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单词 Manhattan
1. Manhattan is divided into distinct neighborhoods.
2. Jim commutes to Manhattan every day.
3. He's living in a converted loft in lower Manhattan.
4. Most of Manhattan is laid out in/on a grid pattern with avenues going north-south and streets east-west.
5. They missed the off-ramp to Manhattan.
6. I have an apartment in downtown Manhattan.
7. She works in the garment district of Manhattan.
8. The young married couples dig in Manhattan.
9. He trailed through the wet Manhattan streets.
10. Binns worked the door at various Manhattan clubs.
11. A manhattan contains whisky and vermouth.
12. She's just bought a loft in Manhattan.
13. A lot of skyscrapers in Manhattan are rising up to the skies.
14. The local neighbourhood, like so many areas of Manhattan, is gradually being gentrified.
15. The Manhattan is one of the best hot spots in town.
16. My final destination was Fountain House in Manhattan.
17. He was spotted in the Manhattan area in mid-May.
18. The Brooklyn Bridge links Brooklyn and Manhattan.
19. Chase Manhattan completed a takeover of J.P.
20. Marc Tell, homebound in Manhattan, fits that description.
21. In this Manhattan, is there an old-fashioned Manhattan steakhouse?
22. Marris lives in a loft in lower Manhattan.
23. Living in Manhattan is such a whirlwind.
24. There is no return ticket to Manhattan.
25. Katherine gazed out at the empty Manhattan streets.
26. Two weeks later, she moved into his Manhattan apartment.
27. The Brooklyn Bridge carries traffic across the East River from Brooklyn to Manhattan.
28. The Brooklyn Bridge spans the East River from Brooklyn to Manhattan.
29. The mayor's scheme offers incentives to firms setting up in lower Manhattan.
30. From the plane we had a bird's eye view of Manhattan.
1. Manhattan is divided into distinct neighborhoods.
2. Jim commutes to Manhattan every day.
3. He's living in a converted loft in lower Manhattan.
4. Most of Manhattan is laid out in/on a grid pattern with avenues going north-south and streets east-west.
31. The boat floated off the southern tip of Manhattan.
32. Chase Manhattan stopped underwriting and trading municipal bonds about five years ago.
33. Timothy Hutton heads a strong ensemble cast as a Manhattan pianist who returns home for his high school reunion.
34. On several subsequent Manhattan visits I met Tom again and between visits we exchanged letters and limericks.
35. So let us imagine ourselves standing on this shore; let us say, on Manhattan Island.
36. To me, Manhattan was like a well-worn shoe, ugly but honest, forthright about its flaws and beauties.
37. The suit was filed Monday in federal District Court in Manhattan.
38. Both the Manhattan and martini are served here in delicate vessels that are shaped like old-fashioned champagne glasses.
39. The woman does not reappear, and Black makes no further excursions to Manhattan.
40. The skyscrapers of Manhattan dazzled him as emblems of Western industrial progress.
41. Some one in Manhattan they would bow down and adore.
42. When I first moved to New York 30 years ago reasonable restaurants could be found everywhere in the centre of Manhattan.
43. Like Manhattan, Bangalore is also a major national center for medical research.
44. 'The Manhattan Project' was the insiders' name for the hush-hush project.
45. Casino, a re-creation of Manhattan in the desert that has just opened its doors.
46. And she saw instantly that they were taken in Allen's Manhattan apartment.
47. The principals in the deal declined during a news conference in Manhattan to answer questions about the sale price.
48. At Forty-second Street stand the twin apartment towers of Manhattan Plaza, grim reminders of two more miserable affairs.
49. At the end, he had his own furniture store in Manhattan.
50. This is the project of Odin Corporation, a new start-up company in Manhattan, Kansas.
51. It had 300, 000 inhabitants; its population could fit inside a few square blocks of Manhattan.
52. Paramedics rushed Weyer to the hospital in downtown Manhattan after he collapsed.
53. A id-inch solid shot from the Manhattan struck her plating with such force that daylight was let through to her interior.
