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单词 Neighbour
1. Danger is next neighbour to security. 
2. A good lawyer, an devil neighbour
3. Love your neighbour, yet pull not down your hedge. 
4. Love thy neighbour as thyself.
5. A good neighbour is better than a bother in the next village. 
6. She had a brush with her neighbour.
7. He is a neighbour of ours.
8. I got chatting with my neighbour in the garden.
9. She's been a very good neighbour to me.
10. She fled with her children, moving from neighbour to neighbour and ending up in a friend's cellar.
11. He wished to live in amity with his neighbour.
12. Britain's nearest neighbour is France.
13. Help arrived in the person of our next-door neighbour.
14. England's northern neighbour now has its own parliament.
15. He loaned the ladder to his neighbour.
16. He denounced his neighbour for helping the criminal.
17. She was carrying on with a neighbour.
18. The couple anatomized their new neighbour.
19. She fell into conversation with her neighbour.
20. Tom's neighbour was snatched by the FBI.
21. He got involved in a quarrel with his neighbour.
22. He's my neighbour,()but I haven't spoken to him.
23. She leaned towards her nearest neighbour and whispered something.
24. He's taken quite a fancy to his next-door neighbour.
25. Each house was packed close behind its neighbour.sentencedict .com
26. You should often neighbour with your boss.
27. Man is a god or a devil to his neighbour
28. Now that we are all part of the global village, everyone becomes a neighbour.
29. The little boy picked up a stone and bunged it over the fence into the courtyard of his neighbour.
30. Establish which boundary hedges are yours, and which belong to a neighbour.
1. She had a brush with her neighbour.
2. He is a neighbour of ours.
3. I got chatting with my neighbour in the garden.
4. She's been a very good neighbour to me.
5. Now that we are all part of the global village, everyone becomes a neighbour.
6. She fled with her children, moving from neighbour to neighbour and ending up in a friend's cellar.
7. The little boy picked up a stone and bunged it over the fence into the courtyard of his neighbour.
8. Establish which boundary hedges are yours, and which belong to a neighbour.
9. My neighbour recommended her own daughter as an excellent secretary!
10. Our neighbour has most generously swelled the collection with a gift of £25.
31. This war has set neighbour against neighbour.
32. My garrulous neighbour had given away the secret.
33. Mr Brown contracted friendship with his neighbour.
34. A sympathetic neighbour came to his assistance.
35. Later a neighbour told me about him.
36. Margot is our next-door neighbour.
37. Our neighbour is always carrying on at her children.
38. He had been spotted by an alert neighbour.
39. Have you met Pat, my next-door neighbour?
40. Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
41. He felt it was his moral duty to help his neighbour.
42. Our next door neighbour is a real nosy parker. He always has to know everything about everybody on our street.
43. What an unpleasant woman your neighbour is, always griping about one thing or another, never satisfied.
44. He went to his neighbour to beg for some milk to feed the motherless baby.
45. Our next door neighbour is a real noesy parker.He always has to know everything about everybody on our street.
46. She wanted to cut down the hedge, but her neighbour objected.
47. He tried in vain to keep the two dogs apart before the neighbour intervened.
48. The garden was divided from its neighbour by a high wall.
49. There's been a running battle between John and his neighbour for years about the garden fence.
50. The family pet was left in the trust of a neighbour.
51. The police said that it was thanks to the vigilance of a neighbour that the fire was discovered before it could spread.
