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单词 Inserted
1. She inserted a CD into the machine.
2. He inserted the cassette and pressed the 'play' button.
3. He inserted a cassette into the machine.
4. They inserted a tube in his mouth to help him breathe.
5. The English translation is inserted between the lines of the text.
6. His hand shook slightly as he inserted the key into the lock.
7. He inserted the key in the lock but could not open the door.
8. A plug had been inserted in the drill hole.
9. Later[sentence dictionary], he inserted another paragraph into his will.
10. Fine needles are gently inserted into the patient's skin.
11. She had a metal plate inserted in her arm.
12. A probe was inserted through his mouth.
13. Fine needles are inserted in the arm.
14. His manager inserted a new clause into his contract.
15. The interpolation appears to have been inserted very soon after the original text was finished.
16. A detailed street plan of the city is inserted in a corner of the area map.
17. Needles are inserted into specific acupuncture points in the body.
18. We have inserted certain provisions into the treaty to safeguard foreign workers.
19. Doctors inserted a metal pin in his leg to hold the bones together.
20. He inserted his hand between the wall and the back of the chair to reach for the letter.
21. He crossed out "fellow subjects", and instead inserted "fellow citizens".
22. Letters omitted or inserted Omissions, sixteen words.
23. At this juncture a codicil must be inserted.
24. Tampons that play the Hollyoaks theme tune when inserted?
25. He inserted his hands into the mud, and scrabbled.
26. Dexter jumped inside and inserted the ignition key.
27. Blank lines must not be inserted between keywords.
28. He took a small key from his pocket and slowly inserted it into the lock.
29. Historically there was no letter " l " in the word " could " ; it was inserted by analogy with " would ".
30. The surgeon makes a small incision into which a tube is inserted.
1. She inserted a CD into the machine.
2. He inserted the cassette and pressed the 'play' button.
3. He inserted a cassette into the machine.
4. They inserted a tube in his mouth to help him breathe.
5. He took a small key from his pocket and slowly inserted it into the lock.
6. The English translation is inserted between the lines of the text.
7. His hand shook slightly as he inserted the key into the lock.
8. Historically there was no letter " l " in the word " could " ; it was inserted by analogy with " would ".
9. He inserted the key in the lock but could not open the door.
10. A detailed street plan of the city is inserted in a corner of the area map.
31. These are to be inserted in the tender document.
32. The poles are inserted into continuous sleeves.
33. Named after the strips of lead which used to be inserted between lines of metal type.
34. It's hardly difficult to guess the sequence of events immediately after he'd quietly inserted his key in the Yale lock.http://
35. Bake at 350 degrees until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean, about 1 hour.
36. The second hand had stopped where it had met the pin inserted near the 55-second mark.
37. It must be remembered that once these batteries are inserted into the transmitter they begin to function.
38. He took the steel key and inserted it into locker forty-seven.
39. They removed part of his brain and inserted a silver plate.
40. A human gene can be inserted into fibroblasts using a retroviral vector, and the skin then grafted back to the donor.
41. A stone wall had subsequently been inserted, obscuring its original width.
42. Catheters were inserted into the femoral artery and vein for blood pressure recordings and drug administration, respectively.
43. Then a piece of garden hose can be inserted in the top until it hits a moulded shoulder inside the tube.
44. Usually, the new characters will be inserted between existing ones.
45. A urinary catheter had been inserted and was draining into a sealed drainage system.
46. Unassigned notation within the sequence or gaps into which subjects can be inserted.
47. Pins were inserted into the breaks and steel bars attached to the bones.
48. He often inserted the catheter into his bladder with force, causing pain.
49. He has inserted a clause into his contract which bans screenwriter Joel Silver from the set while he is working.
50. Generally, the notation is hospitable to new subjects, since they can be inserted by decimal subdivision.
51. After a skiing accident, Dan had a pin inserted in his wrist.
52. A nurse carefully inserted the needle into my left arm.
53. The people who inserted those words have not changed their minds.
54. His first distinctive works were for percussion instruments or pianos prepared with nuts and bolts inserted between the strings.
