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单词 Burdened
1. He was burdened with crippling debts.
2. They were burdened with heavy taxation.
3. Nicaragua was burdened with a foreign debt of $11 billion.
4. Industry is heavily burdened with taxation.
5. He burdened himself with a heavy overcoat.
6. They may be burdened by guilt and regret.
7. The company was burdened by a top-heavy bureaucracy.
8. She was burdened with a large quantity of parcels.
9. They have burdened themselves with a high mortgage.
10. She got off the bus(/burdened.html), burdened with two heavy suitcases.
11. The economy was further burdened by a flood of refugees.
12. Anna and Rosemary arrived burdened by bags and food baskets.
13. Heavy public spending burdened its economy.
14. He is not burdened by debt.
15. Apple is burdened with higher development costs than its competition; yet it has had to cut prices to compete.
16. Poor Griet is burdened by more than having to scrub the Vermeer family smalls in this fictional biography of a painting.
17. After all, few are burdened with having to complete annual income tax returns.
18. The man, burdened with grocery bags, had trouble walking up the steps.
19. People already burdened with anxieties and fears should not have to cross this drawbridge too.
20. Malthus was burdened by a fatalism induced by fears of population growth and resource shortages.
21. Reva Bergen trudged up the steep walk, burdened with grocery sacks.
22. Already burdened with a growing debt, the Moores' home and business burned to the ground.
23. Older manufacturing companies are burdened with tremendous health care costs for retired employees.
24. People will then not have to be burdened with the labels of friction and division.
25. The 20-year-old was burdened with a far heavier load during those pre- dawn hours.
26. In the county gaols of Gloucester and Dorchester it was only debtors who were burdened with fees.
27. Foreign sellers have led the charge, frantically dumping stocks of banks burdened with mountains of bad debt, according to analysts.
28. You may recall that earlier in the year I burdened you with my worries.
29. There is no reason to suppose that the rest of the propertied classes were any more heavily burdened than the peerage.
30. The outcome of the campaign was a terrible blow to the burdened President.
1. He was burdened with crippling debts.
2. They were burdened with heavy taxation.
3. Nicaragua was burdened with a foreign debt of $11 billion.
31. James Madison, who was burdened with the War of 1812, was branded as both a warmonger and a coward.
32. Surgeons should not be burdened with the responsibility of assessing their own degree of risk.
33. He seemed burdened with melancholic thoughts and dark visions as he wrestled with his pursuing demons.
34. Columbus at Isabella's court is quickly burdened with the reputation of a crazy man.
35. Thanks to the interim school-financing plan, North Forest is not burdened by a large deficit.
36. Private practice is burdened by bureaucratic demands in a hostile climate.
37. Farmers had purchased land at quite unrealistic prices at the time of the reform and were not burdened with long-term borrowing.
38. Alas! the centuries are fraught with pain, and man is burdened by fear and woe.
39. Richard was riding towards her and he seemed weighted down as well, as if his armour burdened him.
39. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
40. The colliery is struggling to fulfil its contracts and is burdened by £1.7 million in debts.
41. Clinton was initially burdened with a do-nothing fund-raiser, but quickly replaced him with a young whiz named Rahm Emanuel.
42. Compared to my traveling companions, I had burdened myself with an almost impossible goal for our week-long journey in the Sierra.
43. Even within head office, the level of unnecessary detail with which headquarters committees were burdened attracted criticisms.
44. I thought of the vivid description with which Omar had burdened my memory.
45. At least he had been burdened by it until his mother died.
46. Beckham may have enough on his plate attempting to recapture his early-season form without being burdened with any extra responsibilities.
47. I did not burden him, though he seemed to feel burdened.
48. A life that is burdened with expectations is a heavy life. Its fruit is sorrow and disappointment. Douglas Adams 
49. Making money and turning out literate graduates are themselves formidable tasks, made none the easier when burdened with idealistic moral baggage.
50. Burdened with so much equipment, I climbed with difficulty.
51. The government burdened the nation with heavy taxes.
52. He was burdened with a large bundle of magazines.
53. China is burdened with bureaucratism.
54. The European nation was not expecting to lose the war, let alone anticipate being burdened with payments that would reach into the next century.
