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单词 Not until
1 Not until this turbulent region can shuffle off the burdens of the past will it be able to settle peacefully into the community of nations.
2 It was not until morning that the sheer scale of the damage could be seen .
3 It was not until 1911 that the first of the vitamins was identified.
4 It was not until the mid-twentieth century that psychology really came into its own.
5 It was not until 1974 that his ability to write gelled again.
6 Not until last week was the project in full blast.
7 It was not until 1972 that the war finally came to an end.
8 Not until ten o'clock for the upper echelons.
9 Not until things calm down a bit.
10 It was not until the eighteenth century that the Roman road was re-used and became important as a through route.
11 It was not until the Reformation in 1660 that the spiced loaves were replaced by hot cross buns.
12 It was not until early in 1106 that his and the king's messengers finally left for Rome.
13 But it was not until much later that any direct connection between asteroids and Earth could be established.
14 Not until she moved to San Diego in 1988 did she seek equal treatment for herself.
15 Don't worry! The flight's not until 9:30. We have plenty of time.
16 Not until the final year of Eisenhower's presidency was there a further attempt at summit diplomacy.
17 It was not until 1913 that powers were provided to compulsorily prevent the damage or destruction of monuments.
18 Yet it was not until researchers extended the same effort to the oceans that the bigger tectonic picture fell into place.
19 Not until the stage of concrete operations do accurate concepts appear.
20 Not until I understood the inextricable connection between mussels and crabs was I able to see both crabs and mussels at once.
21 Not until his death and resurrection could that same Spirit become readily available for his followers.
22 But not until 1936 did both the necessities and advantages of this course begin to triumph in the field of ideas.
23 Not until the late nineteenth century, the era of the great amateur naturalists,[] was the catalogue complete.
24 It was not until the Ptolemaic period that its price fell to that obtaining elsewhere in the ancient world.
25 Not until that is done will the sea be able to recommence its erosive activities at the foot of the cliff.
26 It was not until 1981 that school closure seemed the inevitable solution to falling rolls.
27 But there was no groundswell of support for this position - not until 1940.
28 This disbursement was paid by Marshalls some time ago but not until after the statutory demand had been served.
29 He meant to, but addresses didn't seem important - well, not until it was too late.
30 Prewar production levels were not regained until the early 1950s, and not until even later were 1930s agricultural productivity levels exceeded.
1 Not until this turbulent region can shuffle off the burdens of the past will it be able to settle peacefully into the community of nations.
2 It was not until morning that the sheer scale of the damage could be seen .
31 East resigned, Rowlands returned, but not until the junior vice-president, Rhys Williams, had tendered his resignation.
32 Not until the following year was the stone-built Legation completed, which houses the Embassy today.
33 With a few exceptions, it was not until the 1960s that large companies in Britain began to close the gap.
34 Not until they come down will people begin to crawl out from under their loads of debt.
35 Preparations had started almost a year earlier, but it was not until winter 1916/17 that they were fully implemented.
36 It was not until the 1880s that there were consistent experimental findings to support localization.
37 Not until the years of fast industrialization and construction were these defects to be remedied.
38 The ethnic borders remain a major constraint and not until they have been done away with can we be effective.
39 Not until 1980 was there a proposal to establish a permanent liaison committee between the two organizations.
40 It was not until daylight broke that the sheer scale of the devastation could be seen.
41 Not until first tranche holders were entirely paid off did second tranche investors receive any prepayments.
42 No matter how long you train someone to be brave, you never know if they are or not until something real happens. Veronica Roth 
43 Eventually some instructional material did arrive, but not until October, by which time the whole detachment had qualified.
44 Not until Monday did Fukui Prefecture formally request the military to intervene, according to the timetable prepared by Mikuni officials.
44 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
45 Not until the twentieth century did the increase in population force an uneconomic division of farms and seriously threaten Basque rural prosperity.
46 Watkins died in 1935 and it was not until the 1960s that interest in leys again fared.
47 It was not until the 1940s that public opinion polling became an established part of the political process.
48 Not until I began to feel the horses straining up the steep ascent to our house did I open my eyes.
49 It was not until half a century later in the 1990s that these atrocities came to light and created an international scandal.
50 Not until other assigned friars lost courage did his superiors send Serra with his student and confidant Francisco Palou to the work.
51 Not until now have we realized how much we had missed birds.
52 It was not until 1923 that the sexes, on this ground, were placed on an equal footing.
53 Contributions were slow in coming, and it was not until 1887 that the new institute was opened by H.R.H.
54 And not until mid-1993 will any incoming government get a chance to tinker with the existing composition of the Board of Governors.
