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单词 Large-scale
1 The closure of the mine led to large-scale redundancies.
2 The factory launched into a large-scale project last year.
3 They commenced large-scale commercial manufacture of the chairs in January.
4 The investigation uncovered evidence of a large-scale illegal trade in wild birds.
5 They were going to stage a large-scale money collecting.
6 The government seemed to be presiding over large-scale unemployment.
7 Following the earthquake(), a large-scale rescue operation was launched.
8 Large-scale inflation is a recipe for disaster.
9 Before AIDS, many health care experts believed that large-scale infectious diseases were a thing of the past.
10 Large-scale military manoeuvres are being carried out near the border.
11 The United States is making preparations for a large-scale airlift of 1,200 American citizens.
12 Steel making is the only local industry offering large-scale employment.
13 Recent changes in policy have resulted in large-scale defection from the party.
14 We need a large-scale map showing all the footpaths that we can walk along.
15 The population faces starvation this winter without large-scale emergency food aid.
16 Nor is large-scale desalination of ocean water economical.
17 The effects of large-scale unemployment and changes in the laws affecting trade unions have sapped militancy on the shop floor.
18 Agribusiness refers not just to large-scale rural enterprises, but to concerns which have an integrated system of production and distribution.
19 There are several specialist groups for business, subcontractors, large-scale tax avoidance and transfer of assets overseas.
20 In order to apply this method to large-scale problems, we must find the tree T B using the pointers available.
21 He found a large-scale map of the Sahara and studied it.
22 Sales of large-scale data storage devices also increased strongly, while earnings from computer maintenance services hardly changed.
23 Large-scale growth in this type of farming is limited by the climate and the high cost of labour.
24 As the Minister should know, those schools are very much in need of large-scale capital expenditure.
25 The question of scale: Marx identified the rise of large-scale industry as one of the progressive features of capitalism.
26 As long as the country continues to enjoy prosperity sufficient to accommodate both agricultural and industrial sectors large-scale open conflict is unlikely.
27 Slabs or successive slabs with faces suitable for serial reconstruction of large-scale fabrics can be made at this stage.
28 The plan showed the outlines of a dozen houses and a service road superimposed on a large-scale map.
29 Gain says the acquisition positions it to take on the full scope of designing, building and delivering large-scale multimedia systems.
30 High customs tariffs and turnover taxes were introduced to prevent a large-scale inflow of consumer goods.
1 The closure of the mine led to large-scale redundancies.
2 The factory launched into a large-scale project last year.
3 They commenced large-scale commercial manufacture of the chairs in January.
4 The investigation uncovered evidence of a large-scale illegal trade in wild birds.
31 A large-scale map of the Woodfield Estate lay before him.
32 The latter would be more feasible and less expensive than large-scale ground operations.
33 The large-scale project needs up to fifteen volunteers at a time, distributed amongst five scientists.
34 In recent years there have been three important historical studies of information in business and large-scale organisations.
35 This figure was 2.7 times higher than for employees in large-scale industry.
36 Studies and statistics underline the fact: 200 large-scale enterprises control about half the fabulous material wealth of the United States.
37 Large-scale, bureaucratic organizations are the dominant features of the political landscape.
38 Large-scale public commissions and community schemes, such as housing estate and subway murals, are often forms of residency.
39 This irrigation system supports large-scale grain production as well as a dense rurally based population.
40 There was no competition either from demands for overseas investment, and a large-scale property market did not exist.
41 Our discussion has already made apparent a great paucity of large-scale bronzes compared to what survives in marble.
42 For Weber, a bureaucracy was a special form of social organisation particularly associated with modern, large-scale industry and commerce.
43 Consequently, the manufacture of base fertilizers is concentrated amongst large-scale firms who tend to be part of the wider chemical industry.
44 This will enable distributed computing over heterogeneous platforms, from workstations and clusters to large-scale, high-performance systems.
45 It was brought by the customers when required for use rather than all at once so that large-scale storage was not needed at the mills.
46 In addition, 1995 was characterized by some large-scale IPOs from household names.
47 With the symphony, finally, came large-scale orchestral music large-scale in the number of instruments and in the number of listeners.
47 try its best to gather and build good sentences.
48 Today, most large-scale upgrades replace traditional components with fiber optic technology in the trunk sections of the network.
