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单词 Placed
1. The village was placed under curfew.
2. He placed a battered felt hat on his head.
3. She placed the money in his palm.
4. She placed a book on the table.
5. Ian placed a hand on her shoulder.
6. Too much emphasis is placed on research.
7. Madeleine placed it carefully in the rocky niche.
8. Morse placed a restraining hand on Lewis's arm.
9. He placed the money on the table.
10. He placed a marker where the ball had landed.
11. He was placed on probation for two years.
12. The crown was placed upon the new monarch's head.
13. She placed the ladder under the window.
14. Little Jack was placed with foster parents.
15. His illness placed an intolerable burden on his family.
16. He placed the book on the shelf.
17. Yesterday a satellite weighing 15 tonnes was successfully placed in orbit.
18. After she paid the bill, she placed the receipt in her wallet.
19. Miss Parrish recently placed an advertisement in the local news-paper.
20. If valuables are placed in the safe, the hotel is responsible for their safe custody.
21. She placed the handkerchief on a piece of paper to dry on the radiator.
22. The government has placed tight constraints on spending this year.
23. These have been placed into our files for future reference.
24. Order and discipline have been placed in the hands of headmasters and governing bodies.
25. The government has placed a bounty on the heads of many of its opponents.
26. When his parents died, he was placed in the custody of his aunt.
27. If the blocks are placed off-centre, they will fall down.
28. He amply fulfilled the weight of expectation that they had placed on him.
29. The main cabin has its full-sized double bed centrally placed with plenty of room around it.
30. Her hands and feet were tied and a gag placed over her mouth.
1. The village was placed under curfew.
2. He placed a battered felt hat on his head.
3. She placed the money in his palm.
4. She placed a book on the table.
5. Ian placed a hand on her shoulder.
6. Too much emphasis is placed on research.
7. Madeleine placed it carefully in the rocky niche.
8. Morse placed a restraining hand on Lewis's arm.
9. He placed the money on the table.
10. He placed a marker where the ball had landed.
11. He was placed on probation for two years.
12. The crown was placed upon the new monarch's head.
13. She placed the ladder under the window.
14. Little Jack was placed with foster parents.
15. His illness placed an intolerable burden on his family.
16. He placed the book on the shelf.
17. Yesterday a satellite weighing 15 tonnes was successfully placed in orbit.
18. He amply fulfilled the weight of expectation that they had placed on him.
19. After she paid the bill, she placed the receipt in her wallet.
20. Miss Parrish recently placed an advertisement in the local news-paper.
21. The main cabin has its full-sized double bed centrally placed with plenty of room around it.
22. If valuables are placed in the safe, the hotel is responsible for their safe custody.
23. She placed the handkerchief on a piece of paper to dry on the radiator.
24. Her hands and feet were tied and a gag placed over her mouth.
25. The government has placed tight constraints on spending this year.
26. These have been placed into our files for future reference.
27. Order and discipline have been placed in the hands of headmasters and governing bodies.
28. The government has placed a bounty on the heads of many of its opponents.
29. If the blocks are placed off-centre, they will fall down.
30. You say a, one, two, several, etc. hundred without a final 's' on 'hundred'. Hundreds can be used if there is no number or quantity before it. Always use a plural verb with hundred or hundreds.: One hundred have already been placed with foster families.
31. You say a, one, two, several, etc. hundred without a final 's' on 'hundred'. Hundreds can be used if there is no number or quantity before it. Always use a plural verb with hundred or hundreds.: One hundred have already been placed with foster families.