55 Not until 1926 did servicing catch up with urgent repair needs.
56 It was not until some months into my job that I realised one in 10 people in Rundu was HIV-positive.
57 Not until 1717 did he appear in print, with a grand jury charge denouncing Jacobites.
58 Cosby is expected to testify, but not until Monday at the earliest.
59 Paul was always glad to oblige by hugging back, but not until you asked him.
60 But not until late Thursday were any questions raised, according to Massachusetts Electric.
61 It is not until point C on the time base that net positive cash flow begins.
62 Yet it was not until 1612 that the little selection entitled Parthenia got into print.
63 Not until January 1982 did the Macintosh team finally sit down to formalize things.
64 Example continued It's not until 1992 that the giant wakes up and tries to dig his way to the surface.
65 At least, not until the three months had passed and the knife was poised over his own neck.
66 It was not until they levelled out that she thought again about the possibility of living to a ripe old age.
67 Not until June did forecasters appreciate how severe El Nino might be.
68 Yet it was not until the 1920s that all of New Bradwell had piped water.
69 I will accept your tequila, but not until after you have admitted your wrongs.
70 It was not until five months after the birth that Leannda's sight deteriorated rapidly until she went completely blind.
71 But, it's not until the sun sets, that the Mar Estang really comes into its own.
72 Not until it was dark did they leave the porch.
73 Not until later does awareness of causality begin to evolve.
74 Not until the 1 970s were the full implications of this realized.
75 It was not until 1973 that he gave up party politics for good.
76 It was not until early November 1991 that the last of the oil well fires was extinguished.
77 It was not until they had just left the Church that Joan discovered they were going for two weeks to Tenerife.
78 Not until they opened a sealed box in Virginia did they even learn who were to be their councillors.
79 Not until the second year of life do the first true forms of mental representation occur.
80 It was not until she stood up to shake hands that Julia saw that she was pregnant.
81 Not until rising nationalism and socialism ousted capitalism from the Third World would capitalism be destroyed.
82 It was not until the bomb was tested that a definite decision could be reached on its use.
83 Actually it was not until 4 June that the submarines arrived on station.
84 He spoke the truth but not until it had been subjected to the most stringent test - himself!
85 It was not until autumn that Jennifer found herself in the city again.
86 Despite an enormous amount of effort it was not until the 1950s that diamonds were successfully synthesised.
87 It was not until March in 1782 that the brothers made the error that was the beginning of their undoing.
88 But it was not until the late arrival of the railway a century ago that Swanage really woke up.
89 It was not until the eighteenth century that the word Champagne became synonymous with the sparkling wine of the region.
90 It was not until half way through the sombre reception that doctors told Phil's anguished family he would survive.
91 It was not until 1838 that there was general acceptance that the two diseases were distinct.
92 It was not until well into 1917 that the reckoning came.
93 Not until Monday this week did the party ask his permission to make the donation public.
94 But not until the following May, when the whole Council had united to demand intervention, did she give in.
95 It was not until the second half of the 1950s that autarchy was definitively superseded by a firm commitment to international capitalism.
96 It was invented in June 1983, but not until 1986 did it dominate the mortgage market.
97 It is not until women learn to read that they internalize the masculine schema.
98 Nevertheless, it was not until the last pre-war years that recruitment from the intelligentsia declined.
99 Not until higher prices translate into higher profits for private owners will enterprises respond appropriately to the bidding of the invisible hand.
100 Not until Walden sold two thousand copies, five years later, could Thoreau point to any audience at all.
101 It was not until two years later, however, that Clark accepted Chapman's offer to join the team.
102 Not until the final quarter did the home side recover their composure, by which time it was way too late.
103 It was not until we felt the exhaust pipe scraping along the road that we realized there was something wrong with the car.
104 Mr Mates replies that the target date for doing so at Belfast Prison is not until the year 2000.
104 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
105 It was not until the second half of the nineteenth century that houses for the rural working class really began to improve.
106 It is not until these three conditions are present that the clause comes into operation.
107 It was not until last year that I achieved my ambition to sail there.
108 Not until this mission, however, had they been exploited to the utmost.
109 Illness eventually caught up with Alan, but not until he had reached the age of 79.
110 Once they were snowbound she put the task off again and it was not until early March that the thaw began.
111 Not until the 50 s in 20 century are the consciousness attention to by cognitive psychology.
112 It was not until the completion of the Paimio Sanatorium (1929) and Viipuri Library (1935) that Aalto first achieved world attention in architecture.
113 Not until all attempts at negotiation had failed did the workers decide to go on strike.
114 It was not until this "Golden Age of Tea" that a distinct ideogram for tea became a part of Chinese written language.
