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单词 Plotted
1. The prisoners plotted an escape route.
2. The builders have plotted out the area ready for the houses.
3. They plotted to make the whole Mississippi Valley secede from the United States.
4. New factory's district is all plotted out.
5. Greenhouse temperature can be plotted against plant growth.
6. They plotted to kill the politician.
7. The data plotted at a single point.
8. They plotted out the farm.
9. He plotted the position Mary should go.
10. The technician plotted the thermal conductivity versus mean temperature.
11. He plotted his play carefully.
12. The figures are all plotted on a graph.
13. He plotted a new route across the Atlantic.
14. They plotted to throw down the government.
15. Radar operators plotted the course of the incoming missile.
16. We plotted a course across the Pacific.
17. Taylor plotted with his daughter to murder her husband.
18. They had plotted to blow up the White House.
19. The positions of the archaeological finds are accurately plotted.
20. He plotted the ruin of his enemy.
21. Prosecutors in the trial allege the defendants plotted to overthrow the government.
22. We plotted a graph to show the increase in sales figures this year.
23. We've plotted our projected costs for the coming year, and they show a big increase.
24. We carefully plotted each patient's response to the drug on a chart.
25. Army officers plotted a failed attempt yesterday to seize power.
26. The captain plotted out the ship's course and told the crew to get ready.
27. The earthquake centres had been plotted on a world map.
28. The performances for the flooded areas have been plotted out.
29. So far I've only plotted the story in a rough form.
30. It is believed that they plotted the assassination of the king.
1. The prisoners plotted an escape route.
2. The builders have plotted out the area ready for the houses.
3. They plotted to make the whole Mississippi Valley secede from the United States.
31. This data is plotted in Figure 6. 1.
32. This pleased Lucy, who plotted their position and course.
33. Strengths and weaknesses were discussed, strategy plotted.
34. I intricately plotted the conversations beforehand.
35. The women outnumbered them and plotted together.
36. She plotted them on a map.
37. The results are plotted in figure 6.1.
38. The results are plotted in figure 9.10.
39. A useful approach was proposed by Schulz who suggested that a cumulative mass fraction be plotted against the molar mass.
40. Its path is plotted on our star map, with its position marked every fifth morning.
41. As the process runs, further sample means are plotted on the control chart.
42. Protests are being planned, court challenges plotted, posters plastered around in opposition.
43. This data is plotted on the graph and a line is drawn to link the points.
44. To provide quick reference for the file designer the data in Table 6.5 has been plotted in Fig. 6.11.
45. A well plotted and beautifully written thriller about water fraud, alcoholism and the relationship between father and son.
46. Later that evening, two men plotted to rob the parson.
47. Most of the brighter stars plotted are of the second magnitude, while the fainter ones are of the fourth.
48. The data are plotted in 27-day strips, to highlight those disturbances that recur with the solar rotation period.
49. When a sample with an unknown level of that element is analysed its concentration can be plotted on the calibration curve.
50. Ahab plotted a course which he hoped would take him to the whale.
51. Indeed, claim Thatcherites, it was the Blue Chips who plotted her downfall in November 1990.
52. He had keyed up all the radar stations and they would be alerted the moment anything significant was plotted.
53. Lucky Jim may survive in the memory as a series of farcical moments, but it is also a tightly plotted novel.
54. At least men like that had been up-front about what they wanted, they hadn't schemed and plotted with machiavellian determination.
55. Jurors ruled that Nichols plotted to blow up the building.
56. Military strategists plotted war scenarios in their air-conditioned corridors of power.
57. The allocation of labour to activities can be plotted as a histogram which will invariably show peaks and troughs.
58. The court heard how Mrs Taylor and her lover had plotted the murder of her husband.
59. Williams and Jeanloz then plotted the rising melting temperatures on a graph against the rising pressures on the sample.
60. These linear relationships are plotted in Fig. 1 where both the consumption and saving relationships are seen to be straight lines.