32. The council has placed a preservation order on the building.
33. The police officer said that he had placed the man under arrest and that a scuffle had ensued.
34. He retook my hand and placed it on his forehead.
35. There are candles strategically placed — just in case we have another power cut.
36. I put the letter in the envelope and placed it on the pile.
37. They have placed great trust in him as a negotiator.
38. They've placed an ad for someone to baby-sit the youngsters in the evening.
39. His shares were placed in a blind trust when he became a government minister.
39. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
40. He was placed in Xin Hua News Agency as a translator.
41. A metal grid had been placed across the hole to stop people falling in.
42. She placed the cards face downwards on the table.
43. The chairs were placed at regular distances.
44. His horse placed in the last race .
45. He placed the blame on his wife.
46. The whole town was placed under curfew.
47. We placed bets on three horses.
48. He placed/put a personal ad in The Times.
49. The children were placed with foster parents.
50. The chairs were placed in a semi-circular arrangement.
51. The chairs were placed upside down on the tables.
52. He placed the books in order on the shelf.
53. He has placed himself above party politics.
54. I've been placed in an impossible position.
55. The coffin was placed in the grave.
56. The books were placed haphazardly on the shelf.
57. The troops were placed on full alert.
58. The forms were placed end to end.
59. She placed her name on the list of volunteers.
60. The army was placed on a war footing .
31. The council has placed a preservation order on the building.
32. The police officer said that he had placed the man under arrest and that a scuffle had ensued.
33. He retook my hand and placed it on his forehead.
34. There are candles strategically placed — just in case we have another power cut.
35. I put the letter in the envelope and placed it on the pile.
36. They have placed great trust in him as a negotiator.
37. They've placed an ad for someone to baby-sit the youngsters in the evening.
38. His shares were placed in a blind trust when he became a government minister.
39. He was placed in Xin Hua News Agency as a translator.
39. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
40. A metal grid had been placed across the hole to stop people falling in.
41. The coffin was placed in the grave.
42. He was placed in command of the fleet.
43. He was placed in a boarding school.
44. The company placed much money in its foreign subsidiary.
45. He placed the box conversely.
46. They placed the blame squarely on the doctor.
47. The army had been placed on a war footing.
48. The blame was placed squarely on the doctor.
49. In recent years our country has placed great importance on economic construction.
50. The hotel is ideally placed for restaurants, bars and clubs.
51. A copy of the tariff is placed in each room of the hotel.
52. They have thus placed themselves in opposition to the people.
53. He placed unreservedly all the data he has collected at my disposal.
54. He came in swiftly and placed the child in my arms.
61. She placed the letter in front of me.
62. The company is ideally placed to win the contract.
63. The new laws will be placed before Parliament.
64. He pleaded guilty and was placed on probation.
65. His desk was discreetly placed behind a screen.
66. Widespread protests have placed the President under serious pressure.
67. Traffic lights have been placed at all major intersections.
68. I've placed an order for the CD.
69. The whole area has been placed under curfew.
69. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
70. He was placed in command of the fleet.
71. The money was placed in escrow.
72. All parking signs have now been placed in position.
73. He placed his hand on her shoulder.
74. He was later placed with a foster family.
75. He was placed in a boarding school.
76. He placed/put a bet on the grey horse.
77. Increased emphasis is now being placed on corporate image.
78. Fund managers are poorly placed to monitor firms.
79. My horse wasn't even placed.
80. My daughter placed 2,000 yuan to her credit.
81. They placed the African elephant on their endangered list.
82. This placed Robert Kennedy in a dilemma .
83. He was placed under a two-year supervision order.
84. The information has been placed in the public domain.
85. Particular emphasis will be placed on oral language training.
86. He placed the letter in a drawer.
87. The witnesses were placed under oath.
88. He was placed fifth in last Saturday's race.
89. Chairs were hastily placed in rows for the parents.
90. She was placed in the care of an uncle.
91. His resignation placed us in a difficult position.
92. His employers have placed him on final written warning.
93. Diane was placed under psychiatric surveillance.
94. The agency placed about 200 secretaries per annum.
95. We placed advertisements in a number of national newspapers.
96. Woolley was placed under close arrest for mutiny.
97. Terrorists placed a 50-pound bomb in the railway station.
98. The old man placed £100 in the bank.
99. He placed the candles on the altar.
99. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
100. The company placed much money in its foreign subsidiary.
101. We're handily placed for the train station.
102. She placed her affections on the wrong person.
103. He placed the box conversely.
104. She placed the chocolate-colored coat beside the case.
105. The pipes were placed at regular intervals .
106. He placed the money on the counter.
107. He placed a lonely hearts ad in a magazine.
108. He placed an advertisement in the local paper.
109. She placed the books in order on the shelf.
110. The government has placed an order for new weapons.
111. The ship was placed in command of Captain Smith.
112. The stockbroker has placed the money in industrial stock.
113. The job placed almost intolerable pressure on her.
114. Traditional educational thinking placed importance on learning by rote.
115. The Sioux Indians placed a high value on generosity.
116. He placed fifth in a graduation class of 90.
117. The agency placed about 2 000 secretaries last year.
118. My horse has been placed several times .
119. A bomb had been placed under the seat.
120. The whole navy was placed on full alert.
121. They placed the blame squarely on the doctor.
122. Children must not be placed at risk.
123. How are you placed for money?
124. Milton is placed after Shakespeare.
125. Great emphasis is placed on education.
126. The president placed the republic on a war footing.
127. The health officials placed the ship's crew in quarantine.
128. The army had been placed on a war footing.
129. The blame was placed squarely on the doctor.
130. They placed the orphans with foster-parents.
131. That picture was placed too high on the wall.
132. They placed confidence in their leader.
133. The table was placed centrally.
134. She placed the emphasis on the word 'soon'.
135. This witness has committed perjury and no reliance can be placed on her evidence.
136. The authorities have placed the drug in Class A,(http:///placed.html) the same category as heroin and cocaine.
137. The desk is placed at the further end of the room.
138. At the turn of the century, Congress imposed/placed a height restriction of 13 storeys on all buildings in Washington.