52. She was moved when her neighbour remembered her in his will.
53. If its strategy succeeds, Mexico could even steal a march on its northern neighbour.
54. I decided to find out more about my mysterious new neighbour.
55. The case has set neighbour against neighbour in the village.
56. The country has been at war with its neighbour for two years.
57. My neighbour recommended her own daughter as an excellent secretary!
58. She is always chatting with her neighbour over the garden wall.
59. Stand quietly, children,() and try not to talk to your neighbour.
60. Her parents tried to pair her off with a rich neighbour.
61. It was very noble of you to look after your old neighbour when she was sick.
62. Leave your key with a neighbour in case you lock yourself out one day.
63. She resigned her baby to the care of her neighbour.
64. Are you sure that you want to proceed against your neighbour over such a trifling matter?
65. My neighbour comes in once a week to check on things and feed the fish.
66. The thieves fled when they were disturbed by a neighbour.
67. My neighbour has been tipping dead leaves over the wall into my garden.
68. I had an argument with my neighbour about a tree in his garden.
69. The little horror never stops playing tricks on his blind neighbour.
70. You and your neighbour might want to buddy up to make the trip more enjoyable.
71. I've asked my neighbour to water the plants while I'm away.
72. The relationship between Scotland and its southern neighbour has not always been peaceful.
73. Our neighbour seems to be doing nothing, but in fact he's just biding his time.
74. The young couple entrusted the child to the care of their neighbour for evening schools.
75. The children were saved from the fire only because a neighbour pulled them clear.
76. She had a good gossip with a neighbour over the garden fence.
77. A neighbour asked for the music to be turned down and the party broke up.
78. What would you say to Mrs So-and-so who has called to complain about a noisy neighbour?
79. Our neighbour is minding our dog while we're on holiday.
80. He owes his life to the prompt action of a neighbour.
81. My neighbour wears his dressing-gown to work. The mind boggles!
82. The teacher saw Phil passing a note to his neighbour.
83. Paul helped his elderly neighbour by clearing her path of snow/clearing snow from her path.
84. Our neighbour has most generously swelled the collection with a gift of £25.
85. Have you got over your little contretemps with the neighbour yet, or are you still not speaking?
85. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
86. She was having it off with a neighbour while her husband was away on business.
87. It was a bitter civil war, that pitted neighbour against neighbour.
88. Our next door neighbour knocked on the door to say that our car had been stolen.
89. She and a neighbour tried in vain to revive him.
90. The woman prodded her neighbour and whispered urgently in his ear.
91. Their quiet neighbour turned out to be a Walter Mitty character, running a huge drug-smuggling business from his garage.
92. My neighbour is a quiet young fellow and has a capacity for enjoying himself.
93. Surprise a new neighbour with one of your favourite home-made dishes.
94. His eyes were out on stalks as he watched his neighbour drive past in a brand new Porsche.
95. I usually exchange a few words with my neighbour when I see him.
96. She managed to calm him down and seek help from a neighbour.
97. Leave a spare key with a trustworthy neighbour.
98. Then he launched an assault on his Moscow neighbour.
99. Things were just getting going when a neighbour appeared.
100. Yet he failed to subvert even his vulnerable neighbour.
101. When he returned more water was boiled with leaves brought by a second neighbour summoned from her home in the upper forest.
102. When he saw a gang trying to break into a car in Gateshead he and a neighbour chased the youths.
103. This will also go a long way towards preventing your neighbour complaining about the noise you make.
104. He could hardly adapt the style of the building's closest neighbour, the Soviet-like Novotel Hotel.
105. Then I went to an aqua class with my neighbour who was heavily pregnant at the time.
106. Freda Berkeley misses her and another neighbour, the writer Patrick Kinross, who lived two doors away.
107. A neighbour retaliated on behalf of his fallen friend and in an instant a volcano of commotion had erupted in front of Hencke.
108. Did she only feel good because of the unexpected fillip of her highly attractive anonymous new neighbour?
109. From a sandbagged window, he points out the hideouts of his neighbour and his enemy.
110. As governments, both have faced hostility from a powerful neighbour.
111. She won a beauty competition in her local newspaper in 1981 after being nominated by a neighbour.
112. Caroline who had moved to a new area was asked by a neighbour to join a committee planning the local summer carnival.
113. To his left he caught a quick glimpse of Mrs Melver, their irascible neighbour, peering at him over the fence.
114. Columba, a neighbour of the giant Ninian field, is located some 105 miles east of the Shetland Islands.
115. It would include a telephone helpline for bad neighbour complaints.
116. Because a mosque stood next door it was said that the cinema had been rejected by Allah as an unworthy neighbour.
117. Lawyer B wrote to the neighbour, who called in to see him.
118. I wasn't doing anything important - just gossiping with a neighbour.
119. Attacked A neighbour heard his screams but was driven back into her house when she tried to intervene.
120. This war is a bid by the Tigrayan nationalists to whittle down their northern neighbour.
121. Ask a neighbour to keep an eye on your house.
122. Imperials both, they did not follow the local custom of farming him out to a neighbour.
123. But it is five months since Mr Hussein swallowed his neighbour and was instructed by the Security Council to disgorge it.