49 In May 1469 the prospect of more large-scale gains for Gloucester was accordingly remote.
50 There must be a major government-led initiative for large-scale debt cancellation.
51 They very often impose large-scale social and environmental disruption on a society.
52 It was thus necessary to reanimate local antislavery societies, renew the propaganda war, and once more undertake large-scale petitioning.
53 By virtue of this, there does not appear to have been in Ireland any large-scale persecution of heretics.
54 Ardrossan harbour, still small and geared more to handling cargo, had to cope with large-scale passenger traffic.
55 On the one hand, large-scale machine industry was seen as the necessary prerequisite for socialism.
56 Very large-scale integration will be necessary to achieve goals such as complete computers on one chip.
57 Marx originally argued that the growth of large-scale industry led to the demise of the peasantry and the development of the proletariat.
58 Through large-scale paintings, drawings and fabricated three-dimensional objects, she addresses the stereotypes society often imposes on such people.
59 Large-scale maps can be topologically very detailed and have complex legends while smaller-scale maps are more generalized.
60 She plotted the figures on a large-scale map with the help of aerial photographs.
61 It may involve compromises, for instance over the frequency with which comprehensive large-scale mapping data is preserved.
62 Within six months we will review the roads programme and mobilise private capital for large-scale public transport investment.
63 Large-scale, publicly-owned enterprises will breathe their last gasp and wither away well before the state which spawned them.
64 Butlin had previously provided large-scale seaside amusements throughout the thirties.
65 He dabbled in everything from bicycle exports to large-scale commodities purchases.
66 The client subsequently supported a large-scale action / research project throughout the company.
67 With these four large-scale factories, the creation of the modern industrial landscape may be said to have begun.
68 Chapter Two Sam McCready spent most of the next day, Monday, poring over large-scale maps and photographs.
69 In California the problem of large-scale land ownership, public and private, was especially pronounced.
70 I couldn't give them the reason yet without causing a large-scale panic.
71 It also meant, Fukuyama indicated, the end of large-scale war.
72 In fact, the textile industry more than any other made possible relatively large-scale production in a still traditional artisan world.
73 Modern economies are increasingly interdependent; policy-relevant research therefore requires large-scale, carefully targeted initiatives.
74 The number of large-scale human dimension seminars will as a rule be reduced to two per year.
75 Large-scale expectations may depend for their realization on changes in society and its value patterns.
76 The rising ocean and the frequent storms would also endanger freshwater resources all along the east coast without large-scale sea defences.
77 It was a job of the utmost precision, and even a large-scale blow-up might not reveal that it was not genuine.
77 try its best to collect and build good sentences.
78 Conclusion Large-scale early retirement is a relatively new phenomenon in Britain.
79 Vesey, a literate free black, plotted the only large-scale city revolt during the history of slavery in the United States.
80 How is the free-market economy to be reconciled with continued large-scale tax concessions for house mortgages and private pensions?
81 In 1968 the neighborhood development program was initiated by Congress, providing an alternative approach to large-scale urban renewal.
82 The early versions of Ordnance Survey maps are also very useful - particularly the large-scale, six inch to one mile maps.
83 And in return, legislators depend heavily on the mainstream media for their large-scale financial contributions and favorable press coverage.
84 Scarborough magistrates were told that the case involved a large-scale mortgage fraud alleged to have occurred between January 1985 and February 1988.
85 In September 1989 a draft law was presented which aimed to facilitate a large-scale privatization programme over the next five years.
86 This has occurred through both large-scale migration from rural regions as well as an increasing birth rate in the cities.
87 Taped to the wall above the mantelpiece was a large-scale map of Moon Beach.
88 There have been a number of large-scale inner-city riots in recent years.
89 It would be reasonable to assume that the considerable changes that took place in Britain were a result of these large-scale confiscations.
90 Its existence casts doubt on the current astronomical theory of the distribution of galaxies and the large-scale structure of the universe.
91 A large-scale map was pinned to one wall and there was a blackboard for briefings.
92 In the phases of large-scale antislavery mobilisation within Britain these two purposes were pursued simultaneously, though sometimes using different printed materials.
93 Although the ever-present rumors abounded, the next large-scale insurrection did not occur until January 1811 in Louisiana.
94 Precision dating of mineral deposits Many mineral deposits are the result of large-scale circulation of hydrothermal fluid in the upper crust.
95 DecentralizedHow can any large-scale project ever get anything done with only ten people?
96 The plan provided for large-scale modernization and renovation of public housing and the continuation of some housing subsidies for new construction.
