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单词 Boxer
1 The crowd jeered when the boxer was knocked down.
2 The boxer grounded his opponent.
3 The boxer buffeted his opponent about the head.
4 The boxer tied into his opponent.
5 The boxer jabbed at his opponent.
6 The boxer hits hard with his left.
7 The boxer punched his opponent on the nose.
8 This boxer outweighed by his opponent 20 pounds.
9 The boxer took up a fighting stance.
10 The famous boxer killed a fierce wolf with his bare hands.
11 The boxer had pummelled his opponent into submission by the end of the fourth round.
12 The boxer has fought many opponents.
13 The boxer was grounded by his opponent.
14 The boxer outweighed his opponent by 15 pounds.
15 The boxer dazed his opponent.
16 The boxer was floored by a punishing left jab.
17 The boxer pounded his opponent.
18 He was the best boxer in the tournament.
19 He moved lightly on his toes like a boxer.
20 The boxer ditched his opponent.
21 The boxer was knocked out in the second round.
22 The boxer folded up in agony.
23 The boxer knocked the tar out of his opponent.
24 The boxer belted his opponent out.
25 The boxer turned a punch.
26 A boxer learns to bob and weave.
27 He moved with the grace of a trained boxer.
28 He's not a mere boxer: he's world champion.
29 The boxer was laid out in the fifth round.
30 The boxer scaled 90 kilos.
1 The crowd jeered when the boxer was knocked down.
2 The boxer grounded his opponent.
3 The boxer buffeted his opponent about the head.
4 The boxer tied into his opponent.
5 The boxer jabbed at his opponent.
6 The boxer hits hard with his left.
7 The boxer punched his opponent on the nose.
8 This boxer outweighed by his opponent 20 pounds.
9 The boxer took up a fighting stance.
10 The famous boxer killed a fierce wolf with his bare hands.
11 The boxer had pummelled his opponent into submission by the end of the fourth round.
12 The boxer was grounded by his opponent.
13 He was the best boxer in the tournament.
14 He moved lightly on his toes like a boxer.
15 The boxer is out of training.
16 A hard blow knocked the boxer down.
17 The boxer cleaned up on his opponent.
18 The promoter matched the young boxer with a more skillful fighter.
19 The boxer gave his opponent a punch on the nose.
20 The boxer is hitting with his right arm, guarding with his left.
21 The local newspapers dressed up the candidate as a boxer.
22 The boxer polished off his opponent in the first round.
23 The boxer fouled his opponent by hitting him below the belt.
24 As the referee counted, the boxer rallied and got to his feet.
31 The boxer is out of training.
32 The boxer in red T-shirt whipped the opponent.
33 A hard blow knocked the boxer down.
34 The boxer did not box fairly.
35 He's not much cop as a boxer.
36 The referee counted ten over the fallen boxer.
37 The boxer cleaned up on his opponent.
38 The boxer tripped his opponent up.
39 The boxer dove in the fifth.
40 The referee started counting over the fallen boxer.
41 The boxer retired from the contest with eye injuries.
42 He stands heavy strokes as a boxer.
43 The boxer whaled his rival 3 to 0.
43 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
44 That boxer is a prodigious feed.
45 The boxer tore into his opponent and floored him.
46 The promoter matched the young boxer with a more skillful fighter.
47 The boxer gave his opponent a punch on the nose.
48 The boxer is hitting with his right arm, guarding with his left.
49 He was wearing a blue silk singlet and boxer shorts.
50 The boxer feinted with his right hand and struck with his left hand.
51 The experienced boxer should be able to take a young opponent apart in a few rounds.
52 The blow hit the boxer and he curled up on the floor.
53 As a boxer, his long reach gives him a significant advantage.
54 After the fight the defeated boxer swore he'd get his own back .
55 Minton is an outstanding boxer, with tremendous confidence in his own ability.
56 The boxer kept poking at him but never hit him.
57 The local newspapers dressed up the candidate as a boxer.
58 He was a heavyweight boxer before he became an actor.
59 The boxer polished off his opponent in the first round.
60 The young boxer has copped the prize of the first round.
61 The boxer gave a little skip as he came out of his corner.
62 It would need more than a few exercises to turn a seven-stone weakling into a heavyweight boxer.
63 The boxer turned aside the sudden blow with his left arm.
64 The boxer fouled his opponent by hitting him below the belt.
65 There was so much blood it had soaked through my boxer shorts.
66 As a boxer, he was always light on his feet .
67 As the referee counted, the boxer rallied and got to his feet.
68 The boxer was felled by a punch to the head.
69 The movie revives Ali's reputation as a boxer.
