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单词 Quest for
1 Nothing will stop them in their quest for truth.
2 My quest for a better bank continues.
3 They are using a new prospecting method to quest for oil.
4 World leaders are now united in their quest for peace.
5 The team will continue its quest for Olympic gold this afternoon.
6 He travelled across continents in his quest for adventure.
7 Man will suffer many disappointments in his quest for truth.
8 I have not faltered in my quest for a new future.
9 In his quest for physical perfection, he spends hours in the gym.
10 It made spirituality an exciting quest for nonconformists!
11 Hope Steadman's self-defeating quest for perfection?
12 The quest for big game has grown in popularity.
13 From the same lands came the quest for the Grail that revivified the spirituality of the twelfth century.
14 Industries are still engaged in a quest for increased productivity.
15 The quest for usage does not begin in the pub or on the bus, but in libraries.
16 What had started out as a quest for metallic hydrogen now became a serious hunt for fusion.
17 His quest for a wife had developed into a national pastime.
18 Louisiana Republicans kick off the 1996 quest for national convention delegates Tuesday in party caucuses around the state, with Sen.
19 Rose, too, in her quest for a dress became money-conscious.
20 Will the quest for corporate growth squeeze its culture and brand values?
21 This quest for political certainties leads to a mismatch between the researcher's and the interviewees' agenda.
22 Each fevered quest for a true love left me more adrift than ever.
23 My childhood and adolescence were a joyous outpouring of energy, a ceaseless quest for expression, skill, and experience. School was only a background to the supreme delight of lessons in music, dance, and dramatics, and the thrill of sojourns in the country, theaters, concerts.
24 The British establishment seems to be off on another quest for fool's gold.
25 You should not be afraid to aim high in the quest for an improvement in your income.
26 Moderate Kosovan leaders such as Ibrahim Rugova have condemned the guerrillas for damaging the quest for independence.
27 That in essence is what started Pons and Fleischmann on their quest for test-tube fusion.
28 Much has been written on the subject of the quest for enlightenment.
29 Our high desires for spiritual reality are transmuted into the sordid quest for consumerism and materialism.
30 The last great depression took Orwell out on to the road, on a quest for the meanings of mass poverty.
1 Nothing will stop them in their quest for truth.
2 My quest for a better bank continues.
3 They are using a new prospecting method to quest for oil.
4 World leaders are now united in their quest for peace.
5 The team will continue its quest for Olympic gold this afternoon.
6 The British establishment seems to be off on another quest for fool's gold.
7 Man will suffer many disappointments in his quest for truth.
31 Hasn't his search for Maastricht supporters resembled Indiana's quest for the Grail?
32 She loves her life and is immersed in the quest for knowledge for knowledge's sake.
33 Transit of Venus starts by challenging the quest for paradise, and ends by succumbing to it.
34 Eventually car chases became a clich, and film makers explored alternative transport in their quest for cinematic thrills.
35 The eternal quest for immortality will be in vain until we know the answer - unfortunately, we don't.
36 The plot proper, however, is the Big One - a quest for the Holy Grail.
37 The formal political framework facilitates an adversary relationship among political parties, but the underlying reality is a quest for compromise.
38 Marty casually manipulates the two contenders for the estate in her quest for the formula.
39 There is ample evidence that the centralized way of organizing and managing frustrates the elementary quest for freedom Tolstoy describes so eloquently.
40 Focardi's research shows that civil servants were told in blunt language to fake the quest for justice.
41 Wigg, in that conversation with me, was seeking my approval to continue his parliamentary quest for information.
42 Until recently, their quest for the next best seller drug relied wholly on laborious physical trial and error.
43 His quest for glory has caused him to stretch his energies to the absolute limit.
44 The reputations of others who may not have been so willing to be identified are sacrificed in the quest for titillation.
45 They died for their quest for comfort in a hostile environment.
46 There is an appropriate emphasis on the quest for new literary forms to give expression to the consciousness of the modern age.