55. Boilerplate text can be inserted into a document with a few keystrokes.
56. Important missing scenes have been found and inserted and there is a new score from Carl Davis.
57. A clause was inserted in the contract that gives him 30% of any future earnings.
58. There is one more piece of the jigsaw to be inserted.
59. Subsequently, the Government inserted a clause of their own which went some way to meet Lord Scarman's amendment.
60. An electrical wire is inserted into the heart, which is then stimulated electronically and the reaction is studied.
61. These are, however, even inserted at positions identical to those of corresponding fungal and liverwort intervening sequences.
62. A pin was inserted to stabilize the ligament, and scar tissue from the previous injury had to be cleared.
63. A pin was inserted to mend the fracture in his foot.
64. Next,[] the appropriate research design followed by a description of the population to be studied is inserted.
65. The back of the bottle is left uncovered to allow inspection of the inserted tube.
66. This may be satisfactory as long as you are content to bury your dead in shallow pits inserted into the desert sands.
67. It is not enough to say that the compiler has inserted a story that once had a quite independent existence.
68. A cervical vagotomy was performed through a midline neck incision and a tracheostomy tube was inserted at the same time.
69. When a knife is inserted into the flesh, the juices should run clear.
70. The newly inserted clause in the lease required a tenant to vacate the premises on 90 days notice.
71. A nasogastric tube was inserted and maintained until 24 hours after treatment.
72. Sometimes the practitioner just pierces the skin, while other times the needle is inserted up to an inch deep.
73. A central venous line was inserted for hom total parenteral nutrition.
74. These codes are then inserted in each of the sense definitions to create a corpus of coded definitions.
75. Indwelling venous cannulae were inserted into the right forearm for infusion of G17 and into the left forearm for blood sampling.
76. Alexander Rokovssky carefully inserted a skeleton key, and slowly turned it.
77. They are widely used in genetic engineering as vectors into which foreign genes are inserted for subsequent cloning or expression in cells.
78. Any new concepts or terms that emerge during this examination of relationships must also be inserted in the deck of cards.
79. The praise reward, when it comes, reinforces this inserted, undesirable behaviour.
80. Many of the burdensome covenants inserted in the former kind of lease will be wholly inappropriate to the latter.
81. Voice over Gavin now faces the prospect of having to have a metal plate inserted in his head.
82. They inserted an extra gene and ended up with a virus that wiped out all the test animals within nine days.
83. She broke the seals, inserted a key, turned it, twisted the brass handle, and opened the heavy door.
84. The pads can be inserted into an undergravel set up as a gravel tidy without interrupting the free flow of water.
85. It's a microchip which, when inserted into some part of the chair, will act like an electronic identity tag.
86. Letters, words or whole lines can be deleted and new texts inserted at the touch of a button.
87. Six small rod-like capsules are inserted into a woman's arm under local anaesthetic.
88. As soon as a key was inserted it rang a loud alarm bell and palace guards would rush in with drawn swords.
89. The other readily agreed; a few needles were inserted and a dramatic change in posture was quickly and effortlessly effected.
90. A very thin sheet of paper is then inserted between the metal plates.
91. A third pole is inserted into the front of the flysheet to extend the bell end.
92. If a worker is inserting the wrong bolt, institute a system that prevents the incorrect bolt from being inserted.
93. Bake at 350 degrees for 40 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in center comes out with fudgy crumbs.
94. Once you have decided where the mounting pillars are going to be inserted you are nearly done.
95. A pin was inserted in Pollard's leg to speed the healing process.
96. She shrugged, went over to the bidet,[/inserted.html] washed herself and inserted her tiny scrambler.
97. He inserted a pound coin, pushed the button - and nothing emerged.
98. Here the leaves were inserted into a swag base first to create the background.
99. A day later, the tissue was inserted between stomach muscles, just above the bellybutton, where blood supply is plentiful.
100. And Books for Giving will be inserted in the November issue of a high circulation women's magazine.
101. Roman was by her side as she inserted her key in the lock.
102. Full stops are inserted in unexpected places to force the reader to treat certain elements as complete units of information.
