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单词 splutter
释义  Related topics: Textures, soundssplut·ter /ˈsplʌtə $ -ər/ verb  1  SPEAK A LANGUAGE[intransitive, transitive] to talk quickly in short confused phrases, especially because you are angry or surprised 气急败坏地说,急促而慌乱地说〔尤因生气或吃惊〕 ‘But ... but ... I can’t believe ... how could you?’ she spluttered. “可……可是……我不能相信……你怎么可以?”她语无伦次地说。splutter with Katie was spluttering with rage. 凯蒂气得说话结结巴巴。2  CSHBH[intransitive] to make a series of short sharp noises 发出噼啪声,发噗噗声 Bill started coughing and spluttering. 比尔开始又咳又喘。 The engine spluttered into life. 引擎突突地发动起来。 —splutter noun [countable]→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpussplutter• Shaw is like saltwater in the face and Margaret was apt to splutter.• His car barely made it across the finish line, spluttering and choking, before the fuel supply dried up.• The clerk rose, stretched and looked around the deserted hall now darkening as the torches spluttered out.• Shells from our gunboats on the James came hoarsely spluttering over the heads of our troops.• McBride spluttered, yelled, got red in the face.• Ma Katz coughed and spluttered, yellow tears coursing down her face.coughing and spluttering• He scrambled frantically out, coughing and spluttering.• One couple who'd been there told the inquest they saw the plane flying low, coughing and spluttering.• The drone had become a hiccup - a variation on a theme of coughing and spluttering.• Then he wakes up coughing and spluttering.Origin splutter (1600-1700) Probably from sputtersplut·ter verbChineseSyllable  phrases, in talk short confused especially to because Corpus quickly




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