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单词 Ampersand
1. It seems we've unwound an ampersand and pulled it like a cracker.
2. Ampersand gets the address so you can use it.
3. The custom ampersand can be used alone or integrated within the logotype.
3. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
4. The ampersand identifies the parameter as the holder of a code block.
5. A single ampersand is displayed in the caption and no characters are underlined.
6. The ampersand means that this command is to run in the background and not hold up the script until it is finished.
7. That's the syntax you see with the ampersand before the parameter name.
8. Another solution is to remove the ampersand with the StripHotKey function.
9. In fact, you don't need to suspend the process to place it in the background at all; just append an ampersand to the command and the shell will start the command (or command list) in the background.
10. If there were multiple parameters, they would be separated using an ampersand to create a nicely formed HTTP GET.
11. If you want to make sure both conditions are true and they both have to be true for any code to be executed, use ampersand ampersand.
12. Finally, we put the whole lot in parentheses to make a command list and put the entire list in the background using an ampersand.




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