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单词 Staging
1. The museum is staging an exhibition of Picasso's work.
2. We're staging a revival of a 1950s play.
3. The mechanics of staging a play are very complicated.
4. Privatisation is a necessary staging post to an open market.
5. Many hotels are showing enterprise and imagination by staging special events.
6. Hong Kong is often used as a staging post on flights from Melbourne to London.
7. Members of an environmental group are staging a protest inside a chemical plant.
8. The Almeida theatre's recent staging of the opera had critics foaming at the mouth.
9. The local theatre group is staging a production of 'Hamlet'.
10. The gallery is staging a special exhibition of Monet's early works.
11. The production is a modern staging of the fairy tale 'Cinderella'.
12. The local drama group is staging a production of the musical 'Grease'.
13. The new charters were to be a staging post.
14. Progress at the staging area has been slow.
15. At this staging camp I picked up some mail.
16. Even staging a play needs government approval.
17. Critics have praised Schneider's dramatic staging.
18. The Riverside Theatre is used to staging major productions.
19. This is the first-ever staging at the Royal Opera.
20. This should be done by some progressive staging.
21. The city is currently staging it's first ever lesbian and gay festival with events like plays,[sentence dictionary] cabaret and films.
22. Therefore, careful staging of embryos is critical to the interpretation of any experiment.
23. Disabled workers will be staging a demonstration outside the County Council in Trowbridge before Councillors meet to decide their future.
24. Five other cities had been competing for the honour of staging the Games.
25. Peter Mumford's lighting and David Freeman's direction make a crucial contribution to the success of the staging.
26. Eliot's articulation of his authentic poetic voice gives way, despite himself, to a staging of his own destruction.
27. Volunteers run the gamut, from makeup and costume assistants and some security personnel to staging coordinators and models.
28. The Craftworks gallery in Belfast's Linenhall Street is currently staging an exhibition featuring products geared towards children.
29. At least one House Republican freshman maintains a hoary political tradition by staging town meetings with his constituents.
30. It was an uneasy switch from the difficulties of homeowners to a light-hearted story about hard-up baboons staging hold-ups of passing cars.
1. The museum is staging an exhibition of Picasso's work.
31. Stewart had filled in the V62 form while standing in the queue moments before staging the hold-up, the jury heard.
32. They were arrested on 5 October while staging a peaceful protest to highlight repression in Bophuthatswana.
33. Semi-pro hockey and soccer teams will also be staging competitions.
34. Barnes said Munich, Dortmund,[http:///staging.html] Berlin and Stuttgart were interested in staging the new cup tournament.
35. North Carolina, in fact, has created a commission to prevent the staging of the bloody brawls.
36. Organisers are staging another event at Moortown on September 6 and it could be followed by a World Over-80's tournament.
37. Remember that Earth is just a staging post along the way.
38. They are the vital staging post for millions of birds migrating between Siberia and Australasia.
39. The agreement provides for the staging of three concerts each year for three years.
40. The top of the pole had been severed, and his hat had fallen out of sight into the space below the staging.
41. Musically(), things take their cues from the staging s unsettling tone.
42. Stand boxes of cuttings in a cold frame or under greenhouse staging and keep slightly moist.
43. This was, I kept telling myself, just a staging post.
44. Now to help raise money for the centre, volunteers are staging a sponsored sleep out on Friday.
45. The city of Mondovi was a main staging post on the road to Genoa.
46. Try standing the legs of greenhouse benches or staging in trays or saucers of water to make an impassable barrier.
47. But Brook supporters have decided to hit back by staging their own demonstration to support the centre's work.
48. Yet he was also impressed: perhaps because the staging was so effective.
49. The rain is over, the Falcons are dying on the tube, the sun is staging a comeback.
50. This observation illustrates the usefulness of endosonography in the staging of low grade gastric lymphoma.
51. Chest and abdominal computed tomography was performed every six months when lymph node or lung involvement was present at the initial staging.
52. The celebration marked the 100th anniversary of the staging of the modern Olympic Games.
53. It will feature colourful costumes, elaborate staging and quality lighting.
54. It is also a key staging post on the route of birds travelling between Siberia and Australasia.
55. Firefighters met at the staging area at a local high school.
56. Try to leave highly territorial fish to the last when staging the introduction of fish into a community aquarium.
57. Howard Davies's superb new staging at the National's Olivier Theatre does the play proud.
58. Twenty travellers are staging a protest outside a police station demanding the return of their vehicles.
59. Tumour staging was dependant upon the histological features and the clinical findings at the time of resection.
60. For further information on staging sporting events contact the National Indoor Arena on 021-.
61. Numerous studies published over recent years have shown the potential advantages of MRI for staging pelvic tumours.
62. The sound of footsteps on the wooden floor of the staging was faint but distinct.
63. He was to wait another twenty years before staging his revolution, and even then he may have acted prematurely.
64. Match receipts slumped by £89,000 compared to 1991,[] but profits were boosted by staging two Simply Red rock concerts.