97 There is no large-scale effort to stamp out the fires because, in most cases(), they are burning on private land.
98 Given federal budget constraints, though, large-scale prescribed burns are pretty unlikely.
99 Gloucester was simply not sufficiently involved in the region to maintain a large-scale connection against competition from local lords.
100 An important point is that these large-scale convection cells fit in with the dimensions of plates.
101 These interviews will be followed by a large-scale postal survey of a nationally representative sample of marketing executives.
102 In front of it, large-scale and public religious festivals took place, bringing temple and town together.
103 The large-scale immigration of Low Country Sinhalese disrupted the local social structure.
104 The living room was fitted as a command post with radio and large-scale maps on the wall.
105 The time span which is likely to be required for a generation of more effective large-scale entrepreneurs to evolve is considerable.
106 Within large-scale industry, the crippling specialisation of the individual machine-minders is one aspect of the division of labour.
107 It is a large-scale data collection and analysis exercise begun back in the early 1960s by the General Electric Company.
108 That financial crisis weathered(/large-scale.html), Zyuganov will then have to find the money for large-scale state investment in tumbledown factories.
109 Or for a civil engineering student not to appreciate the environmental implications of large-scale works such as the channel tunnel.
110 Likewise the pesticides and weedkillers used in large-scale crop-farming kill plants and wildlife and pollute the atmosphere.
111 A successful prosecution would bankrupt it, leading to large-scale redundancies in an area of high unemployment.
112 Such a direction has been issued, for example, in respect of a large-scale retail shopping development.
113 Many large-scale competitor data bases, especially those on mainframes, have fallen into disuse.
114 We recommend immediate large-scale immunisation of the urban population, as well as tightened surveillance and appropriate vector control.
115 It is a tribute to the hard work of soft ware professionals that large-scale disruption was avoided.
116 Complex technology requires large-scale production, and so the need for huge investments of capital and large organisational structures.
117 At a time of large-scale privatization, one should be seeking to strengthen competition policy.
118 Steam-power meant a new and intense concentration of large-scale industry and of the labour force to man it.
119 Fears of large-scale coastal flooding were averted as the fierce winds shifted at the last minute.
120 During its incipient Asiatic stage, the Mormon state was not based on a large-scale hydraulic system.
121 This need not demand a large-scale research effort, but a simple record of all hospital admissions for self-poisoning and self-injury.
122 But there is large-scale agreement that the aim is explanation by applying the methods of natural science.
123 Further large-scale deforestation is occurring in response to government-sanctioned development projects, many of which involve cash cropping and ranching.
124 As yet there have been few large-scale studies of technicians involved in scaling up genetic engineering processes.
125 The agencies have simply embarked on a large-scale programme to revise consents both of their sewage works and of other discharges.
126 Leasing schemes will allow large-scale investments to be financed at relatively little cost to the public sector borrowing requirement.
127 Then we shall examine how these laws were utilized to deal with large-scale public protest during the 1980s.
128 The principal conclusion was that in urban areas single cycle routes do not have a clear large-scale effect.
129 Remote centres Located in highland glens; unsuited to large-scale growth; limited development related to recreation(), agriculture or forestry.
130 Unsuitable large-scale farming is also being practised in some areas such as the Praslin watershed where bananas are grown for export.
131 But smaller suppliers will be unable to compete for such large-scale business.
132 They could see themselves growing fat on large-scale construction payrolls.
133 Bolivia has been mercifully free of large-scale, drug-related violence.
134 large-scale structure of welding tasks, Gezhongfeibiao machining tasks.
135 This method builds up a foundation for large-scale experiment.
136 the large-scale employment of women.
137 Although large-scale telecom operators to participate in community service competition in the market, but porcupines can still win.
137 try its best to gather and make good sentences.
138 President Dmitri Medvedev says Russia will increase combat readiness and undergo large-scale rearmament in response to what he says is NATO expansion toward the country's borders.
139 The first row is now empty, but it gets crowded in few seconds when a large-scale accident or an act of terrorism happens.
140 There are more than 20 large-scale facilities of recreation, such as the revolving-wood-horse, the crazy mouse, the fairy-tale-train, the roller coaster and the sea rover , etc.
141 It is of practical value to determine the hydraulic conductivity tensors of large-scale dynamo-relaxed rock masses at site of Daliushu dam on the Yellow River and to analyze the seepage field.