70 The dun stag stayed back, sidestepping like a boxer.
71 He was a boxer in the forces.
72 Tyson is a solid boxer with considerable experience.
73 The boxer, of Walworth, denies affray charges.
73 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
74 The bedlam in no way flustered Boxer Sullivan.
75 With stars'n' stripes boxer shorts worn on the outside.
76 A Brighton-based boxer, Eubank is a middleweight world title contender the boxing critics love to beat up in print.
77 Boxer, a renowned liberal, defeated right-wing Republican Bruce Herschensohn in a campaign noted for its level of personal invective.
78 He calls the two Castor, tamer of horses, Polydeuces, good as a boxer.
79 He was a huge man in his early thirties who had been for a time a heavyweight boxer.
80 Harris was a large man, energetic, powerfully built, and a keen boxer and rugby player in his youth.
81 Coming down was Tony Butcher - he was a good boxer.
82 He told me that short, strong arms were good for a boxer.
83 We shook hands, and she was about as chummy as a boxer before a fight.
84 But on the campaign trail, Coles sometimes seems like a boxer in the ring by himself.
85 Boxer was forced to reduce pace at this point by the congestion of traffic in and out of the Barracks.
86 He turned, like a winning boxer, and raised up both arms, still brandishing the placard.
87 He did a stint on a chain gang, and he became a professional boxer for a while.
88 It was also a major victory for Boxer, who sponsored the legislation in the Senate and shepherded it through.
89 Can you imagine a male presenter wearing peek-a-boo boxer shorts showing more than a hint of his you-know-what?
90 He is a good boxer, a powerful puncher who has knocked out 18 of his 20 opponents to date.
91 His clients were sports stars like jockey Pat Eddery and boxer Lennox Lewis.
92 In the mid-1980s this was revamped into the LDA-500 Boxer and registered as G-UTIL.
93 At 32, many considered Ali to be over the hill as a professional boxer.
94 He accuses Boxer and others who are trying to outlaw his handguns of waging a kind of class warfare.
95 Since New Hampshire Bush's campaign has swayed and buckled like a boxer who has been hit with a perfect left hook.
96 One deputy, a former boxer, punched one of Mr Seselj's parliamentary critics unconscious in the corridor outside the chamber.
97 Joe explained that oversized jeans were necessary to showcase wildly patterned boxer shorts.
98 Short, wiry, and with a dark and rather damaged complexion, he could have been a retired flyweight boxer.
99 Man shuffled along over the cold floors, some dressed in grey prison-issue pyjamas, others bare-chested or in boxer shorts.
100 Feinstein and Boxer are among senators who declined to say they support gay unions.
101 Lewis was a tough boxer, and a hard man to beat.
102 I just stood there like a punch-drunk boxer, taking the punishment she was handing out.
103 Uppermost among them will be how they begin to devise a strategy to defeat a man who is both boxer and puncher.
103 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
104 My father was a professional boxer, but at home with the family he was always quiet and gentle.
105 Nat let him in and went to fetch Tony who appeared wearing a pair of boxer shorts and a big smile.
106 Standing over her is an overweight middle-aged man in a pair of paisley boxer shorts.
107 Husband John used to be a professional boxer ... and has beaten former heavyweight champ Joe Bugner on more than one occasion.
108 He presented boxer Jack Johnson when he was heavyweight champion.
109 One of them was a local boxer from Medfield who lasted 89 seconds with Mike Tyson.
110 In his boxer shorts, wearing his glasses, Wyatt felt himself shaking.
111 She said afterward that Boxer was surprised to learn Wu did not sign a release form allowing for an autopsy.
112 Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., introduced legislation Thursday that would boost spending on heart disease research for women.
113 Until I can afford a new pair of designer boxer shorts, I will go along with that.
114 Her eyes dropped once more to the boxer shorts as embarrassed colour rose to her cheeks.
115 Indeed, standing in his vest, his eyes closed, he was swaying like a punch-drunk boxer.
116 Heather Boxer says she makes them do the washing up and she enjoys their company.
117 Indeed, he was to train as a featherweight boxer during his year as a student at Battersea Polytechnic.
118 It says that a boxer can not cuss at the audience during a match.
119 Critics seem to view this as a cowardice, as if a boxer should want his brains pulped.
120 It's not that he's 27 years old or an amateur boxer, but that he's black.
121 He would stand in front of the bathroom mirror in his boxer shorts and expand his chest a few times, breathing deeply.