65. Residents found out about the hostel plans from a secret tip-off and are now staging a local protest march this Sunday.
66. University students have so far heeded the call, staging peaceful protests nationwide.
67. It was unclear how far the students are willing to go, but some suggested staging a sit-in along police cordons.
68. He made two desperate attempts to recoup by staging the kind of garish spectacle that had once lured customers to the Falls.
69. Giap had deliberately created that impression by staging diversionary actions around the country.
70. But there were fears that Manchester's chances of staging the games in the year 2000 have been further damaged.
71. Don't entirely rule out the ultimate staging of a joint men's and women's event.
72. And one prominent club, Bangor City, want to go even further by staging all their home games in midweek.
73. Look at the cost of staging and shelving as well as automatic ventilators, insulation and shading materials.
74. Wetherby, one of five Boxing Day casualties, passed an inspection yesterday morning and is hopeful of staging today's fixture.
75. As well as staging concerts and cabaret the venue could also play host to conferences and banquets.
76. The country's top paragliding experts were staging a national competition ... the first time it's been held in the region.
77. Certainly Snaith Priory was a staging post for pilgrims travelling from Lincoln to York, as recorded on the altar kneelers.
78. The Lincolns destroyed vital food crops and staging areas thus slowly sapping the bandits' will and strength.
79. A staging system for established cancer might also be based on genetic mutations.
80. But Putin's forces muscled the bill through 251 to 22, with the Communists staging a walkout during the vote.
81. This part of the book will give you an expert - and simple - guide to planning and staging such events.
82. She's had a two-year break from competitive running, but now she's staging a comeback.
83. Not much of any importance until it became a staging post on the London to Brighton turnpike in the eighteenth.
84. The Clippers are covering a portion of the costs of staging the games at the Sports Arena.
85. However, the growth of ambush marketing poses a clear danger to those involved in staging major sports events.
86. Read in studio A group which has been juggling with fire for the past year is staging its first play.
87. After staging endless fund raising events Ursula raised the three thousand pounds needed for the surgery.
88. In all these areas, stations played a vital role as the staging posts of industrial supply and demand.
89. They're staging a play aimed at teaching the elderly how to deal with conmen and women.
90. She had driven to Julian to watch the display because her eighth-graders will soon be staging a play on the Civil War.
91. Female speaker Voice over It's mix and match at Chipping Norton, where they're staging their first ever mixed fours.
92. But other political analysts suggested that Milosevic was staging a final test of wills before giving in.
93. See, this is just the staging area.
94. The city was staging Hamlet.
94. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
95. They are staging an exhibition at the theatre now.
96. Clinical staging was done according to Binet Method.
97. Queen Elizabeth says, "They're staging this play because they're trying to compare me with Richard II in preparation for deposing me, and who knows what else they might do to me?"
98. Surgical pathology staging was consistent with preoperative EMR staging in all patients.
99. The therapeutic effectiveness of 10 cases of malignant hepatoma in children were evaluated with traditional typing and staging histologic subtyping and TNM staging.
100. During the past night alone the Marines holding the staging area sustained 2 killed and 5 wounded.
101. Objective: To evaluate the value of CT in diagnosing and staging of nephroblastoma in children.
102. Sign - in and staging area opposite from parking lot for ZiZhu Science Park.
103. San Pedro was once a major staging post for the great cattle drives of yore, but is now a staging post on the great gringo trail.
104. The number of staging files requested from any inbound partner associated with this replica set member.
105. Cruise allows monitoring of changes to an application as they progress from initial check-in to functional testing, performance testing, user acceptance testing, staging, and release.
106. The firm will also provide audio-visual, teleconferencing, virtualization, staging, configuration, software imaging, integration, warehousing and logistics services.
107. The group waged a successful assault on Clinton's proposed B.T.U. tax on energy, for instance, running advertisements, staging media events, and targeting opponents.
108. In the end of year 2009 Maja initiated the staging of a Swedish play for children; "One night in February". The group came together and that's how E Theatre was created.
109. Objective:To evaluate the diagnostic value of triphasic incremental 16 slices spiral CT in the TNM staging of gastric cancer.
110. The bodies and plane wreckage will be transported tomorrow to Fernando de Noronha, where the military has set up a staging post for the search operation.
111. Objective To evaluate the significance of bone scan in the clinical staging and evaluation of therapeutic effect of neuroblastoma .
112. Could not initialize staging area ( disk space or file permission problem ).
113. The 46.7 hectare World Pard features 17 scenic areas staging all the major tourist sites fo Asia, Africa, Europe, Americas and Oceannia.