54. The property encompassed about eighty thousand acres, seven times the area of Manhattan Island.
55. So he turned Manhattan into his sporting ground at night.
56. An impeccably literate thriller by the author of Manhattan Nocturne.
57. But music types in Manhattan and Hollywood say that they can see a country act as plain as a barn door.
58. The towers of Manhattan seemed almost to be touching the cold grey sky.
59. Unfortunately,[sentence dictionary] there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. 8 August August was really the cruellest month in Manhattan.
60. First, of Manhattan served on a plate, sculpted in perfect detail.
61. So he devoted himself to his many New York friends and to the Manhattan social scene.
62. Ignatius of Antioch Church in Manhattan for a funeral service that was his final lesson in classicism, grace and humility.
63. Though Manhattan sports any number of bars capable of making a great drink, the grand hotel bar is a rare breed.
64. But as the trial opened, she changed her plea and admitted shooting Staudinger last December, at his Manhattan apartment.
65. They had both worked at successful art galleries in Manhattan.
66. Next evening, two of the kids put a log in the water and tried to sail to the Manhattan shore.
67. The Manhattan Project, which ushered in the nuclear age with all its benefits and horrors, obviously fits this criterion.
68. Chase Manhattan and Chemical Banking -- engaged to merge before March -- also had good turnouts.
69. Several hours later, I was talking to Pierluigi on the phone in Manhattan.
70. Eckford had become a wealthy man and, having bought a mansion and estate on Manhattan Island, he dabbled in politics.
71. Certainly little awareness of Manhattan and its skyscrapers seemed to impinge on the people working on the Worldwide Plaza brick.
72. Nielsen now manages several 100 apartments and townhouses, most in Manhattan, with a smattering in Brooklyn.
73. It will make you want to visit this jewel box of a museum housed in a Fifth Avenue Manhattan mansion.
74. The meeting took place in Manhattan a few weeks ago to bring attention to new medicines that are helping schizophrenics avoid hospitalization.
75. Abbot lives in Manhattan, but he's usually on the move.
76. She is a model who moved to New York and becomes part of the Manhattan social scene.
77. Manhattan diners can chow down on Southwestern food at Arizona 206 and the Arizona Cafe.
78. But times had changed to a certain unpredictable degree in Manhattan(), especially for people like Jack.
79. A welcoming in of what is outside that rarely happens in Manhattan.
80. He was to take office just as soon as the snow-clogged streets of Manhattan were cleared enough for him to get there.
81. Disney World is twice the size of Manhattan, with not quite as much asphalt.
82. I got a habit the size of Manhattan Island and no dealer will touch me.
83. Daryl, 32, couldn't tear herself away from her new boyfriend after they had lunch at a Manhattan diner.
84. When he was an undergraduate at the Manhattan School of Music, he began as a percussion major.
85. Some of the highest property prices anywhere are in fume-ridden Manhattan and in cleaner but nevertheless congested central Tokyo.
86. Red faces all round at Chase Manhattan following a foray into London's docklands in search of new offices.
87. The couple now live in Manhattan, as do Ethan and his wife.
88. He was with friends, people he was teaching with at a community college in Manhattan, all of them white.
89. It was in this context of increased regulation and hazard export that Raybestos Manhattan came to Ireland.
90. Four years later, she was appointed supervising judge in Manhattan, where she heard more than 20, 000 cases.
91. Can a sextet from Manhattan make it big by going that far off the beaten wall?
92. Daily at five or six a. m. Mr Sammler woke up in Manhattan and tried to get a handle on the situation.
93. A Manhattan team, meanwhile, sent its bikes ahead and hopped a freight train west.
94. Soon-Yi told friends that Mia went wild after finding nude photos of her in film-maker Allen's Manhattan apartment.
95. We just wish they would double-park their caravans on some other Manhattan street.
96. He conferred privately with key congressional leaders and together they started the Manhattan Project.
97. Former Mayor Ed Koch collapsed this morning at a health club in midtown Manhattan.
98. He lived most of his life on Manhattan Island, and built his first fortune on the fur trade.
99. My first shot of Manhattan was on emerging from the subway on to Fifth Avenue.
100. The week he returned, Primo sent a postcard to Angelita with a picture of the Manhattan skyline at dusk.
101. We first met him at an elegant hotel in the uptown district of Manhattan.
102. Noble bookstore in Manhattan mistakenly put the book on sale early, White House officials gleefully spread the word to news organizations.