47 When Peggy left him he became almost Lear-like in his quest for love.
48 Many Stags have undergone reversion transplants in the quest for originality.
49 Before Sydney, her quest for five gold medals attracted a deluge of media attention.
50 Not even the quest for scientific knowledge is immune from the ravages of extremists in the environmental movement.
51 Yet fascination with firepower can be cumulative, leading to a quest for ever bigger and bloodier effects.
52 The 1995 team saw body parts strewn about callously by the robbers in their mad quest for anything of value.
53 However I was wrong: the quest for fusion is perhaps an example of these problems.
54 The tension between these two men turned the last stretch of the quest for the longitude prize into a pitched battle.
55 Equality isn't a sideshow, a distraction in the quest for sustainability: it's simply the best way there.
56 In our quest for experiencing the ultimate New York hotel bar, we must pare down the prospects.
57 The quest for more space inside the cabin and greater speed was answered by the Squirrel.
58 At present,(/quest for.html) managerial decisions are guided by the quest for economic security.
59 Jimmy Carter and George Bush also have joined a growing chorus of eminent senior politicians in the quest for reform.
60 In addition to the need for humility, discipline and singleminded devotion in the quest for Truth Gandhi lays stress on prayer.
61 He rode his bicycle like a pilgrim on the quest for a holy city.
62 But even if Forbes loses his quest for the Republican presidential nomination, he may still go one better than his father.
63 Meanwhile, the quest for continuity will also involve a balancing of work and personal priorities.
64 Taoism is a mystic quest for the absolute and for immortality.
65 The quest for greater knowledge was underpinned by a highly gender-specific discourse on sexuality.
66 This particular setting is very authentic and the cadets have had only the company of sheep during their enthusiastic quest for insurgents.
67 LaLanne had added a new dimension to the diet gurus' puritanical quest for spiritual salvation through the body: exercise.
68 Yet it strikes me that the real story of blacks in the eighties is not about a quest for political access.
69 But he failed in his decade-long quest for a career in national politics.
70 The quest for quality is continuing, but the best means of achieving it are debatable.
71 His quest for perfection is relentless.
72 Because it can bewitch your quest for remarkable health.
73 Both sides should begin anew the quest for peace.
74 Quest for the philosopher's stone.
75 The motive that Eden Elves been created is to protect Elysium, they have taken this quest for ages, and they will keep making their task done.
76 It's the story of Aengus' longing and quest for union with a fairy girl whom he desires.
77 But Russia's policy in the Middle East, and its flirtation with China, are also part of the quest for great-power status.
78 She had suffered her own share of slings and arrows in the quest for publicity.
79 (HealthDay News) -- In the quest for a longer Life, a new study suggests fit is where it's at -- even if you're fat.
80 I hope this article and projects were of some small use to you in your quest for the perfect short wave antenna!
81 Part II presents the major contribution of this work, my "Quest for Potential" formulation, a solution to the age-old problem of theodicy.
82 Every morning Madam Duff goes on to the beach to plead with young men intent of gambling their lives in a quest for an eldorado in Europe.
83 A game of cat and mouse, Karam is the quest for one man's redemption set in a high-octane emotional thriller.
84 In their quest for sons, some couples have aborted female fetuses or abandoned infant girls, thousands of whom have been adopted by foreigners.
85 Edward Jenner, a British physician, abandoned the quest for a cure and conquered the disease by finding a way to prevent it.
86 In Quest for Saddam, games hunt down the former Iraqi leader in tongue in cheek fashion.
87 Stannum (Tin) — The Refinement of Torment fuels a Promethean 's quest for vengeance by showing him how to embrace his misery.
88 To a Visigoth,() the quest for knowledge is useless unless it can help you to earn money or to gain power over other people.
89 It is still early days in the quest for global power of the Chinese carmaker.
90 Palestinians viewed him as a father figure and the leader of their quest for a homeland.
91 This study is intended to provide a considerable measure of objectivity and concreteness to the quest for quality in translation as , well as some clues for translation quality assessment.
92 She does gymnastic exercises four times a week in the quest for achieving the perfect figure.
93 Part II presents the major contribution of this work, my "Quest for Potential" formulation, a solution of the age-old problem of theodicy .
94 In their quest for mates, some guppy males are show - offs.
95 In front of 20,000 screaming fans on the Ohio State campus, however, they failed in their quest for three titles in a row, losing 71-63 to Roger Bacon of Cincinnati.
96 In his quest for savings, Gates faces reflexive pushback from the political right, which condemns any cut in a weapons system as a gain for a prospective adversary like China.
97 Where friends are concerned, some delays are to be expected but be sure you don't marginalise them in your quest for everything else.