114. In MSS , to move data from a data cartridge to a staging drive.
115. Colonography comb in ining the imaging procedures of positron emission tomography (PET) and computed tomography (CT) provides whole-body tumor staging in as ingle session.
116. One boost will come from staging the Olympic games in 2012.
117. In the War of 1812, Bermuda was the staging post for the British fleet's attack on Washington, D.
118. It's also starting to be used as a staging post for travellers moving south from Laos or into Vietnam.
119. The union leader was last night staging a protest vigil 400 yards down a mineshaft.
120. As a local burlesque troupe entertained the crowd by staging a mock pillow fight, they were shocked when women from the audience came forward looking to join the battle.
121. Listeners were free to come and go as they pleased, but some of the work's power came from its relentlessness, to say nothing of the quirkiness of Robert Wilson's staging.
122. The characteristics of staging of AnRBC are also discussed and the design parameters for AnRBC under mesophilic digestion condition are presented.
123. At the moment we're staging different shows in the gallery.
124. Objective To assess the value of small peripancreatic veins for staging of pancreatic carcinoma.
125. Of other burial sites and then to enrich the material culture of the Western Zhou Dynasty Yan staging sequence,[/staging.html] and typical of the Western Zhou Yan cultural artifacts to shape analysis.
126. Raw material inventory and sub-assembly staging area identified and secure.
127. The authors discussion the staging parameters of embryonic development, the forming of gastrulation, "ammon tail fold" and "posterior amnion tube" and the forward movement of the embryo itself.
128. Mount a writeable directory from the local server onto the staging computer.
129. The base rate of duty and staging category for determining the interim rate of duty at each stage of reduction for an item are indicated for the item in each Party's Schedule attached to this Annex.
130. Now the Whitechapel Art Gallery is staging an exhibition-about-an-exhibition that looks at the origins of this love affair between the brooding colourist and the British.
131. Conclusion CT scan can acquire the multi-plane image, and can directly reflect the parametrial space. It is more accurate than FIGO staging, and is an important complement to FIGO staging.
132. Objective:To evaluate the accuracy of helical CT pneumocolon in diagnosing and staging colonic carcinomas.
133. Objective To study the influence of discordance between clinical staging and pathological analysis in cervical carcinoma.
134. Someone took an angel, a wise man and the baby Jesus from a Nativity scene in Waterbury. So the kids dipped into funds that they had raised from selling cupcakes and staging the silly hat attire day.
135. Puts the specified input event onto the top of the staging area stack.
136. Hundreds of university students are currently staging a sit-in in Taipei's Freedom Square and several other cities to protest the government's handling of the incident.
137. Here we report that intragastrically administered rotenone, a commonly used pesticide that inhibits mitochondrial Complex I , is able to reproduce PD pathological staging as found in patients.
138. To further analysis of staging, adnexa metastasis, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy were related with the prognosis significantly.
139. The mirror database is required for staging operations to improve the throughput capacity of synchronization requests.
140. Despite these limitations, the development of anticytokine therapies as part of the physician's armamentarium is an important staging post on the road to a cure for Crohn's disease.
141. In 2012 a second bridge will link Chongming to the Yangzi's other bank, making it a staging post on a major route between Shanghai's main international airport and the cities of Jiangsu province.
142. Objective : To analyze the role of CT scan and staging of maxilla sinus malignant tumor.
143. Conor never called so I'm on the precipice of staging a casual run in at the City Supper Club. Pick up if you wanna stop me.
144. The total number of bytes of staging file data received by this replica set member from its inbound partners.
145. The actual delivery may involve a series of intermediate staging points.
146. Sign - in and staging area at the race site ( Shanghai Airport Championship Course ) .
147. However, the Nou Camp was to be the last staging post for the partnership.
148. Staging area opposite from parking lot for ZiZhu Science Park.
149. This staging system for presomite embryos is simple, practical and accurate.
150. Its staging there has thus been hailed with intercontinental gongs and whistles.
151. By staging on a regimented daily life, waking at around the same time is not difficult.
152. Over the weekend, rebel forces secured the town of Zawiyah, a strategically vital staging post 30 miles west of Tripoli, on the coastal road connecting the Libyan capital with Tunisia.
153. "It's a staging area for entry into Apache," James explained, "like an airlock where projects can join, migrate to the Apache infrastructure, and learn how to become part of Apache, and so on."
154. The total number of bytes of staging file data generated by this replica set member not including the number of bytes produced as part of regeneration.
155. Air was sucked through large funnel-like structures that directed a smooth flow of air past the staging area where airplanes, helicopters,[sentence dictionary] race cars and even a Navy SEAL submarine were tested.