103. Walt Whitman , a kosmos, of Manhattan the son.
104. Because Manhattan Island is made of solid rock.
105. Broadway is the main thoroughfare in Manhattan.
106. He lives in upper westside Manhattan.
107. The others are the Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan and Queens.
108. I head into Manhattan for a business lunch.
109. He has received awards and scholarships from the Lumina String Quartet, the Manhattan School of Music, New York University(), and the Yale School of Music.
110. An air traveler coming to Manhattan sees it rising inside the ring of its low-lying suburbs like some astonishing Everest, but one flies into Washington almost as if onto the field of a stadium.
111. The City of London, lower Manhattan, and a few other centers became money machines that made investment bankers, hedge-fund managers, and private equity folk immoderately wealthy.
112. An intelligent computer, he quipped, would require "1.8 Einsteins and one-tenth of the resources of the Manhattan Project" to construct.
113. Roxanne Rodriguez of Manhattan shredded a piece of paper with " Writer's block " written on it.
114. An aerial view of the recovery operation underway in lower Manhattan at the site of the collapsed World Trade Center on October 4, 2001.
115. From within, the windows offer sweeping views of the East River and the Manhattan skyline.
116. The hotel-casino New York-New York in Las Vegas with copies skyscrapers of Manhattan, the Statue of Liberty, Empire State Building and the Brooklyn Bridge.
117. Twenty-seven percent of Americans said they disagree with the movement which began more than a month ago in lower Manhattan and has since spread a cross the country and around the world.
118. And that brings us to another point. In our Manhattan apartment,[] we also have a tiny wine cooler that holds just 17 bottles and cost less than $200.
119. Its bankruptcy petition is due to be filed in a federal court in Manhattan at about 1pm London time, before the US markets open.
120. Joyce got a scholarship to study liberal Arts in the woods of Maine, where she met Patty's exceedingly Gentile dad, whom she married at All Souls Unitarian Church on the Upper East Side of Manhattan.
121. The stockpile, infrastructure and work force played a critical and evolving role in every stage of our nuclear experience, from the Manhattan Project to the present day.
122. In 2008 she opened her own doggy day care business, Ciao Bow Wow, in lower Manhattan.
123. This new law led to the Manhattan Project and the first atom bomb.
124. Peter Minuit of the Dutch West Indies Company bought the island in '2' from the Manhattan Indians, supposedly for some $24 worth of merchandise.
125. As the city's parks commissioner in the 1990s, he issued an edict concerning the 10-foot-high jungle gym near his childhood home in northern Manhattan.
126. Your Money columnist Peter Siris is an investment manager at Guerrilla Capital in Manhattan.
127. I was commuting from Brooklyn to my job in Manhattan.
128. N early 20 years ago, I entered the hospital room of a retired nuclear physicist who had worked on the Manhattan Project with Enrico Fermi.
129. Defense attorney Benjamin Brafman praised Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance for quickly releasing exculpatory evidence.
130. Originally an Indian path, Broadway runs about 17 miles (26 kilometers), from the tip of Manhattan Island to the Bronx, intersecting some of New York City's most famed avenues.
131. Thebrainchild of Manhattan Project physicist Edward Teller, ProjectExcalibur was supposed to fire off atomic-powered lasers from land orspace at incoming missiles.
132. When he was working on the Manhattan Project, Richard Feynman used to amuse himself by breaking into safes containing secret documents.
133. Sure, a run-in on the streets of Manhattan might stop your heart, but after Peter Jackson's extensive humanization of the great ape, he's just not all that scary any more.