61. Simple Ratios: The ratio of two primary measures is plotted against time.
62. The data plotted in Figure 3.28 clearly shows that the situation is, in fact, somewhat more complex than this.
63. Confirmed individual reservations, walk-ins or chance guests are plotted on the chart as they occur.
64. She plotted the figures on a large-scale map with the help of aerial photographs.
65. And they sat and they plotted what they should do next.
66. We therefore also plotted individual dose-response curves of log plasma gastrin against the basal-subtracted acid output.
67. She plotted a new method to kill Snow White: with a poisoned comb.
68. At lunchtime, when everyone was brewing up, the navigator plotted all those little legs on to a map.
69. To determine the most appropriate international marketing strategy, products could be plotted on a chart similar to that below.
70. When the orbital period is plotted as a function of time it shows a steady decrease:.
71. Vesey, a literate free black, plotted the only large-scale city revolt during the history of slavery in the United States.
72. Copy numbers of Ea genes are plotted on the x-axis and Ea expression is plotted on the y-axis.
73. Hence, neither the historical dynamics of myths nor their impact upon present culture can be traced with confidence or systematically plotted.
74. Instead, the number of adverse outcomes is plotted against the total number of cases on a graph.
75. And as the dying merchant prince lay in bed, he plotted his last great strategy for the enhancement of Seattle.
76. The fact may stand out in higher relief if the residuals are plotted against the fitted values.
77. Throughout the winter, Kea and Kathy had plotted strategies to gain the Working Groups wider acceptance in the parish.
78. Once this map has been plotted, interventions can be specifically targeted at particular areas.
79. Fig. 3.8 shows the percentage abundance of complete bones for the humerus plotted against the femur.
80. At 0700, they plotted a large group of aircraft about 130 miles away and closing fast.
81. Burial histories have been plotted at several well locations based on a stratigraphic interpretation of well and seismic data.
82. In between these two poles, many other trends can be plotted.
83. The data for risk ratings and accident estimates were considered separately and are plotted in Figures 4.1 and 4.2 respectively.
84. Here we plotted how we might keep the peace when venturing beyond the wrought-iron gates.
85. According to others(), she and some friends had plotted to kidnap her.
86. Finally, if income were plotted against another interval level variable, the relationship would almost certainly be curved rather than straight.
87. The same data are plotted in b but the species are categorised into three different life styles denoted by different symbols.
88. For R N transitions they should have plotted the north magnetic pole.
89. Prosecutors say the suspects plotted the killing after Zamora found out that Graham had had a fling with Jones.
90. Never try to fit a line before you have plotted the data to see if it is a sensible thing to do.
91. Coups are plotted in small groups huddled around a faction leader and strategies decided at fringe meetings.
92. He also looked over our shoulders while we plotted the charts, watching for any slip-ups.
93. By using a grid marked out on the ground, each point where a reading is taken can be plotted.
94. Once he plotted down to the minute a thirty-mile trip to see a woman.
95. A cooling curve is plotted and the freezing point determined.
96. The results can be plotted in a graph, like the one below.
97. Guy Fawkes plotted to blow up parliament.
98. The residential districts were all plotted out.
99. New residential districts are all plotted out.
100. They plotted oat a plan of action in advance.
101. They plotted to wrest power from the king.
102. The king's bastard plotted to usurp the throne.
103. Then, isopotential and electric field intensity lines are plotted.
104. This curve can be plotted well against particle radius.
105. They plotted out a plan of action.
106. F was plotted versus the concentration of the homologues.
107. Those people plotted for the coup d'etat.
108. He plotted vindictively against his former superiors.
109. The duke plotted to supplant the king.
110. Haman became furious and plotted to destroy Mordecai and all the Jews.
111. In the book of Esther, Haman plotted to annihilate the Jewish people.
112. Osama bin Laden plotted the toppling of the twin towers from Afghanistan.
113. Based on the reservoir plotted section and effective thickness, it determines the gas bearing area and oil bearing area.