142 Abstract: The development, structure performance and new technology application of such large-scale open pit loading equipment as electric shovel, hydraulic excavator and wheel loader were described.
143 For this, this print journalist is special office of group of leader of the working procedure before interviewing Shenzhen city super large-scale integrated circuit Mr Zhou Shengming.
144 For astronomers who study the large-scale structure of the Universe, dwarf galaxies have proven quite vexing.
145 The company has the loading and unloading troop which the modernized large-scale warehouse and fine prepares, the company innate goods traffic vehicles 80 remainders, the staff 700 people.
146 Based on the result of the division of labor in society and the large-scale production, the separation of ownership and management right in enterprises appeared in the modern company.
147 And there has been no more fundamental, epoch-making modern innovation than the large-scale commercial generation, transmission, distribution, and conversion of electricity.
148 Lack of reliable methods to propagate pure cultures of VAM in vitro remains a constraint to production and quality control of VAM inocula for large-scale agronomic use.
149 They had also carried on the large-scale germ warfare experiment on the spot in China's 11 cities.
150 "SmartBay shows we can meet many environmental challenges using large-scale data collection and distributed intelligence," Kolar says.
151 But backward technology and the high cost in Cowhouse construction has become a bottleneck of Cow-farming to large-scale development.
152 CPMC Co. , Ltd. is a large-scale integrated packaging enterprise invested by COFCO Limited, a Fortune 500 company. Headquartered in Hangzhou, it is an important business unit under COFCO Limited.
153 By this invention, large-scale manufacture of zirconium oxide structural ceramic products with complex structures and good properties can be realized.
154 With the development of the large-scale integrated circuit and computer technology, the excitation controller in which the microprocessor is the core component will be the trend in the future.
155 However, in reality there is another problem in sharp contrast with this, that is when China tries her best to attract foreign investment, large-scale of capital flights out via various ways.
156 And the nation prevented the sort of large-scale layoffs the U.S. endured during the recession with a short-term work program in which the government subsidized firms to keep workers.
157 With the development of large-scale integrated circuits, the reliability caused by electromigration becomes a key issue.
158 In-situ synthesis has fine soakage and cleaning interface, hut fabricating cost is much higher and unfit for large-scale production.
159 It takes an effective pressure test through large-scale simulation in mobile services.
160 Furthermore, the regional center where there is large-scale consumption of mineral resources is always connected with two factors: the process of industrialization and the rise of pig power.
161 So large-scale carry out " drug-store mandatory ", still belong to in the whole nation first.
162 General medium city public transport inventory above 2000, but adds on the national large-scale city, 23 cities, the mass transit monitors the market absorption capacity to be huge.
163 Very large-scale integration ( VLSI ) vastly increased circuit density , giving rise to the microprocessor.
164 large-scale changes, for example, designing a support mechanism that bridges the current state and the goal state, to ease the change.
165 Digital inverter welding power source becomes the direction of welding because of its high reliability, high accuracy, and easy control of large-scale integration.
166 Today, scientists are experimenting on how to recycle these rods so as to reduce waste and use the remaining actinides as fuel (large-scale reprocessing is being used in a number of countries).
167 For embedded scripting language problem of large-scale application software, a fast and universal grammar analyzer is designed and implemented.
167 try its best to gather and make good sentences.
168 It was the shopping center of West End, with more than 300 global large-scale malls standing in this 1.23 miles longness street.
169 A method was proposed for estimating building heights via registering catadioptric omni-directional image and remote sensing image, which can be applied to large-scale 3D city reconstruction.
170 This study was carried out to investigate the effect of proliferation, rooting, and acclimatization of Gardenia jasminoides Eills for large-scale culture.
171 "Substantial foreign aid is needed or else there will be a large-scale famine, " said Matthew Kahane, the UN's humanitarian aid coordinator, speaking from the capital, Dushanbe.
172 Keck Observatory atop Mauna Kea on the Big Island suggest a warm polar vortex - a large-scale weather pattern likened to a jet stream on Earth that occurs in the upper atmosphere.
173 Simulation on space system military application describes the process of a complex large-scale system, and model architecture is the kernel.
174 In order to carry out the family selective breeding program of turbot Scophthalmus maximus L. , a large-scale family construction was carried out, and the relevant breeding technology investigated.
175 Jacobi iteration is the basic method to solve the large-scale linear equations.
176 Microgrid not only solves the large-scale access of DGs, take full advantages of them, but also give users a variety of other benefits.