124. A neighbour had a lucky escape, for she had left the couple's house just minutes before.
125. A fellow farmer and near neighbour in Duns, Ian was an enthusiastic amateur racing driver.
126. Likewise John, the horror-story writer neighbour whose face is disfigured by a livid birthmark.
127. In a little ceremony after dinner a neighbour lined up four of us to award points for each of Polly's dishes.
128. A neighbour had made sure he was awake; there was no alarm clock at home.
129. Bill got the orchid bug from an old neighbour who encouraged him to to start breeding the plants.
130. After taking an overdose he told his neighbour what he had done and she called an ambulance.
131. That at Hyderabad with its wide cornices and balustraded roof detail was somewhat less austere than its more utilitarian neighbour at Secunderabad.
132. People living on the estate couldn't believe their eyes when they saw their new neighbour.
133. He could be the next-door neighbour, a friend, a blood relation.
134. She ran to a neighbour for help when she found her front door bolted.
135. Neighbour Martin Clarke, 31, has been charged with causing his death by careless driving.
136. A neighbour of the Reillys said they lived like hermits.
137. An injured party can complain against its neighbour under the convention, but it has no teeth.
138. Early consultation with your neighbour can also be to your advantage.
139. Rangoon reacted to the charges by organising a vehement press campaign and restricting imports from its neighbour.
140. Balvinder got out his wallet and handed two 100-rupee notes to his neighbour.
141. Each flower is subtly different to its neighbour so that you feel as if you are meeting an individual.
142. According to my neighbour on the other side,() this apartment contained something very unusual in the way of leggy redheads.
143. Each standing stone collects the raw power and channels it to its inward neighbour.
144. It was their next door neighbour, the woman with the red hair.
145. Voice over Meanwhile downstairs neighbour Nikki Davies was delighted with her gas bills.
146. She was rescued from the burning building by a neighbour.
147. Of course such behaviour won't wash, and I use the word advisedly,(http:///neighbour.html) if the neighbour happens to be a colleague.
148. The library of course was gutted, but Walker Books, a near neighbour of the school, is coming to the rescue.
149. In this way the item was immovable, each joint relying on its neighbour for strength and support.
150. It is understood that Mrs Say had left a note with a neighbour saying she was leaving her husband.
151. Whether neighbour, camp follower or convenient snack, the wolves changed little as their owners were transformed.
152. Hairy Back was smoking his pipe and laughing with a neighbour as he stood at his gate.
153. They have no bearing on postwar peace and stability in the area or stopping some other middle-sized gangster swallowing a weaker neighbour.
154. Nevertheless, they all belong to the same family, especially when they are contrasted with their neighbour, the Catholic West.
155. A fussy neighbour broke his collar bone building barricades against the hippies.
156. You say a few careless words to a neighbour and suddenly everyone knows about it.
157. That night I sat with my neighbour trying to make sense out of what had happened.
158. The garden was cut off from its neighbour by a high red brick wall.
159. You must take reasonable care to avoid acts or omissions which you can reasonably foresee would be likely to injure your neighbour.
160. She turned to her neighbour, Colonel Crossley-Payne, and very lightly touched his arm.
161. But she managed to calm him down and seek help from a neighbour.
162. Horror stories of what can happen at the hands of a well-meaning but inexperienced neighbour are legion.
163. They preferred instead to use the designation related to the setting - neighbour, for example.
164. Tom had never before ridden pillion on a motorbike, but Andy the neighbour had a spare crash helmet.
165. Emily Williams, 75, was found slumped on her bedroom floor at Rumney, Cardiff, by a neighbour.
166. Tau Ceti is a close neighbour, at a distance of only 12 light-years.
167. That would be her neighbour wanting to chat for a few minutes.
168. Colin Richardson, Mrs Godwin's neighbour, says Police believe the motive for the murders was robbery.
169. It had been sent by her aunt's neighbour who reported that Bertha had had an accident.
170. Our neighbour is an eccentric old lady who has about 25 cats.
171. Nigel is our new next - door neighbour.
172. The king was prepared to levy war upon his neighbour after their quarrel over the land.
173. What if relations between you and your neighbour have reached deadlock, and their behaviour is still unacceptable?
174. Our neighbour, Captain Charles Alison, will sail from Portsmouth tomorrow.
175. Buy - local campaigns, like putting up a tariff during a depression, are clearly a beggar - thy - neighbour policy.
176. He will never become a disagreeable neighbour or a remarkable villain.




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