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单词 Out-of-control
1. What about Bernard, the out-of-control school superintendent?
2. Now it was blazing steadily, promising an out-of-control inferno, unless she came to her senses and stopped it.
3. Therefore, it does not necessarily imply an out-of-control situation. 66.
4. In either case the system is out-of-control, although all values lie within the 2 standard deviation range. 62.
5. It's so out-of-control as to not be believed.
6. It's a gateway to out-of-control spending and corruption.
7. He blamed out-of-control federal spending for the credit downgrade.
8. Excessive eating is the result of out-of-control fat tissue.
9. Out-of-control sovereign debt is what plunged Greece into crisis.
10. You're standing near a track as an out-of-control train hurtles toward five unsuspecting people.
11. Out-of-control anger is perhaps the most destructive emotion that people experience in the workplace.
12. The out-of-control eating occurs almost nightly, sometimes more than once a night. It begins after a period of sleep.
13. But intense, out-of-control anger could be classified as an illness, according to a growing number of mental health experts.
14. Where supreme adaptability is required, out-of-control swarmware is what you want.
15. Humorous songs and an out-of-control word machine add to the fun.
16. Everyone gets upset on occasion. But intense, out-of-control anger could be classified as an illness, according to a growing number of mental health experts.
17. It was running like a well-oiled machine, instead of like a slightly out-of-control summer camp.
18. This was obscure, but it seems to have something to do with going downhill with an out-of-control supermarket trolley.
19. In the most potentially serious accident, a ski-rack came off worse than the out-of-control 10-year-old who hit it.
20. But she, like Mr. Obama, has been disappointingly quiet about the key issue: the need to reform our out-of-control financial system.
21. After Emily was rushed to Kosair Children’s Hospital in Louisville a deputy sheriff shot and killed the out-of-control dog.
22. Why risk starting a costly war and possible targeting by an out-of-control America as a 'rogue state'?
23. That would help ensure the European economy can continue to expand while economically troubled countries like Spain and Greece make wrenching cutbacks to reduce out-of-control deficits.
24. Si Burgher, a 72-year-old US man with 8cm-long eyebrows, has raised $1600 for charity by allowing people who paid a turn at trimming his out-of-control brows.
25. Raging bullies: These people intimidate everyone in the vicinity with their out-of-control anger.
26. This pre-cuing technique handles the credibility issue for an out-of-control woman and also eliminates the perception of manipulation.
27. All dictators seem to have terrible problems with their out-of-control sons.
28. And the -- the worst symptom on this disease is what my friend, Tom Coburn, calls earmarking as a gateway drug, because it's a gateway. It's a gateway to out-of-control spending and corruption.




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更新时间:2024/10/7 0:30:01