134. The singing, dancing, romancing musical takes place in Manhattan, 1922, and promises all the razzmatazz wanted from a big, bright, Broadway blockbuster!
135. Peter Minuit of the Dutch West Indies Company bought the island in 1626 from the Manhattan Indians, supposedly for some $24 worth of merchandise.
136. In addition, in the off - season period Nash also lived in Manhattan.
137. A layer of smog can be seen above Manhattan through the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge in New York May 21, 2009.
138. The crowds outgrew its original camp at Zuccotti Park in lower Manhattan.
139. Doug Garr, who lives in Manhattan, said that once his son was old enough to understand that the family had two homes, his son suggested giving one to a homeless person.
140. On the twenty-eighth, we visited a late-nineteenth-century farmhouse with a large addition from 1989 in Chappaqua, about forty miles from Manhattan.
141. A headline from a time when the ongoing Manhattan Project and the wonder that was atomic power seemed to promise a bright, clean, safe energy future.
142. They comprised mostly Levantine Arabs, both Christian and Muslim, who settled in Brooklyn and along Washington Street in lower Manhattan.
143. Stephen Sondheim was born to Herbert and Janet ("Foxy") Sondheim, in New York City, New York, and grew up on the Upper West Side of Manhattan and later on a farm in Pennsylvania.
144. When Henry Hudson first looked on Manhattan in 1609, what did he see?
145. Minimum Manhattan network problem is put forward in 1999 a world - class computational geometry important conjecture.
146. In October 2004, she ran across a stock photo collection by Mark Harmel, a freelance photographer living in Manhattan Beach, California.
147. He was also the man who initiated the Manhattan Project, writing to President Roosevelt to urge him to develop these weapons, as he believed the Germans were researching something similar.
148. Battery:a park at the southern tip of Manhattan Island at the upper end of New York Bay in southeast New York.
148. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
149. A borough of New York City in southeast New York, mainly on Manhattan Island at the north end of New York Bay.
150. The new executive director of Saint Vincent Hospital Manhattan visited CCBA.
151. I instantly thought of the Orwellian newspeak at my own Manhattan school where achievement tests were the order of the day.
152. My parents sent me to Catholic school in Bushwick, then high school in Manhattan, to keep me away from the local kids and their precocious knowledge of malas palabras — bad words.
153. "Operation Nighthawk, " for instance, showed that someone grabbing a cab at Kennedy Airport runs a 66% risk of being overcharged for a ride to Manhattan.
154. A river rising in southeast Nebraska and flowing about 483 km (300 mi) east and southeast to the Kansas River in northeast Kansas near Manhattan.
155. In addition, net proceeds, if any, from the expected sale of Amex's lower Manhattan headquarters will be distributed to Amex members in NYSE Euronext common stock.
156. Other places on the list include Kauai Island of Hawaii, the Mississippi Delta, Manhattan Island in New York, Hudson Bay in Canada, Panama Canal, Caribbean seacoast and the Amazon rainforest.
157. Favorite Movies: The Diving Bell and the Butterfly, The Goonies, Manhattan Murder Mystery, Almost Famous, L'Auberge Espanol, Election, The Lord of the Rings.
158. A channel in New York City separating the northern end of Manhattan Island from the Bronx. With Spuyten Duyvil Creek it connects the Hudson and East rivers.
159. A park at the southern tip of Manhattan Island at the upper end of New York Bay in southeast New York.
160. Five days before the opening move of Kasparov vs. the World, the chess champion sat in a fashionable Manhattan restaurant fighting off symptoms of a nasty head cold.
161. The crisis in Japan has boosted interest in nuclear-related museums and plants, once-secret Manhattan Project complexes and areas laid waste by disaster.
162. Plot : In 1997, as a US Boss crashes in to Manhattan, during benefaction a life-size max .
163. You will see such names of neon as Manhattan and White House, which seem to imitate the history teasingly.
164. Flag-waving crowds have been gathering at the lower Manhattan site of the attack since Obama announced bin Laden's death late Sunday.