156. All this has heartened Ravalomanana loyalists, who have begun staging what they hope will be daily demonstrations in Antananarivo, calling for a return to constitutional order.
157. Conclusion The prognosis of ovarian dysgerminoma is closely related to clinical staging and treatment modality.
158. The number of staging files received from all inbound partners associated with this replica set member.
159. The Moon could then become the space equivalent of a service station – acting as a staging post for manned missions to Mars.
160. Conclusions High frequency ultrasonography is superior to CT and laryngoscopy in the staging of laryngeal carcinoma and is of great value in choosing the therapeutical protocol.
161. We welcome the staging of INTERFEED CHINA 2002 in Shanghai.
162. Grading and staging the tumor the surgical pathologist who will examine multiple histologic sections the tumor.
163. Did not rush into the staging area. The scene was first assessed.
164. But rather than being a staging post for recovery, the conference collapsed.
165. Lung cancer staging relies on the TNM system designed jointly by the UICC (Union Internationale Against Cancer) and the AJCC (American Joint Committee on Cancer).
166. Staging of Hodgkin's disease is important to try and determine therapy and the prognosis.
167. Laryngeal carcinomas in 46 patients were detected by 3-D US and compared with surgical findings. Correlation between vascularity index (VI) and N lymph-node staging was evaluated.
168. Calligraphy renditions of the libretto and original paintings will be projected as a dynamic staging for the musical adaptation.
169. A few meters from the Risheq home, protesters have set up a tent where they have been staging a sit-in for months.
170. Objective To assess the value of spiral CT in diagnosing and staging pure seminoma in intraabdominal undescended testis.
171. The Olympics have probably gone past the point of no return, but staging another sporting jamboree so soon, when money is so tight, may look like a luxury too far.
172. In MSS , to move data from a staging drive to a mass storage volume.
173. Results The accuracy of gastric carcinoma staging determined by DCB were 91.3 %.
174. Activity is the core to the activity teaching, and the qualitative prescription of this activity is globality, constructibility, creativity and staging.
175. Iraq also knows that Syria has allowed Al Qaeda fighters free passage across their common border for years, and has served as a staging base for Iranian support to Hezbollah in Lebanon.
176. To master etiology, pathogenesis, staging, pathologic changes, common complications, clinicopathological correlation of amebiasis.
177. Results 1 The expression rate of CD44V6 was neither correlated with staging, histopathological grading of the endometrial cancer nor with the depth of the cancer invading the uterine myometrium.
178. Recognizing this results in a realization that interoperability is likely best achieved through increased staging, or leveling, of conformance toward peer-to-peer partner relationships.
179. But we must go further. 2015 is only a staging post on a much longer journey.
180. Objective : To evaluate spiral CT ( SCT ) in the preoperative staging of rectal carcinomas.
181. It was believed that low-T3 sydrome was a protective adaptation in the disease. We suggested low-T3 sydrome in 'acute leukemia might helps in staging of the disease.
182. Staging of prostatic adenocarcinoma is based upon how extensive the tumor is.
183. An off site staging area was not established for incoming units.
184. "It's art, it's not nice," a character says at one point to his new bride in the Berliner Ensemble's staging of "The Threepenny Opera" at the Brooklyn Academy of Music.
185. To study the characteristics of in-furnace combustion process, the effects of pulverized coal staging in a 2.11 MW tangential-firing pulverized coal furnace were investigated.
186. Puts the specified input event onto the top of the specified staging area stack.
186. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
187. Objective To study the relationship between the pathological staging of chronic viral hepatitis and spleen size and splenic vein index.
188. Finding water nearby would not only reduce the cost and complexity of setting up a lunar colony, but would also help it become a staging post for future trips further into space.
189. Objective:To evaluate CT in diagnosis and preoperative staging of the supraglottic carcinoma.
190. In Qamishili, anti-government activists were also staging a general strike to mourn Tammo, the LCC said.
191. Some students have been staging a hunger-strike at Memorial Hall.
192. Paging space, or swap space(), is a type of logical volume that serves as a staging area for processes that are not using active random-access memory (RAM).
193. The Western countries are staging a third world war without gunsmoke.
194. In MSS, a direct access storage device that does not physically exist. It exists logically on one or more staging drives.
195. Since its first staging in 1996, it has been translated into more than 45 languages, performed in more than 120 countries and re-created as an HBO film.
196. An event table stores the asynchronous events generated by the database triggers in a staging table.
197. The CTS is staging a series of new packages tours.
198. You need to track the release as it moves through each environment: development, integration, operational acceptance testing, user acceptance testing, staging, and production.
199. The area had become a staging post for thousands of rescue workers in hard hats and orange suits, and soldiers from the People's Liberation Army.
200. The staging system notifies the case system of the submission and the submission is added to a case"s evidence collection.




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