55. As a result, the application servers are not burdened anymore task of the presentation layer.
56. Van Gogh painted among peasants, and in some part of his being he was one himself, as burdened and as earthy as a rustic out of Brueghel, as soiled and as coarse.
57. The analysis of House of Mirth demonstrates that both men and women are burdened with the patriarchal system and the patriarchal society is a prison house for men as well as for women.
58. Jesus said: Come to me all you who are weary and burdened.
59. I'm so sorry, girls. I never wanted you to be burdened with this.
60. The result shows that when return logistics cost is burdened by retailers completely, the buy-back price will be increased with the increasing of return logistics cost.
61. A man burdened with a secret should especially avoid the intimacy of his physician.
62. Burdened with no fardel of the past, he has boldly taken the initiative.
63. Windows PCs are no longer burdened with the disliked Vista OS.
64. Finally, some parents , believing revolutionaries could be burdened with children, surrendered them completely to the farmers.
65. Employers in other countries not burdened with costs of discrimination will be able to undersell discriminating employers in the international market for goods.
66. Forwhile we are in this tent, we groan and are burdened, because we do notwish to be unclothed but to be clothed with our heavenly dwelling, sothat what is mortal may be swallowedupbylife.
67. Dacca's air is burdened by vehicleemissions; air quality improved after the advent of unleaded gasoline, but toxins such as carbon monoxide persist.
68. Three months later he found himself the man burdened with directing that task.
69. Some young women have also said they feel burdened by expectations they should try and carve out a career in more male-dominated environments.
69. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
70. There is grave danger in requiring teachers to publish for a higher technical position while they are burdened with heavy teaching tasks based on some regulations.
71. U.S. consumers, burdened by unemployment and a continuing housing slump, are unlikely to generate a new consumption boom.
72. Several euro zone ministers in Wroclaw seemed peeved that the United States, itself burdened with a large budget gap and debt, was lecturing Europe on what should be done.
73. Behold the endless caravan of beings who burdened with sorrow and pain, and open your heart to undiscriminating compassion.
74. While trying to help starving villagers, Yunus met a 21-year-old woman named Sufia Begum, who was burdened by a tiny yet crushing debt, Yunus recalled in his autobiography, "Banker to the Poor."
75. Poor fellow he was only twenty two and to be burdened with a family!
76. Did you feel burdened by having to take responsibility for others?
77. The unawakened one is constantly learning and therefore continuously burdened and does not know what freedom is and hence what living is.
78. For we that are in this tabernacle do groan, being burdened: not for that we would be unclothed, but clothed upon, that mortality might be swallowed up of life.
79. She was burdened with a constant and often harassing sense of deficiency.
80. A hard-working cupcake maker is inadvertently elected mayor of a small town burdened with debt. Uneducated, she relies on her street smarts to clean up the town.
81. A burdened state of mind, as that arising from heavy responsibilities; worry.
82. Generally speaking, new cadres are not so burdened are less encumbered.
83. Britain was heavily burdened with the huge military expenditure during the process of decolonisation.
84. Poor fellow, he was only twenty - two - -- and to be burdened with family.
85. The evil consequence resulted from men's parturiency is burdened by women. This is a deviation from the idea of Buddhism that all flesh is equal and the major idea of comeuppance.
86. To them, only fools would want to be burdened with so many children.
87. She was burdened with nearly the full responsibility of running the farm.
88. He was only twenty two, and to be burdened with a family!
89. We cannot afford any longer to be burdened by labels, such as rich and poor, developed or developing, north or south, nonaligned or western.
90. But to study oneself demands extraordinary care, extraordinarily swift pliability, and a mind burdened with the desire for a result can never follow the swift movement of thought.
91. According to the analysis to the structure and character of region heating station, two subsystems are presented: combustion capacity-exchanged subsystem and heat-net burdened subsystem.
92. Private equity leveraged buyouts such as that of Tribune commonly burdened media companies with debt of six to seven times earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA).
93. Yemen, on the opposite shore of the Gulf of Aden from Somalia, is equally burdened.




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