103. But the actions that must be consequent on those ideas, Althusser asserts are: inserted into practices.
104. When I was 12 I tunnelled into the side of the local canal and inserted a glass panel.
105. Quickly Robert inserted the needle into the thigh muscle, and in about a minute, the small body went limp.
106. If there is free space it is inserted at the correct node.
107. This provision is inserted in the Policy because these items are moving parts which deteriorate rapidly with use.
108. Before external cooling with the use of water ice, temperature probes should be inserted to monitor the patient's temperature.
109. While Gilbert had inserted some new titles, Alan added a completely new book dealing with sacramental law.
110. Next, a long tapering round metal pricker was inserted so that its point penetrated a short distance into the powder.
111. In each case the pipette should be gently inserted and withdrawn from the fluid in order to minimize disturbance.
112. The name and date were inserted in a decorative framework, this probably being kept standing for immediate use when sightseers arrived.
113. Finally, new mortar is being inserted in between the stones, involving the total reconstruction of the interior and exterior facings.
114. The butler inserted a hooked finger into his collar, grimaced and huffed.
115. A tracheotomy was performed and a tracheal cannula was inserted to maintain a free airway.
116. The eucharistic recall of the paschal mystery was simply inserted into this thank-offering context.
117. New timbers inserted as replacements should be thoroughly treated from every face against infection.
118. The base of each pole is then inserted into brass eyelets on nylon webbing which are then attached to the groundsheet.
119. His sinuses felt as though Styrofoam cubes had been brutally inserted into their cavities.
120. The Fragment is then inserted in a subsequent pass to make up the complete published data. 4.
121. Bougies were inserted into the urethra, and these got bigger and bigger, inflicting great pain and considerable nausea.
122. To hell with you, Nevil Sanderson! she thought as she inserted her key into the keyhole.
123. When it succeeds, the virus then copies itself on to any more floppy disks inserted in that computer.
124. Harvey took off his identity tag and inserted it into a machine like a railway station weighing machine upon which he stepped.
124. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
125. We used a template and inserted or copied text wherever variable information was needed.
126. Foreign genes can readily be inserted into the virus genome and expressed at high levels.
127. Needles had already been inserted in his arms to deliver the fatal mix of chemicals.
128. If so, special provisions will need to be inserted in the agreement to regulate the arrangements between the investors.
129. If not, you might find spaces have been inserted between the fake extension and the real one.
130. Carolyn took it quickly and inserted her index finger under one of the flaps of folded-over, Sellotaped paper.
131. The heart of the technique is an interface card inserted into the computer which synchronises the different information sources.
132. The resulting shape is finally inserted into its background and the design mounted and finished as required.
133. Chiefly for tactical reasons, a clause was inserted in the women's suffrage bills of 1874 expressly excluding married women.
134. We were going to be inserted into it - with what they call surgical precision.
135. No drain was inserted in view of the likelihood of ascites developing in the postoperative period.
136. A flush door will have a block of wood inserted at a convenient point so there's something solid to cut into.
137. One spring morning two anchor bolts were inserted in the footings that were to receive the first steel column.
138. It can be inserted into a woman's womb quite easily by a doctor, in order to prevent pregnancy.
139. This is inserted between the receiver and the tail rotor servo.
140. Apanage deftly drew the bottle away from the empty net and inserted a magical cork into its neck.
141. Strictly speaking this information was superfluous; at Coventry it was inserted perhaps with a view to recording guild affiliations.
142. Dasgupta and his team then cloned RNA from the yeast and inserted it into human cells in a lab.
143. In this circumstance, nasopharyngeal electrodes inserted through the nasal cavity may show the epileptic activity more clearly.
144. The chunk of text may be inserted into several different places in the hyperdocument.
145. A needle is inserted between two of your vertebrae after a local anaesthetic has been applied.
146. Once through their sleeves the poles are inserted into small eyelets which are attached to the edge of the groundsheet.