115 It is not until the eleventh century that we hear of new efforts in this field.
116 However it was not until the Battle of Britain, that the "Battle of the Beams" truly began.
117 However, not until Grover Cleveland's first presidency did this unsafe practice change.
118 Not until the 18th century did labor begin to be divided along a sharp line: wage-earning for the men and unpaid maintenance of household and children for the women.
119 Not until last year did the Islamists feel ready to challenge Fatah in parliamentary elections.
120 Not until quite recently did I have an idea what a guided missile was like.
121 Not until you write your Congressman and demand McCarthyism once again be our national standard, the menage of Chila will continue to grow.
122 It was not until 1655 that Christian Huygens was able to use his higher-quality telescope to become the first person to describe the feature as an actual ring surrounding Saturn.
123 It was not until that evening that a nurse thought to dip a testing strip into Sam's urine and they finally got a diagnosis.
124 Not until quite recently did I have any idea what a guided missile was like.
125 Not until the Great Depression of 1929 did widespread starvation threaten the American people.
126 It was really not until after the Roman destruction of the Second Temple in A. D. 70 that Rabbinic Judaism became dominant and the role of the rabbi made uniform in Jewish communities.
127 It was not until Kant ( See later ) that empiricist and rationalist strains were bought together.
128 But it was not until Copeland held a belly dancing contest to promote one of the artists he manages that he realized belly dancing has a following in the United States.
129 It was not until 1800, when the White House was nearly completed, that its first residents, President John Adams and his wife, Abigail, moved in.
130 Not until mid - May was Cassino captured , thanks largely to Free French mountain troops from North Africa.
131 Not until the microscope had been discovered could the faintest idea of the texture of the nervous tissue be formed.
132 Not until he, Robespierre, shall have accomplished these miracles, as he so rightly calls them, will he permit the law to reign again.
133 Not until 1916 did the UMW finally win recognition from the anthracite operators.
134 Chagrin and remorse followed, and it was not until after full confession to Marmee that Meg realized the trumpery value of fashionable rivalry and the real worth of simplicity and contentment.
134 try its best to gather and build good sentences.
135 Not until twelve o'clock did the BBC gently remind its listeners it was April Fools' Day that day.
136 It was not until a scalp scraping showed numerous Sarcoptes mites and ova that the diagnosis of keratotic scabies was finally made.
137 People say: " Guilin's scenery is peerless in the world . " It was not until I visited the place that I found it really worthy of the reputation.
138 Federal officials have discussed expanded testing for years. But industry executives said that it was not until last month that the F.D.A. told them it was finally going to begin.
139 It was not until 1543 that an alternative model was put forward by Copernicus.
140 The Welcome Swallow is a small passerine bird in the swallow family native to Australia and nearby islands, but not until recently to New Zealand.
141 Not until noon did the sunlight break forth through the heavy fog.
142 It was not until that ship was near sinking did the radiomen send out the new signal.
143 Not until last week did I get a work permit.
144 Under the Obama plan, Poland would host a different type of missile defense interceptors as part of a more mobile system and at a later date, probably not until 2018.
145 Not until the depression would the stage become a sounding board for the American social conscience.
146 It was not until then did I realize, how much courage it must have taken for years to subject themselves to both their working stress and my impassiveness .
147 It was not until the 1982 America Knoxville World Exhibition that China returned to the World Exhibition circuit.
148 Not until the 16th century did the English discover a large deposit of pure graphite, then called plumbago (Latin for "lead ore").
149 Not until we fight our way to the Yalu River can this war be considered over.
150 It was not until 1938 that a full length color film was made.
151 It is not until the radiant energy falls upon matter that it becomes heat energy.
152 With an underdeveloped financial system, companies depend more on retained profit, or savings, to finance investment, whellole state-owned companies were not until recently required to pay dividends.
153 Not until 1946 did the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) appoint a Prepara tory Committee to draft an agenda and set up a conference to create the ITO.
154 It was not until 2007 that he finally got insured through an urban cooperative health insurance scheme, but even that only provided partial coverage for inpatient care at designated hospitals.
155 Steam-powered rail transportation became practical around 1830, but not until well after the Civil War was its impact fully felt.
156 It was not until last operation was finished that Bethune left the battle hospital.
157 C-Note respects Michael's concern for his brother, but he tells Michael, "You go to the tombs, you don't get out. Not until they strap you up."
158 The action revolves around Dick's Sand Bar (, but not until gone 10.
159 It was not until 1941 that the U.S. Congress adopted a resolution.




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