139. In recent years our country has placed great importance on economic construction.
140. I never expected that he would abuse the trust I placed in him.
141. The parking areas in the town are few[], but strategically placed.
142. We had kept its presence hidden with a strategically placed chair.
143. The town is well placed for easy access to London and convenient for Heathrow Airport.
144. The surgeon placed catheters through the veins and arteries near the base of the head.
145. The government is being placed under pressure to give financial help to farmers.
146. He placed great emphasis on the importance of family life and ties.
147. I've placed an asterisk next to the tasks I want you to do first.
148. I placed his drink on the small table at his elbow.
149. The hotel is well placed for restaurants, bars and clubs.
150. The lawyer was sent to prison for misappropriating money placed in his care.
151. New restrictions have been placed on the purchase of guns.
152. Education was placed firmly on the political agenda in the Prime Minister's week-end speech.
153. Wade placed his chilled hands on the radiator and warmed them.
154. More than 5 000 troops have been placed on alert.
155. The letters had been placed in organized piles, one for each letter of the alphabet.
156. The children were given one each, handed to them or placed on their plates.
157. The autoexposure button is awkwardly placed under the lens release button.
158. We placed an order with them for 1,000 pairs of shoes.
159. Marksmen were placed at strategic points along the president's route.
160. The government of the time placed responsibility for the poor on the Church.
161. In towns that are near the sea(), the tiny lanterns are placed into the water when the festival is over.
162. She absconded from every children's home they placed her in.
163. She produced a long silver whistle and placed it firmly between her lips.
164. We placed the order for the furniture six weeks ago.
165. The union is the largest in the country and in this/that regard is best placed to serve its members.
166. Her elder daughter, in whom she placed the greatest trust, failed to match her expectations.
167. The department has placed its plans on hold pending the results of the elections.
168. By an unfortunate mischance, the hospital had been placed immediately beside a large ammunition dump.
169. He placed the box on end and sat on it.
170. Too much emphasis is placed on the desirability of being thin.
171. The hotel is well placed for most of London's theatres.
172. Interviewees are placed in front of the microphone and grilled.
173. The estimated time of burial was placed in the early Tang Dynasty.
174. An overlay showing population can be placed on top of the map.
175. Every day a different name was placed at the head of the chart.
176. Engineering graduates are well placed for a wide range of jobs.
177. The coffee cups were placed on an antique occasional table.
178. Her scarf was strategically placed to hide a tear in her shirt.
179. He had placed himself directly in my line of sight.
180. Our firm is well placed to grab a large slice of the market.
181. He withdrew the needle and placed a pad of cotton-wool over the spot.
182. The pillars, which are outside the building, are so placed in order to provide the maximum space inside.
183. The constitution was suspended and the army was placed in full control.
184. In tests, the bees navigate back home after being placed in a field a mile away.
185. Greater demands were being placed on the police by growing violence and left- and right-wing extremism.
186. She was placed third.
187. His penalty kick placed the ball decisively in the back of the net.
188. Their bombs are always placed in strategic positions to cause as much chaos as possible.
189. The captain ordered two flags to be placed fore and aft.
189. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
190. A fall in demand for oil tankers has put/placed thousands of jobs in the shipbuilding industry in jeopardy.
191. Without conscious thought, she instinctively placed a hand on his arm.
192. He carefully placed the folder back in his desk drawer.
193. The government has placed a cap on local council spending.
194. He'd placed his notes in the brown envelope. They hadn't been disturbed.
195. He distrusted political systems and placed his faith in the genius of individuals.
196. She poured the doctor a cup of tea and placed it on the table.
197. Armed police placed the city centre under a virtual state of siege while the trial continued.
198. The police placed the city centre under a virtual state of siege .
199. It has placed an almost unendurable strain on their marriage.
200. I had been placed 2nd and 3rd a few times but had never won.
