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单词 Down's syndrome
1. Gareth Gareth was a 3-year-old boy with Down's syndrome.
2. I explained he was Down's syndrome.
3. To identify the changing needs and problems of Down's Syndrome adults and their families. 2.
4. A person of 18 with Down's syndrome and a mental age of four, living with his or her parents?
5. People with Down's syndrome can be greatly helped by having extra time spent with them.
6. The study will monitor how far Down's Syndrome adults begin to move away from their natural families for residential and social purposes.
7. Down's syndrome is an usual chromosome disease, because of the abnormality of fetus'chromosome.
8. Down's syndrome is a condition caused by a genetic malfunction.
9. Down's syndrome is an eponym for the English physician john down.
10. The overall rate of incidence of Down's syndrome is one in every 800 births.
11. The neuroanatomical abnormalities common to both Down's syndrome and fragile X syndrome are in the hippocampus and cerebellum.
12. These include Down's syndrome, cardiac and esophageal abnormalities, and imperforate anus.
13. Down's syndrome or trisomy 21 occurs in around 1 in 800 births and older women are at higher risk.
14. I thought she was beautiful, and I didn't mind about her being Down's Syndrome.
15. Two of the children with acute myeloid leukaemia, and both of the children with undifferentiated leukaemia, had Down's syndrome.
16. To examine the experience of care in the community for Down's Syndrome adults in order to identify its strengths and weaknesses.
17. Objective:A few trisomy 21 cells in normal chromosome karyotype was been observed for study of the correlation of clinical phenotype and development damage in sick children of Down's syndrome.
18. They were being born with hydrocephaly, microcephaly, cerebral palsy, Down's syndrome and other complications.
19. Results:(1) 80 cases in 1118 pregnant women were screened as high risk for Down's syndrome, and 1 was verified as trisomy 21 through prenatal diagnosis.
19. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
20. Question: If after an ultrasound examination, a pregnant woman finds out that her fetus has a congenital disorder, such as Down's Syndrome, is abortion allowed in this situation?
21. According to the research intervention, the author proposed an implementation procedure of Orff music therapy for children with Down's syndrome to improve their attention and working memory.
22. But if the treatment does work, it might be used to help people with other disorders, such as Down's syndrome and Alzheimer's disease, to effectively rewire their brains.
23. Still other couples want to be armed with the information that their unborn child will have Down's syndrome cystic fibrosis or other genetic abnormalities before they make decisions or plans.
24. Measuring the thickness of fluid or 'nuchal translucency' helps to estimate the risk of Down's syndrome.




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