147. The base of each pole is then inserted into brass eyelets on nylon webbing which are attached to the groundsheet.
148. His right and left wrist were the worst affected and his body rejected the metal plates and wires inserted into them.
149. Using virus vectors, Woo successfully inserted normal mouse genes for phenylalanine hydroxylase into cultured liver cells from the mutant mouse.
150. It is encouraging that the National Union of Journalists has now inserted an anti-ageist clause into its code of conduct.
151. Catledge inserted the more rustic touches, a kind of hominy style that gave their writing a colloquial flavor.
152. He inserted a letter into the misspelled word.
153. Moistened pasteboard or cloth was inserted between each disc.
154. Desolate Pluto is inserted full ensign.
154. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
155. He inserted the paper and two carbons.
156. Then a suction tube is inserted through the incision.
157. People 13 broach are inserted on her hand simultaneously.
158. These are inserted into a cloning vector.
159. A pointer to the substring to be inserted.
160. In the following example, two new CSS classes, fromAccount and amount, have been inserted to define a position offset of 40 pixels, which is the approximate distance of two consecutive rows.
161. In the last three months, doctors have inserted silicone bags filled with saline solution to stretch the skin so it will be able to cover her legs once they are cut apart.
162. Inserted or situated above the perianth. Used of an ovary.
163. It is probably that the conjugated plane of gossypol is inserted into the base pair pleated sheet of the DNA double helical structure to associate with thymine through weak polar bond.
164. To minimize the frequency and phase distortion in a DTV transmitter in order to achieve best VSB frequency performance, a pre equalizer can be inserted into the modulator.
165. Reinforced knees - The double-layer knees have a knee pad pocket with bottom slot so padding can be inserted through the velcro-closed entrance at the bottom.
166. Epenthesis strategy follows "preserving maximally" principle, and inserted vowel types reflect human beings' perceptual ability.
167. Similarly, changing the replication factor of a file causes a new record to be inserted into the EditLog.
168. However, on some Ming Qing rigid swords, it's hard to descry it's forged by inserted steel by eyes. Is it possible to be judge this type of steel blade is forged by wrapped steel burning blade method?
169. An optimum heating current data base in Electric Hot Machining is constructed in this paper and an inserted algorithm is applied in this base.
170. In each case , a detailed packing list in two copies shall be inserted.
171. The titrant is a mixture of silver nitrate and sodium fluoride, both fluorinion indicating electrode and silver ion indicating electrode are inserted in the titration solution.
172. Now when you put these together in your main book XML file (see Listing 4) the contents of these files will be inserted at the reference point.
173. Phage chromosome is inserted into the continuity of the bacterial chromosome.
174. To solve this problem, impact buffer area is inserted just before the impacting occurs. When jumping over this area, computation must go through this area by alterable steps.
175. Iterators iterate through the container in an arbitrary order, that can change as elements are inserted.
176. With fixed-angle locking, the screws or pegs are inserted into the plate at a fixed angle, usually by a threaded screw head which engages a thread in a screw hole in the plate.
177. There are 5 patterns in the TV news comment on the typological angels: inserted comment, expositive comment, narrative comment, mutual comment and miscellaneous comment.
178. After rectal stent was slenderized in ice water, it was inserted into the strictured rectum by hand or sigmoidoscope.
179. A colonoscope is a soft, bendable tube about the thickness of the index finger which is inserted into the anus and then advanced through the entire large intestine.
180. An object of the present invention is to provide a wire rod feeding device in which a soft wire rod can be inserted easily.
181. Typically, the programmable device is inserted into a socket on the device programmer and the contents of a memory buffer are then transferred into it.
182. The HTML string is different from the traditional selectors in that it creates the DOM elements representing that HTML string, on the fly, to be ( assumedly ) inserted into the document later.
183. Because the two springs can synchronously link and untread the first and the second slide members, the electronic card which is inserted in an electronic card connector can be pushed out.
184. The plug type surge absorber is easy to be inserted in or pulled out from normal power sockets such as extension sockets and domestic sockets, etc. , thus being very convenient.
184. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
185. The injury proved to be far worse than first thought and following surgery it emerged that Rosicky had a problem with his hamstring tendon and needed a metal screw inserted to clear up the pain.
186. A cannula has to be inserted into a leg vein.
187. One company has presented an idea in which l strips inserted in pavements and roads operate fly wheels by means of a piston action using hydraulic fluid.
188. On the other side, synchronization in "analog-digital-analog" scramble communications is very important, and the synchronizing signal must be inserted into information signals.
189. Every branch tube part is configured by the method that the branch tube parts are inserted between the processing bodies with mutually different height positions.
190. The prosthesis is then inserted in a standard fashion into the BFPA, allowing further pressurization.
191. Uses mortise lock that is inserted inside the door for maximum safety.
192. L - replicators each computer on-line operation, will need to re - inserted USB interface.
193. He then flipped up the clear protective cover, inserted the master key in slotand turned it.
194. "Okay, here we are," she said, and inserted her key in the lock.
195. The insecticide is the product of a bacterial gene inserted into GM maize and other cereal crops to protect them against insects such as the European corn borer beetle.
196. A press-fit fixing terminal is mountable to a wiring board by being inserted into a through-hole of the wiring board(), and includes a flat plate section and a resilient contacting section.
197. About six months after the denture is inserted, I'll have to reline or remake it, because the gums will shrink and the denture will become loose.
198. The swirling flow devices inserted in the inner tube of a concentric tube heat exchanger.
199. The OUT parameter returns the row number just inserted into the database.
200. Note that it uses the auto_increment specification so that every time a new row is inserted into the table, the ID column is populated with an increment of the previous row's ID column.
201. Black doorcase does not see more, the entrance door with outer stainless steel is added inserted every bits of bit fashionable breath.
202. Increase in inserted depth of crystallizer could eliminate gas hole and porosity.
203. The source document contains multiple records, normally in a table, and fields that are inserted into the form letter.
204. In addition, the commercial butane gas tank inserted directly can compose the convenient double-head welding gun.
205. But what if the gene also subtly inserted itself somewhere else in the plant's DNA?
206. Fully inserted into the reactor, the control rods halt the chain reaction.
207. The catheter is then inserted into the bladder lumen through a stab incision in the centre of the purse string suture.
208. The utility model is composed of a land wheel, a driving pin, a driving crank arm, a driving inserted link, a release spring, and a driving ratchet.
209. An indicator into which a bodybuilding program card is inserted is fixed to the supporting handbar.
210. A pipe is inserted into the receiving opening for replenishment of chips.
211. When a spreadsheet is inserted using this method, it is already in edit mode.
212. In addition, this angle can be inserted deeper, suit the man with danger shorter bine particularly.
213. The identification of the end user must be passed to the TAI in a header called iv-user, which is inserted by WebSEAL into the HTTP request header sent from WebSEAL to the Application Server.
214. In this case keep the CD inserted in the CD drive and start the PC again.
215. Two metal acetylacetonate complexes were inserted into the interlayer of precursor. The metal atoms were withheld,[http:///inserted.html] but acetylacetone was removed in the wash process.
216. To improve VCO voltage control characteristic, linearization network are inserted in control circuit.
217. According tothe anatomic findings, when the nee - dle is inserted vertically for 4 - 5 cm , it could reach the dorsal ramus.
218. Reporters then discovered, just still use the coin slot gambling gaming has been inserted into the screw, and stick with transparent tape.
219. He then inserted a fine-gauge needle into the trocar and pushed it into the disk itself.
220. The Spartans dropped magazines , inserted fresh ones methodically continued shooting.
221. Stumps were inserted and welded between the two straddles so that the girders become an integrated arched girder.
222. Doctors inserted it into the motor cortex, a part of the brain involved in controlling movements.
223. When the socket upturns from the inserting position, the locking part of the locking bar is inserted into the locking groove.
224. Inserts a range of elements into the container. Elements are inserted if and only if there is no element in the container with an equivalent value.