122 The walkers still have some finger nails left and don't have skid marks in their boxer shorts.
123 I land a higher percentage of punches than any boxer in boxing. Floyd Mayweather Jr. 
124 He was the first heavyweight boxer to win the world championship three times. 2.
125 Boxer said she might support the marriage bill if it is amended to prohibit job discrimination against gays and lesbians.
126 When you have enough cash you can buy training equipment such as a skipping rope, punch bag or robot boxer!
127 He'd been a successful amateur boxer before he joined Plummer's organisation.
128 He dressed like a willful teenager, favoring jeans so tattered you could see his boxer shorts through them.
129 The Boxer rebellion of 1900, led by a secret society with mysterious and terrifying rituals, was motivated solely by xenophobia.
130 Prince Andrew is an easy choice - Union Jack boxer shorts for just 99p.
131 Boxer had been steadily bowling along the quays, where the traffic was less congested.
132 He strips down to his T-shirt and striped boxer shorts.
133 Each boxer would be given a passport that officials could readily review.
134 But those boxer shorts were Calvin Klein and nearly new.
135 The body carried no identification and was dressed only in boxer shorts, trainers, a shirt and tie and jacket.
136 Brian, who went to New College the following year, lacked my knock-out punch but was a more skilful boxer.
137 The deaf boxer and all those connected with the fight were arrested and charged with manslaughter.
138 Boxer hadn't pursued his question, so he must know that, too.
139 A scrum of security guards formed a protective ring around the boxer as they fought back the crowd.
140 But not necessarily in a negative way: he had used his blackness to become a better boxer.
141 But Mr Florio, a former boxer who earned his high school diploma in the navy, was undaunted by the opposition.
142 Anti-vice campaigners like former boxer, Eddie Neilson have all but cleared up the red-light district.
143 Barbara Boxer, when she announced she will oppose the anti-gay marriage bill.
144 The boxer scored a knock out.
145 She is a regular boxer in petticoats.
146 The boxer struck his opponent below the belt.
147 That young boxer is a gutsy fighter.
148 a pair of boxer shorts.
149 Mohammed Ali is the greatest boxer of all time.
150 The boxer clinched his opponent; clench a steering wheel.
151 He's a thoroughbred boxer with an outstanding pedigree.
152 The boxer was still suffering case of rabbit ears.
153 a young boxer who's just turned pro.
154 Tyson is an excellent professional boxer.
155 The boxer was knocked down to the canvass.
156 Women Wear, Lingerie, Bra, Panty , Boxer, Shorts, Sleepwear.
157 The mob jeered when the boxer was knocked downbound.
158 The Italian troops opened a field post office during the Boxer rebellion in 1900, followed by locations in Peking and Tientsin in 1917.
159 The trainer used smelling salt to bring around the boxer.
160 Each of the soft-cover lines is run inline with a trimmer, shrink wrapper, boxer and palletizer .
161 He's a fast, powerful and explosive boxer, who's agile enough and crafty enough to outbox even the slickest men in the game, but strong enough to win a slugfest with its hardest hitters.
162 One the most famous sports superstars in United States is the boxer Muhammed Ail.
163 The boxer seems to have the wind of his opponent.
164 To get his wish, Cattanach crossed a boxer with a tailless Welsh corgi(), then took the tailless offspring that looked most like a boxer and mated it to other boxers .
165 We want to buy Readymade Garments, Women Wear, Underwear and Nightwear , Fashion Clothes, Lingerie, Bra, Boxer, Shorts, Sleepwear.
166 Benny "Kid" Paret was a Cuban boxer who won the welterweight title for the first time in 1960, but lost it seven months later when Emile Griffith knocked him out.
167 Suddenly a gaunt Derek pushes through the restaurant's door, looking like a punch - drunk boxer.
168 The nicknames for this breed are German Boxer, German Bulldog and they are large-sized, short-haired dogs.
169 My company is specialised in underwear, such as bra, slip, G-string, boxer, tricot and so on.
170 The Yorkshire Terrier came in second place with nearly 42,000 registrations, followed by the German Shepherd, the Golden Retriever, the Beagle, the Boxer and the Dachshund.
171 The first real boxer was a heavyweight champion James Fig , in 1719.
172 On February 25, 1964, a young boxer named Cassius Clay faced off against Sonny Liston, the heavyweight champion of the world.