165. This time, I was bawling on a 7:30 a.m. train to Manhattan . People , understandably, were staring.
166. Turning back the clock by four centuries, ecologists reveal how Manhattan Island appeared on the September afternoon Henry Hudson and his crew sailed into New York Harbor.
167. Its distance from Times Square Manhattan, less than 30 miles.
168. I was waiting tables at an exclusive country club when an elegantly dressed woman spilled Manhattan clam chowder all over her white linen skirt.
169. Together, the broken chunks of ice equaled an area of 125 square kilometers, about two times the size of Manhattan Island in New York.
170. Fred Siegel is a contributing editor of City Journal, a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, and a scholar in residence at St. Francis College in Brooklyn.
171. Chicago is often spared ; we aren't as iconic as Manhattan.
172. Well, that's why God made daughters - and editors visiting from Manhattan who know their way a corkscrew.
173. That story begins with the first drab settlements of a Dutch colony in the early 17th century, perched astride a pristine, sheltered harbor at the southern tip of Manhattan island.
174. At least he's provided you with a Manhattan apartment that looks like an Architectural Digest wet dream.
175. Of all the restaurants in Manhattan, why take Libby to Fung Wa?
176. Jerome David Salinger was born in Manhattan on New Year's Day, 1919, the second of two children.
177. The machine went on display this weekend in the Flatiron district of Manhattan, hosted by Wired magazine at its annual showcase of the latest gizmos its editors believe could change the world.
178. Given the vectors, one can calculate the distance between two items using measures such as the Manhattan Distance, Euclidean distance, or cosine similarity.
178. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
179. EXTRACURRICULARS. Fencing, chess, French lessons, soccer and all the other add-ons that are required for any successful Manhattan four-year-old will easily run another $2, 000 to $5, 000 a month.
180. But for the tribe of the upper - eastside of Manhattan, it takes just one person.
181. One day in the afternoon, in the garden of the famous Giant Elephant Group Headquarter Building located in Manhattan, New York, a gray-haired old man was concentrating on trimming low shrubs.
182. He worked as a dancing partner for unescorted ladies at Manhattan cabarets.
183. Infiniti opened a dealership in lower Manhattan last year that targets Wall Street luxury car buyers.
184. They bought all their equipment from a defunct brewery in Manhattan.
185. Mr. Weaver steps into the lobby of a large office building in Manhattan.
186. A hearing to approve the plan is scheduled for Tuesday in federal bankruptcy court in Manhattan.
187. Based on the operation order coding, the similarity between two operations was measured by the Manhattan distance.
188. My friend is a yuppie. He lives in a huge house in Manhattan.
189. Most of the new spots are located below 23rd Street in Manhattan, the Alley's longtime center.
190. Despite the warnings of the media and of my several friends, I made my way from my Downtown Manhattan digs crosstown to Chinatown for my first Fung Wah experience.
191. Against the wishes of some at MetLife, he moved 2,000 executives and other headquarters employees from their longtime Manhattan offices to a neighborhood in Queens filled with meat-packing plants.
192. What's a hospice nurse from Manhattan doing at a high school homecoming in Texas?
193. Ellis Island is an island of Upper New York Bay southwest of Manhattan.
194. No doubt that contradictory obsession has early roots, but its most potent adult influence was probably my first job out of college, at a small brokerage firm in downtown Manhattan.
195. As a teenager, she felt that living in Manhattan was a privilege she was lucky to have.
196. Train Travel: Grand Central Terminal opened in 1871 in midtown Manhattan.
197. Rebecca Carmichael, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Attorney's Office in Manhattan, would not comment on whether Douglas had applied for, or been granted, bail.
198. He grew up working - class in Manhattan and was always drawn to the prep school mystique.
199. Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Marie Santagata can help. She presided over Friedman's latest case. She can hit him with the max: Seven years in the slammer.