114. During the test, a real-time plot of injected fluid versus fluid pressure is plotted.
115. Users upload a file containing the data, pick a chart type, and the data is plotted onto the chart; the entire process takes minutes.
115. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
116. The first (and most important) task is to calculate the scaling factor for the graph. This is simply how many pixels in height each value will be worth when it is plotted.
117. The woman not plotted any revenge in the real world, the official said.
118. Furthermore, the computational shadowgraph images were plotted based on the numerical results and relevant computational flow imaging( CFI) methods.
119. Aircrews plotted out a path that paralleled the flight from Jalalabad to Abbottabad.
120. Terrorism attacks by committing suicide refer to the plotted violent acts prompted by ideology or religious factors, and their success depends on the executors' violent self-murder.
121. The functional relationship graphics are plotted by the microcomputer automatically.
122. The software automatic plotting activityonnode network is developed, and the diagram plotted by it has clear logical relations, rational layout and simple appearance.
123. Curves of internal thermal resistance of different typical structures vs. heating chip areas and external resistance vs. package surface areas are plotted.
124. Nevertheless, he was appreciated by the "miner" of Europe; he plotted familiarly with Louis XI. , and often lent a hand to the king's secret jobs.
125. These data can be plotted to form a calibration curve.
126. The results are printed out in the form of tables and the characteristic curves are plotted by a X-Y digital plotter.
127. To clarify the interactions between various factors, an isogram of CeO 2 activity is plotted.
128. The profit and loss coefficient nomogram theory of flat plate is developed and validated. Different nomograms of profit and loss coefficient that are relevant to various parameters are plotted.
129. The equilibrium phase diagram and the density-composition diagram of the quaternary system were plotted using experimental data.
130. The ones you select get compiled into a handy guide, with all your destinations plotted on a map that you can fold up and put in your pocket while you sightsee.
131. The dependence of image force on materials'properties and imperfect interface parameters are calculated, plotted and discussed.
132. Ultimately, Prism, the probabilistic model checking tool, is used to do statistics and analysis, and automated analysis results are plotted as graphs.
133. Some high - ranking officers plotted to overturn the government.
134. Finally, the space distribution characteristic of scattered far field pressure was calculated and plotted numerically.
135. The strain contours are plotted by using tensile spline approximation.
136. During their four seasons in Range Creek, the teams had plotted the GPS coordinates of every site they'd found and recorded the location of every potsherd, arrowhead, and metate.
137. Data plotted logarithmically with respect to time is shown in figure 2.
138. Order was restored and the king granted amnesty to those who had plotted against him.
139. With the aid of a computer, curves of beamwidth and side lobe versus the antenna parameters are plotted.
140. The Confederacy had intercepted Katuunko's plans through their secret listening post at Ruusan, and plotted to ambush the Jedi mission before it even arrived.
141. As examples, the relation curves plotted on log-paper, semi-log paper and ordinary coordinate paper in hydraulics and soil mechanics were selected.
142. The trypanblue rejection method was used to take counts of the number of living cells and death ones and the growth curves was plotted.
143. He became so ambitious that he finally plotted to usurp the throne.
144. The result of this application is plotted in Figure 2 (for a uniprocessor topology).
145. The second was answered by the result being passed over a radio link, usually in voice, upwards to a headquarters, to be plotted by hand on a map.sentencedict .com
146. Formulae for computing the longitudinal load distribution factors are derived on the basis of parabolic load distribution and the factors are calculated with the curves plotted.
147. ResultsIn case of various axial loads and mass ratios, various curves between dimensionless fluid flow velocity and dimensionless complex frequency are plotted.
148. There were others who dreamed for Poland and plotted to throw bombs at the Tsar.
149. The characteristic curve of brake efficiency factors of various domestic brakes vs. friction efficiency of lining is plotted.
150. Method of two and Three - dimensional holo-spectrum plotted by MATLAB software is set forth.
151. The mastermind of the 9/11 attacks, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, is an ethnic Baluchi, as is his nephew Ramzi Yousef, who plotted the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.