225. The use of a snap ring inserted in the snap ring groove in the outer ring provides a particularly economic and axially space-saving arrangement (fig 4).
226. In the pavement was inserted a small and most exquisite mosaic.
227. She inserted a new sheet of paper into the typewriter.
228. The fact that it doesn't feels inserted by one of the half-dozen uncredited screenwriters just to make the movie a little less nonsensical.
229. First, a suction tube with a knife-like edge is inserted into the womb.
230. When the openings of the inner cylinder and the outer cylinder are completely closed, the anoscope can be conveniently inserted into the anus.
231. Resistance measurement by use of fixed resistor temporarily inserted through the sensor bore.
232. When the coaxial line probe is inserted into the solution, there will be some air bubbles attached on the surface of the probe due to the electrochemical reaction.
233. Objective. To demonstrate that in addition to its recognized volume expansion properties, that the product has the ability to migrate and produce symptoms remote from where it was inserted.
234. This paper describes a new type of gas discharge tube which can be inserted horizontally into a circular waveguide as a standard noise source.
235. The seal washer of O species is fixed on the fuse-mount, as shown in Fig. 6. The fuse-link is inserted into fuse-mount. Use a wrench to.
236. Based on relative core, attributes are selected one by one and inserted into relative core according to their importance degree until the whole ...
237. Push it and the deck calibrates specifically for the blank tape you have just inserted.
238. Store this hook in a class to be inserted in an intrusive container.
239. In a computer 15, a hard disc drive 17is allowed to be inserted into a housing 16or drawn out therefrom.
240. Several other cannulas are inserted to allow the surgeon to work inside and remove part of the colon.
241. Instead of buckets and timer cascading, hrtimers maintain a time-ordered data structure of timers (timers are inserted in time order to minimize processing at activation time).
242. The sampling probe connected with optical fiber cable can be inserted into the solution of industrial process directly for real-time analysis.
243. String of red and cockscomb to be outdone, you can see, red string like a number of tailor-made sugar-coated haws inserted in the earth.
244. Then slowly, reverently,[] I inserted the key and wound the clock It'sprang to life.
245. The left carotid artery was dissected and canula was inserted and connected with respective line.
246. As soon as the earthquake struck, the reactors scrammed: The control rods, used to modulate the speed of the nuclear reaction, were inserted into the reactor cores, shutting off the nuclear reactions.
247. Stamens 15 to many, inserted with petals; filaments filiform , free.
248. You can also assist AppConfig in resetting arrays and hashes so that values inserted at the bottom of the stack don't have to come out at the top.
249. If an insert took place, then the iterator points to the newly inserted element. Otherwise, it points to the element with equivalent value.
250. When they inserted the modified gene into E. coli, it produced a modified calmodulin protein, incorporating the two unnatural amino acids.
251. This specifies additional paths directories which are inserted into the beginning of Python's module search path.
252. When we use a lock we cause a memory barrier to be inserted into the execution path.
253. The element and text contents are inserted into the correct position, we store the tree structure information to the relational database by the data structure of binary chained list.
254. This paper presents a method about electrode movement control rule inserted in current-constant spot-weld controller.
255. Ms Thornton is the first person ever to have her "eye tooth" taken out, reshaped and inserted in this type of surgery.
256. you may need to flick through Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, a new version of Austen's classic romance into which US writer Seth Grahame-Smith has inserted a series of zombie horror interludes .
257. As the simulated computation shows, under the simple condition of initial firing data, only two trajectories are used to approach the target with one more inserted value.
258. The metal bar inserted in collar came from a motor shaft which is 2 mm in diameter.
259. To shield the transgene from the affection of chromosomal position effect and improve its expression efficiency, another cHS4 insulator was inserted into the upstream of transgene cassette.
260. Other cannulas are needed to allow various instruments to be inserted into the abdominal cavity.
261. In the walls inside the lateral passageways are inserted a total of eight portrait busts, two in each wall, but they are so poorly conserved that they are unrecognisable.
