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单词 Splotched
(1) His muddy boots splotched the carpet.
(2) The kitten was black with white front paws and a white splotch on her chest.
(3) White cloth splotches easily.
(4) Don't splotch on the wall.
(5) Most people would not find a brown splotch at all mysterious.
(6) One was young with a cupid face dotted with two splotches of rouge, and long brown hair.
(7) Great pale splotches appeared on the once-shining parquet floor where water had leaked in and stood in puddles.
(8) Each owned a weird splotch of colour in a white and silver frame, painted and framed by a local artist.
(9) The islands rose sheer out of a millpond sea, pillars of white limestone with ochre splotches capped in crinkly green.
(10) The french fries leave big greasy splotches on the paper bags they're served in.
(11) She stared at the brown stain that splotched the front of her dress.
(12) A picture posted on the official Xinhua news agency Web site showed the gray surface of the moon splotched with craters.
(13) Hesper gasped with pain. She stared at the brown stain that splotched the front of her dress.
(14) This painting was placed against the middle wall of the room on a rectangular base made of piles of thousands of sketch paper sheets splotched with ink and pencil drawings.
(15) Rasmussen spends up to 28 days at a time tracking and watching the brown, black , and tan- splotched dogs, which have big ears.
(1) His muddy boots splotched the carpet.




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