200. The Empire State Building on New York's Manhattan Island is an architectural icon.
201. She is from Manhattan and works in the education department at the Frick Collection.
202. Ms. Rodriguez said the cosmetologist went to Ms. Pichardo's home in the Bronx and to other clients in Manhattan and Miami.
203. The place piece is 4 times bigger than Manhattan island Island in York.
204. United States officials now say that Iran's massive "Manhattan Project" ended then but that many of the same scientists are still engaged in weapons-related pursuits.
205. "We can tell [advertisers] where the best spot in Manhattan is to put a sign on a side of a building, " says Skyhook CEO Ted Morgan.
206. But soon she came swiftly back to the rock-bound lanes of Manhattan, and the typewriter began to rattle and jump like a strike- breaker's motor-car.
207. Beyond New York's financial advantage, the appeal to Asian buyers includes a large Chinese-speaking community in Manhattan and in the outer boroughs, as well as a lack of suffocating pollution.
208. This is the seventh year that he has worked the streets of Manhattan.
208. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
209. He finds peppers from Staten Island, arugula in Brooklyn, even honey made by Manhattan bees.
210. The inexperienced Continental Army was defeated on Long Island, Manhattan, and at White Plains, New York.
211. As in Manhattan, affluent Chinese fight to gain entrance to top schools from kindergarten onward.
212. There is something very American about Feynman breaking into safes during the Manhattan Project.
213. The couple also have homes in Manhattan and Majorca, Spain, and a farm in Quebec, Canada.
214. Qian also participated in the Manhattan Project, which developed the first atomic bomb.
215. Stars and stripes meet dragons at a Chinese New Year parade in Manhattan.
216. 4 p.m. - Bike or walk over the George Washington Bridge, which connects the Washington Heights neighborhood of upper Manhattan to Fort Lee, New Jersey.
217. In 1626, the Dutch settlers "bought"Manhattan Island from the Indians.
218. Gloria Vanderbilt, whose family name is one of the most famed in Manhattan history, has written Obsession, the story of a woman who becomes entranced by her dead husband's affair with a dominatrix.
219. ON a recent August night, young women in stilettos teetered precariously through the cobblestone streets of the meatpacking district in Manhattan.
220. Real - estate prices in downtown Manhattan looked prohibitively expensive.
221. Appaloosa operates from premises opposite a shopping centre in Short Hills, a New Jersey commuter town 25 miles outside Manhattan.
222. In 1945, a US military plane, which was flying over Manhattan on a foggy day.
223. Manhattan Project: A team led by Enrico Fermi initiate the first self - sustaining nuclear chain reaction.
224. In New York, there are 60 pianos in the Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens and Staten Island.
225. Drop a bright Maraschino cherry in a classic Manhattan for a grown-up romantic treat.
226. Liberty Island is south west to Manhattan Island, it's said Statue of Liberty facing to Manhattan holding torch,() then her face should face north east.
227. And there had to be a Manhattan neighborhood capable of giving the meatpacking district a run for its money, at the very least in terms of style.
228. Since many companies have cut their travel and expense budgets and decreased their meal allowances for employees, FreshDirect has started rolling out vending machines in office buildings in Manhattan.
229. There was cold beer, hot pizza and shop talk at a recent informal gathering of Android programmers in downtown Manhattan.
230. True, it is August, when plenty of Wall Street players skulk away from muggy Manhattan for their share of sun and sand in the Hamptons.
231. John Collingwood: Mari tells me your from Manhattan. What does your ascendant do?
232. Last year, she was one of just 20 swimmers who completed a 28-mile course in the rivers around New York City's Manhattan Island.
233. "Obviously, you can't bring back the friends you lost, " Mr. Obama said to the crew at a firehouse in midtown Manhattan that lost 15 men, an entire shift, at the World Trade Center.
234. Yes. This lady will a Manhattan and I'll a martini.
235. To cap a romantic evening, head to Manhattan Beach Creamery with your new sweetheart and enjoy house-made ice cream sandwiches while taking in the glorious sunset .