98 SAN JUAN DE MARCONA, Peru — In its worldwide quest for commodities, China has scoured South America for everything from Brazilian soybeans to Guyanese timber and Venezuelan oil.
99 French pole vaulting champion has run naked with his pole through the streets of Paris and posted the video on the Internet, hoping to draw attention to his quest for a new sponsorship deal.
100 Prized by medieval royalty, inspiration for unicorn myths, narwhal tusks have driven men to extremes for centuries. Today the quest for tusks and skin threatens some populations.
101 The endless quest for thinness has done far more harm than good.
102 Israel prevailed in both. It acquired major territories, most of which, in its never-ending quest for peace, it returned.
103 This former Noxian soldier has forsaken her malevolent compatriots on a quest for self-discovery, wielding a shattered sword to remind her of the fractured world she left behind.
104 Boss Skua: Yeah, yeah, I guess my pitiful quest for mercy had appealed to their better nature.
105 This and other full service airlines, the quest for multi - service business model is different.
106 Our quest for a low - VOC press wash started two years ago, led by our pressroom supervisor, Robert Tubbs.
107 As a result, the quest for an AIDS vaccine has been a bIt'scattershot.
108 Freedom to speak one's mind is not only an aspect of individual liberty, but essential to the quest for truth, and the vitality of society as a whole.
109 The quest for the grail is not archeology, it's a race against evil.
110 In the quest for throughput, these teams observed that the value stream isn't completed when they check code into source control, but when it gets deployed to the Web and starts generating revenue.
111 His work, handproduced in his workshop in Ghent Belgium, reflects his quest for perfection in form, detail and fabrication.
112 Robert Louden hasn't given up on the quest for human fulfilment.
113 Policy makers always underestimate thepower of the bottom-up quest for dignity, so they are slow to understand whatis happening.
114 Your great adventure awaits in LUXOR: Quest for the Afterlife!
115 MOTIVATION: Converting the vast quantity of free-format text found in journals into a concise, structured format makes the researcher's quest for information easier.
116 The quest for total knowledge, along with his own revolutionary credentials, enabled him to outmanoeuvre colleagues who wanted to preserve their own fiefdoms within the leadership.
117 Alan Hansen believes Liverpool's double-header with Everton could prove crucial in the club's quest for success this season.
117 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
118 With the global quest for long-term competitiveness assuming new urgency, education is on everyone's front burner.
119 The Postmodernist fiction of Thomas Pynchon carries on the traditional literary motif of quest, but goes beyond the quest for"meaning" and thus extends the scope of the motif.
120 Daniel Yergin is America's most influential energy pundit, and the book that put him on the map was "The Prize: The Epic Quest for Oil, Money, and Power" (1991).
121 Coach the Blue Devils, Manuster United, as they take on competition in their quest for Glory. Take part in 9 different training exercises to improve the overall sk...
122 Martin Luther King made many adversaries in his nonviolent quest for equality.
123 Coach the Blue Devils, Manuster United, as they take on competition in their quest for Glory. Take part in 9 different training exercises to improve the overall ...
124 There is a daily quest to hop on the Zepplin to ride around the bay and bomb the pirates. The quest for the plane is also a daily quest after you do some other quests in the area.
125 The top priority for most countries was not supporting a forgotten country's quixotic quest for freedom.
125 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
126 The quest for higher royalties may actually be doing record labels more harm than good.
127 Or could China's quest for international audiences lead to a loosening of the tight censorship rules that continue to straightjacket its reporting?
128 They are united less by their income levels than by a daily unending quest for something better: a nicer car, a bigger meal, a finer education, a higher status.
129 GOLD:An aging artist who is losing his vision employs a drug-addicted street hustler to paint his paintings for him in a mutual quest for salvation.
130 She wore thongs in her quest for the callipygian ideal.
131 "The quest for diversification by individual banks, led to the system as a whole rather lacking in diversity," Haldane says.
132 Men may no longer pretend that the quest for disarmament is a sign of weakness.
133 When you satisfice, you don't let an impossible quest for the perfect option destroy your enjoyment of the merely OK.
134 Newly divorced and at a crossroads, Gilbert steps out of her comfort zone, risking everything to change her life, embarking on a journey around the world that becomes a quest for self-discovery.
135 The quest for enchantment is a reason for astrology · s popularity.




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