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单词 splotch
释义  splotch /splɒtʃ $ splɑːtʃ/ noun [countable]  MARKa splodge 斑块,污渍Examples from the Corpussplotch• Most people would not find a brown splotch at all mysterious.• The french fries leave big greasy splotches on the paper bags they're served in.• The islands rose sheer out of a millpond sea, pillars of white limestone with ochre splotches capped in crinkly green.• Great pale splotches appeared on the once-shining parquet floor where water had leaked in and stood in puddles.• One was young with a cupid face dotted with two splotches of rouge, and long brown hair.• Each owned a weird splotch of colour in a white and silver frame, painted and framed by a local artist.Origin splotch (1600-1700) Perhaps from spot + blotchsplotch nounChinese  splodge Corpus a




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