  THESAURUSsuggest to tell someone your ideas about what they should do 建议,提议'Why don’t you come with us?', Alan suggested. “你为什么不和我们一起去呢?”艾伦建议道。It was a sunny afternoon and so I suggested going to the beach. 那天下午天气晴朗,所以我提议去海滩。recommend to suggest that someone goes somewhere, tries something etc because you know that it is good and you think they will like it 推荐Can you recommend a good restaurant near here? 你能推荐一家附近的好餐厅吗?It’s a brilliant book - I’d recommend it to anyone. 这本书非常好——我愿意向所有人推荐。propose formal to formally suggest a plan or course of action, especially at a meeting 〔尤指在会议上〕正式提议The government has proposed building a new town just north of the city. 政府已提出在城市以北建一个新镇。nI propose that we send a delegation to London to discuss our concerns.put forward to suggest an idea, plan, reason etc 提出〔想法、计划、理由等〕The party has put forward new proposals to reduce the number of cars in the town centre. 该党提出了一些减少市中心车流量的新提议。The idea was first put forward by Aristotle. 这个观点最早是亚里士多德提出的。A number of reasons have been put forward to explain these negative results. 已提出多项理由来解释这些负面结果。nominate to officially suggest someone for an important job or position, or a person, film etc for a prize, especially when people will vote to make a decision 提名,推荐He’s been nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature several times. 他多次获得诺贝尔文学奖提名。nThree candidates have been nominated for the position of chairman.→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpussuggest• ''Why don't you come with us?" Alan suggested.• I'm not sure which is the best wine to order. What would you suggest?• In fact, the situation is far worse than these figures suggest.• "Why not ask Dad?" he suggested.• A $ 10 donation is suggested.• It was a sunny afternoon, and Jim suggested a trip to the beach.• He suggested abortion two or three times and made it very clear that he thought I was making a mistake.• It was raining heavily, and she suggested calling a taxi.• Readers may recall that President Ronald Reagan once suggested himself that trees were polluters.• Robert suggested his son for the vacant directorship.• The date of this odd but interesting ballet might suggest intimations of flower power.• All members are invited to suggest names.• It is still not clear what these facts suggest -- perhaps a new strain of the virus, or a completely new virus.• His letter seemed to suggest that he wasn't satisfied with my work.• My Dad suggested that I should apply for the job.• Sarah suggested that I should apply for this job.• This suggests that Mr Lion had been deliberately singled out as a scapegoat and given no time to defend himself.• All the evidence suggests that the problem has improved in recent years.• The door had not been forced open, which strongly suggests that the victim was known to her killer.• Current data suggests that there could be life on Mars.• It may be suggested that there is an element of rejection in being referred.• These changes in mortality, especially among the old elderly, suggest that we have not reached the maximum human lifespan.• He spread his hands to suggest the size of the fish.• On most patients, the repetition by themselves of one word will cause the associated words to suggest themselves.• A child's behavior might suggest to others that there are problems at home.• I suggest we take a break and finish this later.• Can you suggest where we might be able to get a decent meal?• I'm not suggesting you deliberately tried to mislead us, just that you made a mistake.suggest (that)• Spelling correction algorithms usually suggest a few alternative words which are in some sense similar to the detected misspelled word.• Would this be an opportune time to suggest a move to help reduce the fragmentation of the industry?• Others have suggested a similar interaction.• They needed 400 gains to suggest a substantial recovery from their general election debacle.• Such suffering, it is suggested, can be understood as highly appropriate.• Evolutionary reconstructions suggest that all the citrus fruits were derived from crosses between four different species.• He suggested that if the errant investor was not happy, he should take his money elsewhere.• The article suggested that Rivas may resign.• He suggested that the main cause of social differentiation was the increase in population density.• Mark's sister just suggested that we go to Mexico this summer.evidence/results/data/studies etc suggest(s) that• Recent evidence suggests that buy-backs merely create banking commissions and do not stimulate growth.• These data suggest that not all pseudoaneurysms will lead to gastrointestinal haemorrhage.• The results suggest that polymeric diets are as safe and effective as steroids in inducing short term remission.• But no evidence suggests that she courted danger for her children as she encouraged their freedom.• These data suggest that the reforms may not be responsible for the improved performance observed.• However, accumulating clinical evidence suggests that the single worst action a victim can take is to submit to an abusive partner.• More recent evidence suggests that there is cotransport of sodium, potassium, and two chloride ions together at this site.Origin suggest (1500-1600) Latin past participle of suggerere “to put under, provide, suggest”, from sub- ( → SUB-) + gerere “to carry”sug·gest verb →n GRAMMAR1 →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  should to ideas your about what tell they Corpus someone




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