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单词 glob
释义  glob /ɡlɒb $ ɡlɑːb/ noun [countable] informal  LIQUIDa small amount of something soft or liquid that has a round shape 〔柔软的〕一小团,〔液体的〕一滴 SYN dollop globs of paint 一滴滴油漆Examples from the Corpusglob• She crammed the meat into her mouth and a glob of blood trickled down the side of her face.• a glob of ketchup• Drains were overflowing, and globs of water clung to everything, but it had stopped raining.• He speared the plantain to one side of the pan and ladled in four globs of batter.• The rock was coated with globs of the wretched rockweed.Origin glob (1900-2000) Perhaps from globe + blobglob nounChinese  small amount has of or liquid a something soft Corpus that




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