262. The results show that a series of band pass filter applied in WDM and DWDM were made by the change of inserted phase-number and apodising functions.
263. Methods Caecum of rectum was pushed down out by a cervical canal dilator inserted from abdomen incision, striped and pulled out from perineal incision and then was sutured with skin of perineum.
264. Objective To investigate the fixing method of peripherally inserted central venous catheter ( PICC ).
265. The quartz tube inserted into the furnace that becomes the process chamber for diffusion and oxidation.
266. He cleverly inserted mirrors above the window to create an impression of space.
267. In effect , a negative resistance is inserted in the circuit so that its total resistance is zero.
268. Actually, TV station oneself takes a program parade seriously very, they perhaps are inserted in other item sow premonitory , perhaps cooperate with other media.
269. They are cooked when a skewer inserted into one and then removed comes out clean.
270. The utility model solves the problem that the wheat which is harvested by an original harvester is random, is inserted inversely, and moves the fixed guillotine shear plate.
271. Dosimeters should be inserted in the load in sufficient number and close enough together to ensure that there is always a dosimeter in the irradiator .
272. Thus the insulating paper is inserted into the slots of an armature preciously and efficiently .
273. The program stopped because an alternate diskette was not inserted.
274. The inner wall of the drawer is provided with a vertical flute,(/inserted.html) and the flute of the opposite side of the drawer is inserted with a shelf.
275. The utility model relates to an inserted tape cartridge which is made of a box (1) with an open side and two side surfaces (3) which are respectively provided with a clamp (2).
276. However Cuzco inserted mercilessly and the uterine ostium is exposed.
277. You will also need to select the maximum duration of the CD which you inserted (e. g. 80 minutes), which can be done by clicking on the small CD icon near the bottom of the window.
278. Lift mechanisms are arranged on the front running device and the rear running device which can be separated and can be inserted and fixed to form integration by a screw bolt and a screw nut.
279. A typical structure of microwave filter, i. e. rectangular waveguide inserted with cylindrical dielectric resonators has been developed.
280. This instrument, when inserted into the vagina, measures the degree of blood engorgement by registering the color of the vaginal walls through a photoelectric cell.
281. ObjectiveTo explore the nursing characteristics of hemodialysis with anti infective double lumen catheter inserted into external jugular vein through central vein.
282. In 2004, Mr. Huffman had a magnet surgically inserted into his fingertip to study the utility of cochlear implants for the hearing-impaired.
283. After a few takes, a Chinese crew member inserted a mic inside my collar and told me to "say something" to the scientist when I picked up the book—one precious, unscripted, mumbled line.
284. Based on the principle of volume contraction of freezing, the designing process of riser fitting to the cast steel inserted die with exothermic covering flux has been studied.
285. One brings the cloacae of the partners into apposition; the penis or hemipenis, if any, extrudes from the male and is inserted into the female; and the generative material is translocated.
286. If polarizer was inserted into the laser cavity, the instability of output and polarization was even more serious.
287. The plate for fixing the extraction column is inserted into a groove of the fixing frame and is provided with a via-hole.
288. Arrays get treated directly, anything else gets treated as a scalar (and inserted in an array reference).
289. A goose quill was inserted in Sun's urethra to prevent it getting blocked as the wound healed.
290. In standard mummification, organs were either removed and preserved independently, or a chemical enema was inserted into the anus to dissolve the organs in situ.
291. The inner of the socket can be inserted with an auxiliary handle or a plurality of other accessories, and is convenient to install the appurtenance desired by work.
292. If the cribriform plate is fractured or a fracture is suspected, the gastric tube should be inserted orally to prevent intracranial passage.
293. Other cannulas are inserted which allow your surgeon to delicately separate the adrenal gland from its attachments.
294. To construct his decoys , Paton inserted genes from two other bacteria types into the mild-mannered E. coli strain so that it would incorporate a chimeric molecule into its surface receptors.
295. Edmond inserted his lever in the ring and exerted all his strength; the flag-stone yielded, and disclosed steps that descended until they were lost in the obscurity of a subterraneous grotto.




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