173 It is important to point out that the Fighting Dog of Cordoba , a breed established in that area consisting of Mastiff, English Bulldog, Bull Terrier, and Boxer is now extinct.
174 Hillary Swank won her second Best Actress award for her role as a female boxer.
175 Prime among these technology transfers is its horizontally opposed "Boxer" engine and its monocoque body construction.
176 The Boxer Band tunes in to historyThe Boxers' negative image in the West is of little concern.
177 The boxer hit his opponent with a hard right to the jaw.
178 Lesser actors might have baulked at playing an IRA terrorist or an incomprehensible Irish boxer or, as with Benjamin Button, a kind of half-Gump, half-Kermit dimwit. But not Pitt.
179 The Boxer took his opponent a sharp jab to the riBs.
180 Napoleon appeared to change countenance, and sharply ordered Boxer to let the dog go, whereat Boxer lifted his hoof, and the dog slunk away, bruised and howling.
181 And Robert De Niro's commitment to transforming himself into this fat, washed-up boxer was amazing.
182 A boxer should be of strength, stamina, speed, agility, determination and courage.
183 Boxer and politician Manny Pacquiao attends the first regular session of the Lower House of the Philippine Congress in Quezon City, Philippines.
184 Cassius Clay was born on Jan. 17, 1942, in racially segregated Louisville, Kentucky Though from a poor black family, he went on to become arguably1 the greatest heavyweight boxer of all time.
185 I am more exhausted than making the 10th round that termless the boxer that admit defeat is advantageous!
186 He's a star trackman and the best boxer in the school...
187 Ali's boxing talent no doubt, the 1960 Olympic light heavyweight gold medal in Rome, seems to determine Ali was destined to become a great boxer.
188 He held a charity dinner with special guest boxer Ricky Hatton to raise funds for the Royal Victoria Infirmary in Newcastle-Upon-Tyne in February 2008.
189 The boxer didn't consider such a small purse worth contending for.
190 The first real boxer was a heavyweight champion James Figg, in 1719.
191 My punching power was heavier, stronger than that of a super heavyweight boxer.
192 Ernie: Fight you said? Yes, I can fight. I used to be a champion boxer.
193 The boxer weighs three hundred pounds and walks like a veritable colossus.
194 We want to buy Women Wear, Lingerie, Bra, Panty , Boxer, Shorts,(http:///boxer.html) Sleepwear.
195 It consists of a crew neck T-shirt and boxer shorts, or is available in long-sleeve top with invisible zipper and pants, built for comfort and minimal weight.
196 Use a mirror to shadow box in order to keep an eye on foot work and hand work with advice from an amateur boxer in this free video on boxing skills.
197 What are your feelings about a boxer against a wrestler in the same ring?
198 Jack: Today we are going to learn about the sports star Mohammed Ali, the greatest boxer of all time.
199 Seeing the opponent was off guarded, the boxer landed a knockout punch.
200 The boxer saw his chance and struck out at his opponent's jaw.
201 In a village recreation room, musicians practise the ear-splitting tunes which their ancestors played for Boxer braves heading into battle with the foreign "hairy ones".
202 The Valley Bulldog derives from the English Bulldog and the Boxer .
203 He was a punch-drunk boxer who made his living shining shoes.
204 The boxer was taken down with one swift uppercut to the chin.
205 In 1941, at Pearl Harbor the night before last of the affairs, the virtuous barracks of the Hawailian section turns to order soldier cloth. is the boxer once.
206 Who wore funny boxer shorts and garter belts and died decades ago?
207 This attracted the attention of Richard Humphries who was then the most eminent boxer in England.
208 The boxer maintained his innocence and became his own jailhouse lawyer.
209 The boxer is whaling away at his opponent with both fist.
210 Example : 1 . That cauliflower ear is a sure sign that he was once a professional boxer.
211 After all, only a few weeks before the Olympics, German boxer Max Schmeling had defeated the great American heavyweight Joe Louis, a black man.
212 One intriguing possibility is Zou Shiming , 27, a boxer in the light - flyweight division.
213 You, Boxer, the very day that those great muscles of yours lose their power, Jones will sell you to the knacker, who will cut your throat and boil you down for the foxhounds.
214 Products wanted: Men's silk boxer shorts and 6" or 8" glass globe light fittings.
215 Pitt's Fight Club physique was put to good use in Guy Ritchie's 2001 crime caper Snatch, in which he played, of all things, an Irish gypsy bare-knuckle boxer.




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