177 To split, reorganization, listed as the main characteristics of the capital of China's telecommunications industry to do large-scale internal drive.
178 The ductile earthquake performance of one-column bridge piers, which are used frequently at the railway bridge, is studied by pseudo-static test for 24 large-scale pier models.
179 To wake up with her belly-up and demanding affection is to have your heart explode with the kind of joy that compels some people into a life of large-scale oil painting.
180 The Vietnam War lasted for many years has brought to American society, a full-scale crisis, the United States launched a large-scale anti-war movement.
181 With the development in large-scale vessel construction, China is becoming one of the largest maritime countries, accompanying major oil pollution accidents, which made China suffered great losses.
182 Hydraulic Automatic Gauge Control (HAGC) system is an important large-scale core system in strip mill. It is a key to determine the steel band quality and the yield.
183 Presently, the algorithm has been successfully implemented in the large-scale SPC telephone switching system DS-30 developed by China.
184 What is the large-scale ethnic music and dance epic was created by the ancient Uyghur people, and what is one of the world's longest epic of Tibetan?
185 With the decreasing labefaction of our environment, the useable fresh water is facing pollution and becoming exhausted in the large-scale, and shortage is a threat to the whole world as well.
186 Stage - by - stage method plays important function on local damage diagnosis of large-scale structure.
187 The noise mode was established for a large-scale array of fiber-optic hydrophones using TDM and WDM(), and the methods were presented that suppress noises and enlarge dynamic range.
188 Qian soldiers expected wave of large-scale integration will appear in the second half of 2009.
189 The decentralized control theory of large-scale system was investigated in this paper.
190 The result of the simulation show GA is effectively speed up the convergence rate, especially in large-scale DS-CDMA cellular system.
191 With the progress of large-scale integrated circuit, technique of computer network and technique of multimedia correspondence, the technique of image has been developed explosively.
192 Through using actual GPS leveling fitting data in a large-scale area, it introduces the application of optimum function model choice and the related analysis method.
193 The successful experience in the demolition of a large-scale ash bin by directional blasting is introduced.
194 CORBA is playing an increasingly important role during the process of developing large-scale distributed software system with its unique advantage.
195 For the convenience of casting, machining, transporting, etc, the beam of large-scale hydraulic forging press has always been designed as combined structure and connected with pre-stress bolts.
196 Many of these water-stressed areas are adjacent to oceans , but energy is simply too expensive to make it practical to transform saltwater into useful freshwater through large-scale desalinization .
197 Large-scale power systems in infirm interconnections which inhere weak natural damping sometimes bring a low frequency self-oscillation phenomenon.
197 try its best to collect and create good sentences.
198 They would conflict with the uniformity of large-scale structure, and we would be inundated with black holes.
199 Large-scale consolidation and compaction of soil were responsible for the destruction.
200 Therefore, for large-scale urban traffic network, scale-free network is an ideal network topology.
201 "Feat" brand FS series reciprocating rotary spray cleaning machine is mainly used for large-scale metal cast iron machine parts, especially after the degreasing process to clean metal chips.
202 All of this lay a solid foundation for large-scale preparation and application of alginate lyase.
203 Today, during the very act of large-scale townish constructions, these cultural relics full of rare architecture culture history are facing the danger of desegregation.
204 This course introduces tools and techniques that are used for large-scale software development.
205 The influence of overlapping structure decomposition method based on inclusion principle on control properties of interconnected large-scale systems is studied.
206 The design of millimeter-scale rotary engine(Wankel) was introduced, which is quite different from large-scale engine's parts design and manufacture.
207 A simplified semigeostrophic frontogenesis model with inclusion of large-scale condensation latent heat is derived and the effects of latent heat release on frontogenesis of warm front are discussed.
208 Therefore, genetic algorithm can solve successfully the large-scale distillation separation sequence synthesis problem.
209 Selling concept: consumers will not buy enough of the organization's products unless the organization undertakes a large-scale selling and promotion effort.
210 Secondly we derive the similarity criterion of freezing method in tunnel construction by using the fundamental of similarity theorem and make large-scale physical mode testing.
211 Two days ago the British East Midlands Airport on a cargo plane found a parcel bomb, the large-scale security operations that occurred in this matter established.
212 The cultivation on microcarriers (MCs) is a perfect method on the large-scale animal cell culture, which is the complete combination of adhesive culture and suspending culture.
213 A. This paper addresses this question of how to build a practical large-scale system which can exploit the additional information present in hypertext.