236. J. Robert Oppenheimer, head of the Manhattan Project, reacted to the atomic explosion that shattered the predawn desert silence by simply saying, "It worked."
237. Completed in 1982, this Manhattan skyscraper has a cap of symmetrical curls like those on an 18th-century Chippendale commode.
238. Officials are considering whether to evacuate low-lying areas of Manhattan after hurricane Irene barrelled out of the Bahamas towards a wide swath of the eastern US.
239. It's mid-October, and Burton is holed up in a postproduction facility in Manhattan,[http:///manhattan.html] where he has until mid-November to deliver a final copy of the movie.
240. New York City is the nation's largest city and seaport, mainly situated on Manhattan Island.
241. In Manhattan, the borough president, Ruth Messinger, worked hard for me, as did her young aide, Marty Rouse, who helped me make inroads into the gay community.
242. We lived in NYC in Manhattan on 130 something street, in a three-story brownstone that housed many of my relatives.
243. The Lyceum Theatre is a legitimate Broadway theatre located at 149 West 45 th Street in midtown - Manhattan.
244. Off-Broadway he has appeared at the Vineyard Theater, the Manhattan Theater Club and the Blue Light Theater Company.
245. It's an epic tragicomedy about Caden Cotard, a Schenectady, N. Y. , theater director who moves to Manhattan with the gigantic notion of putting on a realistic drama as big as all New York City.
246. At Wall Street's big bang more than 200 years ago, when financiers first gathered under a buttonwood tree in Manhattan to buy and sell, the basics for creating wealth on good credit were established.
247. Rooney resided in Manhattan; he also kept a family vacation home in Rensselaerville, N. Y, and the first home he ever purchased, in Rowayton, Conn.
248. It includes fiber distributed data interface ( FDDI ), distributed queue dualbus ( DQDB ), Manhattan street networks ( MSN ), dual Manhattan ...
249. In light of the tragedy, the studio has decided to re-edit a scene showing moon rocks raining on Manhattan.
250. He travelled through Manhattan and Queens, making large-scale, exquisitely printed color photographs of some of the most aesthetically unpersuasive streets in New York City.
251. It includes fiber distributed data interface ( FDDI ), distributed queue dualbus ( DQDB ), Manhattan street networks ( MSN ), ...
252. Horne, who died on Sunday in Manhattan at 92, was indeed under contract with MGM, but she won none of those meaty roles.
253. The author of such clean novels as "Slaughterhouse-Five" and "Cat's Cradle" has died. Kurt Vonnegut suffered brain injuries several weeks ago in a fall at his home in Manhattan. Vonnegut was 84.
254. Air rights may not mean much anywhere else, but in crowded Manhattan, the right to build straight up is pure gold.
255. Now, as I combed my hair in the little tent, another of the men, a free-lance writer from Manhattan, was talking quietly.
256. The piece is 4 times bigger than Manhattan island Island in York.
257. Workers from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) spent eight months documenting the scene in Lower Manhattan as they searched the six storeys beneath the complex.
258. D to Grand Street Station, and walk to Bowery, and toward Manhattan Bridge.
259. Washington moved his men to Long Island and Manhattan Island.
260. Looming behind him is his latest work in progress, a 28-foot-high re-creation of the world's first particle accelerator, surrounded by some of the original hardware from the Manhattan Project.
261. The party regulars slated the Manhattan district leader for the governorship.
262. The most efficient approach to developing ENS will be by a coordinated "Manhattan Project" in which substantial funds are targeted appropriately and systematically.
263. Think Brick Lane, East London meets Meatpacking district in Manhattan.
264. One modern-day panner finds his fortune on the 0.2-mile stretch of 47th Street in midtown Manhattan.
265. The fur trade flourished and the Dutch city of New Amsterdam was established on Manhattan Island.
266. The island of Manhattan remains the nucleus and center of event of greater New York.
267. As a trader, he had taken clients regularly to Del Frisco's, a steakhouse in Midtown Manhattan.




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