201. He placed the TV set carefully on the table and paid out the wire.
202. They placed an advertisement in the local paper for a secretary.
203. She was taken into care by the local council and placed with a foster family.
204. The embryo is placed into the uterus where it has a chance to implant.
205. The company is now well placed to compete in Europe.
206. The remaining 30 percent of each army will be placed under UN control.
207. Many people with dementia would rather remain at home than be placed in an institution.
208. She was stopped outside the shop and placed/put under arrest.
209. She placed a bookmark between the pages to mark her place .
210. Such a difficult choice placed her in an invidious position.
211. The hotel is ideally placed for restaurants, bars and clubs.
212. He picked the napkin from his lap and placed it alongside his plate.
213. Strategically placed video cameras can alert police to any trouble.
214. The pending debate should be placed before a larger audience.
215. Brand folded it in his handkerchief and placed it in the inside pocket of his jacket.
216. In the last year only three children under the age of 14 have had to be placed in secure accommodation.
217. Emphasis was placed on the school as a transmitter of moral values.
218. They have placed an order with us for three new aircraft.
219. The notice is placed too high nobody can read it.
220. A copy of the tariff is placed in each room of the hotel.
221. He failed to finish the plan,(http:///placed.html) so they placed great pressure on him to ask for his cards.
222. The care of older people is being placed firmly within the domain of the family.
223. So far, we have managed to overcome all the obstacles that have been placed in our path.
224. The hotel is wonderfully placed only a minute's walk from the city centre.
225. My son's income can probably be placed as £5000 a year.
226. Limits will be placed on the number of exam retakes students can sit.
227. Isabelle placed a wine cup on the table within his reach.
228. We placed an advertisement for a cleaner in the local paper.
229. He snipped a length of new bandage and placed it around Peter's chest.
230. She had placed a great deal of faith in Mr Penleigh.
231. They have thus placed themselves in opposition to the people.
232. The army was yesterday placed on a state of alert in case of more riots.
233. For this race, though(), he had already placed a bet on one of the horses.
234. In some cases a problem child is placed in a special school.
235. Political power has been placed in the hands of the multitude.
236. She was assessed in the normal way , and placed on the waiting list.
237. It is not placed first in a sentence:I especially like sweet things. Especially I like sweet things.
238. This was the first object placed in the heavens by the Creator.
239. Some areas of the city have been placed under curfew.
240. He found himself placed betwixt and between in the debate, agreeing with parts of each side's arguments.
241. The company is ideally placed to take advantage of the new legislation.
242. The National Trust has placed an interdict on jet-skis in Dorset, Devon and Cornwall.
243. He placed unreservedly all the data he has collected at my disposal.
244. The students are placed in/with companies for a period of work experience.
245. "Oh, you're a sweetheart, " she said, when I placed the breakfast tray on her lap.
246. Murder squad detectives approached the man and placed him under arrest.
247. There were scorch marks on the kitchen worktop where a hot pan had been placed.
248. He came in swiftly and placed the child in my arms.
249. Surgeons placed a metal band around the knee cap to help it knit back together.
250. They placed the child in an oxygen tent when he had difficulty in breathing.
251. The boots, neatly placed side by side, were near the bed.
252. Consumer preferences were placed in rank order from 1 to 5.
253. The opposition leader has just been put/placed under house arrest.
254. Feminist writers, she claimed, had been ghettoized, their books placed on separate shelves in the shops.
255. If a person's religious ideas correspond not with your own, love him nevertheless. How different would yours have been, had the chance of birth placed you in Tartary or India! Percy Bysshe Shelley 
256. It was being moved, placed where she wanted him, and there was nothing he was able to do about it.
257. Woman is God’s supreme creation. Only after the earth had been formed, after the day had been separated from the night, after the waters had been divided from the land, after vegetation and animal life had been created, and after man had been placed on the earth, was woman. Gordon B. Hinckley 




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更新时间:2024/10/5 5:57:42