214 Since the analysis and control of asymptotic behavior is main objective to the design project, it is necessity to study the stochastic large-scale system with delay.
215 That main excavation and loading equipment at present in domestic large-scale open-pit is the Electric shovel.
216 In the steam engine as a driving force, the propeller propulsion for the ship in the past, large-scale multi-mast sailing has always been a European merchant ships and warships of the main ship.
217 Fluctuating load whose main inducement is the vast variety of station density and the large-scale degree surge of data collision is one of the direct reasons to bring low throughput and stability.
218 The present key problems of the simulation study are those: the numerical robustness of models, universal property of models, and the simulation of large-scale refrigeration plants.
219 Vessel Traffic Service , abbreviated VTS, is a complex large-scale system, its investment is large.
220 The findings of this large-scale survey are not unexpected but are relevant—namely that depression seems to "amplify" both the experience and intensity of vasomotor symptoms associated with menopause.
221 This is due simply to the fact that it is much more scalable and flexible for large-scale applications than direct object method invocations.
222 World's Fair Expo is a short, this is a world of large-scale non-trade products and technology exchange activities.
223 That pattern matched with the large-scale structure of the universe astronomers see today.
224 Under this background, the complex commercial architecture with entire function, large-scale and best equipment is developed rapidly to become the main site of consumption.
225 This paper presents a general pulse generator application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) for power electronics devices designed with the large-scale programmable logic devices.
226 This is a company to develop large-scale integrated circuits Mixed - based product design and development company.
227 Hence, this paper reduces the complexity of coding by using effective parity-check matrix,(http:///large-scale.html) and realizes the encoding device for LDPC code by use of large-scale integrated circuits.
228 A large-scale integrated circuit digital computer system is referred to in this paper.
229 The company has the loading and unloading troop which the modernized large-scale warehouse and fine prepares, the company innate goods traffic vehicles 80 remainders, the staff 600 people.
230 At present, Japanese and the South Korean economy is also experiencing the large-scale structure adjustment and the industrial shift.
231 Experience shows that the system design meets the demands of large-scale online learning and management in terms of the concurrent user capacity and batch data processing.
232 In the welding engineering of large-scale pipe structures, the assembly precision and the branch pipe cutting curve of two intersecting pipes haven't been settled for a long time.
233 The approach of the first type boundary condition and the block method used in large-scale linear equations are presented for the HRR model of isolated target in homogeneous half space.
234 Wide-Angle Infinity Display Equipment (WIDE) which is composed of projector, back projection screen and collimating mirror is the main display method in large-scale simulators these days.
235 Except some large-scale enterprises and the have characteristic enterprise to be able to maintain the meager profit, the partial enterprises appear the loss to face the survival crisis.
236 Proteomics means the large-scale analysis of all the proteins encoded by the genome. It can be divided into expression proteomics and functional proteomics.
237 VOD server is the best solution to a large-scale system.
238 Identification of dynamic natural frequencies and viscosity damping coefficient for a large-scale structure in practical working condition is a very difficult problem.
239 The U. S. government has tried to reap the advantages of large-scale organization while minimizing the dangers through legislation, such as the Interstate Commerce Act and the Sherman Antitrust Act.
240 By means of THT, problems on machining large-scale titanium alloy parts for aeronautic and astronautic applications could be solved.
241 Gyral kiln is a long tube-shape large-scale equipment, which is widely used in non-ferrous metallurgy, cement, chemical industry and so on.
242 Therefore, the large-scale system rescues into the government inevitable choice.
243 A large-scale Late Cenozoic overthrust system has been found in the southern East Kunlun Mountains through tectonic mapping and geological reconnaissance in the Dongdatan-East Wenquan area.
244 Making use of equivalent density the model is simplified effectively, a simple and feasible method is offered for mode estimation of a missile's large-scale finite-element model.
245 Model YTD starting Compensator is a mechanical-hydraulic-electric device for starting compensation for large-scale wet ball mill.
246 Because the overseas project is far away from China, the dispatching of large-scale ships and machines, especially of the engineering vessels is not only time-consuming, but also costly.
247 An incremental training method for support vector machine is proposed to alleviate the computing burden of large-scale, high-dimension samples in multi-component gas analyzing.
248 And the implemental algorithms of large-scale boolean matrix is given, also time complexity and storage space of key are estimated. Meanwhile the algorithm is experimented on.




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