152. For a gas well the flow versus the difference of the squares of the average reservoir and wellbore pressures are plotted on log-log paper.
153. In addition, for analyzing the relation between the magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy and the temperature, the curve of the temperature dependence of molecular field intensity were plotted.
154. As the story goes, the Han people of that time resented the Mongol rule of the Yuan Dynasty and revolutionaries, led by Chu Yuan-chang, plotted to usurp the throne.
155. At last, the corresponding numerical results are plotted in curvilineal diagrams for Iceland spar and crystal sulphur, they make the directions of ...
156. S-Curve. Graphic display of cumulative costs, labor hours, percentage of work, or other quantities, plotted against time.
157. For it was they, and their ox little abbot, who plotted to incarcerate me in this dungeon hall for an eternity.
158. Recall from " Grails services and Google Maps" that you created a Geocoding service to convert street addresses to latitude/longitude points so that an Airport could be plotted on a map.
159. The young revolutionary fled to Mexico where he met Argentine Marxist, Ernesto Che Guevara, and plotted a new attack on the Cuban government.
160. Some Japanese officers plotted to kill war leader Hideki Tojo and other militarists –but, like Hitler's foes, failed.
161. In normal coastal navigation, positions should be fixed every 15 minutes and plotted on the nautical chart .
162. In this scenario, Lin and his high military commanders, sensing's treachery, plotted a preemptive coup d'etat.
163. After a prison break in 1980, Boyce went on a bank-robbing spree and plotted to escape to the Soviet Union.
164. The average exposure level is plotted vs. the variance read noise of a subarray in Figure 4.
165. The pressure is plotted versus total volume to determine bubble point pressure.
166. Sedimentary thickness isoline graph, litho facies paleogeography graph and paleocurrent rose graph were plotted.
167. After plunging into a sorry plight, the pollster quit poking about and plotted a conspiracy.
168. An outline map on which specific information, such as scientific data, can be plotted.
169. This cold war confrontation point even inspired an eponymous board game called Fulda Gap: The First Battle of the Next War, in which opponents plotted the invasion, and defense, of Western Europe.
170. In the Q-F-L graph, the plotted points of quartz, feldspar and lithoclast contents of Cretaceous sandstone-mudstone cored from wells are mainly located in foreland basin area.
171. But also have exception, for example plotted against to be fallen to confuse medicine to or by the person is calm force not quite medium badger game.
172. In this article, the control-software module of ticket selling machine and ticket checking machine are plotted based on the relating cost among modules.
173. The sunshine hours spatial distribution map of 1:1000000 in China under the condition of actual terrain is plotted.
174. So what I did was I plotted this data, the centripetal acceleration versus the mean distance to the sun and I did that on log paper.
175. Negative or zero values cannot be plotted correctly on log charts.
176. The woman had not plotted any revenge in the real world,(Sentence dictionary) the official said.
177. The value of gain constant K may be calculated analytically for given damping ratio, thereby root-locus curves with various K may be plotted analytically.
178. An actual radar antenna pattern plotted by using the method shows approximately no difference from the practically measured results based on solar noise.
179. Due to its ability to relay position to a computer system in a mobile, deployable static control room, the position can easily be plotted and shown on a geographical map display.
180. She plotted out the idea for setting up a sparetime school.
181. Moreover the isogram chart of countrywide maximum temperature gradient of concrete pavements with frequency of 2% is plotted.
182. The group's bail conditions prohibit them from using online nicknames or using internet relay chat websites, the forums where Anonymous members are alleged to have plotted attacks.
183. The computed diurnal tide-amphidromic point to the southeast of the Korean Peninsula is located closer to the Korea coast than that plotted in the historical cotidal charts.
184. Next, the Kano indices are computed and plotted in the A - Kano diagram.
185. I repeatedly declared on the vehicle to them that, Evenif you have not plotted to murder me the heart, escorts to me Fujian, also is indirectly is killing people!




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